675-06-20 - Gifts and a Favor

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Gifts and a Favor
Summary: Azzam buys Sherzad jewelry and an expensive scarf, and asks for a special favor in return.
Who: Sherzad Al'Hakim, Azzam Athir Alzahabi, Inaya Sefu and Qamara Sefu (played by Rivers)
References: re:Arif Sefu
When: June 20th, 675
Related Logs: None.
Date of RP: 20-24/06/2014
Where: Inner Courtyard - Selafuh Palace, Lands of Sefu, Golden Lion
Room Desc: Walls painted in a white colour surround the Inner Courtyard of the palace. A fountain is in the center of four palms that offer a little shelter from the sun. Ahead are the double doors leading to the feasting hall, while to the left and right stairs lead to the private quarters of the residents and current guests. Also a delightful garden can be accessed from here.

The twittering of tiny birds fills the inner courtyard of Selafuh Palace on this late morning. A sound that makes the gazes of a small group of women shift upwards as they emerge from the Feasting Hall. All of them astounding in the colourful attires they are wearing. The two who stroll at the front are clad in red and gold, their olive skin a nice contrast to the whites of teeth that show as they giggle, another slightly younger looking woman follows in their wake, she wears no gold but red, and a scarf that additionally has been embroidered with tiny dark blue butterflies.

Azzam had just been visiting and talking to Arif, always a delight to see his old friend and always good to visit the palace on his way through. He has recently been asked to stay a few days and like always he has no problems in doing so. So he is strolling along in very nice and expensive looking attire. From head to toe he is covered, that except for his face, which has a fashionable beard to it. This man is always smiling, always talking politely and some would know him as Azzam, one of Arif's closest of friends. It is at this time he is walking along, enjoying his stroll that he see's the ladies walking on by. He bows low if they happen to see him, since they are noble to his common blood. Though he does look in their wake, smiling and observing for the moment.

"Come along, Sherzad!", one of the Sefu ladies calls to the youngest of them who still stares upwards her big brown eyes follow the flock of birds that drifts over the clear blue sky. "Stop dreaming, here! We need you... off to the bazaar, little one!" The lady in question lowers her gaze at once, an apologetic chuckle leaving her lips as her hand moves to cover his mouth. "Begum Qamara, I am sorry. But aren't they lovely? How elegantly they glide across the sky..." And there Sherzad's gaze brushes the man strolling about in the courtyard, and her eyes linger on him for a moment. She may have seen him already now and then, and knows he is one of those close with the Sefu heir.

As he watches them go on by Azzam looks to the one they call Sherzad, young, sweet and she see's all in wonder. As she looks over to him, he gives that look, one that foretells that he may come and look about by accident for a certain someone. Still as he bows to her and only her as she looks to him, he gives her a pleasant smile. So for some odd reason he is heading to the bazaar as well, why not tag along and if they require escort. So up he comes along to them. " Excuse me, I could not help but over hear, your heading towards the bazaar. It is where I was heading to myself and if you would not mind company, it would please me well if I could accompany you all." his voice is smooth, respectful and there is that slight alluring sound to him.

The look Azzam gives her will have Sherzad's cheeks colour a little as she lowers her gaze, as if she had been caught doing something improper. But then the other Sefu lady, Inaya, addresses her and her attention is briefly distracted from the man. How surprised she is to find him suddenly approaching them and even addressing them. Yet as she is only a retainer she will leave the talking to the Sefus.

"The bazaar," Inaya confirms firmly, studying Azzam for a moment, assessing him in a way before her head turns to her sister. "One of the men of Arif's retinue, but I forgot the name. So... what is your name, if I may ask...?" Her gaze returns to Azzam, as she offers him a faint and slightly haughty smile.

Sherzad smiles though, despite keeping her gaze downcast, maybe she finds the voice of the man quite pleasing, then looking up to gauge Inaya's opinion of the man, her brown eyes flickering in surprise and astonishment to find dislike within the other woman's tone and mien. Then she dares to look at Azzam, offering him a charming smile, as her fingers hold onto the red scarf with butterflies wound about her.

