675-11-01 - The Princess and the Way Too Old Brother

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The Princess and the Way Too Old Brother
Summary: Luanda and Agostino meet by chance in the gardens, and have their first real conversation.
Who: Agostino and Luanda Brais
References: re:Barbeta Brais, re:Barret Brais, re:Egnatius, re:Esther, re:Sigrid Bjornsvartr
When: 675-11-01
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: 2014-11-01
Where: Castle Gardens - Mergorand Castle
Room Desc: The gardens at the Castle Mergorand are a good place to go when seeking a moment of tranquility. Stretching on endlessly are well-kept greens with bushes and small groups of trees, and various flower beds sporting the most colourful blossoms. Hedges cropped into strange forms offering an interesting variation as well as a certain means of privacy as they offer shelter from curious glances. And in the midst of it all is a charming brook and a pond with a pavilion beside it.

Crouched near the pod ner the brook, yet oddly not in the pavilion is the tall figure of the ruler of the Ningo, formerly known as the Northern Barbarians by the Two Rivers. He seems to have no guards or entourage, or even his relatives who came for the wedding. Dressed in the same outfit he wore for his wedding to Barbeta Agostino is wearing attire tailored to his dimensions, suitable for Felagurian royalty complete with a cape that is knee length, which is currently just resting on the ground. A better choice of cape compared to the pelt of the large wolf he wore for the wedding itself.

Luanda is walking along the brook, her expression soft, thoughtful. Distant, too, and now and again she glances up at the sky. As if maybe she could fly. Or wished to. "It never seems like it *should* be blue..." she murmurs. She rounds a slight bend of the brook and then stops short, seeing Agostino. For an instant she seems startled, and then she composes herself. She clears her throat. "Pat... mmm. Brother."

Agostino turns his gaze to the side upon hearing the voice, then returns to his full height of nearly six and half feet and nods respectfully to Luanda and says, "Greetings. What brings you out into the gardens today Luanda?" His height might make some wonder about how things will work out for Barbeta and him, as she comes up to just a bit below his shoulder in height and completely tiny compared to him.

"Memory of what was, thoughts of what might be." Luanda looks up slightly and then turns towards the pond. "We used to pretend sea monsters lived in the pond. They waited until you felt safe and secure and then they.... well." She rolls her shoulders in a shrug. "I once ruined no fewer than three dresses and a pair of shoes in the pond..." Another shrug. "What brings you here?"

Agostino nods and says, "Closest to nature I've found here. I suppose you could say I am a bit... What is the word... Sick for home?" He has learned a bit of the common tongue of Felaguria, but his accent and how he speaks a bit slower to ensure he is properly understood shows he still hasn't mastered the language yet.

"Homesick." Luanda nods her head. "When everything seems strange. Familiar and not-quite-right all at once." There is some sympathy in her eyes. "But you came close.... the word." She inclines her head. "How.... are you and my sister?" She lets her voice trail off... glancing up at him.

Agostino nods and says, "Well enough. She seems to be here for the feast you celebrate. Our wedding by the traditions of my people can wait a bit longer. My feelings are a moment, she will leave here for longer. Perhaps you can visit her in the time to come."

"It is good to have a harvest of any note to celebrate." Luanda inclines her head. "And the lands putting on their most splendid colors before winter. It is.... good that the feast goes on." She swallows for a moment, then draws herself up proudly. "I will make sure to see her before you depart. It will be strange for to have her gone. Everything feels empty already." Her gaze flicks towards the fields. "Empty.... but not winter-dead."

Agostino nods and says, "I know of your losses, the Ningo know such things well. I am still trying to grow accustom to this 'harvest'. We rarely have an abundance for such frivolities, though perhaps our alliance and trade will change that."

"Perhaps. Though it is not so much frivolous as a.... well. An expression of hope. Of thanks for all the work. The harvest. Maybe a memory of liught when things get dark. And cold." Luanda shakes her head. "Tradition. A promise that we will still go on." She smooths out her dress. "There are so very many reasons."

Agostino nods and says, "Spending so much time with your sister and the translator Esther I forget sometimes how little the rest of you know. The Ningo are a very pragmatic people, every day is a constant survival, I call it frivolous as so much food could feed our people so a time and would be better consumed as needed, instead of consuming it all at one time leaving less for later. I do not mean to say its wrong, simply it is strange to have so much it can be consumed at once and still have more for later." He then smiles softly to himself and says, "That said, there is a reason we called your kingdom the Abundant Lands, which is also why we have raided your lands for so long."

"But even abundance does not come without labor." Luanda turns to look at Agostino. "And sometimes a feast is made of things that will not store well... or to restore strength to those who were worn and weary from working so hard. But...." Her eyes glint. "You're right. There's much I do not yet know. But I have learned something. Sometimes hope is the only difference between life and death... and food for the spirit is as necessary as food for the body. So. I do not think feasts are as frivilous as they seem." Then, softer, "Will you miss raiding us?"

Agostino chuckles softly and says, "We never enjoyed raiding, we took when we had a need and could not supply ourselves. You are correct about hope, we have our own views of it. We get what food we can on a daily basis, if enough food isn't collected we do without for that day."

The Princess goes still a moment, her expression thoughtful once more. A long moment, and her gaze sweeps from north to south, as if surveying the kingdom of her people. "We are kin now." This is said firmly. "May the future hold better for... well. For all of us."

Agostino nods and says, "That is the hope, it is why I agreed to an alliance by marriage, even if your sister is much younger then I originally thought. If I knew earlier I likely would have tried to have my eldest son marry your sister instead, he is only a few winters older afterall."

