675-12-08 - Royal Talks 3: Jerrick

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Royal Talks 3: Jerrick
Summary: Prince Jerrick and his mother have an enlightening conversation
Who: Abegayle Onimus and Jerrick Onimus
References: re:Nathan Onimus, re:Madalyn Onimus, re:Nimoria, re:Zephan Onimus, re:Luanda Brais
When: December 8th, 675
Related Logs: The queen's talks with Nathan and Madalyn, and the one that follows after this scene, with Zephan.
Date of RP: 05-08/01/2015
Where: The Queen's Chambers, Isle of the Crown, The Isles
Room Desc: This room is massive, roughly a quarter of the size of the Great hall of the castle. The ceiling is vaulted, around the edges of the room the vault is less pronounced compared to the center of the room. Pillars can be found in the center of the room, helping to support the ceiling above. The pillars are crimson in color with decorative vines winding their way up the pillars with the blooms of roses, lilies, and canary creepers stud the decorative vines in ways to enhance the beauty. The blooms and vines both are covered in gold leif. The ceiling is adorned with decorative patterns around the edges of each slope of the vaults, with a cascade of decorative feathers adorn the arches between the vaults. All of the decorative touches including the feathers are inlaid gold. The floor is white marble like the rest of the castle, though a large collection of various rugs and furs cover the floor. This both covers most of the white and also provides a warm, soft surface to walk upon as opposed to the cold, hard marble underneath. Hanging from the crest of each vault are golden chandeliers with tallow candles. Silken crimson sleeves cover the chains which connect the chandeliers to the ceiling above. Entering from the main hall the first thing one typically sees is a large portrait of Matyas Onimus, the husband of Queen Abegayle Onimus, which is centered on the wall. Surrounding this portrait are other portraits, all in gold frames, of the Queen or her husband, or the two of them together. Opposite the wall of portraits and a few feet from the door to the main hall is a massive bed with an intricately carved headboard and baseboard, covered entirely in gold leif. Running between two of the central pillars as well as between those same pillars and the wall is a golden frame that surrounds the bed, from which hang silken curtains of crimson with a golden trim and also stitched in gold is the sigil of House Onimus itself. To the left of the main entry doors are windows covering the entire wall to let in the light of the sun, and perhaps to enjoy sunrises as well. The windows are framed in gold and panes of the finest glass fills the spaces between. A few plush benches have been arranged by the windows to allow one to sit and enjoy the view. Opposite the windows is a wall with a set of double-doors matching those that lead out into the main hall, crimson in color with decorative golden frames and knobs. This door leads to an antechamber for use by the Queen and her husband only, and is almost always closed. The rest of the room is furnished with end tables, chairs, couches, a desk, and a table as well. All of these are crimson in color with gold trim, accents, or the like.

When the door opens and Madalyn appears, her eyes may look a little red, even though her cheeks show no traces of tears. The healer that had waited with them in the antechamber rises, a bow is offered to the princess before his attention turns to Prince Jerrick. "It will be your turn next, your highness," he intones, opening the door and holding it for him as he does not enter this time. When Jerick enters he will notice the curtains are drawn, shutting out the light of day. There are torches at the wall offering a flickering light. And there on the bed, covered with a blanket sits his mother, Queen Abegayle Onimus, a cushion at her back making her position more comfortable. She is pale, and there are shadows below her eyes, and her son will certainly notice a certain weariness in her features. The queen looks old. But then her eyes come to linger on Jerrick and she smiles, the sparkle in her eyes awakening and bringing back life to her features. "Jerrick," she says in a sigh. Unable for a moment to muster more words than his name.

Jerrick squeezes his sister's arm as she passes, she may not always please him but she is his sister after all. "Have strength dear one." He mutters, then goes in to see his mother. He drops to a knee before then bed and bows his head. "My Queen." He says, then stands when she says his name. He approaches her bed and gently sits down upon it. He then takes her hand into his and smiles softly. "Mother." He mutters softly, then says more loudly. "You are getting better, your cheeks have some color and your smile is as radiant as the sun itself." He is lying of course, but he would say anything to give his mother some cheer and hope. "Do you need anything, can I get you some food, water, sing you a silly song, like I use to do when I was small?"

That smile becomes faint when Abegayle hears her son's reassuring words, and she shakes her head. "Alas, I wish it were the case. I am not feeling well, Jerrick. But I am so glad to see you. I'd love to hear one of those songs, maybe, when we're done. But. In fact, I need to speak with you. Who knows how much time I have left, anyway..." She sighs. "We haven't talked in a whle, son. But last time we did, I remember, you had given your opinion on a betrothal I had suggested to you. To Princess Luanda Brais."

Jerrick squeezes her hand gently. "You will have plenty of time, I shall not let you fade away mother." He tells her softly, his handsome face cheerful and hopful for his mother. "Lunanda?" He says as if trying to remember the name. "Ah yes I do recall you mentioning Luanda, as I told you before. I shall do what ever you wish for me to do. I am yours to command mother and I want what is best for our family and our people. Do what you judge to be the right and correct course of action." He bows his head. "I live to serve my Queen."