Azzam smiles and bows his head once again towards Inaya. " My apologies Begum Inaya, my name is Azzam Athir Alzahabi. I am a business associate to your cousin Nawaab Arif Sefu and have been asked by him to stay for a few days as his guest." There is a pause and he bows his head once again, not as low as before. " If you care not for a escort, then I will leave you be, perhaps some other time?" For been one of Arif's friends, he has to know a bit about his family at least.

"We can hardly keep Master Azzam from visiting the bazaar, when we are going there as well?", Sherzad suggests with a pleasant smile. "Begum Inaya and Begum Qamara, I would perhaps enjoy a bit of news he may have to share...?" Her tone is pleasant, the glance she shoots Azzam conveying innocent curiosity. "I am Sherzad Al'Hakim. Pleased to meet you, Azzam." After all there will be some guards that will accompany them as well, so there can't be any real objections.

"I have changed my mind," Begum Inaya remarks with a frown. "I'd rather retreat to the gardens for a moment, to enjoy a bit of tranquility." An opinion in which she is soon joined by her sister. "But...", Sherzad protests, "I wanted to buy some fabric for a new dress, and some ribbons...?" Regret and disappointment now clearly showing in her comely features. "Oh, you can go, with two guards, Sherzad," Qamara smiles with a light shrug. "Be careful with that one, though. He is a friend of Nawaab Arif, so be on your guard!" And there the two Sefu ladies move off towards the delightful gardens, leaving Sherzad and Azzam behind.

"Um," Sherzad begins, a shy smile flickering over her face. "That means I will accompany you, Master Azzam." A light blush blooming on her cheeks as her eyes sparkle, as if this were some kind of adventure.

Azzam does not look offended, does even notice the slight against his person, he knows how these nobles are, specially Arif's cousins. There is a bow to them, though what is surprising is the young Sherzad, who insists on going to the bazaar. He gives her a pleasant smile and bows deeply to her. " My many thanks Sherzad Al'Hakim, it would have been a unpleasant walk if it were not for you." The warning given by the one sister he smiles to and then looks back to Sherzad. " I am a friend of Nawaab Arif, we have known each other many years now." then he starts to walk and as they walk along he leans in and whispers. " I am not sure why but I prefer it be just you, your way more beautiful than the others." then straightens up and keeps on walking. " So, can you tell me a bit about yourself Sherzad Al'Hakim?"

A shy smile comes at his flattery, and Sherzad turns to curtsey to the departing Sefu ladies. "I need to go, as I said. I'd be delighted not to go there alone," she remarks, giving him a glance of her big brown eyes. "Begum Sherzad will do," she says to his complicated way of address. "My father is the Nawaab of Ghaznawa." The mention of Arif brings a cautious flicker to her gaze. "I have so far not come across him too often," she admits. Then blushing at his compliment on her beauty. "Oh, you think so?" Looking quite pleased as she moves towards the gates to leave the palace with Azzam, two guards following behind her.

Azzam follows her along and the bazaar is full of people, some yelling their wares and some yelling to yell but overall everyone is doing something. Moving along he can't help smile at the wares, jewelry and then he comes to fine looking earrings, they are very expensive but they do look pretty and look crafted very well.. " These are for you, I know they do not match your beauty but it's the closest I can find." as he now looks around. "How long you in the city if I may ask, I have been invited to stay for a few days and I had wondered what I would do and now, I know." he smiles, his eyes look to hers and he looks like he is looking deep into her soul. His voice still smooth and polite but there is that slight hint of sensuality, seductiveness.

Sherzad's brown eyes drift over the various stands and wares as well, her lips curve into a delighted smile, although her attention seems to be attracted to a stand with shawls and colorful scarfs of expensive fabrics. At Azzam's offer her head will turn immediately, her cheeks turning rosy when she sees those earrings. Hesitating for a moment, as she glances towards her guards, before she grabs them right from Azzam's hand to try them on. "Oh they are marvelous," she beams, casting him a glance. "How do they look on me?" The scarf over her head slips a little, showing some of her black hair below, which is orderly arranged onto a braid.

"I have been here for a few years," she explains next, to Azzam's question. I came here with my sister, Nuur. She has married recently, so I am left here, attending to the Begums of House Sefu. They are very kind, and very strict." There she lets out a delighted chuckle. Her head turns once again and she shoots Azzam a surprised glance, her brown eyes wide now with wonder. "You know what you'll do these next days? What may that be?"

