675-05-02 - Uncomfortable Duties

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Uncomfortable Duties
Summary: A conversation about tedious meetings, uncomfortable duties and Alajos's opinion on his soon-to-be betrothed Avaline Brais.
Who: Ralph Fennim, Ortensia Istivean and Alajos Fennim
References: re:Avaline Brais
When: May 2nd, 675
Related Logs: Sketches of Nature and Duty
Date of RP: 02/05/2014
Where: Gardens - Royal Guest House, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The cobbled path ends before a large multi-storied house, it's gardens spread out around it. Before the house, there is a marble fountain sculpted into the shape of a nude woman seeming to stand upon the water in the base. It is said that it is the image of Onimora herself from the day she rose from the ocean. Whomever crafted this fountain, could not have done a better job in capturing the utter beauty in features or form. Water spurts up to fall around her, dripping over her body and into the basin beneath.
The sides of the basin beneath the fountain make for a nice place to sit, though if one wishes to stay dry, there are other benches set out amongst the various trees that are found within the garden. Many are old, with branches that reach towards the sky. And yet the native trees are not the only ones here, but other fruiting trees have been planted as well from citrus to plums and pomegranate. The fruit is often plucked and brought to guests that stay here in the house.
The house itself is surprisingly large, it's front doors flanked by guards in red and gold. To each side, small lemon trees are planted near the windows to help keep privacy of the rooms within. The windows are curved, including those upon the higher stories, each one decorated with a stained glass insert of a lily, the symbol of House Onimoria, lest anyone forget who's hospitality they partake.

The garden before the Royal Guest House seems to be a spot Ralph frequents quite often. After having a talk with Lady Avaline Brais here on the day before, surrounded by the wonders of nature and a fountain that may draw the attention - and slight irritation - of some, the Fennim lord has chosen a different angle this time, leaning against one of the palms, his arms crossed before him, as he lets his dark gaze wander over flowers, vegetation - and yes the fountain, offering the statue of Onimoria a faint and slightly amused nod.

Lady Ortensia's steps are energetic. Energetic enough to belie the 'leisure stroll' that was announced to take her to the gardens, energetic enough to bring a breathless undertone in the merry banter of the valet who struggles to engage in polite conversation with the blonde, sharp noble woman and, after all, energetic enough to deliver herself with swishing skirts and a certain purposefulness to the balmy spot right at her cousin's left.

Gently she lays a hand on his arm and greets "Ah, Ralph. Admiring the fair features of Onimora? If you picked a wife again your gaze would not have to quite that longing, you know that?"

Energetic is not a word in Alajos' dictionary. But the young duke is out there as well, having been able to flee another endless meeting with some foreign dignitaries he couldn't care less about. He smiles a little when he sees his sister and his cousin together in the gardens (where a servant had told him he'd find Ralph) and approaches them. "Darling sister, Ortensia. Cousin Ralph. How nice to find you together... how are you liking it here?"

A soft chuckle is the reply to Ortensia's question as Ralph turns and offers her a bow, not that deep perhaps, because they are kin. "Your Grace," he greets formally, although his friendly smile does indeed temper that formality. Still. She is the Duchess of Granville. Even though Fennim blood flows in her veins. His gaze shifts to the statue again and he shakes his head. "A thing that certainly will not happen." Stated with some finality. He is done with marriage, at least in his own humble opinion. His brown eyes shift to Alajos next and he smiles. "Cousin. What news are there, I almost felt bad for letting you attend that meeting on your own. So,... how did it go?"

"It is nice indeed. The wine is nicely honeyed and so are the smiles with which they ask me how I've fared today, and yesterday, and the day before... I am bored to death, brother, dear. I think I might have smashed one of there pretty windows just to see the surprised little gapes of them, if I had attended to this meeting." Ortensia chatters. The formal adressation by her cousin is answered by an indulgent hint of a curtsy. "Yes, yes. We are all polite here. Alas, cousin, tell me why you prefer to forge out just the perfect matches for your kin," she flicks her hand at Alajos "but keep spending your own time in company of statues and possibly whores. You have three children. Give them a stepmother. It will make them either happier or stronger."

"Oh, I believe they are still at it.", Alajos doesn't mind admitting with a light smile, "Endless quibbles about who grows the best apples or some such between foreigners in some barely intelligible accent. I left them to their apples and their cider and decided to catch some fresh air instead." His eyes wander between the pair of them, a faint smile tugging the corner of his mouth upwards. "Really, Ortensia, are you trying to talk dear Ralph into getting married again?"

Ralph's composure is not easily stirred, but when Ortensia continues about him spending his time in the company of easy women or those literally made of stone, his gaze turns a touch darker as he shoots her a displeased glance. It takes him a while to regain his calm, although a slightly annoyed grumble is discernible below that outwardly polite tone. "I am of no significance, a pawn of little value, if you will, in this game of arranging matches. My children are doing fine, as my mother looks after them, back at Woodwatch Keep." A low snort added, before he turns to Alajos, raising a brow. "Still at it?", he echoes, incredulously. "Then what by... What are you doing here, cousin?" Rolling his eyes faintly, before he shakes his head. "I should have accompanied you, after all, I fear." He sighs. Time for his first cup of wine today.

