675-06-06 - Abi and the Questioning

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Abi and the Questioning
Summary: Moshe asks Abi some more questions.
Who: Moshe Machuri and Abi played by Teddybear
References: re:Priestess Leshara
When: June 6th, 675
Related Logs: Recent protrait theft logs
Date of RP: 06/06/2014
Where: A room - Castle of the White Dove, isle of the Crown
Room Desc: In the scene set.

The room that Abi is staying it is a small room, no windows but she is fed and given water as needed. There is a nice bed, a place to hang clothes and a small table to sit at with two chairs available. The door is the common door of the castle and right outside the door is at least one guard.

Soon there is a knock at the door, no one is entering at the moment and then the knock again is repeated.

The young girl is just sitting on the chair. She does not look too much afraid. She does not look tired or displeased with her position. After all, she is innocent. She doesn't have to be afraid.

When someone knocks to the door, Abi stands up and dusts her skirts, turning to the doors. She lowers herself into a proper curtsy, as if knowing who is coming. The common girl lowers her head too and mutters, "Come in, ser. I am dressed."

The door opens to reveal Moshe and like as of late wearing his armor. So he enters and nods to Abi and then proceeds to close the door, though the guard outside stays there but like before, listening just encase.

"Hello Abi, how have you been treated, I do hope well, specially with all you have gone through." then he motions for him to take a seat and her to follow on to the other. " May I ask more questions ?"

"Thank you very much, my lord. I was treated very well. Almost like a lady. I am so not used to it!" The girl giggles and obediently follows Moshe's gesture. She takes a seat on the chair and politely clasps her hands on her lap. Pale, but a bit dirty fingers are tapping each other.

Abi is commoner. You can't expect her to be very clean. Moreover, her clothes look old they are a bit tattered at some places. However, she still remains petite little pretty thing. "Ser Moshe Machuri, I am here to help you in any way I can. So, ask me and I will answer."

Moshe nods and as she settles in and seems to be ready, that is when he speaks. " So Abi, why did you steal the drawing and why did you get help from the man that is dead now?" he speaks calmly right, though looking ot her reaction. Though he does not stop there, he seems to press on. " Now, tell me the truth, is your lover , Lord Avraham Grunhaid a member of the cult?"

The girl just smiles warmly at Moshe. She is very calm, her breath stays calm too. As the person's, who is sure, that he is innocent, "Ser, your questions makes me believe, that you spoke with the priestess. Remember, the first time you and I met, I told you, that the priestess of Asmenachia promised to burn the lord and me down alive, because she is very jealous woman? So, be careful, my lord. She soon may try to convince you to join her faith. When I was in the convent of Onimoria, healing my soul from that priestess' poisons, one of the priestess of Onimoria told me, that we can't trust words of that priestess of Asmenachia." The girl smoothes her skirts and continue, "However, let me answer to your questions. Each at a time. As I told you already, I didn't steal the portrait. I have never been in the territory of the castle. Why would I need to steal the holy drawing of Onimoria herself? When my life will end up, I want to get into the Gardens of Marguerite. I do not want to come back. So, I try to keep myself from sins. So, I was not able to get help from the man, who is dead. I didn't take the drawing." She leans her head to the side, "Lord Avraham Grunhaid likes ale. He drinks it too much. He loves women. He fucks them and makes them scream in pleasure. It is his sins. But he is not the member of the cult. Though, the priestess was trying to recruit him. However, Lord will be able to give you more details on this."

Moshe nods slowly as she continues to tell him tales or her version. His eyes follow her features as she speaks and as she continues on and on about what the Priestess would say. After all is said and done, he nods to her and he keeps calm and relaxed actually. " When was the last time you spoke to the priestess? Or at least seen the Priestess.?" He does continue to look at her, his face not even showing any true alteration other than to look neutral at the moment.

"Ooh..." drawls the young girl, frowning slightly. Nothing too much strange. She is just honestly trying to remember the last time she saw the priestess, "I am really afraid to be wrong on this, my lord. However, I believe it was a month ago or so. The last time I saw her, she was screaming at the lord Grunhaid. She said something similar to... She said, that he chose the wrong woman and wrong way. She said, he will be sorry for that. I heard them, because I was coming from the convent to meet with the lord."

The young girl's cheek blush brightly, when the man asks about the place of her activities. "Yes, the priestess followed us once. So, she learned about our secret journeys to the Lighthouse. Lord Grunhaid always took a small boat and he always brought me to that little isle of the lighthouse. It is usually empty at nights and we were able to do... You know, activities..." The girl bites her lip and shyly lowers her gaze. However, the way she exhales the air, betrays her love and passion for that lord. It tells about that honest crush of the young girl. "So, the priestess found him on the beach near our little boat." However, question about the dress brings confusion to Abi's features. Abi clearly has no idea, what the dress has to do with the murder and thievery, "My lord, I know ,that priestess has a black dress. She was used to wear it during some feasts of the cult. However, black dresses are quite common between some other women too. Of course, between these, who have more money. The black fabric is very expensive, because it is not a natural color. That is why all my dresses have the natural color of linen fabrics or green. It is the cheapest fabrics."

Moshe listens a bit more and then he frowns a bit. " So this priestess has money or she does not, thank you for that by the way. Who, would you know makes these unique fabrics and where will they be?" Then he lets her answer that question and then he hmms. " Where were you and the Lord he night of the murder Abi. I mean what were you doing, where and where did you go next?"

"Well, my lord, it is not very special fabric. It is just a bit more expensive, because guilders of the guild of the clothes have to use more things to make linen fabric be black. I do not know, what they are using. My father was a farmer and I know how to grow strawberries. I do not know how to make fabric. All I know, that my father said to me, that we do not have money to buy colourful dresses for me. Just the same linen ones..." The girl sighs and lowers her head. She is just said and maybe ashamed being poor. "Any tailor can make such a fabric, I believe. It is just cost more. But priestess had enough money. She was controlling whole temple. She was used to order us to bring sacrifices for the patrons in money. So, people brought her a lot of money..." The girl's cheek blush even more brightly, "I already said to you or to Mistress Edris, my lord, we were with the lord... he made me scream in pleasure. We had... he fucked me and he was a bit drunk. People might not see us, bug heard clearly..." The girl tells exact place, where they were.

Moshe understands then as he seems to lean back a bit and then nods. He stands up then and bows his head to her. " Thank you Abi, you have been most helpful. I hope your stay is good, don't know how much longer it will be but I can't have you leave, not until this has been resolved, you understand right?" then he goes to open the door and looks to the guard. " I will be sending a girl in, she is going to help Abi clean up and get her a dress, a nice dress." then he looks back to Abi and nods once again. " Have a good day." then he nods to the guard. " No one comes to see her except me, under no circumstances unless of course it's the Queen herself." then he goes off, walking, contemplating.