Azzam smiles and nods at her question. "They look amazing, amazingly enough that perhaps I would get a portrait done of your likeness." He does notice she was looking at the shawls and colorful scarfs and he walks on over and looks at them slowly. " Which would you prefer, pick one and I will get it for you if you like." He seems not to mind and he looks like he can afford it, at least he dresses well, with his white outfit and same color headdress. Then at her remark about how long she has been here he nods. " I see, well I do hope they are not as cruel as I hear but as long as you do not mind, I suppose it's alright." already looking to see if she is treated right by the sounds of things. " Oh I mean if you’re not doing anything much to important, I would like to see you at least once more for that time I am spending here. Though of course only if you like, I will not force you to do that." though of course he is waiting, anticipating and perhaps the look on his face is a hope of a yes.

Sherzad's lips part as she inhales, her brown eyes sparkling at the compliment which seems to render her speechless for a moment. "I am grateful for these, but I can hardly accept..." And there her voice trails off and her gaze follows Azzam as he walks over to where the shawls and scarfs are. "Wait,... This is already more than I could possibly accept, Azzam..." Said, as her steps take her where he is, before her gaze cannot help but shift to the colourful scarfs, lingering on one in particular, a deep azure with a pattern of yellow flowers embroidered upon it. Her fingers already moving to touch the silken fabric, before she pulls back her hand, and her attention returns to Azzam.

A shy giggle escapes Sherzad when he expresses his wish to see her one more time during his stay, and she lowers her gaze. "I do not know what should keep me from seeing you again, Master Azzam. I am at the Palace, and when I am not with Begum Inaya or Qamara you may find me in the gardens." Her cheeks pinken just a touch as she looks up, with an innocent but somehow intrigued smile.

Azzam smiles and then notices which she had touched and then speaks to the man, coins exchanged and soon he is giving Sherzad the scarf she was looking at. " I do not have much to spend my coins on, may as well spend it on someone as beautiful as yourself. So do not worry, just promise to go for a few walks with me as long as I am within reach of your beautiful eyes." then she mentions the gardens and he nods slowly. " Perhaps I will visit the gardens and speak with you." then he motions for her to move along, slowly he guides her, though more like an escort and nothing more.

Sherzad's eyes widen when she sees Azzam is willing to buy the fine scarf for her. "I...am not sure, I can accept so many gifts, Azzam." A bit of uncertainty now showing in her mien. "I will give you the coin for it later. I fear my father would not want me to be dependent on your generosity. Even though it is such a kind gesture..." And there her face lightens up with more innocent gratitude. "And I promise I will show you how well this scarf suits me. It's perfect!" She smiles when she falls in beside him, acknowledging him leading her over the market, her guards remain close by though, exchanging slightly worried glances with each other. "A walk should be fine," Sherzad beams, "I very much enjoy any distraction from the dull everyday routine. So... you are Nawaab Arif's guest? He may wish to spend time with you as well, and I would not want to anger him, by keeping your attention from him. He is easily angered, I hear." Added a bit hesitantly after a moment, as her brown eyes drift to meet Azzam's gaze.

Azzam smiles and shakes his head. "I am pleased that you have it, need not worry and if you’re afraid, say it was a gift." obviously he is not going to accept coins from anyone else, unless it's a business transaction. Then at her delight he smiles and nods to her. " I am sure you will and I look forwards to such a meeting once again." then as they start along once again he smiles even more. " I see, well a beauty as yourself, should be only protected but made sure that nothing thinks on taking you away for no reason. There are dangers and I would take care of you if it came to that, would hate for you to be harmed in any way, to touch such a pretty face," Then at the mention of Arif he nods. " Yes, we have business but he only angers when he does not get his way, we get along fine and have for years. Plus he understands the need of having time for yourself and with others." then as they move further along he points to a drink stand. "Would you care for a refreshment?"

"Oh, I do too," Sherzad agrees, her brown eyes sparkling. "Look forward to seeing you again, that is. You are a kind man, Azzam. Your generosity humbles me and puts me in your debt," she chuckles softly as her cheeks bloom once again with a bit of colour. "Not that I would regret such a thing..." She casts Azzam a glance and she bites her lip, as she studies his face. "So... you mean to watch over my safety, Azzam?", she continues then, as she follows the man to the drink stand. "I have guards who do that, you know?" A nod is offered in reply to his question. "Oh yes I would, I am actually quite thirsty." Her fingers move to pull the scarf about her back in place, as it has slipped a little, revealing the light orange chemise she wears underneath.

