Web of spies of islanders

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"“And I’m not spying! I’m evaluating!”"
-- Kim Harrison, Early to Death, Early to Rise
General Hierarchy of Spies of the Kingdom of the Isles


The hierarchy of the Whispers within the Kingdom of the Isles operates off of a relatively straight-forward organization. With the Queen always at the top, power continues down to the Mistress of Whispers who is both a Whisper and a member of the Queen's Council. Senior Whispers are next, these are individuals who oversee all Whispers on a given isle (Isle of the Sleeping Volcano, Isle of the Giant Pearl, Isle of the Gloomy Jungles. Also the lesser isles as well; Haindia, Ilandea, Langahana, Darteria, Pernachea, Merricha, Cohanna, and the other twenty-six isles as well.). The Mistress of Whispers is always female and is chosen by the Queen personally to serve on her Queen's Council. The future successor for the Mistress of Whispers is suggested by the current Mistress of Whispers, though final say still resides with the Queen herself. The Mistress of Whispers is typically selected from the ranks of the Senior Whispers, and sometimes, though less likely, from the ranks of the Chief Whispers. Senior Whispers are selected from the ranks of the Chief Whispers that serve under them. Senior Whispers choose their own successor and like with the Mistress of Whispers, once selected they are given additional training by the current Mistress of Whispers/Senior Whisper they are to succeed. They are taught the differences between their previous rank and their future rank so when they time comes they are ready to take over. Typically a Senior Whisper or Mistress of Whispers is replaced when their predecessor either retires or dies.

Chief Whispers are next, these individuals oversee small-scale groups of whispers. These individuals answer directly to their local Senior Whisper (In the case of the Isle of the Crown they answer directly to the Mistress of Whispers), and are normally in charge of brothels, inns, mummer troupes, and any other profession which lends itself to the tasks of Whispers. Journeyman Whispers are experienced Whispers that have been working for some time, they are always Whispers and are often mixed into the ranks of non-Whisper members of a given field (Such as prostitutes, mummers, wenches, etc.). These individuals are normally those given assignments of special note within the sphere of the group they are a part of, such as sending them to attend the needs of a politically powerful lord from another kingdom. When a job is too important to leave to just anyone and experience is needed, one sends a Journeyman Whisper. Chief Whispers choose their future successor personally from the ranks of the Journeyman Whispers that serve under them, once selected this successor is given additional training to cover the differences between their former position and their future one. The ranks of Mistress of Whispers, Senior Whisper, and Chief Whisper is more administrative then practical typically. Where Journeyman Whisper and Whisper is more practical and doesn't include any administrative training at all.

Whispers are the lowest rank of trained Whispers, they are also the largest number of the population of Whispers which is why 'Whisper' can refer to both the individual of this rank as well as all Whispers in general. These are Whispers who have completed their training, ready to be used in the capacity of a Whisper, though aren't as experienced. This is the lowest rank of Whisper to be found outside of the Isle of the Gloomy Jungles. Once one completes their training in full they are promoted to the rank of Whisper, after ten years of service they are promoted again to Journeyman Whisper. To progress beyond the rank of Journeyman Whisper one must be chosen by their predecessor as explained previously.

The Hierarchy of Spies in the Isle of the Crown


The web of spies on the Isle of the Crown differs a bit from the other isles. The Isle of the Crown is the only isle that doesn't have its own Senior Whisper, this is due to the fact that the Mistress of Whispers serves this role as much as she serves the role of Mistress of Whispers. As a result Chief Whispers found on the Isle of the Crown report directly to the mistress of Whispers. From the Chief Whispers on down the hierarchy the order doesn't change from the general hierarchy. It is rumored that there secretly is a 'Senior Whisper of the Isle of the Crown', this is a secret because this is said to be the individual that is the head of the Queen's personal spy network which operates outside of the official web of spies which answers to the Mistress of Whispers.

The Hierarchy of Spies in the Isle of Gloomy Jungles


The hierarchy of the web of spies on the Isle of the Gloomy Jungles is largely the same as the other isles. The exception is that the official whispers are trained on the Isle of Gloomy Jungles, and so is the only place one can find 'The Spoken'. The Spoken is the general term for anyone training to be a Whisper, where the term 'Whisper' is intended to refer to the individual's ability to act softly yet also has the power to have a great impact just like a whisper. The Spoken are so called to remind them that they have not yet gained the skill to 'Whisper'. Like a spoken word, The Spoken are implied to be loud, lacking subtlety, and dangerous if not kept in check.

