675-05-27 - Rayne's Return

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Rayne's Return
Summary: Recently liberated from her imprisonment, Rayne heads back to the place where it all began!
Who: Baldwin Ivounel and Rayne Devantry
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 675-05-27
Related Logs: Everything involving Rayne's troubles, and before 675-05-27 - Slider and the Healer
Date of RP: 2014-05-27
Where: Deave Inn
Room Desc: This is a respectable inn, well-kept and tidy, with white painted walls in the common room, tables of various sizes and matching benches, carved from light birch tree wood. On the tables are vases with flowers that are regularly changed, as well as candles to offer a cozy lighting during late evenings. At the back of the room there are stairs leading to the upper floor, where rooms can be rented.

The morning hours bring many changes for the would-be locked in a tower prisoner. At least she got a bath, a change of clothes, and a decent meal in before suddenly she was being released. No word given as to why, no ins or outs as to whether or not she was still facing trial. Simply told to begone from where she was and perhaps never return to the castle again - unless specially requested.

So she finds herself returning to the place where it all started, and with the gates of the city being opened again, she ponders on other things as well. Still, there were a couple people she was hoping to find within the inn, a select few whom she knows she can speak with and will keep her secrets and such safe. Not that this was a bad secret, but the weight of all eyes on her was beginning to take its toll.

Finding a table near a back corner, she sits in such a way she can face the whole of the inn's first floor. All who come and go, and no one would be able to approach her without her knowing of their presence before hand. No chances. No mistakes. It would be in her best interest to keep it this way as well.

Down the stairs comes Baldwin, as of yet unaware what transpired, his face pale, his manner composed. A tired looking guard following in his wake. The knight of the bastard branch of House Lenouvi looks a bit tense, shadows beneath his eyes giving away he did not get much sleep last night, a shadow of worry clearly etched onto his face. Pausing on the lowest step of the stair, he lets his grey-blue eyes drift over the room, until they find the woman sitting at the table, and for a moment it seems all air leaves his lungs as he stares at her, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping. Until he regains his composure, and takes that last step down, to approach the healer, as bewilderment, relief and joy fight to get the upper hand in his features.

"Miss Rayne.", Baldwin greets with a smile, looking down at her, his gaze quickly flickering over her frame. "You are here? And you are well?"

At least the morning brings a bit of good during an overall tense situation. Though as her gaze meanders around this main room of the inn she takes in how not so busy it is in the morning hours. Such a fact allows her to take notice of Baldwin and his weary guard - both of which seemed to have not gotten much sleep in the night passed. In truth, Rayne had not either still, but the bath and change of clothing did much to revive what weakness and fatigue had plagued the woman. Still, finding that she has been spotted by Baldwin, her lips would curl upward into a smile and nods her head.

"Sir Baldwin," she greets in return, seeming to watch that parade of emotions hit his features, "I am here, and I am well. Apparently a few things transpired that worked...I suppose in my favor?"

"Good.", is the brief answer of the knight, and after another moment he will sit down on one of the chairs by Rayne's table, while his weary shadow positions himself somewhere by the wall. "They did? I'd suppose so. So... they released you as they finally had to acknowledge you're innocent? So the letter of the Duke has had some effect after all..." Oblivious as he probably is of other much graver consequences, the knight seems to be quite pleased by the fact.

"You look... better than last time I saw you," he remarks a bit awkwardly perhaps, after another glance is shot her way. "I heard you were moved from the dungeons, but certainly wouldn't have expected to see you so soon." A pause. "Where were you brought, Miss Rayne? And how have you fared?"

"I am...still unsure as to why I was released, Sir Baldwin, but I also did not stick around long enough to ask questions. Anything was better than where they had taken me. The dungeon was better than that..." Rayne would shift her gaze to the wood grain of her table, seeming to take interest in it all of a sudden. Though whatever letter he spoke of, she took no knowledge of it, and instead would lift her gaze towards Baldwin once more. His words catching her, and she offers the Knight a smile, though it holds a bit of heaviness to it.

"I feel...a little better, I suppose. I was given a bath, and a change of clothes...so that helped..." She wanted to run, from the inn, from the town, from the situation as a whole. Perhaps someone would be leaving, a ship all on its own, and she could buy or barter passage back to Two Rivers. Enough excitement for her lifetime, but then she wondered what her sudden disappearance would 'prove' to others. "I...the Royal Mother... had me moved to a tower. She....well...there was much discussed. More accusations hurled at me...and even...even the evidence of someone saying they /saw/ me...."

It was an infuriating thing, even now. The rumors, the idle gossip was one thing, people always spoke worse things with their tongue loosened by alcohol. Yet this...this was something more...and still she would take a calming breath. "Forgive me, Sir Baldwin, it has been several very long, tiring days...I should not be so bold as to let loose my tongue around....well..." Anyone, but she wouldn't say that much.