Her guards keep up with them and position themselves somewhere in Sherzad's close vicinity.

Azzam smiles and then shakes his head slowly. " I am like most men in many ways and unique in another but I am sure we all would look forwards to spending a bit more time with you." then he waves the debt idea away. " No worries on a debt, this is nothing to my fortune. Though...by any chance do you dance?" as he gets the drinks for them, pays the vendor and does notice the chemise but once again he says nothing. "It has been a while since I have seen a proper dance, though I tend to watch, I have yet to find someone entertaining enough to keep my interest." then looking at her guards he smiles. " They are doing their job outside the castle, I too have guards but when I am entertaining others, they tend to watch from a distance, though close enough to still protect me." Though looking around, chances are they will not be seeing.

Sherzad beams at the question of dancing, and the bracelets she wears about her wrists jingle playfully. "I do indeed, Azzam...", she admits, and her lips curve into a shy smile. "But I would not display my abilities here on the market place. At the palace though..." And there her voice trails off, her brown eyes widening as she considers the reaction of Begum Inaya or Qamara if they should learn that Sherzad would give Azzam a demonstration. "Um..." she bites her lower lip again, as she accepts the offered drink and tilts her head to the side. "Mayhaps I could show you some of the dances one of these days..."

The guards do not look impressed by Azzam's comment, nor do they back away. They stay where they are, keeping an attentive eye on Sherzad as she sips from her beverage.

Azzam looks at Sherzad as she jingles her bracelet and Azzam smiles brightly. " Oh good, you do dance, that is exceptional and no, not here, would not be proper." then he looks back to the palace and then nods. Though at her next wordings he nods slowly. " Whenever you wish and allowed to do so, I will not push such a dance on you at all." then he looks to her guards and he bows his head slightly, showing them he knows they are there. Then looking back to Sherzad. " Do I need to ask permission of anyone for this dance or if I do, would I have to go through Arif to do so?" he speaks like he knows the man well in a ways.

"I sometimes entertain the Begum Inaya with a dance, yes," Sherzad admits with a soft chuckle. "But I've never performed before any other eyes than hers and that of her sisters." A bit of uncertainty flickers suddenly in her gaze. Especially after Arif's name is mentioned once again. "I...am not sure, really.", she remarks, as she lowers her gaze. "His cousins may have objections to such a request, if it comes from him."

Azzam nods slowly at her words, seeming to understand her then. " Ah I see, so your shy of showing your talent then." then thinks a bit more as she says Arif's cousins may object. "Ah yes, I know they do not like him but they may object but in the end, they will not deny him. I know him, he gets what he wants and no one stands in his way." he smiles then and whispers then. " So we do not upset anyone and so there is no trouble among anyone, perhaps you should not tell them and I will not mention it to Arif. It is up to you, I just want to watch you dance. It is all I ask." he says in a very polite and sensual spoken way, his eyes looking at hers, tilting his own head slightly, waiting.

Sherzad considers, biting her lower lip very gently. It takes a moment for her thoughts to get settled on that matter, and she inclines her head. "Maybe...", she murmurs, he gaze drifting briefly to her guards. "Maybe in the palace...The gardens...Some time on the early morning, Azzam." The suggestion incomplete in the way, still it will be all she will offer the man right now, as the clearing of throats of her guards reminds her about the late hour. "I thank you for... so many things really. Your gifts... the earrings, the scarf, the drink.... I am most grateful... alas, I have to return to the palace. Begum Inaya will already wait for me to return." An apologetic smile there as she inclines her head to Azzam. "It has been a pleasure." Said, before she shoots him another meaningful glance, then turns and walks off back towards the palace, with her guards in tow.

Azzam listens and waits patiently as she mentions when and where and he bows deeply to her. " I will see that I am around then at that place." Then he nods towards her, smiling. "The gifts do not compare to your beauty, nothing compares to you, remember that." then he watches her go away and then he smiles to himself. "I wish to be alone with her soon, make sure no one disturbs us when she dances." as he walks on to further head to the bazaar. Two distinct individuals seem to follow him now, keeping a close eye on him.