675-07-23 - Wedding in the Woods

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Wedding in the Woods
Summary: Rayne and Baldwin are married, according to the 'old rites'
Who: Baldwin of Equis, Rayne Devantry and Father Serafin, as played per Rivers
References: None
When: July 23rd, 675
Related Logs: 675-07-20 - Confrontation
Date of RP: 27-29/07/2014
Where: Blessed Clearing - Woods of Woriscant
Room Desc: Surrounded by the thick undergrowth and old beech trees, this clearing is graced with more light during the day, the ground a carpet of grass and moss that rises ever so slightly towards its center, where one single ancient beech sheds shelter from the sun. Many believe this place to be blessed by Peetairas himself, and even now, after the worship of the Gods has been forbidden, a soothing tranquility can be found here. There is a brook crossing the clearing southeastwards, burbling merrily to the chirping of the birds in the trees.

The weather is slightly overcast on this day, and now and then a gust of wind makes the leaves rustle in the trees, filling the air with an occasional murmur. It is quite a common thing for people being present at the Blessed Clearing, especially those who seek to be united in matrimony. Such as today, as Sir Baldwin has arrived to exchange vows with the woman he seeks to wed, the healer Rayne Devantry.

He wears his usual attire, a chainmail wih his old tabard, both already slightly worn but fixed in places, and a sword hangs from his side. After all, they are in the woods, and even if the bandits never have dared to attack the Blessed Clearing, they might be less considerate on their way back. Despite this threat looming over them, Baldwin seems to be remarkably relaxed today, and his lips seem to be constantly curled in a smile. Exchanging a glance with his bride, before he will look towards the /former/ priest who has arrived to lead the ceremony.

Father Serafin is a man in his late fifties, and has been a widely known and respected priest of the area, until he, like so many others, was relieved of his post and instead made a 'servant of the realm', his duties shifting from spiritual guidance to keeping of the records of Woriscant. Still, there is that air of holiness about him, and undoubtedly he has had his own way of conducting weddings and other ceremonies in the past - as in the present.

The dreary weather of the day could not keep Rayne's spirits down, as she finds herself once again within the Blessed Clearing. Only this time she is not bearing witness to another's wedding, or keeping the clearing tended in servitude to Peetairas, but instead it is her own wedding day. The young healer, who carried no noble title yet was discovered to have a very small tie to a noble house, and keeper of the woodlands as well as the citizens of Two Rivers would arrive along with Baldwin, to exchange such vows.

Her own attire is nothing of grand scale, but it is a little more proper than some of the clothing she is normally seen in. Wearing her best kept tan trousers and a black blouse with bell sleeves and a gold lace pattern around the collar, she is without her cloak, her hair is down and pulled back - tied with a piece of ribbon in a half up-half down look - and one could not mistake the smile on her lips. Her attention goes to Father Serafin and she gives the former priest a slight nod of her head out of appreciation and respect. Perhaps she had seen him here before, performing other ceremonies. Either way as she steps up beside Baldwin, she glances over the clearing once more before taking a breath, letting it out slowly. No words pass her lips just yet, she's not sure she wants to break the peaceful silence with words that may seem just a bit childish.

Indeed, it seems more parts of the 'old ways' will be present during this ceremony, as a small altar of stone has been prepared before the beech tree in the midst of the clearing. The hands will fold before him as Father Serafin will offer both bride and bride groom a friendly smile, leaving them another moment, before the ceremony will commence.

Sensing the expectant tension now from both of the young pair maybe, Father Serafin will straighten. "Shall we begin then?", he inquires with a smile, not really waiting for an answer to come, as he lowers his gaze briefly and closes his eyes then for a brief silent prayer.

Looking up then after a moment he will address the two, "Mistress Rayne Devantry, you have lived in these woods for a long as I can think, ever since your birth. It has been recorded in the records, as well as I recall having performed the naming rite on you, child. It pleases me to see you under such pleasant circumstances for such a merry occasion. You've brought this respectable knight with you," and here the priest looks at Baldwin. "Sir Baldwin Ivounel, of Athereyne."

The knight clears his throat, yet his good spirits seem to dim a little. "I fear I am no longer allowed to bear that name, your holiness, as my father has declared I am no longer his son."

"What shall I call you then?" the priest inquires, folding his hands before him. "For the records."

"Sir Baldwin of Equis, maybe?", the knight proposes, after shooting Rayne a brief glance.

"Very well then." The priest smiles. "I believe that should work."

