675-09-11 - No Spoonful of Sugar

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No Spoonful of Sugar
Summary: Upon waking sick from the snakebite, Vandrik tries to get some fresh air, and instead, is convinced he needs some medicine.
Who: Imma Grunhaid, Vandrik Yldon, Jerrick Onimus, Nimoria, and Carther Palaceri
References: None
When: September 11, 675
Related Logs: 675-09-10 - Love Bites
Date of RP: September 11, 2014
Where: Entrance Hall - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc:
The huge black metal doors of the Castle of the White Dove are inscribed with the patterns of lily flowers open into a huge and bright hall. The interior already shows the design that is to be expected throughout the castle: walls of strange white stones, blood red curtains with golden threads, a few paintings on the walls, and strange furs on the marble floors. All the furniture is made from light-colored wood.
Piled with a wealth of the finest pillows are two huge couches and two armchairs around a small table for people to sit upon while they wait. The golden blooms of canary creeper vines cascade from the balcony of the second floor above, while other plants are set around the room in pots, extending the garden outside within the castle.
There are two passages that lead off the entrance, one to the left and another to the right. There is also a pair of stairs as well, arching to the left and right and leading towards the same balcony upon the second floor. The dark stairs are covered with carpets made out of furs, while the balusters are decorated in the same way as the balcony, covered with flowering vines of canary creeper.

Wrapped in a blanket and looking very much like hell warmed over, Sir Vandrik Yldorn is currently leaning up against a wall and half-dragging himself towards the entrance of the castle, towards the doors leading outside. Trailing behind him are, in no particular order, at least one young male page, two women who could be nurses or handmaids, and Imma. There seems to be a great deal of commotion amongst the group as well, as Vandrik is quite literally scowling at the lot in between involuntary shakes and coughing fits. "Leave me /be/! Your healer has had her way with me. Now /I/ say the fresh air will do. Me. Good!" Vandrik argues, though his voice is strained and weak. He is, quite obviously, very under the weather.

Yes, one of those trailing after Vandrik is the young maid, Imma, who's scowling back at the knight from Two Rivers, "Fresh air? Did you not hear the storm still raging outside? Do you think we're lying to you?" She questions, one hand on a hip as she follows the man who's her betrothed. "You're going to drown out there. Or get bitten again!" Fuss, nag, fuss, fuss, nag. At least that's likely how Vandrik hears her words! As for her, she looks as if she's not had any sleep, her dress wrinkled, hair falling down from it's up-do. She's had a long night.

Jerrick comes strolling down from the upper levels, he is hastily placing on a loose white shirt, his black leather pants half fastened. "What is all this noise?" He demands, looking around his mother hall, Imma is given a long look before He turns to the Knight. "Can't you control your woman?" He asks, almost mocking him as he swaggers the last few steps down. Then goes on to say. "No one is leaving this castle while that storm is still raging, why don't you quiet down and go find yourself a nice warm fire." He tells him, his words not an order, but they are strongly worded.

Nimoria, petite young Royal High Oni, whose posture reminds one of the Queen's, appears in the entrance hall from the west passage. This woman keeps her chin risen and looks always unbend, keeping her pale shoulders always straight. The overconfidence and self-love spreads from this famous woman.

Her hair color of white fluffy clouds are tied into a neat bun, letting just a few curls tickle her wonderful little nose. These two curls give her some mischief and playfulness, while her almost colorless eyes are staring speechlessly forward.

She is followed by five simple young Onises. Most of them look like really scared little mouses, who are trying not to be left behind and hear everything, what is said. Nimoria whispers something,not even looking at the other woman,and points at the stairs, adding more loudly, "NOW!" And one of the onises runs stumbling up to the balcony and then disappears in the royal passage.

Then Nimoria whispers something again and points at the door of the entrance, "GO GO..." And two onises put on their hoods, hurring out into the storm. Then the Royal Mother points at the right passage. No words are needed. The young oni springs there quickly, without any questions. Even before Nimoria whispers something again, the last oni hurries back from where the company came.

Then the royal mother gracefully steps to the direction of that noisy group. Even more elegance to this young beauty, the image of Onimoria herself, gives the neckline made out of black silkm decorated with the expensive posh glinting stone in the middle. The black color just stresses out that radiating soft and flawless pale skin. The young woman's shoulders are bared, covered with the lucid colorless silken scarf. Nimoria is squashed into a white corset today, which just emphasises her womanly curves and slim waist. Though, the long skirt of her snowy gown is just a thorough creation of tiny pieces of the fabric. It creates the view, that the skirt is incrdibly wide and it sways in the wind making Nimoria to look like a soaring ghost.

