675-08-16 - Ships and Trained Armsmen

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Ships and Trained Armsmen
Summary: ...Are the topic when Prince Nathan and Admiral Jaquetta Onimus discuss what he needs for his expedition.
Who: Eleora Machuri, Nathan Onimus and Jaquetta Onimus, as played by Rivers.
References: None
When: August 16th, 675
Related Logs: The log of the council meeting
Date of RP: 16/08/2014
Where: Queen's Council - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown, The Isles
Room Desc: Two guards stand at the entrance at all times, their uniforms of red and gold standing out against the white of the room itself, The door is heavy and thick, carved with the images of dove across it's surface. The room itself is formed of the odd white stone, while floors are white marble. There are a few vases found within, often filled with flowers to offer a little freshness to the otherwise windowless room. Shelving makes up one wall, small cubbies formed to hold various rolled scrolls and parchments, both bare and waiting to be written on, and others already holding various missives. In another area, various small pieces similar to that which mght be used for chess, can be found, grouped together and carved from different colors of marble. A huge table stands in the middle of the room, chairs pushed in around it for the council to sit at during meetings. The large map of Felaguria currently hangs upon the wall, and yet could easily be taken down to cover the table to be used with the pieces during strategy meetings. One chair at the end of the table is obviously larger, a throne meant for the Queen. Two other chairs are located in the corner of the room, for the servants that might attend the Queen and room when in use.

The Royal High Oni Eleora Machuri sent a note for the Prince Nathan, asking him to come to the Queen's Council one more time. Though, this time the room has just two members. One of them is the Admiral Jaquetta Onimus, and the other Royal Mother herself. She looks quite cheerful. A wide smile is dancing on her lips, "Admiral, we decided to allow our prince to feed his curiosity and travel into the Unknown World. He wants to go east, map it out and maybe even take over some lands. Well, prince Nathan has quite a huge ambitious. Though, he was not trained a lot for sailing. That is why I wanted to arrange the meeting of you two. He is in the need of your guidance, plus... Just you can give him some ships and a crew!" the woman explains, glancing at the door,waiting for the Prince to show up.

You know, last time Nathan was here..the Council had been against it..or even inferring he should invade civilized lands in other directions, to say he was in no hurry to deal with the council is accurate. Still, he arrives, girded in armor and with his blade, at least he -looks- proper for this, if not ..a bit weary of the room.

Jaquetta Onimus looks slightly annoyed, for whatever reasons. She will nod of course to the remark of the Royal High Oni and let out a sigh. She is a woman of already ripe and rather rough sort of beauty, her hair is pulled back in a pony tail, and there is indeed a bit of restlessness about her. Be it through the continued glances towards the door, or the light tapping of her fingers against the wood of the table. "I am to serve as a nurse for the Prince?", she jests gruffly, not really expecting a reply from Eleora before she shrugs. "But who am I to object as it already has been decided...?" She wears the offical garb of the admiral, a fact that maybe annoys her even more. When Nathan enters, she will rise and greet him with a bow. "Your highness." The tone neutral, at most. But polite.

"It was decided, yes... You should come to the council meetings more often. Then you could have a chance to vote too!" Says Eleora before the Prince enters. When he comes, the woman stands up and offers a polite nod, "Your Highness... I invited you here to meet with our Admiral and discuss your further plans about the journey to the Unknown. Your plans were approved by the COuncil. Congradulations. Your mother wishes you well and can't wait to see your results. However, you never was taught anything about how to control ships. So, we decided, that Jaquetta Onimus will help you out here, choosing ships and crew. After all, she controls all the ships. Also, she may offer you some more guidance."

Then the woman glances at Admiral, "The Prince should leave as soon as he wishes and can be prepared. I will leave you two to discuss everything now, because I do not understand all these water things," the woman laughs, offers polite bows and will leave,if nobody has anything to add.

Nathan inclines his head to Jaquetta, if he heard any thing about needing to baby sit him, he doesn't say. "Admiral." He says with an incline of his head and then glances at the at Eleora. "Most wonderful, I can have what materials I shall need to be brought to the Admiral in haste. I believe she will find it..not so troubling." He says, watching the Admiral to see if she believes other wise.

"I am sorry, I had some important matters to attend to!", Jaquetta will reply to Eleora with only a hint of an annoyed tone before she offers a bow to the departing Royal High Oni as well, and a low grumble can be heard from her when the door falls shut and leaves her with the Prince. "To the east then?", she inquires as she resumes her seat. "And what materials are you referring to here, my prince? Maps? Provisions? Weapons?" The questions are tossed at Nathan with a slight grumpy tone he may know very well from his aunt.