The healer would offer a bright smile to Father Serafin, and then gives him a small bow. She, of course, did not remember her naming rites, but she did remember the Priest growing up and on many occasions after. He had even given her aide when her parents passed, and helped her to bury them. Still, she speaks nothing yet, listening and watching as the Holy Man addresses Baldwin for a moment. Of course, even as she sees Baldwin's good spirits dim slightly, she reaches over to place a reassuring hand on his arm that trails fingers down to lace with his own. Once their conversation is over, she would glance back to the Father and nods her head once more.

"I am honoured that you would be here for this moment, Father Serafin... It brings about a lovely circle to the whole of everything." She would say this much at least before glancing back over to Baldwin.

His grey-blue eyes shift to Rayne, when he feels her reasuring touch to his arm, and a smile comes when her fingers lace with his. Baldwin will nod to the priest then, as he waits for the man to begin.

"Indeed, it does, child," Serafin replies, "and I believe we should not tarry longer." Clearing his throat then, he straightens, as his hands are lifted, their palms turned upwards, and extended to his side.

"We have come here, on this wonderful, and slightly tempestuous day", said as another gust of wind rustles the leaves of the beach tree, "to unite Mistress Rayne Devantry and Sir Baldwin of Equis, formerly of House Ivounel, in the holy bond of matrimony. Both of you have agreed to have the ceremony according to our old rites, and so I'll inquire if you have brought any offerings for our Gods, to ask their blessing."

Baldwin will nod, as his gaze drops to the two items he holds in his free hand, and he unlaces his other from Rayne's grasp. "I have brought... this doll of straw here, to...um...offer it to Felgurna. May she give us her blessing - and children, too." His cheeks pinken ever so slightly and he exhales, before he holds the other item up. A stone, the kind that washes ashore on the beach of Athereyne, as it is flat and has rounded edges. A closer inspection will reveal Rayne's and Baldwin's names have been inscribed on it, with a very fine brush or quill. "And this here I will offer Peetairas, the Father. May he give us strength to face whatever the future will bring - together."

The wind picks up, but the slight gloom of the day would not quench Rayne's mood. Ever smiling as she glances towards Baldwin and watches as he gives his offerings to Felgurna and Peetairas. Once his offerings are given she would, in turn, lift up her own. "I have brought seedlings saved from the first plants I ever tended. I offer them to Felgurna in the hopes that just as she has enabled my work to be plentiful, that our marriage will be blessed and fruitful as well." A smile then before she takes another breath. "To Peetairas, I offer the first works my father passed upon me. May he continue to guide us as he has given me guidance through my life thus far.." Saying that much before her gaze shifts from the Father, to Baldwin, and back once more. Her life has been in service to both of these patrons, despite how, perhaps, it should not have been. Still, it was teachings passed from her parents, and for their sake along with her own she continued.

Father Serafin inclines his head, his eyes smiling at the both of them. "Fine choices of offerings, indeed. You may step forward an place them onto the altar beneath the tree, and we will continue when you have done so."

Baldwin nods, a brief smile flickering over his mien. Another glance is shot Rayne's way before he steps closer to the altar of stone and places his two offerings on top of it, lingering there for a short moment, before he returns to the priest.

Rayne would nod, following Baldwin towards the beech tree where the altar laid beneath. Taking a breath, she shifts to set her own offerings aside Baldwin's before turning to make her way back to the Priest. Taking her place next to Baldwin. That smile, and the sparkle in her moss green eyes would never falter nor fade as she first folds her hands before herself, unsure if it was proper etiquette during such a ceremony to make any physical contact with her husband to be unless prompted to do so.

Baldwin will stand beside Rayne, his hands folded before him as he follows her example. That sparkle of joy and anticipation is present in his grey-blue eyes as well, as is that smile on his face when he looks to the priest.

"Now that the offerings hav been given," Serafin will continue then, "I will ask you to give your vows before the Gods and Godesses. Keep in mind what you are hoping for, in this union, and what you are willing to give, to accomplish that."

Rayne would take yet another breath, having to sometimes remind herself that breathing was an important thing. Never the less, she would glance to Baldwin, and then back to the beech tree in the middle of the clearing, before looking to Baldwin once more. It's not every day she says something like this, but she has been to enough weddings, looking over them, listening to them (eavesdropping more like it), that she has a good idea of what she wishes to say. A little choppy, but she's given it her best effort. "In the name of the gods Felgurna, Jaynos, and Leevairah that reside within us all, by the life that courses within my blood, and the love that resides within my heart, I vow to you, Sir Baldwin of Equis, to be my chosen one. To desire and be desired by you, to possess you, and be possessed by you, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for you. I promise to love you wholly and completely without restraint, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change you in any way. I shall respect you, your beliefs, and your ways as I respect myself."