When she is closer and hears the prince's words,she quickly looks at him, "Your Highness... If men would control women here, our Kingdom wouldn't exist..."

Jerrick just gives the Little Mother a long look before he turns back to the Night. Its clear, women ruling doesn't sit well with the prince. His attention falls back to Imma and Vandarik. Waiting to hear what unfolds next.

When Imma continues to nag at him, Vandrik stops, rubbing his temple. Then, the prince makes his way down and Vandrik looks up but clearly doesn't recognize who it is or why they'd have a say in his life. And then, there's Nimoria. Her entrance does seem to ease away the scowl, slightly, instead twisting his expression into one of disbelief. He looks down at the young boy at his side, then at Imma, then at Nimoria, his eyes narrowing. Then he shakes his head, tightening the blanket around him and dragging himself another step closer to the door. "Crazy medicine. Crazy snakes. Crazy islands," he mutters to himself, looking out the door. At the rain. He sighs and slumps a little, knowing there's no way he's going out into /that/. "Is there no /peace/ to be had here!?" he tries to shout. But it merely comes out as a louder grumble, as he doesn't have the strength to truly raise his voice.

Stepping out from around Vandrik allows her to see who spoke up. From her expression, it would seem Imma was ready to have a say to Jerrick, though upon seeing the prince, she goes quiet, bowing her head to him. "Your highness." However, Nimoria gets more respect from she, a curtsey as she appears, "Sorry for the disturbance. The healer said for him to rest, but he is being.. insistent." A wry smile, and she turns back to Vandrik as he finally sees the truth to her earlier words - it's raining outside. Still. "You would in your room." There is that where he could escape.

Jerrick raises an eyebrow at the group. "I see the rain has messed with your manners as well as your brain." Clearly is not happy at the lack of respect, but he makes nothing more of it other then his choosen words. "Lady Imma, I trust you can take care of things from here." He asks, moving past the small group to find a servent, he's up now might as well get food.

Nimoria can't hold her laugh.She shakes her head slowly and whispers for herself, "Youth..."As if she would be hundreds years of old. Maybe. Who knows! Then she adds a little bit louder, "There is the Chapel there..." she points with her head to the west passage, making these two locks tickle the tip of her nose. The woman rubs it, chuckling, before looking back at the young man, "Plus, I know just a perfect mixture for you. Three drops of it in the evening, and you will be healthy next morning!"

The woman offers a polite bow to Imma, "Lady Imma," yes, she knows her, "A pleasure to meet you! So, likely, this young and still wild stud is your husband-to-be?"

Then Royal Mother glances at the prince, follows him with her gaze briefly, before turning back to Imma. Long distance to Vandrik: Imma oohs. very good reason!

Nimoria gets another uncertain stare from Vandrik. Then, his eyes narrow and he shakes his head. "All cures have their price," he whispers hoarsely. "I'll not pay for that. I'll be fine," he repeats, this time turning to glare at Imma. "And I'll /not/ be tied to a bed, yet! I have survived the night. There is no reason I should not continue to live while I still have the-," he tries to argue, but then another fit of couching has him doubling over and sliding to kneel on the ground, leaning heavily against the wall.

Imma steps forwards only when Vandrik starts coughing and goes down to one knee. "I'm not tying you to any bed. If you do not take care of youself, then the poison from the bite will win. You heard the healer - you will be weak for a little while. That you shouldn't push yourself. Got to give your body time to heal." She might be a litte upset with him, but she does sound fairly concerned about his health. Snake bites are no laughing matter on the Isles! To Nimoria, she does nod her head, answering quietly the question put forth to her, though for now,s he sort of hovers over Vandrik, wanting to help him, but at the same time, not wanting to engage his ire.

Nimoria shakes her head, "That's it!" She looks at Vandrik, when back at Imma, "Don't move... I have hundreds of bottles, but I know the right one. If the Prince could go and help me out, we will be back in ten minutes or so with the antidote from poisons. I am not sure, who is that healer you trusted, lady Imma, but... we don't want your husband-to-be dead.." And she gracefully moves up to the balcony, and then turns to the left passage.

Jerrick comes back a few moments later with an apple in his hand, he goes to the steps sits down and watches the scene before him, clearly not concerned or bothered about the out come merely looking for entertainment that doesn't involve a naked Maid or beating up his brother. Jerrick rolls his eyes at Nimoria. "Get one of those little timid creatures that follow you around to help. I'm not servent." He scuffs at her.

"No more medicine!" Vandrik coughs, grimacing and wincing in pain. He thumps his chest a little, then pushes himself back upright. "I will get better," he says, defiantly, looking almost like his old self for a moment before the strain makes him wilt againt the wall again. "I will not lay down and die," he adds, far more quietly, mostly to himself, as he looks down at the floor but appears to be seeing something far away.

