675-05-27 - The Queen is back

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The Queen is back
When: May 27th, 675
Date of RP: 27/05/2014
Where: The Isles

The rumor spreads all around the Kingdom of the Isles, that the Queen Abegayle Onimus is back. Beside her, the crazed beauty is pacing all nude. She presents herself as the creature, who was send by Onimoria herself to the Kingdom of the Isles. That is why she comes to the people as Onimoria once did - all nude, showing her purity and devotion.

People say, that the Queen is in an incredibly good mood. She revoked the announcements of her Regent and the delegation of the Two Rivers is allowed to stay for the discussions of possible alliance, if they wish.

More over, there will be the day of justice, where all these, who are fault for the fuss will be executed. Rumor says, that more than twenty people will lose their heads and ser Moshe was appointed to gather them to the Amphitheatre of Steelea.

Finally, the borders of the Isle of the Crown are fully opened.