Nathan will take a seat after the High Oni leaves, shifting his sword so he can sit more comfortably as he does. "I will require several armed merchant vessels to carry supplies and be able to see off any pirates that may chance upon us, along with a large warship to serve as our Flagship. The merchant vessels will be loaded with supplies for the voyage, in this way, even if one is lost, we will still have provisions for the rest of the trip. I have given the notion we will carry three months of victuals in case things are not as easy as I estimated. I will also require the crew, cartographers, but I will have trained armsmen available in some amount of my own choosing to compliment your sailors." He says, rapid fire at Aunt Cranky.

The reply seems to come in more detail than Jaquetta would have expected from her nephew. And so he will receive a rather benign grunt from her in response. "The merchant vessels will be smaller and swifter to maneuvre, that's the reason for you picking them? As for the flagship... I already have one in mind. Armed to the teeth, aye, with ballistas and catapults." An intrigued sparkle dances in those gruff looking eyes when she speaks of her ships. "As for trained armsmen you mention. About how many are we talking here? The Unknown Lands, Prince Nathan..." She shrugs as if that would be explanation enough. "...they might prove a challenge, for obvious reasons." A chuckle there at her own rather rare jest. "So... three merchant vessels, caravels I'd say. Plus the flag ship. That looks like a rather modest expedition, doesn't it? Or did you have more in mind?"

Nathan rolls his shoulders just a bit at her question. "The Merchant ships will not run at full sail, unless the order is given, we are to move in a Flotilla to ensure safety, and access to supplies..as for my Armed Men..my Personal Guard shall accompany me." His Personal Guard which skulk in shadow, and slit throats when needed. Trust issues? Noooooooope. "I am not intending to invade those lands yet, we are to map the coast and recce it, so we may return with a proper force to colonize it." He says by way of explaining the small force.

"Your Personal Guard?", Jaquetta echoes, both of her brows jumping upwards. "Forgive me, my prince, but you speak of them as if they were an army. While they are... how many? Twelve?" May there be a bit of sarcasm in her tone? Maybe just old habits of an aunt when dealing with the youngest pampered nephew. "I'd suggest taking some soldiers with us as well - in addition - to you guard. That way we can meet dangers in the East more effectively." As for the rest of his words, she accepts them with a nod of her head.

Nathan looks amused by her words about their number. "More then twelve Admiral, more then twelve. One does not become Prince Protector and not have the ability to fight back against those who might storm a castle in the night. I thought your sailors would be able to fight if needed..they are after all, soldiers in the Queen's Navy..correct?"

"True," Jaquetta replies with a low grumble. "But they need to sail a ship too. That is their primary task. I hate to lose my sailors, when other means of defenses can be persued." The Admiral is respected in the navy, almost like a caring mother would. "So. How many? Numbers. Facts. I'm getting tired about beating around the bush here, nephew." See, title already droppped, when she is putting him in place.

Nathan will not be to upset he's being called Nephew. "You are the Admiral, I thought you'd know how many men would be needed. I intend to spread my Personal Guard amoungst the ships to ensure loyalty. I am unaware of which of your marines are most trustable."

"All of them," will be the brief reply of Jaquetta. "I only pick trustworthy men. So... I'd suggest to acquire a sufficient number of additional soldiers. And I am sure, there is /no need/ to ensure the loyalty of my men! They are loyal both to me and the Crown." She frowns a little when no exact number is given, but then she shrugs. "You will of course be on the flag ship? And all of this expedition is to be prepared to leave as soon as possible?"

Nathan grunts a bit at her words. "It is more the fear of the unknown, or pirates that make me think some of the merchant ships will try to flee with supplies needed for us to survive..but yes. We will depart as soon as we may."

"Fine." Jaquetta says, leaning back in her chair. "I'll see to it to have those ships prepared in two days from now." A trifle as the gesture of her hand suggests. "And you better bring those ships back to me in one piece. I will pick the most capable men to command those ships. You will of course be in charge, but I can only /recommend/ you to accept their counsel." The way she stresses the word does indeed sound menacing. "If you /do/ return you will indeed have earned my respect.", she adds next with a chuckle as she gets to her feet. "Your highness. I will issue the orders needed immediately. If that will be all?"

Nathan will rise when his Aunt does and incline his head to her. "I will return Admiral, I hardly wish to falter and some how earn more sessions of tutoring by my aunt." He says, poking fun at her. Mother Hen of the Navy.

"Certainly not," Jaquetta smirks back. "I assure you, these sessions of tutoring may not be as pleasant as any of your other lessons have been. So better not give me reason to administer them to you, right?" A bow is offered, before she disappears through the door, visibly relieved the meeting is over ans she can return to her ships.