675-08-01 - The Prince and the Queen

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The Prince and the Queen
Summary: Prince Nathan visits his mother.
Who: Nathan Onimus, Abegayle Onimus
References: re:Madalyn Onimus, re:Adara Zorich
When: 675-08-01
Related Logs: Some
Date of RP: 2014-08-01
Where: Private chambers of the Queen Abegayle Onimus.
Room Desc: The most beautiful room you have ever seen.

A long passage is found extending from the balcony. Large wooden doors open to one side, while the other contains further windows that overlook the gardens of the Castle of the White Dove. The interior is similar as in a whole castle: walls of strange white stones, bloody red curtains with some golden threads, a few paintings on the walls, furs on the marble floors. The doors are carved with the patterns of flowers, while candles sit upon the sills of the windows.

Near one of the hugest wooden doors two guards are standing. They both are not moving, just their cloaks are slightly swaying from the breeze, which comes inside through the opened window.

They are guarding the doors of the Queen Abegayle Onimus. As if to make sure, that nobody will be allowed inside, the men are keeping their spears crossed in front of the doors.

Nathan is hardly concerned with guards, he's a Prince, of course mother will want to see him! Besides, the lacquered case he has in hand contains ginger soaked and set in honey, surely it will help her feel better? "Step aside, I wish to speak to the Queen, my mother." He says as he approaches, not really expecting to be challenged.

Both guards glances at each other a little bit confused. The men bow their head.

"Your Highness..." drawls one of the man, "The Royal High Oni Nimoria didn't warn you, that the Queen is... too weak to meet with anyone? Nobody is allowed inside..."

Another guard swallows a gulp of fright, "Even her children, your Highness. Orders came from the Royal Mother herself..." The man peeks at the ginger.

Nathan's eyes flash from their normal stoic nature into what may be announce. "Yes, and Lady Adara told me it would be beneficial if I visited her. Now, it will be upon my own head if she is upset. Step aside, before I have you in irons for disobedience." Or he just punches one in the sternum.

The guards look at each other. The one, who is clearly just newly pointed to such an honorable position and still is quite uncomfortable or even timorous, withdraws his spear.

It takes a bit more time for the other guard to obey. Though, the older one not just removes his spear, but also turns to open heavy enormous doors. They jar quietly and the young prince can enter.

He spent many hours in this room, especially in his childhood. It's quite a huge and bright place, filled with the rays of sun. One wall is decorated with the portrait of Nathan's father. The huge bed is standing beside the opposide wall. Even more pale than usually Queen is laying there covered with hundreds of sheets and comfortable pillows. It would be quite hard to notice her there, if not these long as black as coal hair.

The Queen's breath is slow and quite heavy. There is a compress on her forehead. Hearing the jar of the door, Abegayle whispers, "Nimoria, is that you?" She has no energy to raise her head and look Nathan's direction.

Nathan will enter, presuming the guards know enough to shut the doors behind him as he moves to approach his mother. "No mother, it is Nathan. I thought I would visit my mother and see if I could not help her." He says, striding forward with confidence..if Mother wanted to kill him, he suspects she'd never let him this close! "I brought you candied ginger to help alleviate some of your sickness." He says to her, waiting near to see if he is invited further in.

"Nathan?.." the Queen's voice is quiet and a bit hoarse. She inhales slowly, before continueing, "What are you do-," Abegayle starts caughing, what makes her raise slightly. The woman takes handkerchief and covers her lips with it. It takes a few moments, but then the Queen lays down.

She inhales once again, "Thank you for the ginger, please, leave it here..." There is a small table beside her bed.

The old woman sighs and closes her eyes. Just eyebrows are frowned a bit in pain. Her breath is very slow and heavy as if a stone would be pressing her chest.

Nathan moves forward smartly to place the small chest on the table and open it before move to gently squeeze his mother's hand. "Mother, what can I do to help you? I can can call for a healer if you need it.." he murmurs.

The hand of a woman is very cold, while her cheeks look as if would be burning. She turns her gloomy gaze to the boy and tries to smile, "The Fourth are the best healers. You can't find anyone better. Don't worry. I will be alright. The only true Patrons Onimoria, Lotingus and Marguaritte are with me. Nothing happens without a reason. They always have one..."

To say all this may take more than ten minutes for the Queen, because she would be interrupted by caughing, by the need of some air and the pain.

She withdraws her hand slowly from son's grasp and fixes some of the pillows around herself, "The best medicine for me is to know, that my children will do anything for our people and our kingdom's glory. You know that. I hope... Madalyn is dealing well with her new duties?"

Nathan will move to gently adjust the sheets, he doesn't think her being buried under them is helping her get air. "Mother, I'm sure with the myriad others around her in charge of various things, she can't truly cause harm." He murmurs and sits besides his mother on the bed. "I've heard you are yet with child though Mother."

The woman's expression changes, when her son speaks about the child. She takes all these sheets, and moves them up to cover herself even more, curling under them, "It is so cold in here..." She explains, "Tell me, is a window opened in the passage? Could you close it, when you will leave? I am sure, that I feel a small breeze, Nathan."

She also glances at the empty cup on her table, "Herbal tea. The Royal Mother Nimoria made it. I just drunk it..." She starts blinking slowly and sleepily, "It's very tasty, but it makes me drowsy," the Queen closes her eyes now, "Thank you for the ginger son, and for visiting me..."

The woman grows quiet. She looks as if suddenly she fell asleep.

Nathan will move to gently kiss his mother's forehead when she seems to drift off again. "Funny mother, you are embarassed for your son to know you are with child." But then he'll depart, and indeed, check if a window is open. If she is with child, his mother is very ill, and this is concerning.