675-05-30 - Sparring with Words

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Sparring with Words
Summary: Sir Moshe and Lord Avraham have a spar on the Tourney Grounds. Moshe uses the opportunity to ask some questions.
Who: Moshe Machuri and Avraham Grunhaid (played by Teddybear)
References: re:Priestess Leshara
When: May 30th 675, early morning
Related Logs: All investigation logs of Moshe
Date of RP: 02/06/2014
Where: Tourney Grounds - Steelea, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The Tourney Grounds consist of a huge field that can be used for jousting but for other tournaments as well, with lots of benches provided for the spectators. Banners of the Houses of the Isles flapping in the wind over the pavillions and tents of those who take part. There is a box for those of royal and greater noble birth, as the constant clatter of weapons clashing against each other is now and then drowned by the cheer of the crowd.

When the tournaments are finished, usually the Tournament Grounds are made to training fields, where many knights, common and noble, are showing to each other their skills. They are trying to improve their skills, and sparring is a very common activity around.

One of the knights is young lord Avraham Grunhaid. He is wearing the usual armor for the people of the Isles - very light one. He is swinging his sword nicely, attacking the poor dummy.

Moshe enters the practice ground and he indicates to the one knight left with him to stay back for now as he goes to speak to the knight in question. So as he approuches, he nods slowly to the men he is passing by and then approaches Lord Avraham. " Lord Avraham Grundhaid, would this be you if I may ask?" making sure he is the man, though after talking to others, he be the ones they are pointing to."I am Sir Moshe Machuri. If at all possible, could I take a bit of your time?"

The man brushes a nice curl from his face, before turning to the other man, "Yes! I am lord Avraham Grunhaid. However, right now, I am training. You can question me just if you want to spar with me?" The man grins mischievously.

Moshe looks at the man and then raises a brow, though he has not told him he is on official business, he has not trained enough in the last few days himself, so he nods. " As you wish, a bit of training with another is always fun." as he bows his head in respect. He steps back and then bows once again and looks at him. " Sparring blades or our own?"

"I believe, that sparring blades will be better than real blades, or you might have no chance on giving these questions of yours to me!" the man laughs and points at Moshe with his sparring blade. "So, I let you to make attack first and shoot your question!" The man stands up in the ground firmly and eyes Moshe.

Moshe chuckles and nods and then goes on to get a sparring blade. He does remove his own and his cloak and hangs them on a hook, looking to the knight he came with to look after them. Then he comes back to the area and then nods. " If you so wish Lord." Then Moshe in a quick move swings high to connect with the man's shoulder, at least try. " Do you know a girl named Abi?"

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Knight=4+3 < Moshe: Great Success Knight: Great Success < Net Result: DRAW

The man is quick to carry his own blade to the shoulder and the sound of blades, smashing into each other, ripples across the field, "Yes, I do! And why do you ask?" The man pushes Moshe away with his own blade and tries to swing his sword into the man's right ribs.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Knight=5+3 Vs Moshe=Defense < Knight: Good Success Moshe: Success < Net Result: Knight wins - Marginal Victory

Moshe grins as the man is good and then the swing towards his ribs and he gets tagged. Enough to feel the impact of it on his ribs but not too hard as he did manage to stop some of it. Moshe licks his lips then and nods. " Good to know. She tells me you helped her out of the cult and to the true light of Onimora. Is this true?" as he swings towards the man's right rib as well.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Knight=4+3 < Moshe: Failure Knight: Success < Net Result: Knight wins - Marginal Victory

The man easily avoids such an attack, swirling around himself, and trying to aim on Moshe's leg, "Of course! I convinced her to join the convent for one year. She was a very successful student. Priestesses were really proud of Miss Abi. But you still did not tell me - why do you ask such questions?"

Moshe feels that bad attack as the Lord easily parries it and goes for Moshe's legs. Moshe blocks and then brings his sword up to see if he can connect with the mans chest. " Is it true that the Priestess of the cult wanted you? Is it true that Abi was to be your personal whore and lover?"

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Knight=4+3 < Moshe: Failure Knight: Great Success < Net Result: Knight wins - Crushing Victory

Such a straight question brings anger not just into the man's eyes, but his actions too. He defends himself by bringing his own blade to the chest. Then the man pushes from all his strength another knight, trying to plant the leg for Moshe and make him fall. "Why such questions are bothering your head, bastard?"

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Knight=5+3 Vs Moshe=Defense < Knight: Good Success Moshe: Success < Net Result: Knight wins - Solid Victory

Moshe feels the mans anger as the man stops his blade and then pushes him back and Moshe falls back and not so gracefully. Still Moshe stands up and looks at the man he is fighting and then smiles. " I see, so it's true, all of it, can you deny it?" as Moshe swings the sword around like a play thing. The bastard word used against him make him upset but not as it used to, not yet at least. " Do you know of the murder that happened at the Deave Inn?" as Moshe comes in to attack once more.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Knight=4+3 < Moshe: Success Knight: Good Success < Net Result: Knight wins - Marginal Victory

The knight defends himself once more, but soon he just drops the blade on the ground for his squire to take. "I know what happened, because everyone knows! The Island is not so huge. Rumors spread quickly. But if you ask if I saw what actually happened..." The man shakes his head, "I don't know. I am just a victim of the triangle of love. Sir Moshe, tell me, if you ever fell in love with someone, who will never be yours?" The Lord Grunhaid paces closer and fixes his dark gaze on Moshe's.

Moshe looks at the man as he drops the sword and knows that Moshe should have and did lose the match, he has come to terms that he is not the best, not yet. As the man approaches and states what he wanted he nods to the man. " Good to know Lord, that at least proves she has told the truth in that regard." then as the man asks about triangle and love Moshe looks at him and he seems to get serious. " I am asking you questions Lord. By order of the queen, I have been given the authority to question anyone that I need to these problems we have been having. Now, on the night of the murder, you brought Abi to the Night's Dream. Why did you bring her there, where were you both before that and did anyone else see you?"

"Very well," the man nods, "you could at least have told me this before. Then we would have avoided unnecessary anger. I must be very careful. After all, that crazy priestess promised to burn me down! Who knows, if you were actually sent by the Queen. I never saw Sir Moshe before. But let's say... You are, who you say you are!"

The man waves for his squire to bring up the horse, before turning to Moshe, "I was at the Golden Swords' Inn. I drank too much ale. Then we went to the beach and I fucked her so hard, that I made her scream my name so loud, that the Kingdom of Golden Lion heard her. Nobody saw us, but could hear. Then I wanted to see my whore in action. I wanted to see her with other females. So, we went into the Night's Dream. However, she started to cry about all that crazy Priestess! Poor thing is really scared. So, I decided it will be best, if I leave her and the priestess."

Moshe looks at the man, even as his horse is brought to him and he climbs, the words coming out of the man seeming to insult Moshe. There is a bit of anger on Moshe's features but then he simply gives a nod. " Your whereabouts will be looked into Lord. I wish you a good day and I may need to ask more questions later on, please do not leave unexpectantly." then he puts the pratice sword away and then goes to grab his own and then cloak. " I do need to practice some more, but for now, to the Queen's business."