675-05-17 - A Healer's Interrogation

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A Healer's Interrogation
Summary: The sour knight, Sir Moshe Machuri questions the healer, Rayne Devantry.
Who: Moshe Machuri, Rayne Devantry, and Ottis Penderghast
References: re:Baldwin Ivounel, re:Slider
When: 675-05-17
Related Logs: No Related Logs
Date of RP: 2014-05-17
Where: The Plaza and The Deave Inn
Room Desc: Beyond the gates lies the main square of the city of Deavell. The focal point of the square is the beautiful fountain found in the middle; a large lily bush carved from marble, and to the delight of all, water is found to squirt from each flower into the basin that surrounds it. Benches are found placed about the fountain, offering places to sit near it, while others are placed beneath the few trees that dot the area, offering shade on sunny days. The square is a favored place for people to picnic when the weather is pleasant.
It is easy to reach everything you need from this plaza. There are roads to the public bath house, the Deave Inn, the guild's square on the right, and there are paths to the market, public gardens, stables on the left. There is a wide cobbled road to the west that leads towards an inner walled area. From over this wall, it is possible to see towers of the castle.

Late in the morning, with her satchel over her shoulder, Rayne emerges from the Deave Inn. Even after an interesting evening, and a decent amount of sleep, she's woken with a stoic expression and little interest in caring about anything. So her idea is to make her way towards the forest where she can do a little more harvesting, just something to perhaps keep her mind off recent events. She pauses near the fountain in the middle of the square, pulling out a couple of empty vials from her satchel to fill them with the free flowing water.

Moshe had been around early enough that he had been out and about just as the day broke. Moshe has been asking questions and there is a simple sour look to him as his frustrations seem to be getting to him, though he is polite and nods to people that do help him out. It is not a few moments before that rayne emerged fro mthe Inn that he was sent in that direction. So here he comes, walking along and once again he asks people about, questions and more questions. Eventualy he does come to a gaurd and after some conversation the guard points out Rayne leaving the Inn. A nod is given to the guard and Moshe starts to wlak on over where she is at, filling her water supply. He stands a few feet away and he clears his throat then, looking like the typical knight, strong looking and proud of it but there is that sour look to his facial features.

Rayne places the stoppers back into the vials once they're full and then replaces them into her satchel. It's then that she is just about to turn and head off towards the woods when she hears someone clearing their throat and it gains her attention. She turns towards Moshe, the sour-looking Knight, and stands up a little straighter, clutching the shoulder strap of her satchel. "Good morning, Sir, is their something I can help you with?" Other rumors in the walls of the Inn would tell that the night before, Baldwin took company with Rayne and Master Ottis, the blacksmith. Details of that being a bit sketchy but never the less.

Moshe looks at her, watches as she straightens up and she seems polite enough. " Morning miss." Then after a brief moment he clears his throat again and asks in a polite manner. " I am Sir Moshe Machuri, knight of the Isles. I am here to investigate a few things that have transpired recently. i have been guided to you as been the Two Rivers healer that wanders the woods, outside the city, that has been locked down. No one to leave or come in as per recent occurances. Are you that healer?"

Rayne raises a brow as Moshe speaks of things that had transpired recently. A mess indeed. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Machuri. I have no reason to hide, and am indeed the healer that wanders into the woods. What can I help you with?" Of course, hearing that the woods, or the city itself perhaps, has been locked down so no one is able to leave or enter puts a bit of a hold on her current plans.

Moshe nods to Rayne then, then he motions with his hand for her to sit. " Please do sit. Oh and I did not say anything about you hiding Miss." he pauses then and looks at her for a bit. " May I have your name miss, so I know who I am speaking too." Then he stands still, his eyes looking for anything a hint or something.

Rayne shakes her head a little at the notion to sit. "No, I'm fine with standing, but thank you." She says this much before taking another breath. "My name is Rayne Devantry." Answering about her name in a moments time before she turns her gaze to the ground. "I didn't mean to infer that you said I was hiding, Sir Machuri. You speak of rumors, and rumors are secret lies spoken by vile tongues in the dark. Some will hide behind them, I merely meant I do no such thing."

Moshe looks to her as she decides to stand and he gives her a nod to her choice. " Miss Devantry, it is miss and if not please do say other wise." then he starts to walk back and forth, on occasion looking up and around and then frowns. " I have several questions, perhaps a less crowded location with less ears, would that be suitable for you, if your afraid of more rumors going about?" he does not really reply about her words to rumors, though it is obvious he did take note of them.

