Two Rivers Timeline

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King Fernand Brais (468 - 495)
(449 - 495)
470 - 489 The Bane of the North: Invasion from the Barbarians of the North
May 25th - 28th, 488 Great Battle of Dragons: In a final battle the Barbarians receive help from five dragons, each of them led into the fight by a specially trained dragon rider. The Two Rivers have little to counter the attacks. But they receive help: From their God Melgrath the Mighty who manages to defeat one of the dragons; and from a mysterious female, who - according to legend - turns the remaining Dragons into stone with the help of a strange sparkling stone.
The Northerners are defeated, and it takes seven more months to drive them back into the Dark Forrest and beyond.
Several more Kings
King Deron Brais (596 - 615)
(568 - 615)
596 - 615 The Blessed Years: The years of King Deron's rule are peaceful and marked by his strong piety.
November 9th, 615 A misshap: The King's legs get squashed beneath his horse, after a boar attack that has his steed topple over during a hunt.
November 18th, 615 The King Dies: Deron the Blessed is tended by the best healers of the realm, but his injuries get infected and cause a high fever, that finally claims his life after little more than a week's time.
King Tearvin Brais (615 - 658)
(600 - 658)
November 23rd, 615 Coronation of the Boy King: Being merely 15 years old, Prince Tearvin Brais is crowned at the Temple of Farris, after his father's untimely death.
January - February 616 Cleaning of the Woods: At the city of Farris, a herbalist woman who did not pay the King the required respect was seized by his guards. She reportedly cursed him to never have any heirs, that his line will cease to exist, and that foreigners will claim the Two Rivers and rule over the land with a merciless hand. Which the King countered with throwing her into the dungeons, and ordering his men to clean all of the woods (except for those very far up north) from any witches. About fifty of them were seized, and ten of those executed by being hanged publicly on the Main Square, along with the original 'witch'. The other women were taken into service at the Temple, to treat the sick and wounded as Servants of Felgurna.
March 15th - 22th 621 The Tourney of Flowers: Held at the Capital, the City of Farris in the region of Beresgond to greet the spring, this particular tournament is still remembered because of the most spectacular Joust on the last day. The final tilt of Duke Madrog Fennim against Lord Vernon Lenouvi, brother to the Duke of Athereyne ended in a spectacular unhorsing where the Lenouvi was killed, making the Duke of Woriscant the winner of the contest.
638 - 647 The Great Barrier War: War between Estoria and Two Rivers
August 5th - 7th, 647 Battle of Thorne
August 11th, 647 The Truce of Bloody Waters is declared, resulting in peace negotiations between the Kingdoms of Two Rivers and Estoria.
October 15th, 647 Prince Barret Brais and Princess Livia Gylkrohn are married, sealing the new peace treaty with Estoria
January 30th, 648 Prince Ronaldo Brais and Lady Emelyn Bjornsvartr are married, adding another bond to the alliance, which is soon strengthened by further marriages throughout the nobility.
March 23rd, 658 King Tearvin Brais is found dead in his bed, having apparently passed away in his sleep.
King Barret Brais (658 - now)
April 1st, 658 King Barret is crowned
671 - 673 The Great Famine: Dry periods that last many weeks, with heavy downpours following that result in small floods that destroy most of the crops. The catastrophic weather leads to s spiral of hunger, that hits the lowborn first. Imports from the neighbour kingdom of Estoria, as well as fish and seaweads from Athereyne are costly, and cover mostly the needs of the nobility. This famine lasts three years, and weakens the polulation of the Two Rivers.
April and May 673 Peasants' Revolt: Taxes are lowered, but that cannot keep the population in the Duchy of Granville that suffers the most from the famine from revolting against both their superiors and the Gods. Shrines of Felgurna the Mother are burned and destroyed by angry peasants, and it seems only to be a question of time until their wrath will be turned against the ruling House of Istivean. The revolts are quashed however, by the timely intervention of the military. The harsh brutality tempered somewhat by efforts to distribute food among the common folk afterwards.
673 - 674 The Great Plague: The summer of the year 673 is again hot and dry. By August the first cases of a new disease appear among the common folk in the duchies of Woriscant and Granville, soon followed by the region of Beresgond. The Duchy of Athereyne seems to be spared from the plague, more or less, because of their horses. As something about them seems to keep the disease at bay.
Early 674 The Disease spreads and claims its first casualties: The Plague is hitting noble families as well by now, while it continues to rage in the villages of the Two Rivers. Piles of dead bodies going up in flames is a common sight these days.
September 20th, 674 The Queen dies: Queen Livia passes away, succumbing to the Plague, a few weeks after three of her other children have already suffered the same fate. She leaves two daughters, Barbeta and Luanda. The King does not leave his chambers for a week.
September 28th, 674 Royal Decree: Banishment of the Gods: King Barret Brais reappears and forbids the worship of any Gods within the Two Rivers. As they have failed us - we will /fail/ them now.
November 674 The Plague is finally over: Any remaining cases are successfully treated, and there aren't any new infections.
March/April 675 Barbarian Raids of Northern Granville villages are reported, meeting with feeble resistance from the weakened population.