Perhaps catching that gaze of hers when he speaks about the letter, Baldwin will swiftly add: "I've told you about my visit to the Duke Alajos, haven't I?" Suddenly not so sure about it though because so many things had transpired, and maybe he was already getting confused about the order in which they had happened. "He said he'd write to the Queen." His eyes widen when he is told about the Tower, about questions being asked and other new disturbing facts.

"More accusations?", Baldwin inquires, looking astonished. "And... witnesses...?" He'll lean a bit closer to her shooting her a clearly bewildered glance. "Pray tell..." Then he notices her hesitation, soon to be followed by her own verbal announcement of such. "What do you mean,...around who..." And there he frowns, realization slowly becoming visible in his grey-blue eyes, brows raised as if in a wordless 'No...?", his gaze shifting as he turns to look at the tired looking guard leaning against the wall.

Rayne would nod her head. "Yes. Yes you spoke to me about your visit to the Duke, a visit which I am grateful for. I don't know if the Queen got a letter...but the Royal Mother..." She would silence herself once more, only to shift her gaze to Baldwin then. "Forgive me, Sir Baldwin. I should not be so bold to wonder...so quick to accuse when I myself know what it is like to be accused falsely..." She would sit up a little then before giving a soft sigh. "The accusation of murder was bad enough...but then to add thieving on top of it? And I've never stepped foot close to the castle. Yet they say someone spoke up...that they saw me and a cohort with the tapestry. The Royal Mother went so far as to try and /deal/ with me." It all whirled around in her head and soon Rayne would shake her head slowly, as if trying to sort through everything in a quick way. "I only trust a handful of people now. I'm weary of a few others. I wish it wasn't this way...at times I just want to be back home, in Woriscant, in Woodwatch at my house. Yet now they say the Queen has arrived, and suddenly our delegation is allowed to stay once more..." She would lean back in her chair then, shifting a hand to rub at her face. "Can we...not...speak on such matters any longer, for right now? I just...I do not wish to tarry on with them for the moment."

Something has definitely changed about how Baldwin carries himself. perhaps he appears to be a touch paler than before, or is it that look of consternation in his gaze, as if he already were having a pretty clear idea about who may have caused this. "The theft. I've heard about it, aye." he mutters, lowering his gaze to study the table of the light birch wood, its twisted grain perhaps a mirror of his own current feelings. Nodding his head to Rayne's remark about not wanting to come up with false accusations. Her explanation has him raise that gaze in surprise though. "Someone saw you... and another with the tapestry? What's that supposed to mean?"

Lowering his gaze again, Baldwin will incline his head. "As you wish, we shall not speak of it, I understand you need a bit of rest, after being all through that. Miss Rayne." A faint smile curls his lips when he hears her speaking about Two Rivers, and he admits: "I can't wait to get home as well, Miss Rayne. Too much has already happened, and I've been right in the middle of it. As to those news," he shrugs, probably already lacking the energy to follow recent rumors and whisperings, "Duke Alajos seemed pretty eager to leave. But neverrmind. The decision wil not be mine to make anyway."

Baldwin sighs, as he leans back in his chair. "And maybe there is one or two things I should see to myself, before we can leave. I will need to check on my sister. Odd, now that I think of it... the guard wasn't were he's supposed to be, before her door." Suddenly frowning as he realizes this is a thing that should have probably have struck him as odd when he noticed it in the first place. And so a wave is given to the weary shadow, with some urgency. "Go upstairs and check if my sister's there. And for her guard and handmaiden."

"It means that someone, and all I know is that they're of nobility...claims they saw myself and my cohort with the stolen painting. Which means that someone is taking advantage of the already accused and trying to add more accusations. Or...that's how I feel." Rayne would speak with an earnest before taking a breath to let out slowly. Though when Baldwin speaks in agreement that they would speak no more of it, she sits back in her chair and lets out a soft sigh. "I just want things to return to a sort of normalcy... though I doubt things will ever be normal again." Just a feeling, really, a thing Rayne could not shake.

When Baldwin speaks of his sister, and how a few things were odd, Rayne would glance up and raises a brow. Then, almost immediately after, he was dismissing his own guard to go check on the woman and Rayne would take a breath to let out slowly. Shifting to stand then, she offers Baldwin a kind, if weary, smile. "Forgive me, Sir Baldwin, but I fear I am more weary than I thought I was. I believe I shall go and get some rest..." Waiting for a reply of any kind, but she would move towards the stairs leading to the rooms soon after.

Baldwin nods, and although he seems enraged at that fact of someone accusing Rayne of a deed she has not committed, he leaves it at that. "You are free. That is what is most important now, Miss Rayne.", is all he has to say on the matter. Still. The knight is distracted, once the absence of his guard requires further investigation. But even so, he will rise once Rayne departs to get some rest, to offer her a bow in goodbye. "Miss Rayne. If it is rest you need then that is what you should seek to get." To add then after a pause: "I'm glad you're back." The smile is genuine enough.

It will fade however once the healer has made her way upstairs, those grey-blue eyes cloud with worry once again, as Baldwin awaits the return of his guard, and the news he will bring.