675-08-23 - Feeling Bad and Feeling Good

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Feeling Bad and Feeling Good
Summary: Feeling a bit miserable, Esther gets some aid and news that makes her feel much better.
Who: Esther Agostino
References: re:Barbeta Brais
When: 675-08-23
Related Logs: 675-08-22 - You Have the Ring, Here's the Proposal
Date of RP: 2014-08-23
Where: Northern Barbarian Camp - The Dark Forest
Room Desc: A 'clearing' by the standards of the Dark Forest, which is more just an area with fewer trees. Giant flora is everywhere from the moss to the trees themselves. This must be some of the most fertile ground in the world. The clearing is filled with everything from lean-tos made of sticks and leaves to large tents which looks to be made from a single pelt too massive to belong to anything that lives. A war camp by all accounts, the Northern Barbarians moving about seeing to the matters of their day. From time-to-time small groups will leave and come back. Sometimes it will be hours, others days before they return, a few still haven't. The shelters grow smaller the further out one goes from the center of the camp, in the western part of the camp surrounded on all sides by moderately-sized tents with pelts for walls is a collection of cages made from the branches of the local trees. The catch is the branches are so large they are nearly the size of logs in Felaguria.

Esther is sitting in the corner of her cage. She is trying to curl up under her cloak, somehow. The woman is trembling even more than these branches of trees from the wind above her cage. Maybe she was beautiful at first, but right now she is just ruined. Her nose is red and swollen. Her hair are all sticky from the sweat and it still runs across her pale forehead. The grey circles under her sleepy eyes betrays about sleepless night. The woman is whispering something quietly in a hoarse voice. Each time she sneezes as loudly as she can, Tukus barks a few times nervously. When she starts caughing, it may look as Esther will caugh her stomach out.

It had been four days since the time Esther and the tall man had discussed the Princess' proposal. She had been sic then as well, though the symptoms weren't as noticeable. Since then she has got worse, catching something from the locals most likely, possibly from the large wolf she had killed before encountering the natives. Whatever the source her sneezing was starting to annoy even the natives, the man tried to teach her a bit more of their language, hoping to progress to more advanced words but her illness was getting in the way. Now she was worse still and the wiry woman from before is next to Esther's cage as she tries to sleep and says, "Wake." in a short, cold tone. Fortunately it doesn't seem like an angry tone, more of an indifferent one. She then shoves a bundle through the bars and drops it in Esther's lap. It is a rolled up pelt, heavy and looks very warm. The woman then holds a drinking bowl through the thick bars to be taken as well saying, "Better." as she offers the bowl filled with some kind of whitish-green liquid.

It is likely first time, when Esther is honestly happy to see that woman in front of her. Esther is opening her mouth to say "Thank you" but all she manages to do - three times of sneezing and a long wave of caughing. Then she slides closer to the offered pelt and rolls into it, trembling and chattering. She reaches for whatever that whitish-green thing is. It's warm, and even if it is poisons, it won't make Esther feel worse than she feels now. So, she quickly starts eating.

As Esther unrolls the pelt and wraps it around her, the woman slowly tips the drinking bowl up so Esther can sip the contents. It certainly doesn't taste good, but then how many things that are supposed to make you feel better do taste good? The woman takes her time allowing Esther to sip the mixture slowly, once the shallow bowl is empty she nods and turns to leave without further word. Several minutes later the tall man returns and looks her over, whetehr she is awake or not, remaining silent for the moment.

Esther was already curled up in the corner and ready to get some sleep. The warm not tasty thing made her sweat more, but, it may help to loose the temperature. Though, when the man approaches, Tukus starts barking, as if asking to let out and run to Esther, keep her warm and help her heal. The sound of barking dog makes Esther raise her heavy head and fix the green gaze on the tall man. She does not say anything, just stares at him, even if interrupted by a few sneezes.

The man nods and says, "Better soon." He then crouches down and adds, "Leader agrees." He then gestures writing and says, "His words, send to your leader."

The man nods and says, "Better soon." He then crouches down and adds, "Leader agrees." He then gestures writing and says, "His words, send to your leader."

Esther nods slowly at the first comment of the man. Her smile grows wider at the second comment. The life becomes all just rainbows and unicorns. She made her mission and is still alive, but the third comment paints everything in dark and grey colors. She jumps up in her cage and almost runs closer, wrapping her hands around the bars, "NO NO NO. I send to my leader, not you! Father of my leader can't know. No!"

He holds up a passive hand as though to calm her and says, "I say leader's words. You..." gesturing writing, "His words. Send with him." gesturing to the dog at the mention of 'him'.

Esther sighs in relief and even starts laughing, when the stress fades. She glances at the man and nods, "Good. Thank you and your leader. My leader be yay!" And Esther clapa hopping that the man understands,that she has in mind, that Barbeta will be happy. Then woman suddenly slides with her hands under her shirts, raising it up, baring her belly. It takes just a few seconds before she withdraws a small note from somewhere between her breasts and extands it to the man, "Dog. Put here." She points at her own neck. Tukus has a black collor over his neck and the note can be easily attached to it. If the man will open the note, he will find just this text: "D. S." Esther continues, "Neck. Tukus. Free. He meet my leader."

He takes the note and looks it over. He obviously can't read the characters, but he says, "You put our leader's words here." pointing to the note.

Esther shakes her head, "No. No words. Leader said to send it if your leader agrees. More words - problem if not leader see it. Understood?"

He nods and says, "Leader wants to meet her, you speak his words when she is there. Your leader do that?"

Esther nods slowly, "Yes..." She drawls, "You not so long away from forest. I write leader meet us in week in our place. Dog faster than us. Dog leave now, we leave now, we leave tomorrow. Good?" And she makes a gesture asking for something with whom she could write.

He shakes his head and says, "Dog leave when done. Meet in week, we leave when you better and talk better." He then gestures as a man walks over with a small bowl of a red liquid and a sharpened quill... They have quills and can write? Maybe they are more advanced then the rumors about how savage these 'barbarians' really are.

Esther nodnods and takes quil. She adds a few symbols to the note and when she is finished, not looks like this: "D. S. 1" The number is circled and followed by a small picture of a tree without leaves. Then the girl hands everything for the man, "Done."

He looks over the note, looks to her, then back and rolls up the parchment then walks over to attach it to the dog's collar, showing no fear of being bit or attacked in any way. Either expecting the dog is safe, or simply not caring if Tukus tries.

The dog starts barking louder and louder when the man comes closer. However, Esther's words calms Tukus down and the man can easily attach the note.

Once attached the man looks to Esther and says, "Go to leader." then opens the door, as though telling Esther what to tell the dog.

When door is opened, dog runs to Esthee and licks her face eagerly. She pushes the dog a bit away and whislers something into his ear. Then Tukus starts running away. He peeks at Esther sometimes,but soon disappears in the high grass.

The man watches the dog then walks back over to Esther and gesturing to where Tukus was last seen adds, "Lives, good animal." He then crotches down and says, "Learn more now." as he returns to teaching her what he can of his language. After all if she is to negotiate an alliance she's going to need to know a lot more words.