"I am sure my father is glad to have someone with your wisdom to partner with my sister. And I am sure she is happy to wed the leader of a people." Truth or diplomacy? Luanda clasps her hands together. "And she is wed before I am...." Her voice trails off and her brow furrows. "The plague changed everything."

Agostino nods and says, "We noticed the plagues affects even before we knew the cause. It is why our raids had increased of late, we were gathering resources for a second war. Fortunately your sister brought peace before war started, certainly something worthy of praise and respect."

"I...." Luanda actually laughs, a soft, sad sound that seems to startle her. Her eyes widen and she puts a hand over her mouth. "Forgive me. It is just... I was prepared to dislike you. I was prepared even to despise you. I wasn't expecting to like you. To feel like.... like talking to...." She whirls towards the pond and folds her arms about herself.

Agostino smiles softly and asks, "Feel a kinship to a savage barbarian?" chuckling softly. He then dismisses it with a wave and says, "I have two daughters, I know well enough how children can be, how siblings can be, it would appear some things apply no matter where one is from."

"To a brother again." Luanda's voice trembles slightly. "Even if you are old enough to be my father." The lapse in control does not last, and she draws in a deep breath. "A wolf-pelted brother, though. Kinship with a wolf-brother."

Agostino chuckles and says, "Yes well, the canus... Sorry Dire Wolf I believe is the closer translation. They are one of the oldest threats the Ningo face, they ahve even killed a few Patricians over the generations. That one I killed without the use of weapons when i was about twenty-two winters. Not an easy feet, it even got me a wife."

"Really?" Luanda blinks, then finally turns her head back towards the self-titled barbarian. "With your bare hands? And it got you a wife? How... how did that happen? I hope you do not mind my asking."

Agostino chuckles and says, "Acts of great skill will draw attention among the noble Families of the Ningo, scars also tend to be considered quite attractive." He then gestures to the four scars across his face and says, "The wolf gave me this. Such an act of skill combined with the influence Family Cornelia hold, also some other personal accomplishments is enough to attract a woman's attention among us. When i returned with the pelt and the fact i killed it without the use of weapons, I got a proposal out of it." He then chuckles softly and adds, "As to the how, well that would be telling." offering a good-natured wink.

"I hope there are songs about it. Songs and stories about you. Killing a... a dire wolf in the wild and winning the hand of a fair lady." Then Luanda goes still. Pain once more, but this time laced with compassion. "I am sorry for your loss. I hope... my sister finds a wolf-worthy place in your heart."

Agostino chuckles softly and says, "She has proven to be capable of understanding our politics, perhaps even thriving in it given time. With luck it won't be long before you have nieces and nephews to visit." smiling softly.

A slight flush comes to Luanda's cheeks, but she bobs her head. "Nephews and nieces." Her voice is gentle, but there is something wistful about her expression. "I hope there are. I really do." She clears her throat and clasps her hands behind her back. "I expect she will thrive in politics."

Agostino nods and asks, "Has your father not arranged a marriage for you yet, or at least narrowed down suitable candidates?"

"Oh. He hints at it. I am sure he has a few people in mind. But there are more pressing matters after all. I will find out soon enough." Luanda shifts her weight a little. "I assume the match will benefit the kingdom after the calamities. I will do my duty as a Princess."

Agostino nods and asks, "What do you think of your new 'mother'?" in a soft, curious tone.

"I don't know what to think of her yet." Luanda's voice softens. "It will be odd to call a stranger Queen and mother. But my father knows his duty as well as I know mine. Better.... because he did not shirk his as I did mine for.... too long." She chews her lip. "Two Rivers needs this. I will try to like her. Love her. But in the end.... my feelings don't matter."

Agostino says, "i assume such a statement comes from the low value your Kingdom seems to hold for women. I am sorry if my words seem harsh, but to single one our based on their gender is such a foreign concept to the Ningo, I don't think we'll ever be able to comprehend it."

"I'm not sure I understand." Luanda frowns. "The kingdom needs an heir. So my father must remarry. A woman is... essential for this--?"

Agostino smiles and says, "For the Ningo men and women are considered equals, either can hold power. In truth my mother was the head of our house until her death."

"When I was younger... I used to run wild with my brothers. Well. Any chance I could. They encouraged me. But maybe that's why...." Luanda shakes herself again. "Me.... heir? I'd give it up... everything up... to have my brothers back instead. But.... my people have already lost so much. I don't know if they could live with that sort of change as well."

Agostino nods and says, "My brother Egnatius knows that feeling better then I. We had a sister who died before I was born, it hit him harder as she was only five winters. Children are those who die most among our people due to how harsh the wilds are. Hopefully another thing our alliance will correct."

"Sometimes I dream it comes back and I am the only one left." Luanda sucks in a sharp breath. "May it not happen!" Then she looks down, half-embarrassed. "It's not something we really talk about. All too fresh..."

Agostino nods and says, "illness is also commonplace among the Ningo, we know the suffering it causes."

"I..." Luanda blinks, then nods her head. "Again, forgive me. I am out of sorts today. My mind's scattered as the autumn leaves. Of course you know. I spoke thoughtlessly." She bobs her head, then takes a step back. "I really came out here to walk and settle my thoughts."

Agostino waves dismissively and says, "You did not speak thoughtlessly, I was simply saying you are not alone in your thoughts, others share your pain and understand how you feel. If you need time alone I will not hold you up any further. I simply wished to remind you you are not alone and it is natural to feel as you do." smiling softly.

"I.... should go...." Luanda's voice is quieter now. "I hope... I mean.... Thank you, my brother. And welcome to the family." She waits a few moments, then hikes up her skirts and flees.