Leander Vainhill

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"NPC controlled by Rivers"

Leander was born in the town of Threewater in the heart of the kingdom located somewhere near the place where two rivers join into one. A lot of travelers and merchants pass through the town each day due to the trade that is furthered by the rivers, and so had his father Trystane, a skilled bard that was usually travelling the kingdom. His young muse and companion, the beautiful Melisande being heavy with child had forced the man to settle down, at least temporarily.

And so they had stayed for a few years, and a little brother, Geoffrey, was born to the boy. It was when Leander was five, shortly before his sister Ophelia was born, that his father left, no longer willing to put up with the idle lifestyle of a bard forced to stay in one spot. He had gotten fed up with playing the local taverns, and yearned to be on his travels again, to see the other duchies and maybe the royal court, if he got lucky.

Melisande was left behind with two little boys and a baby girl. She had to make a living so she started to work as an actress at the local theatre, whenever she could. She left her children in the care of a friend, Auntie Grisella who preferred to indulge in drinking instead of looking after the children, so they spent most of their time in the streets.. Yes, times were hard. And the urge grew within the young lad to run away and leave to follow his father, whom Leander meanwhile was revering - despite his father having left them behind.

And so Leander joined a troupe of actors and tumblers that where travelling the lands of Beresgond and Athereyne, soon to find a mentor, the great bard Paldoran, a scion of House Bainsworth, who taught him what he knew and instructed him in playing the lute. Also a lot of knowledge in history and legends was passed on to young Leander, as well as the basics of writing poetry, and soon he made his first appearances.

Blessed with good looks and a pleasant singing voice, he soon attracted the attention of women, a situation that offered him many opportunities, which he not alway declined. In fact, Leander has grown quite accustomed to the admiration of the fairer sex, which shows in his confident bearing some may call conceited.

After parting ways with his former mentor, Leander is travelling the lands on his own, and he was among those who were chosen for the recent delegation to the Isles.

Appearance and Personality

Standing tall at 5'8", this young fellow is certainly aware of his good looks. Dark brown locks of medium length frame a face with deep blue eyes, a well proportioned nose above sensual lips, sporting the handsome flawlessness of someone who has been clever enough to avoid getting into any fights so far. His built is slender, and moderately muscular, as befits the stature of a tumbler, his steps swift and surefooted, he even emanates a confident air some may call conceited.

Always clad in colourful clothes is this minstrel, the brighter, the better, but mostly preferring the red and black of his home region Beresgond. The fabric of his attire is of mediocre quality, as he is a commoner after all, the clothes fixed here and there, as keen eyes may observe. The lute held below his right arm is of dark red cherry wood, an instrument that already shows a bit of wear, but actually has a warm and pleasant sound to it still.


  • Fear of heights: There has been an incident in Leander's youth at Threewater. Playing hide and seek with some other children in the streets he had somehow found a special hiding place on top of a bell tower.
  • Heartbreaker: Self-explanatory
  • Sensitive artist: Not really very open to criticism, when it comes to his own work.
  • Wealth: Poor: Poor poor minstrel of Two Rivers. Still he somehow manages to have those colourful flashy clothes.
  • Jisabelle: He accompanied her at the Battle of the Bards. Too bad, her comely sister caught his attention afterwards.
RP Hooks
  • Bainsworth Enemies: He avoids meeting any members of this House. Even his former mentor.
  • Part of the Isles Delegation: Leander joined the delegation and made an appearance at the Welcoming Feast.
  • Competitor at the Battle of the Bards: More than in his following solo performance, Leander managed to impress as duet partner and lute player with fair young and shy Jisabelle, at the Contest of Bards during the Feast of Charity in Threewater.

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Leander Vainhill
Leander Vainhill.jpg
Fullname: Leander Vainhill
Portrayed By: Leonard Whiting
Birthday: 650
Kingdom: Two Rivers
House: Unaligned
Title/Profession Minstrel
Position Commoner
Place of birth Beresgond
Father Trystane Vainhill
Mother Melisande
Siblings Geoffrey (22) and Ophelia (18)
Spouse None
Children William (6), and some others, probably
Logs referencing Leander Vainhill