Rayne gives a nod of her head and then takes another breath. "It is Miss, aye." Saying that much while watching as the man begins to pace back and forth. Listening as he speaks of perhaps going somewhere with less ears, taking care perhaps of her worry over more rumors. "Wherever you feel is suitable for you to ask these questions, of course. By your lead, Sir Machuri." Being respectful, because such a thing was expected, but also because Rayne was never anything less than such - if not a little on the outspoken and blunt side.

Moshe looks around then as she is indeed allowing him to take her to a more private establishment. " Perhaps the Inn, I am sure we can find a private corner some where , where we can speak privately. Please." as he motions for her to go ahead, since she is a woman, he is respectfull

Rayne glances to the Inn and then sighs out a breath. Wasn't the Inn where most of the rumors about her had started? Still, she would smile and gives a nod of her head, her moss green eyes sparkling a little. "As you wish, Sir." Shifting then, she walks towards the Inn, slipping through the door to enter.

-- The Inn --

This is a respectable inn, well-kept and tidy, with white painted walls in the common room, tables of various sizes and matching benches, carved from light birch tree wood. On the tables are vases with flowers that are regularly changed, as well as candles to offer a cozy lighting during late evenings. At the back of the room there are stairs leading to the upper floor, where rooms can be rented.

Moshe enters right after Rayne and looks around, his eyes adjusting a bit and then he walks to the owner of the place. After a few moments, coins exchanged and then a table is prepared in a far off corner, away from prying eyes. Then a screen is brought in, to make it more private in a ways. Soon he is walking over, escorting her to the table. " Please do sit, I have ordered wine and something to eats as we talk."

Rayne pauses for the moment Moshe takes to speak with the owner and then watches as a table is set up and made to be as private as possible. After a moment, when Moshe escorts her to the table, she removes her satchel and sets it beside her chair before taking a seat. "Thank you." It was all she could think to say, and she already felt eyes on her, and a strong desire to just hide away until they were heading home. "You did mention you had many questions, but allow me one if I may. What does all this pertain to?"

Moshe takes a seat across from her and then after taking a seat he looks at her and nods slowly. " Alot of things have happend as of late, I am investigating an incident and it's one of many. So all possible angles have to be taken in, though rumors do fly, they start some where." Wine comes along and two glasses provided. Moshe pours each a bit on the glass and then sets the bottle down. he takes a sip and tastes it and then sets it down. " It is fine, you may drink from it." then he looks at her. " I need to know where you were the night before the blockade of the Isles and do you have another to comfirm that?"

Rayne listens intently as Moshe speaks, and when the wine comes and glasses are poured she's almost waiting for him to drink first before lifting her own glass to take a sip of it. "The night before the blockade? If you ask anyone in this Inn, you'll find that I spend many my nights here if only because I've a room. And to further, while I may be rumored as the woman who spends time in the woods, I actually haven't been to the woods in many days. I haven't left the city since the last time I returned." She would say that much before lifting her glass to take another drink.

Moshe takes a drink from his wine again, listening as she speaks with what looks to be a interested face. After listening he sets the wine down and looks around. " I see, so your saying to me that you were in the Inn at that time, that is good enough for me. Though, would anyone say that you did stay that night here or should I ask someone in particular, perhaps a maid?" then a fruit tray come is brought to them and set on the table with utensils and napkins. " Please, go ahead miss." then drinking a bit more wine . " Who in the Two Rivers that came over for the celebration wears fine clothing, dresses and the like, perhaps a few ladies that you may knw have particular dresses."

Rayne seems to actually take a moment to consider who would have seen her in the Inn. Ottis and Marcus perhaps. Maybe a maid or two. "I tend to keep to myself, sadly. You see, in Two Rivers, I live in the woods. It's where my parents live, where I grew up, and once they passed - God rest them - I simply stayed in the house. So...I tend to keep to myself." She would say that much before reaching to pluck a piece of fruit from the platter, consuming it thoughtfully. "I explain all this for a two fold reason. You may ask Masters Marcus or Ottis if they saw me that night, for I am sure they did, but as for knowing any ladies of my home who wear dresses and the like? I wouldn't know. I don't tend to see many people living alone in the woods."

