675-05-10 - Reporting to the Duke

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Reporting to the Duke
Summary: Baldwin receives another late night visitor, and has to answer some questions.
Who: Baldwin Ivounel and Alajos Fennim
References: None
When: 10th of May, past midnight.
Related Logs: Trouble at Piradin, happens right after Knights and the Women who Heal Them
Date of RP: 11/05/2014 (backscened)
Where: The Deave Inn, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: This is a respectable inn, well-kept and tidy, with white painted walls in the common room, tables of various sizes and matching benches, carved from light birch tree wood. On the tables are vases with flowers that are regularly changed, as well as candles to offer a cozy lighting during late evenings. At the back of the room there are stairs leading to the upper floor, where rooms can be rented.

The hour is growing later, and it already must be past midnight when the healer who had come to check on Sir Baldwin leaves, mayhaps passing another visitor on the hallway as he arrives. The inn keeper will lead the new arrival towards the door of the Ivounel's quarters, a flickering oil lamp in his hand causing an almost surreal dance of shadows on the walls of the hallway. Upon entering the room the visitor will find Sir Baldwin on his bed, a blanket pulled over him. Few things might strike as a bit odd. There is a bloody tabard lying somewhere on the ground. A chainmail and a pair of breeches hanging over the back of a chair. A pot with some odd liquid on the table, and a vial with a green fluid on a smaller table beside the bed. Baldwin may already have been halfway into his sleep, but the sound of footsteps makes him open his eyes at once, and even raise himself into a seating position, the blanket only slipping far enough to allow a glimpse on a slightly off-white shirt.

It is Duke Alajos himself, having grown restless enough about the news to check for himself. "Sir Baldwin, how farest thou?", the young duke asks politely, pleased to see the man still awake, "I heard about the attack and would ask you for an explanation, if you please." He finds a chair and pulls it up to the bed to sit down.

The first urge, when the Duke is recognized, will be to stand up and offer a courteous bow. Baldwin already seems about to, when a new wave of pain reminds him that such a task may have a cost that would surpass the gain. "Your Grace," he greets instead, hoping a light incline of his head will do. "I am... sorry to cause so much stir. I would offer... refreshments, yet the staff of this inn is already asleep at this hour," he mutters apologetically.

"Not all of them," the innkeeper assures from the door. "Some red wine, and some bits of cheese? I'll be back in a minute." And there he scurries off.

"There was an incident, at Piradin.", Baldwin begins with a weary smile. "What a foolish idea of mine to go out and explore the woods. I didn't intend to get there, took a wrong turn, and... well when I left the woods, after a bit of riding and hunting, I entered this filthy village."

"Please, remain abed.", Alajos urges, though he does accept the offer of fine and refreshments. "Piradin, I heard tales of it.", he acknowledges, "Did you ride out alone? You should have taken a local guide with you. We are but strangers here after all. But tell me, what befell in Piradin?"

"It was a foolish idea," Baldwin admits with a sigh. "Most of the delegation seemed to be occupied in another meeting of sorts. I rented a horse at the local stables, and the woods were worth it, so I thought at first. I even managed to hunt down two rabbits." His gaze flickers a little when he remembers to reply to Alajos' question. "So... Piradin. I noticed a lot of scum lurking about there, and was about to ride from whence I came, when I spotted another of the delegation there, one of the commoners. The weapon smith, Ottis Penderghast. As I rode nearer I noticed he was being threatened by three rogues. Master Penderghast seemed to have been looking for a local smith." There he coughs and falls silent for a moment, when the inn keep returns with wine and a a lump of cheese on a plate. Two cups are poured, and the man leaves, after offering a bow towards the duke. Nobility, even foreign nobility must be shown the respect it deserves.

Alajos accepts the wine cup with a curt nod, hardly noticing the innkeeper's existance while he listens to the man's tale with a deepening frown. "He should never have set forth on his own either. I believe we have been here too long. People are bored and restless. We shall depart within some days.", he decides there and then, then tries to focus on the matter at hand. "So what happened then?"

"As Master Penderghast seemed to be in peril - those three men were armed with dirks - I came to his aid, dismounted and drew my own blade, to drive them off. Not attacking them but warning them. And there another fellow Trivarian stepped out of a place close by. Master Marcus. He is the one who has spent a lot of time already in the Isles, he even speaks their language, so I've heard. He joined us as well, although he attempted to solve the situation by offering coin to the men." Baldwin shoots the cup on the table a glance, pondering for a moment whether to take a sip or not. Deciding against it though. "More scoundrels appeared, four of them, and so I issued them a warning. Two of the dirk wielders ran, and another two of those who joined them, leaving three, one armed with sword, another with a spear and the last the remaining rogue with a dirk. I tried to disarm the swordsman, which did not quite work out. Took him down in the end, after he dealt me two painful reminders. The rogue finally ran off after Master Marcus managed to injure him, we both dealt with the spearman next - he too got some wounds, there Master Ottis finally joined us in the fight. We drove that last one off as well, and returned as quickly as possible."

"I see. I trust Master Ottis and Master Marcus have been taken care of by healers, too?", Alajos asks and mhms. "I must think about this.", he finally says softly, "It was a deplorable incident and I should see justice done for my people who were wronged. However, I am not sure there is much to be done about this. You are lucky that things did not turn out worse than they did..."

"Master Ottis and Master Marcus were more or less left unscathed, apart from a few bruises," Baldwin admits. "The smith was not eager to engage in a fight, he took cover behind Master Marcus and me, for as long as possible." Shooting Alajos a pensive glance next. "Again, I am sorry for causing this mess. But given the circumstances there was no other choice but to defend ourselves, Your Grace." Pondering to add more, the knight will fall silent for a moment.

"Of course, I understand.", Alajos nods and smiles faintly. "It is good to show them what the men of Two Rivers are made of." Then he has exhausted his reservoir of friendliness and amiability for the day and sets the half-emptied cup down. "I should let you rest now, so you can regain your health swiftly, Sir."

Baldwin nods, as his grey-blue eyes rise to meet Alajos' gaze. "I thank you for coming by, Your Grace. But... a bit of rest would be what I need indeed." And maybe a swig of that greenish liquid in that vial beside the cup of wine that is still untouched.

Alajos nods, quite relieved to be left off the hook and flees the scene without further words. At least he has a smile and a nod in parting for the man.