He may have heard this and that wedding vow as well before, still Baldwin cannot help but stare at Rayne when she makes hers, his jaw maybe dropping a touch as each of her words manages to get right through to his heart. Too stunned for a moment to continue, until he is reminded by a discreet cough coming from Serafin, the knight will clear his throat, and look to Rayne.

"In the name of Melgrath the Mighty, I vow to protect you from any harm with mine own life, and defend our union against those who would rather not wish to see it happen. May Peetairas the Allknowing grant me the wisdom to not jeopardize what we have, the love and the trust, as we will from now an belong together, and be inseperable. May Peetairas keep me also from making unwise decisions that could put our happiness at risk." He pauses and swallows, as the last vow is yet to come. "To Grouldon I vow, that we will enter his realm not before we have enjoyed all the happiness there is, watched our children grow up, and our grandchildren after them." He smiles. "I shall be yours, like you will be mine. Now and forevermore."

There is a sparkle of mirth in her eyes as Serafin has to sort of remind Baldwin to speak. Yet when the knight does, one would never think he had a thing against words before. Perhaps letters were not his forte, but when he speaks from the heart and says these vows, Rayne would hang on to every word. Now that they've envoked every patron of Meladrys, she would glance around a moment, almost afraid that something was going to happen. Yet her smile remained, as did the mirth in her eyes and she would glance to Serafin after a moment to await his next words. Oh, and speechless, if she was meant to say anything, there was no way after hearing the beautiful words from her very soon-to-be husband.

The priest smiles as he listens to the vows bride and bridegroom make, with his hands folded before him. His eyes go up to the tree when another gust of wind rustles the leaves. "The Gods and Godesses have heard you. They have witnessed your vows. And they will remember them, as you will."

He takes a step forward now, takes Rayne's hand and places it on Baldwin's. His gaze rests on the knight first. "Will you, Baldwin of Equis, formerly of House Ivounel, take this woman as your wife, to live at her side, in good times and bad, until death will tear you apart?"

The knight's grey-blue eyes drift to Rayne's hand in his, then follow her arm up to her face where he will meet her gaze. "I will," he says, unable to avert his eyes from his bride, his feelings and thoughts easily readable for her in this silent interaction of gazes.

"And you, Mistress Rayne Devantry, will you take this knight as your husband, live at his side, during good times and bad, until death will tear you apart?", the priest intones, his focus shifting from Baldwin to his bride now.

Rayne finds her gaze taken by Baldwin for the moment, after the priest speaks those words and Baldwin soon affirms them. Her smile remains and the emotion in her eyes, that love and passion for the man before her, speaks volumes that words do not just yet. It is a moment after, when she suddenly finds her attention gained by the priest once more that she nods her head and finds the simple yet life changing words. "I will." A simple phrase that held so much weight, but it was a gentle thing, and something she would carry with her through the rest of her days.

"I then declare you husband and wife. Blessed be your union by the Gods and Goddesses of Meladrys." the priest smiles as he takes a step backwards, with his arms raised in a supplicant gesture. He will continue to smile when those arms slowly drop to his sides. "I'd say now you've been properly married, a sound wedding kiss should be in order."

As if he needed that encouragement! Grey-blue eyes will shift from the priest to that wife beside him, that hand that still holds onto hers, pulling her closer now, until his arms can wrap about her in a tender embrace, which, coincidentally brings his face very close to hers. "Rayne," Baldwin will murmur, just her name, his lips curling into a smile, before he brings them closer to hers for their first kiss under the legitimacy that matrimony brings.

Oh the emotion that Rayne had to swallow down in that single moment when the priest declares them to be wedded under the sanctity of god, goddess, and their lands alike. When the priest declares that a wedding kiss should be in order, she would beam that smile still, turning her gaze back to Baldwin. Only she didn't need to do much as she would feel Baldwin tug her closer, wrapping his arms around her form and she finds her face close to his. A whisper, "Baldwin", that passes her lips just as her name passes his own and when their lips meet her own arms lift to wrap gently around his neck and she aims to hold that kiss for a lingering moment. No fear of fathers, or sisters, or other types coming in to ruin the moment, it was simply her and him, and the moment was glorious.