Jerrick says, "No you'll stand up and die instead."

"Thank you.." Imma says to Nimoria, though Jerrick's comments do earn a slight shake of her head. Turning back to Vandrik, she finally steps closer, to lend him a hand, hearing the quieter words spoken, only to turn and shoot Jerrick a glare, "Would you just be quiet?" She likely doesn't even realize she's spoken aloud. To a prince! To Vandrik, she adds, "You are not going to die. Unless you don't allow yourself to get the rest you need."

Nimoria just shrugs at the comment of the prince, and disappears. She,likely, does not hear Vandrik's grumbling or Imma's comments.

Vandrik looks to Jerrick at his words and sets his jaw defiantly. "If it comes to that," he acknowledges, straightening up once again. Then, he sees the couches in the entry way. Steeling himself, he pushes himself off from the wall and takes several dignified, defiant steps towards a better place for him to sit. He gets more than halfway there before his steps falter. Then, he misses a step and falls, crashing to the ground and stirring up another coughing fit.

When Vandrik pushes away from the wall to walk towards one of the couches, Imma starts out after him, though she's not quite quick enough to catch him before he falls. "Vandrik!" The soft gasp, the sound of true worry, is all quite real and honest. Crouching at his side as he goes into a coughing spill, she pats his back lightly, trying to help him, whispering soft words of comfort to him.

Jerrick munches down on his apple eyes Imma as he does so. "If you die man, I promise to look after your Lady here." He says, his eyes traveling Imma's form. "She's not bad looking, but her tongue is too sharp." Like most of the women of his isle, Jerrick as one can guess is not in a great mood today. His own tongue is sharper then usual and his mood one of the foolest he's had in a while. With a sigh, Jerrick places his apple to one side and goes to help the man. "I take it back, your woman should control you. Your not doing yourself any favor by dieing before you marry, what of your new family. Gone before its even began."

Nimoria comes back sooner, than she expected, "It looks like, I placed it on the table near the window. In a good place! The Patrons keeps you safe, young lord!" She says, grinning a bit.

The young woman glides closer to the pair, shaking a small red bottle in her hand. "I need himto open his mouth and stick the tongue out!" She starts opening the bottle slowly.

Vandrik lets Imma comfort him for a moment, too weak to resist. He likewise has not the strength to refuse the prince helping him up. However, when Nimoria returns with her 'medicine,' Vandrik resists. Clenching his jaw shut and shaking his head, he'll push away from Nimoria with what little strength he's got. "I will not! I refuse," he demands.

Imma thanks the prince when he comes to help - she wouldn't be able to get Vandrik up on her own. Getting him settled, she stands aside when Nimoria returns with the vial in hand. Yet, with the knight's reaction, she moves to take the vial from Nimoria, "Please?" Once the vial is handed over, and instructions given on how it needs to be administered, the young lady steps up before Vandrik, reaching out to brush a hand into his hair, "Sir Vandrik Yldon." Calm is she as she speaks his name, hoping to get his attention, "This medicine will help. I promise you it's safe. Please consider taking it so you can get better quicker?" Then leaning in, she whispers something to him, quietly, her gaze upon his.

Jerrick goes to grab the prince, tired of him trying to keep face. "Listen to her man, its either this or dying." He moves to take hold of his jaw, motioning for Imma to help him. Hopefully between them, they can get his mouth open.

Nimoria gives the medicine to Imma,just warning, "Just three drops. Three may heal,but four may kill. And try to make sure, that these drops would get straight deep into his mouth, that man wouldn't be able to spit themout..."

So,if Vandrik will agree to take these medice, he will be sorry for that. The man have never tastes anything more bitter than these three drops. Plus, they will really burn his tongue.

The medicine will start working after 5 or ten minutes,bringing a huge heat. The man may feel as if he is burning from inside. He will sweat a lot,he will burn and he might think, taht he will die, but after an hour or so, he will get cold. Really cold. Too cold as if he would be burried in the ice cube. Then after some time the same heat would come... And these radical changes of temperature will tortue the man whole day and night. Possible to go crazy, but the morning should bring peace. Possible to fall asleep and around midnight of tomorrow - he will be good. The nightmare will be over and the man will be healthy.

Vandrik's eyes go wild when the Prince moves in to grab his jaw. He looks absolutely dead set to keep his jaw clenched shut, no matter what! Then Imma moves in. Gently. And Vandrik softens a little, looking at her. He stares at her, the anger and defiance fading into more fear and anxiety than anything else. Though he still has his jaw clenched shut, he just shakes his head once more and whispers, "Please no."

