Noria Landos

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"“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”"
-Gail Devers

Her family tells stories about how they knew she was bound for the cloth shortly after she was born. They tell of her playing as a Oni from before she could walk, which was very young. She was talking in sentences by the time she was 2. They chuckle about the time she approached an Oni and declared that one day she'd be the High Oni. Noria Landos was born on January 17, 631 on the Isle of the Gloomy Jungles. Her parents Olan and Zandi Landos had control of a small farm region. Noria had 2 brothers and two sisters. She was the middle child and knew she was well loved. When most young girls were playing dolls or house she was playing convent. Her mother had a red table cloth and Noria could be found wearing it as a veil. She excelled at studies and at the age of twelve wrote a letter to the local convent about joining. The return letter although nice was a definite no. She wrote again at 13 and was again denied. When she turned 14 her parents interceded and she was accepted.
The next 10 years saw her cloistered with the other Onises. Being an apprentice was one of her greatest adventures. She loved getting up each morning and donning the white garb, looking forward to the day when she would be proven truly called and would don the black. She worked hard and never of a moment thought that she might have made a mistake. During these formative years she developed her own code of honor. It was a simple code. First tell no lies. If you can't tell the truth do not speak. Second. If you give your word make sure you can keep it or don't give it. Third. Treat everyone with respect no matter what their station.
She understands that the worship of Onimoria is and should be the true religion. But she disagrees with the persecution of the Cult of Asmenachia. Marking them with a blue ribbon should be enough. But to force people to live in poverty is wrong. To maim them is worse. After all the creation of the 10 Patrons allowed Onimoria to come to the Isles and create Paradise.
The Day of her Consecration was one of the most exciting of her life. She sat there while her long hair was sheered and while some women might have minded she rejoiced in the outward expression of her faith. She was starting a new adventure. For the last 20 years she has worked hard. She made friends and allies among the sisterhood. When she was invited to become one of the High Oni she was thunderstruck. She had no idea she was even being considered. Yet she was pleased and excited by the promotion. She has always taken her vows seriously and joyously. She worked more for the glory of the Patron than for her own aggrandizement. Now she continues to work for the advancement of her faith and the Patron.

Personality and Appearance

Five foot six and slender is all you can see of this female. The first impression is that of dark and forbidding in her black habit and red wimple. Her blue eyes are framed by dark well shaped brows. her nose is slender but a bit long. Her mouth is probly too large for her small face but when she smiles it takes her from being forbidding to lovely. her chin is just a tad too square. Her hands are slender and elegant with their close cropped nails and gentle callouses.
The long black gown is made from quality wool but is not flashy or form fitting. It looks functional. The red wimple is a sign of her position. On her shoulder is the symbol of the church. Her feet are incased in half black boots.
She is outwardly calm and cool and serene. She rarely looks as if she is stressed or out of her depth. But inwardly she can be very excited or nervous. She does not jump to conclusions. She listens to all sides and then makes an informed decision. She rarely gets angry but when when she does she gets more thoughtful and quiet.

  • Shaykh Nadhir Imamu : Met while walking in the gardens.
  • Leah Landos: Distant Cousin
  • Zakkai Landos: Distant Cousin
RP Hooks
  • RP HOOK: Anything Religious, But really anything

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Noria Landos
Noria Landos.jpg
Fullname: Noria Landos
Portrayed By: Audrey Hepburn
Birthday: January 17, 631
Kingdom: The Isles
House: Zorich
Title/Profession Holy Mother/Clergy
Position High Oni
Place of birth Isle Of Gloomy Jungles
Father Olan Cheros
Mother Zandi Landros
Siblings Rachel, Benjamin, Stephos, Luana
Spouse None
Children None
Logs referring to Noria Landos