The Spoken are dived into two sub-ranks. Initiates who have either just started their training as a Whisper or is still in the 'basic training' phase of their studies. The Novice on the other hand is one who has learned the basics and shown an aptitude in a given field and begins advanced, or specialized training in that field in preparation for becoming a Whisper. All Whisperers of all types have the skills of an Initiate, Novices are specialists in training. One type of Novice will learn, in addition to the skills needed to be a spy, may also learn how to pleasure others and when they become a Whisper they will start work in a brothel somewhere. Another might specialize in ways to entertain others and later join the ranks of mummers, yet another might learn to serve others and later become a wench or a household servant. For every 'job' there is a specialized training learned by a Novice to better serve that role and have others believe they are that role instead of being believed to be a Whisper. From the time one is accepted into training as a Whisper till the time their basic training is completed, one is considered an Initiate. From the time one starts their advanced training till they complete their training they are considered a Novice.

The Hierarchy of Spies outside the Kingdom of the Isles with established web of spies


All of those mentioned above operate within the Kingdom of the Isles itself, however the web of spies also employ operatives in other kingdoms secretly. 'Cloaks' is the rank given to those who gather intelligence and related important matters in other kingdoms, individuals given special orders by the Queen in another kingdom would also be considered a 'Cloak'.

When a web of spies is established in another kingdom, that is a group that are more coordinated and interact with each other as a cohesive group (Similar to Whispers within a brothel or inn), the most experienced Cloak is elevated to the rank of 'Tree'. Trees are so named in reference to the Isle of Gloomy Jungles where all official Whispers are trained, also that like trees they 'can be found everywhere' and 'it is hard to pick one tree out from the jungle'. This means that a Tree is to hide in plain sight in some way, and their job is to be the overseer of all Cloaks operating in a given area. A Tree could be compared to a cell leader, where the Cloaks are members of their cell. Compared to the general hierarchy a Tree serves the same role as a Chief Whisper and has roughly the same level of power and authority, also like the hierarchy of the Isle of the Crown, Trees report directly to the Mistress of Whispers.

The Hierarchy of Spies outside the Kingdom of the Isles without established web of spies


Cloaks can also report directly to the Mistress of Whispers. Like with Trees, Cloaks typically use some form of encrypted communication when they report in. Cloaks normally only report directly to the Mistress of Whispers when there is no Tree in their area, unless they have been placed on special assignment by the Queen herself, in which case they report to whoever they are told to report to, or whoever their assignment best allows them to report to without drawing too much attention to themself or their mission. When there is no established web of spies in an area outside of the Kingdom of the Isles, every Cloak acts largely on their own, occasionally with other Cloaks when situations require it. Cloaks in these situations act on the mission objectives they are given, and typically will try and build up a web of spies locally, when such a web is finally set-up the Tree is selected from the ranks of the most experienced Cloaks in the area. Any Whisper or Journeyman Whisper can become a Cloak, they simply have to be assigned a mission that takes place outside of the borders of the Kingdom of the Isles.

The Hierarchy of Spies known as Assassins in the Kingdom of the Isles


It is rumored there is a final group of Whispers known as 'Daggers'. A Dagger is said to be an assassin that answers directly to the Queen or the Mistress of Whispers, though the Queen's word is always answered first, even if they are already on another assignment. Daggers are the rarest type of Whisper and are rarely employed anywhere, though in theory they are said to be able to be deployed both within the Kingdom of the Isles and outside of it. Their job it is said is to eliminate anyone of note that is deemed a 'problem'. Little else is known or even rumored about these individuals.

OOC help for chargen: Important skills

There are two important things to keep in mind here. Spies need to be able to gather information, as well as keep their profession a secret. That is why the following skills are vital:

  • Perception (How good you can notice details)
  • Deception (How good you can lie)
  • Stealth (How quiet you can be)

Additionally the following skills might be helpful, when gathering intelligence, creating the personality of your character and these skills are important if you want to for a spy, who has his own technology:

  • Charm (or Seduction) - if you use your charm in order to gather the needed information.
  • Linguist (plus the language in question, which must be explained in the background)
  • Some means of self defense (like unarmed or a weapon, if that makes sense given your background)
  • Empathy - if you like to play with people's emotions in order to gather the needed information. Like becomming a good psychologist to someone.
  • Disguise - how good you can disappear in the crowd, are you like chameleon?
  • Acting - if you pretend being someone else.