Rising from the quiet words she offers to Vandrik, Imma growls a little when the prince moves forwards to attempt and grab the knight's head to hold him down, "Don't you /dare/ touch him. Just give him a moment!" Should the prince dare to touch, she'll go so far as to slap his hand! Oddly, she stands, protective of the knight before her own prince. Crouching then as she once more meets Vandrik's gaze, she whispers again to the knight, her hand touching his cheek then.

Jerrick sighs softly and steps away throwing up his hands. "Fine die." He says and then goes to sit back down on his step, his forgotten apple picked up once again.

Vandrik's gaze turns to one of bewilderment as Imma whispers to him again. He blinks at the woman in disbelief for several seconds, his eyes scanning her face, her eyes, the medicine .... Whatever she said to him has completely changed his demeanor. If not for how sickly pale he was and the fact that his hair is matted to his head in sweat, it would even be hard to tell there was anything wrong with him at all. After almost an eternity, Vandrik closes his eyes and sighs very deeply, nodding once. He then does as was requested, opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue to await the medicine.

Imma, when looked upon, seems very serious. Whatever words she gave to Vandrik, was honest and true. And so she waits for him to make his decision as she stands before him while he sits on one of the sofas there in the entrance wrapped in a blanket. When he finally sticks out his tongue, she lets go a breath, and opens the red vial in her hand to put three drops at the back of his tongue. No more than that, as directed by Nimoria. "Thank you." HEr hand is shaking then as she closes the vial back up, "Do you wish to return to your room?" She questions Vandrik then, her attention given to the sick knight from Two Rivers.

Nimoria takes the bottle, fixing her gaze on Vandrik now, curiously. As if she knows exactly, what should follow and it amuses her.

Jerrick watches the scene unfold and just assumes sexual favours where just exchanged.

And as Nimoria said he would, Vandrik immediately regrets his decision to take the medicine. He immediately grabs his throat and coughs, his face a mask of pain and disbelief. When coughing doesn't make the pain and bitterness go away, he looks at Imma with such a look of hurt and betrayal that it would rival the face Luke made when he discovered Vader was his father. "Lied!" he manages to accuse, crawling back off the sofa, falling over again and curling up into a fetal position.

"No. It has to get worse before it gets better." Imma answers hm as she leans in to try and catch him before he falls once again. "Can someone help me get him to his room?" She'll call for servants, knowing the little page that's kept near since the night before would try and help. And get squished.

Jerrick shakes his head then speaks up. "Imma, we'll find your another knight. I that isn't such a." He says something themely nasty, He's acting more like Zephan then Jerrick right now, perhaps the two have traded places.

A loud knock comes from the doors to the courtyard before they are opened by a pair of Guardians of Onimoria, leading a man in a brown robe, wearing a heavy cloak to keep out the rain. The man stands there, letting him drip dry as one of the Guardians move to approach Nimoria, giving her a bow in greeting. "Royal Mother... the..." the Guardian glances at Carther apprehensively for a moment before looking back to Nimoria. "The High Priest of the Cult of Asmenachia has come to speak with the Royal Oni."

The Royal Mother Nimoria quickly glances at the door,forgetting about her patient. She studies the man near the door, when Guardian speaks to her, "Oooh... He finally came..." She drawls a bit irritated, "Please, lead him to the chamber of the Queen's Council," she orders for the guardian, before turning to the lady Imma, "Good luck for tonight," she says and then moves to the balcony, disappearing there,before giving just one and brief bow of her head for the Prince Jerrick.

Vandrik would do his best to get away from Imma, but unfortunately, he's in no shape to resist at the moment. He just shoots Imma another pained, betrayed look that shows he doesn't believe her in even the slightest. Then, with a servant under each arm, he's lifted from the floor and half-carried, half-dragged back towards his room, his face already breaking out into a heavy sweat as the medicine begins to take effect.

At Jerrick's suggestion of finding her another knight, Imma speaks aloud with a shake of her head, "No. I will have no other but he, I swear to Onimoria." Strongly are the words spoken,here before all, before she turns and tries to help him to his feet with the help of servants. Even at the pained look given to her by Vandrik, she stands fast following them out and to his room again, though with the arrival of Carther, she does glance to the man before hurrying out after Vandrik and the tohers.

Jerrick eyes turns towards the strange man coming to speak with Nimoria, her nod towards him isn't seen instead he follows this other priests with an untrusting gaze.

The Guardian bows to Nimoria before he heads to lead the man and the other Guardian towards the Council Chambers, although likely drying off before they enter to keep the place. Carther himself is playing tourist slightly, but he moves along in step with the guardians well.

Log fades.