Oskar Lenouvi

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"This char is taken!" - Two Rivers

Every family seems to have its slightly odd member, the one the others would shake their head at when speaking of him - the one that deliberately evades family meetings and if attending them, stands out by his lack of communication and emotional distance.

As with House Lenouvi, that would be 'Uncle Oskar'. Born to Gerald Lenouvi and Jorella in the year of 617, he stood apart from his early youth, prefering the company of books to that of any boys of his age. He did start squiring, alas, he was a hopeless case, as he would often engage in philosophical discussions with his knight, Sir Harmon Lombard, in the midst of a spar.

So he was not knighted, when his father decided Oskar would try another carreer as an advisor of sorts, and gave him to the care of scholars to help him gain the knowledge he needed. But even here, it were the odd sciences that would attract Oskar's attention the most. He developed a passion for nature, especially insects. He could spend hours watching an anthill, drawing conclusions from their way of living to human society. But it were the bugs that fascinated the Lenouvi even more. Their armor of hard chitin and the sight of those scuttering legs captivate Oskar till this day and can result in long phases of contemplation and study.

Another of his hobbies is Oenology. Oskar has made it a habit to try a wine, and then guess in which year it was made and from which area it is, a sport at which he has become increasingly successful.

His hunger for knowledge has made Oskar often forget about the time of day, as he has spent many a night reading a particular interesting book, or even writing his own scientific notes on a newly acquired bug for his collection. He even forgets about regular meals, and needs a servant to remind him.

His brother Osric chose the more traditional way of life, became a knight, married and fathered three children. But he was killed in the year 668 in the Woods of Woriscant, killed by accident perhaps by a stray arrow during a boar hunt. Oskar has rarely spoken about this incident. He may have some theories on the matter, but then again, he has always felt distant to Osric, as they were too different characters.

Oskar is a distant cousin to the late Duke Gordric, and a distant uncle to the current Duke Herrik Lenouvi. He has served both as a competent advisor in politics and economy, and is a valued member of the family despite all his oddities.

Personality and Appearance

This elderly man stands tall at 5'8" and seems to be in his late fifties. His eyes are of greyish colour and usually have a slightly sleepy look to them, while his hair is already gone almost, leaving him more or less bald. Where it still remains, such as with the stubbles that cover his chin, it has a definitely greyish colour to it. Prefering functionality over elegance, this man will wear a comfortable plain tunic and a pair of breeches in dark grey, the dagger at his side more used to cut food or dissect a fascinating bug than to actually hurt someoone.


  • Bookworm: He has a collection of books which he treasures and cares for as if they were his children.
  • Sociopath: Sometimes ignorant of social rules; hates 'socializing' and 'small-talk'!
  • Odd sleeping habits: Often up till very late at night, tired occasionally during the day. He may fall asleep during daily tasks.
  • Bug Collector: Oskar is always eager to add new additions to his collection of bugs, as Entomology is one of his few true passions.
  • Name: Explanation
RP Hooks
  • RP HOOK: Explanation


Oskar Lenouvi
Oskar Lenouvi.jpg
Fullname: Lord Oskar Lenouvi
Portayed by: Jonathan Banks
Birthday: Born in 617
Kingdom: Two Rivers
House: Lenouvi
Title/Profession Lord/Scholar
Position Advisor to Duke Herrik
Place of birth Castle Equitaine
Father Gerald Lenouvi
Mother Jorella Lenouvi, née Norman
Siblings Osric Lenouvi, deceased
Spouse The library
Children None
Logs referring to Oskar Lenouvi