676-01-15 - Brothers United

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Brothers United
Summary: Jerrick approaches Zephan about the three tasks Emir Munsif Nuru has given him to gain Princess Zuhur's hand.
Who: Jerrick Onimus and Zephan Onimus
References: re:Zuhur Nuru, re:Madalyn Onimus, re:Nathan Onimus, re:Luanda Brais
When: January 15th, 676, early morning
Related Logs: several, will add links later.
Date of RP: 14-17?/01/2015
Where: Place of Arms - Castle of the White Dove, The Isles

Jerrick has been waiting for his brother in the place of arms now for a few moments, he knows Zephen will be here, he asked him so a few hours before dawn on the day after he got back with Zuhur from the Golden Lion. Why the place of arms, well he and Zephen always get into a fight be it a fist fight or blade so they might as well meet here and see how long it too for their conversation to deteriate into a fight. Jerrick is dressed in leather pants and a loose shirt with a lose fitting leather jerkin over the top. His feet are adorn with knee high leather boots and his hair has been tied back with a simple leather thong.

The place of arms is indeed where Zephan would expect Jerrick to wait for him. He arrives late, with faint amusement sparkling in his pale blue eyes, clad in a pair of dark blue breeches, and a shirt hanging loosely about his torso. Unarmed. As the request had been for a talk not a fight. See, Zephan can be civilized like that! Still. It's the place of arms, and the blonde Onimus prince cannot resist to stroll over to the weapon stand, inspecting the various training swords lined up there, while he acknowledges the presence of Jerrick with little more than a brief glance. "Welcome back to the Isles," he murmurs with his cold, detached voice. His own hair is not tied back, it falls down to his shoulders, the reflections created by the flickering light of the torches make it almost look golden. His back is turned towards his brother, as his hand draws one of the pratice blades out, the fingers of the other running across the dulled blade. "Has your travel been pleasant, brother?"

Jerrick watches his brother make his way into the room, waiting for him to say something and when he touches the blade he tenses a little. "It was awful and you know it was, dearest brother." He tells him in his quiet way. "But it was worth it and soon I shall have my self a bride." He stands now and walks over to where Zephen stands. "I need to do three tasks, to gain Zuhur's hand. I need a gaint wolf pelt, a Pirate Lord's ring and Pet for my bride from the unknown world." He looks Zephen straight in the eyes "Brother, I do not ask this lightly, but I need your help, I am no sailor and well, I would like us to do this adventure together as brothers. Too long we have been at odds with each other and with mother laying dying I feel we should be united if only to ensure our sister rules wisely after her. She will need us all working together for that to truly become a reality"

A low grunt comes from Zephan, along with a glance filled with contempt, and he shrugs. "I remember how much you enjoy sea voyages, brother," he comments with cold amusement. The news about the bride does take him by little surprise it seems. Obviously someone has already told him about the joyful developments. His arms cross before him, when Jerrick approaches, the light-haired Onimus facing the dark-haired one. A brow lifts at the revelation about three tasks that are required. "Are you sure she is worth all the bother...?", Zephan cannot help but comment with a hint of mockery in his tone. "Maybe the Emir gave you these tasks for that very reason... to watch you fail, brother." He will listen though until Jerrick is finished, surprise flickering for a second in his gaze. "It's true," he remarks. "You and I haven't been on the best of terms. Why should you want to change that, so suddenly? Don't tell me you have rediscovered your brotherly love, no, it's because..." and there a dark smirk appears on his pale haughty features, his fingers tensing about the practice blade, "you are afraid you will not be able to manage, on your own... Imagine that, my brother Jerrick, the quiet one, asks /me/ for help..." A fact that brings more amusement to his features. The moment is brief though, when his detached expression returns. "Mother will not allow it. She's sent Nathan away, and we know how /that/ went... She won't risk sending both of us away... and lose us both..." The mention of Madalyn softens his features, but he shakes his head. "I agree about Madalyn. But with mother dying /as you say/, can we really risk leaving her alone, while embarking on this... mission?"

Jerrick was determined not to let Zephan get at him, his snide comments and mockery are pushed to the side. "I'm not sure she's worth it Zephen, but I would be a coward if I backed away now. This is for my own pride and the pride of our Kingdom, I must to this even if I die doing it." He sighs because the next answer will require more thought. "I have always had love for you Zephen, but we were too different, to every find a medium..." He then lets his anger flare behind his eyes at the mention of being afraid. "Would I have asked you, if I could do this alone...No, but then why would I ask you my mother has plenty of good men that could accompany me...No." He shakes his head. "I wanted you by my side, as my brother so at least I can say we were joined together once in a common goal. Though you do bring up a good point, would it be wise for us both to leave right now. I do not think its wise for even myself to go. Madalyn needs us both as does mother. " He begins to pace now, his heart drawn in two different directions for once, his whole hearted dedication to his family and kingdom is placed into question. He pauses and looks up at Zephen an almost hopeless expression on his face one which appeals for advice from his brother, his twin.

Zephan watches his twin attentively, raising a brow when his thoughts manage to sow a bit of doubt in Jerrick. "You honour me, brother, then for picking me /instead/ of any capable men in our mother's service," Zephan remarks flatly, taking a step backwards as his arms uncross, his hand still holding onto the hilt of the practice sword that rests before him on its tip. "Honestly? I'm not sure this will work. So far you've offered me little information, except that there are three things you need to acquire. How much time do you have? Where will you go? You know me too well though, I will take any excuse to leave this dull castle, for the opportunity to spend my time on deck, on my Mermaid. Feeling the breeze of the sea tearing at me, the gentle rocking of the waves below my feet." His gaze turns a little wistful as he admits that. Until a spark of mischief enters those steely blue eyes of his, and he shoots Jerrick a glance. "If I agree to help you... you will owe me though. I may come to you one day, with a request... Do not deny me your help then." He shakes his head with a wry grin when he sees his brother's indecision. "Wisdom?" Zephan snorts. "Overrated. This is about the Isles not losing face, right? Let's show this Emir what we are made of."

Jerrick looks almost relieved as his bother half agrees. "I will do anything within reason Zephen, you are my brother and would do it simply because of that." He then takes a breath and starts from the top. "I know the Giant wolf pelt I can get from the Two Rivers Kingdom, the Pirate Ring is going to be your furtay and then the pet from the unkown lands I was hoping Princess Luanda could help me with that. I believe one of her siblings just married one of their princes...The Emir gave me two months to complete these tasks." He steps forwards and claps his shoulder. "Thank you brother, I hope this will be the start of many adventures together."

Zephan nods, his brows quirking up at the rather vague reaction. "Anything within reason, hmm?", he muses, his eyes turning a touch darker now. Although he won't get into that any further, as Jerrick is already answering his question about the three tasks. "Sounds not too hard, then?", he comments on the wolf pelt issue, a faint smile curling his lips when the princess is mentioned. "A skinny thing, that one," Zephan remarks with what appears to be an ambiguous smile. "Although not too bad, from what I've seen. I bet Nathan could do worse, in regards to betrothals... But this means we'll head to Two Rivers?"

When given the information about the pirate ring, the blonde Onimus chuckles and rolls his eyes. "You have no idea where to start looking for that one, hmm? Two months seem to be plenty of time to get that sorted out. Let me get one thing straight though. I come along to help you. But the planning and stuff I will leave to you. After all, this is about you getting your hands on that Golden Lion princess, right? A princess who was, by the way, eager to help Nathan get out of his peril, when he was held captive by that pirate wench. Seems she was after Nathan, before she was after you, hmm? She got one of her princely brothers to help us even." He raises the practice sword and gives it a few playful swings.