676-02-16 - An Emir's Ire

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An Emir's Ire
Summary: Princess Ciera informs her father of some troubling details regarding Prince Jerrick Onimus.
Who: Ciera Nuru and Emir Munsif Nuru
References: re:Jerrick Onimus and re:Zuhur Nuru
When: February 16th, 676
Related Logs: Recent Jerrick logs.
Date of RP: 16/02/2015
Where: Nuru Palace, Golden Lion
Room Desc: In the scene set

The throne room is a huge and almost empty room. The floors are made out of marble there as the colomns,which hold the ceilings. The walls are decorated with various ornaments of gold as the throne itself, which is standing at the end of the room.

The King is sitting there, covering his shoulders with royally red cloak. He taps a bit nervously his chin. Definitely, the man's fingers are decorated with many glinting rings.

Two guards are standing on both of his sides.

Ciera walks into the throne room as the gaurds at the entrance announce her arrival and curtseys gracefully and deeply her eyes cast modestly down, demure and proper as always as she approaches not moving or speaking until she is given permission to do so, dressed in her finest silver clothes and jewels. look

The man stands up, when he sees that young tiny figure hurring closer to him. The man extands his arms to the sides, obviously, waiting for embrace from his daughter, "My little treasure! My prescious girl..." The man sighs, "Your letter almost gave me the heart attack. Your mother and I were so worried. What so urgent happened?"

Ciera looks up at him meekly and seems to relax a bit making her way forward and embracing him tightly trying to control her trembling. "i....i am so sorry father, i never meant to worry you, i swear and i cannot apologise enough for worrying you so, but something beyond terrible has happened, and though i am physically alright, i imagine that ky emotional recovery will be a bit slow," she begins looking up at him tearfully a moment before shaking her head. "I.....when i was in the isles, Prince Jerrick was kind enough to offer my handmaidens amd i a tour of the castle grounds, it was wonderful, to emd the tour he took us to the gardens, there he began to insult me, to size me up as though i was a potential bride and......then he ordered his guards to keep a look out for anyone coming, he came onto me, touched my cheek, my hair, my waist, kissed me without my consent and threatened to hurt me and my handmaidens if i dare scream or tell anyone......i was....terrified for all our lives and so i kept my silence until just recently, before i told you, i thought my aunt should know because they are engaged, so i needed to go.....i am so sorry, truly father i meant no harm," she replies trembling and biting her lower lip to remain some modicum of composure and decorum clearly frightemed beyond her wits.

The Emir frowns slightly,listening for his daughter. He slowly leads her towards the throne, where the man settles in. He raises his own duaghter to make her sit on his lap. The man wraps his own arms around her then.

The more she speaks, the more pale the Emir Munsif Nuru looks. When his daughter grows quiet again, the man leans to place a kiss on her forehead, "It's alright, my dear," the man quietly whispers, "The maid was alright... But I heard he acted improperly with more females. He is not marrying a random whore of the isles!!!" The man raises his tone at the end, "Invite the Secretary to me!" He orders for the guards, "He won't make fun of my little girls and EMIR OF THE KINGDOM OF GOLDEN LION!" The man growls like a real lion, "I am very proud of you, my daughter, that you decided not to stay quiet. I would hate if my daughter would hide things from me..."

Ciera smiles weakly as she sits upon his lap, sitting properly at attention but also holding onto her fathers hands in her own, her eyes cast modestly down as she listens to him speak. "I would never hide things from you father, i would have spoken so much sooner through a letter, but it was my responsibility to ensure my handmaidens remained safe, as well as my own life, and i am sorry that my decency was so fractured......but there was nothing i could do," she whimpers out helplessly, her eyes cast down and blank looking as she speaks stroking his arm absently. "i'm scared father.....i don't even know why anymore but i can't seem to shake this dreadful feeling.....have i done something wrong, is that why i feel this way?" she asks brokenly looking up at him her eyes wide, innocent, and tearful as she leans her head against his shoulder tiredly.

"You done nothing wrong, my dearest daughter. It was Prince Jerrick Onimus, who was wrong!" he Secretary of the Royal Council shows up and the Emir speaks firmly, "Good you were fast. I need you to write three letters and send them immediately. One letter must be sent to Queen Abegayle Onimus, another to my sister Zuhur Nuru, and third to the Prince Jerrick Onimus. Write this:


announce, that the permission to Prince Jerrick Onimus to court my sister Zuhur Nuru is withdrawn. The betrothal between them will never happen. Just because I do respect the Queen Abegayle Onimus, I won't start an open conflic between our nations. However, the Prince Jerrick Onimus ofended not just my sister, but me too. He is immature young man, who needs a hand of a father to teach him some etiquette. I forgave him the humiliation of my sister once. Though, it's not the playground of children and I stop playing from now on.

I am the GOLDEN LION and nobody can offend. So, I won't break the alliance and good relationship between our nations, but if the Prince Jerrick Onimus will try to cross the border of my Kingdom, I give permission to arrest the man and then let it be known, that his neck is just a teeny tiny thread in my hands. I will do, whatever it will seem right with it.

Also, I send immediatly 6 guards of my own to protect my sister Princess Zuhur Nuru. These menlisten just for my orders and they will neverleave her side. Prince Jerrick Onimus is not allowed to come closer than 20 steps to her. Otherwise, I give permission for my guards to use force and that won't be understood as break of laws, but it will be justice, because there is no more prescious thing in the world like an honor of a young woman.

The man, who entrenches upon the woman's honor, is not a man!


The Secretary of Royal Council makes a note and hurries out to do as ordered, while the King stands up, whirls his young daughter, and places her on the ground, "Dear, run to mother now. She is missing you dearly and I must take care of some things. We will meet soon."

Ciera nods softly and smiles. "of course father, do be well, i love you," she replies holding onto his hands and kissing them a moment, before curtseying deeply and heading on her way out.