"Of course, little lamb. I told you I am bored to death, so I thought it would be time to tackle that task. " Ortensia replies to her brother. Then, obviously luxuriating in Ralph's discomfort, her clear blue eyes meet him again.

"But ah, dear cousin, a humble pawn can become quite a" the next eypression is delivered with a mischievous little smirk "queen, if he is persistent enough. And does the right move at the right time. Don't lessen your position when it comes upon uncomfortable duties, Ralph Fennim."

" The same applies to you, brother. I myself already have attended to enough of those meetings to know when one can be skipped and when it is of importance to talk about apples. The world at court is metaphor, when they talk about apples, often they talk about money, revenge, or, of course, the bossoms of some lovely lady. You, young lad, should still have to learn about stuff like that."

Alajos eyes them both, his expressions somewhere between hurt and annoyance. "They were talking about APPLES. Not about money, revenge, war or breasts, sister, but about APPLES. Negotiating trade deals for apple wine, apple brandy, apple cider and all other conceivable and some inconceivable things you can turn apples into. And since we have plenty of apples back home, I really had no interest in brokering deals for overpriced second-rate apples from elsewhere." He huffs, sounding impatient, while he waves his hand about at Ralph. "You can attend the next meeting, cousin. I believe potatoes will be involved."

The expression on Ralph's face will darken again, but instead of offering a reply to Ortensia, he will just lower his gaze - in an affirmative manner maybe, or expressing his displeasure at her words. "Very well," he remarks licking his lips as if reminded of the absence of a beverage. "Pray excuse me, but I fear some matter needs to be tended to." And then he heads off, towards the Guest House.

"You know nothing, little lamb. You were reading your books so intensely and yet you still can't manage to read between the lines at meetings like that. Even if we have plenty of apple cider of our own it can be quite important to observe who wants it. You could have made him a better offer the next day over a glass of wine, then you could afford an other fancy pair of embroidered pants." Ortensia elucidates.

" A good afternoon."

she wishes her cousin.

When it comes to the potatoe-part, however, she violently wrinkles her mouth into a thin, sour line. "Heavens. Potatoes. I agree, it's definitively Ralph who will have to attend to this one."

"Anyway... have you already met this little bride of yours?"

Alajos smirks when Ralph hurries off - perhaps to the potatoe meeting? He then turns to Ortensia with an annoyed glare. "If you think you know how to deal with meetings so much better, then why are you standing here, prattling on, instead of sitting in the small council room with the other nobles?", he asks sharply, then shrugs at her last question. "I know her, yes. She's quite decent... for a woman." High praise indeed!

"Because know very well when a woman of my position is of benefit to a meeting and when a meeting like that is of benefit for me. I have had enough of those tedious hours to learn my lessons." Ortensia says dryly.

"Decent? So she isn't ugly and laughs about your jokes?"

"I do not joke.", Alajos points out. How very true. Life with him sure is no laughing matter. He considers the other thing for a bit, then shrugs. "She's quite pleasing to the eyes. Not too dainty, not the kind that looks like the first gust of wind will blow her away. But not too sturdy either. Pleasant, yes." He nods, satisfied with his own description.

"Aren't you a poet to describe your bride's beauty? Not too sturdy either... my, my - you must have flattered her indeed." A silvery chuckle raises in Ortensia's throat. " Not too sturdy. Good gods. So - you don't plan to jump overboard on the way back home any more?"

Alajos seems genuinely baffled by his sister's words. "What's wrong with saying she's not too sturdy? No one wants a wife who looks like she could churn butter one-handedly." Oh. His face lights up when he realizes what's probably been missing from his description of the bride. "I suppose you want to know about... what women call... um, child-bearing hips? Well, I don't know. Impossible to see with all the cloth - " He points at Ortensia's own lavish dress, "But I would assume so. As I said, she is not terribly dainty. I think..." He blushes somewhat, "I think I could live with her." If she can live with him. Which is not spoken.

"The hips. Yes the hips could be important. More important could be her head... but as it seems she has something on her that speaks of enough sense to handle with you." Another little jest is pinching Ortensia's brother. "Send her over. I will share a cup of wine with the chit as soon as possible. Maybe five or six to see what that pretty little head of hers produces when her tongue is losened a bit. I'll find out what she thinks of you, what do you say?"

With that she leisurely plucks a flower nearby, hands it over to Alajos and adds. "Here. Tell her the flower reminded you of her faint but maddening scent. It always works. For now, dear, I have to avoid another of those meetings by befriending a certain other noble lady... Hang in there. "

Alajos blinks as she hands him the flower and grunts something that could be protest or agreement. Probably the former. "Sister, please tread carefully. This whole match is not official yet. Will not be for a while. She does not know. Please make sure to keep it so. It will not be official until the king makes it so.", he reminds her worriedly, before she can run off.

"It is hard to believe, I know, but I can keep this adventurous little mouth of mine shut when I have to," she assures. Then, with a little bow of her head, Ortensia is about to wander off. Just when her valet is about to start the bit of conversation again, he has let rest politely while those of gentler blood were speaking, she plucks yet another handy part of a plant. Instead of a blossom it is a peach this time, and the advice is another one as well. "Eat, darling, please do. Chewing fits you way better..."