Moshe and Rayne are in the Inn, having a conversation behind a private screen away from other tables in a corner. Other tables have been taken but the tables close to them are vacant for some reason and reserved signs on them.
Moshe does take a small piece of fruit then and nods. " I see, I have spoken to Master Ottis before the incident occured and I am sure he has other troubles he may need to speak to others about. Though I will speak to him about your where abouts that night. As for this Master Marcus, I have not heard of him before, is he a crafter of sorts and what does he do for the Two Rivers?"

Ottis enters the Inn and heads to the bar.. From the look of things the smith didn't get much of a good night sleep, as his shirts still not completely tucked into his pants as he staggers into the room, thankfuly his hair looks favulous (as he's bald). "Give'me some ham, Eggs, cheese and a chunk of bread and an Ale to wash it down.. Will ya.. " he rubs his face with his big meaty hands and yawns.

Rayne sighs a little, sitting back in her chair before shaking her head. "Whatever he needs to speak on is his own matter. Ask the maid, ask the guard in front of Baldwin's room, because surely he will tell you that I have been here." She would say that much, remembering that for several evenings she attempted to see Baldwin as she had promised him. She then hears a familiar voice and glances towards the screen before looking back to Moshe. "Again, I keep to myself. It's worked for me to keep my nose as clean as the dirt I stick it in when I'm gardening or pulling plants."

Moshe looks at her, his eyes taking note of how she answers and then nods slowly, still drinking form his wine, taking a small bite of fruit here and then there. " Miss, please do not get to defensive, I do not mean to accuse, I am mearly asking questions is all. Perhaps I shall, perhaps I will not, in the end it is how you react here that makes that choice." as the glance towards the screen is given, he looks back and then stands up, looking over the screen. It is then that he see's Ottis. " Master Ottis, would you please join us." as he waits for Ottis to look in his direction, so at least he knows Moshe is there, with someone.

Ottis turns as he's asked to join someone and grumbles," can a man eat in peice?" as he waits for his food and drink and when it comes he'll grab it all and walk/stagger tiredly over to the caller, pausing when he see Moshe.. "oh.. hello sir knight.. " he spots Rayne and seems to brighten up a bit more. "Miss Rayne." Ottis finds a spot at their table and plants himself inbetween yet not close to either of them, before tackling the large slab that is his ham with gusto.

Rayne glances to Moshe as he speaks and she blows out a breath before plucking up another piece of fruit to consume. "I do beg your pardon, Sir Machuri. I've been in the eyes of others far more than makes me comfortable, and feel as if surrounded by people wishing to batter me with stones." She then considers that comment and retracts, "You're not included in this feeling, but I'm more and more considering just tucking myself away in my room and not coming out until we're leaving for Two Rivers once more." It may shatter hopes of certain things, but a commoner should learn not to have such hopes, right? As Moshe calls Ottis over and the man arrives, she would smile to him with her eyes sort of misting over. "Master Ottis. A pleasure to see you." Reaching over to grab the chunk of bread on his plate, ripping it in half to replace one half and keep the other for herself.

Moshe looks to Ottis as he approuches and then bows his head in respect to the man and then sees him sit down and he sits down himself. Now looking to Rayne he nods to her, he has yet to smile at all. " Miss, I am not trying to make you feel uncomfortable, I am trying to make sure that nothing is over looked and I am sorry for and how you feel." he takes a bit of more fruit and drinks a bit more wine . Then he see's Rayne reach on over and take a piece of bread from Ottis plate. There may be a stunned look to him for a brief moment and then he looks to Ottis. " My apologies for disturbing you breakfast but I have had a few questiosn to ask and this lovely woman mentioned you be the one I would need to ask. meaning in making sure that she was within the Inn the night before the blockade." Moshe speaks politely, respectfull, though not once has his face lightened up in any ways but looking sour.

Ottis at first grunts as he watches his bread get grabbed by Rayne, and he's tempted to smack her hand but when half is returned he just grunts and continues to eat. Ottis then looks to Moshe. Then over to Rayne and scratchis his chin.. "you got a specific hour in mind.. as I dont spend all my time in here ya know.. too much to see and do.. " as he munches on a large chunk of ham. "Saw her a few times thru out the day. the last being just around supper time, but as Im not her watch dog " he glances over to Rayne and grins. " normaly married men aren't supposed to say this but what the hell, you present a very lovely form from the back. " as he then looks to Moshe, " that was the last I saw of her that peticular night as she was headed up the stairs.. but that was just a brief thing as I was more incline to eat'n and not having my food borrowed. " as he looks back to Rayne with an impish smile.