"Umm..." Abgayle's brows furrow a bit, maybe from a sudden moment of discomfort, maybe because of something else. "I would not want to impose such a match upon you. The princess Luanda is here at the moment, recovering from her... adventure. She is of course eager to meet you, but..." and here she pauses, "she has expressed interest in Nathan. After all, the two of them were held captive there together, tied to poles. But it has given them the opportunity to talk, and get to know each other." The queen explains all of this with a weary smile. "You see, you do not have to agree to the match, as there may be indeed other options. Nathan has changed, I could see it in his eyes, the way he carries himself now. I trust he will do his duty and he already said as much that he would agree to a betrothal to the Princess Luanda Brais."

Jerrick lets his mother speak before he voices his opinion. "Then let Nathan have the Princess. I have always said I shall do my duty but given the opertunity I wish to not leave this island. I feel my sister will need my guidance once she is Queen....In the distant future." He matches her own weary smile with one of his own. "So yes, Nathan would be a wonderful match for the princess, they aren't in short supply. I shall find another." She assures his mother. "I shall be happy to meet her, but as a future sister in law, let us not step in the way of love, most of us have little chance of it."

Abegayle nods, relief clearly visible in her features when Jerrick gives his opinion. "I am glad you take it that well," she says. "You were the most suitable candidate for the match at first, I wouldn't blame you if you felt slighted. At least I could understand if you insisted upon your right as the oldest brother." Her mien grows thoughtful then when Jerrick speaks of Madalyn, and she nods. "Indeed. She needs guidance still, and it would be a lie to say she is by any means ready for the huge task that awaits her." Another sigh comes, before Abegayle continues: "I am confident however, that she'll learn." There is a pause. "And after all I am not sure, there's is much time for her left to prepare for her new role, Jerrick. But there is the Council as well. They will assist her and guide her. Still, offer her your help, I am sure she will accept it." There is a light tremble in her voice and she coughs, a cough that shakes all of her frail frame. "Zephan... is another topic I wanted to speak with you about," she says after a moment.

Jerrick nods his head as his mother speaks, he frowns though not as assured by her words about his sister as he should be. "She will have to learn, I have no daughter to take your place." He tells her with regret. "I have left it too long to find a wife, there is little point in me even finding one. I am not a young man anymore." He then stiffens at the mention of Zephan. "What about Zephan." He asks in a voice totally devoid of all emotion.

"She will not be on her own," Abegayle counters, as she straightens, sitting upright in the bed and the tone of her voice suddenly has some urgency to it. "And you, my son, are not yet too old to marry. You will find another match though... You spoke to me about Nimoria. Would you still consider her, if such were possible...?" Her eyes come to linger on her son, studying him attentively. "The council, or even your own sister may pick a match for you, even if I may not live to see it. Even so... we all need to serve the kingdom of the Isles, and Onimoria will continue to bless us and our lands." Jerrick's reaction to the mention of Zephan she notes. "What about him, really, other than that I have to ask you to keep an eye on him. He hates our family, me most of all, but you and your siblings as well. He may try something, who knows. Just make sure he does not manage to harm us, and especially not Madalyn. She is so naive and innocent, she would hardly suspect any harm to come from him. Please. Promise me that, and I will be much calmer, and less worried about the future of the Isles."

Jerrick squeezes his mother's hand. "I hear, Nimoria would sooner have Zephan, but she is not unfavourable. She would make a good princess and my children by her will be special." He then takes her words seriously his face twisting briefly into loathing and dislike. "I swear to you mother, I shall keep my family safe, even if it means killing my brother. I promise no harm will come to our future Queen."

Abegayle nods with a faint smile. "I am saying it is a possibility you could pursue, if Madalyn and the council would be fine with that. There may be some..." she coughs, "complications. You would have to speak with Nimoria yourself. Alas, I... do not have the strength for that at the moment. As you can see." Her eyes look weary indeed, as she sinks back into the cushion, easing in a posture that is a bit more comfortable to her. "As for Zephan..." the queen shrugs faintly. "Where did you hear she would favor that irresponsible scandalous brother of yours, hmm? Did she tell you so herself? This is the first time I hear about it. Really. Just keep an eye on him, Jerrick. And don't... take up measures like killing or even harming him, unless it is absolutely necessary. He's of our blood after all..." Her faint smile takes on a slightly sad note. "I wish I knew why he turned out so bad. Jerrick. Be careful. Promise me that as well..."

Jerrick gives his mother a soft nod. "I do not know what to tell you mother, but he is what he is and we can not dwell on that fact. I shall keep an eye on them all." He promises her. "Madelyn will be safe and Zephan will be kept out of trouble. I shall have to train my sword arm he does have the upper hand on that score." He then gives her a smile and kisses her cheek. "Mother you are going to get better and you will be able to does all these things yourself."

A sigh escapes Queen Abegayle's lips and she nods. "I don't know why he turned out so bad, really." The weary confession of a mother, whose health was far from agreeable. "Please, be careful in your dealings with him. Avoid any direct challenge, maybe seek the council's support in this rather." A faint smile appears at his latter remark about her getting better. "I can only hope so, but in case I won't, you need to be prepared." She exhales, looking really fatigued now. "I will have a few words with Zephan, then I will rest for a bit." Her hand is extended, and her fingers brush against Jerrick's face in an affectionate gesture, smiling when he gives her that kiss to her cheek. "I am relieved I could address these matters with you, Jerrick. I know I can trust you," Abegayle says before she leans back again, visibly exhausted.