675-05-19 - Who is Marcus?

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Who is Marcus?
Summary: Sir Moshe Machuri has a few questions related to the incident that occurred in Piradin. Lady Livessa was a willing informant.
Who: Moshe, Livessa
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: 675-05-19
Related Logs: Trouble at Paradin
Date of RP: May 19, 2014
Where: Deaves Inn
Room Desc: This is a respectable inn, well-kept and tidy, with white painted walls in the common room, tables of various sizes and matching benches, carved from light birch tree wood. On the tables are vases with flowers that are regularly changed, as well as candles to offer a cozy lighting during late evenings. At the back of the room there are stairs leading to the upper floor, where rooms can be rented.

Livessa is seated at a table with a deck of playing cards, she looks them over and sighs softly to herself. Her concentration was not good, she kept looking a lot to the stairs.

Moshe comes walking into the Inn and as he does he starts to look around some but seems not to see the one person he is looking for. So he goes to the innkeeper and has a few light words. " Marcus is his name or Ottis?" the Innkeeper mentions something, hard to make out and the Knight nods to the man , passes on over a coin and then grabs a mug that he was given by the innkeeper. Then he heads to one of the many empty tables at the moment, finding a table close by Livessa's but paying her no heed at the moment. Taking a seat and seeming to be thinking, a sour look on his face.

Livessa tilts her head "I have seen Marcus at the Market.. perhaps he is there if you are seeking him Sir."

Moshe looks up and about, lost in his own little world by the look of things until he hears Sir. Now looking at the woman he nods to her then. " Thank you ..." then he starts to really look at the woman, the attire and how she spoke, the accent and then it hits him. " Are you part of the Two Rivers delegation?" he is in a deep voice, one accustomed to speaking to other people often.

Livessa gives a little nod of her head at his question "I am Lady Livessa, Sir Baldwin's sister"

Moshe looks at her now and seems to think. " Lady Livessa, Sir Baldwin's sister, it is a pleasure." he pauses a moment. " May I join you if that is alright? I am Sir Moshe Machuri. I had the pleasure of watching your brother compete in the tournament. Skilled swordsman, though I did not have the pleasure of competing against him that day." he stays where he is, only going if she allows.

Livessa nods her head as she sweeps up her game of cards and she gestures to him "yes yes of course, please do join me."

Moshe then stands up slowly and grabs his drink and then steps towards her table. With a deep bow of respect to her. " Lady." he says in respect and then slides a chair out and sits across from her. " You play cards?" as he looks at her cards she swept up and then manages to look at her eyes. " I had not known that Sir Baldwin had a sister. If I would have known I would have come and spoken to him sooner and introduced myself properly." he speaks well, very formal though he is not one for smiles. Taking a sip of his drink then, tasting it and then looking at it, almost as if it did not fit his taste.

Livessa smiles to the knight and she nods her head slightly "I can out play most." she says her voice low "Baldwin hates the skill, he says it is a commoners game." she shrugs a little as she smiles to the knight "Were you seeking Marcus for a reason?"

Moshe sets the drink down and then nods slowly at the mention of it been a commoners game. " Ah yes, it is true, it is mostly a commoners game but I know several who do partake of it. I have had little time as most of my spare time is reserved for training." then he question about Marcus. " Oh yes, he is wanted for questioning. There was a incident in Piradin that needs to be answered. Though what can you tell me of Marcus, though I know he is a sell sword and a linguist, also he knows the Isles. For a commoner, he does know a lot."

Livessa nods her head a little as she considers this question, "do you think he was in Piradin for a reason?" she asks "I assure you my brother was not looking for trouble." she seems a little concerned, but then she would be. A pause of her voice and she looks to Moshe, "I could share what little I know of Marcus." she says quietly "It is not much". She wraps her fingers around a wine glass and takes a sip.

Moshe nods to Livessa and then looks to his drink and then goes to ignore it. " That is what I am wanting to establish. Though Master Ottis mentioned that Marcus tends to have fun in pleasure houses as well as shady places, would explain why he was there. Though, I would need to speak to him about such things and my apologies for bringing this up as so." then a nod as she mentions her brother. " Yes, I know he is a honourable man, he is not my target for questioning, there are others who are looking into that." then at the mention she will say as much as she can about Marcus he nods slowly, now obviously looking as he eyes do not leave hers.

Livessa blinks slowly and she nods her head "he is a silver-tongued man, he claims he discovered Piradin on accident but I do not believe it." she nods "Master Ottis is right in his reputation though he has proven his worth to my Brother on a few occasions. You will not catch him if he wishes not to be caught." she nods and she sweeps her hair from her eyes looking back into the knights and she smiles softly "I hope it was a mistake on everyone's part I really do." She then frowns "if my brother is stripped of his title...." she looks worried

Moshe raises a brow, the only different look he has shown other than that seriousness he has. " Claims to have discovered Paradin by mistake you say, here I hear other wise. " then a moment comes as he looks to the drink again and then shakes it away. " So he claims he can't be found if he does not want to." there is obvious thoughts running through Moshe right now. " Odd indeed , a man , a sell sword who knows the isles, knows how to use weapons, is a linguist and claims to be able to disappears and not be found." oh yes, Moshe may have found someone they need to keep a eye on. " Thank you Lady Livessa, your words have given me much to go by. Oh and if you see this Marcus, mention nothing of this conversation, he may be , more than we expect and if things are mentioned to him and he escapes. Two Rivers may have more to say than needed." then at the last moment. " I do not know what will happen to your brother, it is out of both our hands. Now if you will excuse me." as he bows and leaves promptly.

Livessa says, "if it helps my brother....I will help you catch him". she offers then she stands as well looking to the knight "I hope we meet again Sir""