Using the above suggestions, thanks for that, the following is the idea I had for the various ranks. It may or may not be a complete list, I may or may not add more to it as I think of more relevant skills, but this is to list things so they can be reviewed, suggestions made if needed, etc. This list is for the minimum required skills only. Recommended skills are also welcome, but at this point I'm focused on the required skills.

Minimum required skills for an Initiate: Perception at level , Deception at level , Stealth at level . ALL Whispers of all ranks are required to have these skills, though the skill level may vary according to the specialization. All skills listed here are considered 'basic' for all ranks of Whispers and so all Whispers are required to have them to one level or another.

Minimum required skills for a Novice: Skill levels vary according to the specialization. Skills listed here are based on the specialization, below the name of the specialization is used to represent the skills associated with that specialization.

Brothel skills would include; Acting to reflect one's ability to make others believe what you are doing you are enjoying, Charm to reflect one's ability to influence others with their looks/personality/wit/etc., Persuasion to reflect one's ability to talk others into doing what they want, or revealing information desired, Presence to reflect one's hygiene and general appeal. All of these skills can be anywhere from 1 dot+, the higher the amount the longer you have been studying it. Basic skills should be at least 3 dots+ by this point and should receive as much attention as your recommended skills. Recommended Brothel skills: At least one additional type of expression skill (Singing, dancing, playing an instrument...), understanding of Anatomy/Biology, Reaction to reflect one's ability to tease and also to move quickly, Linguistics and relevant Languages to reflect the ability to speak the language of another and entice them with such, Some means of self-defense to reflect both your ability to survive more dangerous 'customers' also to help you survive if you are discovered. These skills can be at any reasonable level, though no higher then the required skills listed above. These skills are all optional and would help to make a more well-rounded character of this type.

Inn skills would include; Acting to keep your self-control around 'problematic' customers, Charm to reflect one's ability to influence others with their looks/personality/wit/etc., Serving to reflect your ability to deliver what your customers want without dropping them also making sure you give the right customer the right order. All of these skills can be anywhere from 1 dot+, the higher the amount the longer you have been studying it. Basic skills should be at least 3 dots+ by this point and should receive as much attention as your recommended skills.

Minimum required skills for a Whisper: Required Specialized Skills and Basic Skills should be at least level 4, recommended skills can be at any reasonable level but should not be higher then the required levels.

Minimum required skills for a Journeyman Whisper: One need only be a fully trained Whisper for 10 years. Any increases in skill during this time is welcome and encouraged.

Minimum required skills for a Chief Whisper: Administrative/Command-related skills at 4 dots minimum as they have an administrative role, Economics/money-handling skills at 4 dots minimum as these individuals typically are running some form of business such as an inn or brothel. They must also be hand-picked by their predecessor to replace them. Also their predecessor must be either retired or dead.

Minimum required skills for a Senior Whisper: Administrative/Command-related skills at 5 dots minimum as they have a major administrative role. They must also be hand-picked by their predecessor to replace them. Also their predecessor must be either retired or dead.

Minimum required skills for a Mistress of Whispers: Administrative/Command-related skills at 6 dots minimum as they have an extremely important administrative role. They also must be hand-picked by the Queen for the position.

Minimum required skills for a Cloak: Refer to the requirements for a 'Whisper' or 'Journeyman Whisper'. They must be assigned to a mission that takes place outside of the borders of the kingdom of the Isles by either the Queen or the Mistress of Whispers.

Minimum required skills for a Tree: Refer to the requirements for a 'Chief Whisper'. Money-handling skills may or may not be required based on one's 'cover'. They must be appointed by the Queen or the Mistress of Whispers.

Minimum required skills for a Dagger: Basic Skills should follow the same rules as a 'Whisper' or 'Journeyman Whisper'. Specialized skills should also be at least 4 dots, Recommended skills follow the standard rules for such. Required Skills: Stealth is considered both a Basic and a Recommended skills here and should be given extra focus to reflect your ability not to be detected, Lock-picking skills and any other skill that allows you to get into locked rooms/objects, At least one weapon skill should be given the same level of focus as Stealth and Poisons count as a Weapon Skill in this specialization, Self-Defense skills so you don't die if you are discovered. Recommended Skills: Multiple Weapon Skills so you have more options for both assassination and escape of discovered, Apothecary to reflect your ability to treat your own injuries within reason also for the knowledge of the human body to help you with striking your target, Anatomy can also be used to knowledge of the human body.