Rayne sits in silence, letting the men speak. A few times she glances up and gives a nod to Moshe, but she's intent on just being silent. Though she blinks and glances over to Ottis, a rush of color filling her cheeks before she's actually giving a soft giggle over his comment about borrowed food. Still, silence prevails the healer, as she's about convinced herself that keeping her tongue silent while here would be best. Staring at the grain of the wood the table is made out of, because it was certainly interesting. The fruit remains untouched by her now, as well as that glass of wine. Instead she harbors thoughts to run away - as far as her room - and do exactly as she's threatened.

Moshe looks at Ottis as he explains about certain things and Moshe does indeed nod to the man. " I see, well that is enough to at least say she was in the Inn." then looks to Rayne and bows his head. " My apologies miss, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable but I have to do this, it's for the best of the Isles." He keeps comments about how she looks to himself as he seems nto to interested in the woman in that sense, just duty. " So Master Ottis, I heard you ventured to Piradin."

Ottis pauses mid bite. "Aye worst trip ever. Did you know they try to stab you and rob you just for asking if they a smithy...... of any kind. If it wasn't for Sir Baldwin and Mr Marcus showing to save my arse.. I'd be well not speaking to ya and much poorer."

Rayne suddenly shifts to stand from the table, though it's a slow motion just perhaps not expected. She takes up her glass, finishing its contents before setting it down. "If you've nothing further to inquire of me, Sir Machuri, then I'll be begging your pardon." She hoped against all else that he was done questioning her, satisfied in his inquiry and such. "If you will both excuse me..."

Moshe raises a brow at what Ottis is saying and then nods slowly. " Well, Paradin is not the nicest of places. Your leaders where told of it's problems but it was up to them to pass on the word." then thinking ab it more. " I have seen Sir Baldwin in the tournament, a brave Knight, though he did not go far, he was skilled." then Rayne tries to excuse herself and Moshe looks at her like she insulted him. Though in a well mannered way, other than his sour look to her. " No miss, I have more questions, so please do sit back down and enjoy the wine and fruit if you like." there is that look, one look you give a child for doing something wrong. Then he looks back to Ottis. " This Mr. Marcus, seems he is mentioned but no one seems to know what he does or why he came to the Isles. Maybe you can enlighten my curiosity of this man."

Ottis takes a swollow of his ale and wipes his chin. "The mans a sellsword, and has had some experience from what he told us with the Isles, and is supposed to know your language, so he was brought on as a guide. " he tears off a chunk of bread and muches on it. "Guess he enjoys the .. more baser things in life and was in that ... place for some enjoyment. As for Sir baldwin I think he was like me and got lost, not hard to but the view was nice up to the incident. As you can see I am unarmed, and if is wasn't for them showing up when they did I'd be..... well ya know."

Rayne blinks and then goes as if to say something but then she sits herself back down in her chair. When Moshe asks once more about Slider and Ottis responds, Rayne is not one to say much about the matter. She didn't really know the man, and what Ottis was saying was true about him. So having nothing more to say and no questions to answer, she simply sits and remains quiet as a church mouse.

Moshe nods then and looks to Ottis as he explains about the incident and Marcus. " I see, a sellsword with knowledge of the Isles, brought to here as a guide." then looks to Rayne and hmms. " You both know how suspicious this is right. Many things have happened since other kingdoms have arrived. Now we find that Two Rivers has a man who is a sellsword as a guide, someone who knows the Isles." then he sighs and nods to them. " Thank you both, sorry to have bothered you this early but things needed to be looked into. If you happen to see this Marcus, he is asked to present himself to me or to another that questions need to be asked. Thank you and if you will excuse me." as he stands up, bows to both and starst to head out.

Ottis shakes his head. "No I came at the request of his grace Duke Alajos.. as Im knowledgeable in metal ore and its pureity.. I was to examine some mines and ore I guess for trade purposes but as I've not see his grace since the trip started Im not sure what Im supposed to be doing now. Mr Marcus was just wanting to help I think by offering his services as a translator of sorts. Uh... what just happened here?"