675-06-15 - Last Night at the Beach

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Last Night at the Beach
When: June 15th, 675
Date of RP: 15/06/2014
Where: The Isles

Two servants meet by chance in one of the hallways of the castle.

"Did you hear? Prince Nathan was at the beach last night, and guess who came along for a little chat?"

The other shrugs. "Dunno. But you'll tell me, won't you?"

"The madame of the Night's Dream. She came by with that strange guy with the rapier, her guard. Then she and the prince exchanged a few words..."

"Oh my, are you sure? Did they get friendly, or what?", the other inquires looking quite intrigued.

"Nah," the first replies shaking his head. "They just talked. Even though the prince invited her into his tent, she declined. I mean... he's a prince. And she... well... She's someone I wish I could afford!" And there he chuckles.

Joining into the laughter, the other shrugs. "So what's the big deal then? What did she want?"

"Offer her congratulations to his betrothal I think," the first one muses. "At least she said something of that kind."

"And then?"

"Then she left. And that guard with her."


"Dunno. It was past midnight. Strange time of day for a walk at the beach if you ask me...?"