675-02-28 - An Evening in the Garden

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An Evening in the Garden
Summary: After the feast to celebrate Najla's family arriving to Nahdir's home, the two take a quiet walk within the gardens under the watchful eyes of guards and chaperones.
Who: Najla Eniola and Nadhir Imamu
References: {{{Refs}}}
When: February 28, 675
Related Logs: None
Date of RP: March 28, 675
Where: City of Imaddah, seat of House Imamu, within their home. Golden Lion
Room Desc: The private gardens of the Imamu estate. (Not built just yet.)

It is a pleasant spring night in the city of Imaddah, seat of House Imamu, on the western shore of the lake. It is a stop on the way to the ports and to the Kingdom of the Isles, and Duke Nadhir had offered hospitality to Duke Bani's party. The feasting had been rich, and as night falls, it is time to talk, to enjoy the evening, before business again takes place on the morrow.

One within the group is the daughter of Duke Bani surrounded by her handmaidens. The young ladies take up position to the side of the feasting, laughing amongst themselves. Yet, for Najla, she seems curious to the conversation that goes on between her father and the other men, her brothers there as well though it's likely Ajmar who talks more than Talal who is more interested in drink and entertainment. In her lap, Rafee, the fennec fox that has been her pet for a number of years, is curled up, though his head peeks above the table at times, long ears spied easily.

And the conversation has gone back and forth amongst the men. Shrewd looks and sometimes raucos discussion, sometimes what appears to be serious bargaining. Finally, though, one of the ladies-in-waiting comes over. "Lady Najla? Their Graces the Dukes wonder if you would care to see the gardens." 'With a suitable escort' is left unsaid, but is there, as Nadhir has been very polite and traditional.

When the Lady comes over to speak to her, Najla looks to the woman and offers a smile, her hand dropping to pet the small fox in her lap. "Oh? I.. would, yes." With a light gesture, the fox jumps from her lap, and is likely to follow after her as she rises from her seat at the table. A hand soothes her saree out, the drape of the cloth over her shoulder to be adjusted with a brief touch of her hand. She makes her way towards the garden exit, chaperone in tow following her. Briefly does she pause, to offer her father and mother a nod of her head before continuing on outside.

Nahdir is dressed in his most formal, and most splendid array, and is waiting out in the garden. There are others around the edges, enough eyes to see, but not close enough to hear, to at least give the illusion of privacy. "Good eve, Lady Najla," he says in a rich, rolling baritone. "The years have been kind to you, and you are a delight to see, you and your family. Thank you for allowing me to offer you my hospitality for a change."

Stepping into the gardens, the loud sounds fade a little, the few torches to likely mark areas of light here. A deep breath is takenand released before she turns upn hearing his voice, "Your grace..thank you." She bows her head, offering him a curtsey before rising again, a smile to show upon her lips, "Your home is quite lovely. I am glad we came this direction, and were able to visit you.." There's a note of shyness, hazel eyes to lift to peer up at him through thick lashes, studying the man who used to visit her brothers.

He's taller now, broader of shoulder, but those eyes are just as blue as ever, and if his face is more weathered, it doesn't stop the broad smile. "My home is as dust and ashes compared to the lovely guest who has come to grace it. I am glad you could visit as well." Seeing her earlier had come as a shock--he'd never imagined that the eleven-year-old would grow up like /this/! He smiles, then turns to the gardens, "I wish I had been able to visit again, but it has been some time and I have been mastering my new duties. that is the only excuse I can make that I have not visited your father, your brothers, and you, since...' his voice trails off a moment.

Might there be a blush to warm the young Najla's cheeks at such a silver tongue that is shown by Nadhir? Perhaps so, though she is likely glad of the dim lighting that allows her to hide such from his view. Or so she thinks. "I have been counting the days till we left home upon this journey.." A note of excitement shows, for it's likely the longest trip she will take. As they walk with one another, her chaperone will follow, as does the fox who trots at her feet, "Such can be understood - you were needed here, your grace. Needed by your family, and your people.."

And there are others who take up positions around the edge, upper rooftops to watch as well. There will be no impropriety, it seems. "And I have been counting days until you arrived." He chuckles warmly, and offers his arm, more formal and not as intimate as offering his hand. "And I need my people," he says. "Is that the same fox you caught all those years ago?"

With the offer of his arm towards her, Najla steps closer, her hand placed properly upon it to allow him to escort her about the gardens of his home. The scents and sights are noted, and yet more often than not, her attention is upon he as he talks, though she doesn't look him directly in the eyes. "You have?" This seems to surprise her, to leave the rose to bloom further within her cheeks, and she takes the slight topic change gratefully, "It is, yes. Rafee is still my friend and companion." Hear his name, the fox gives a soft churr and swish of his tail before a sound alerts him to a bug or lizard in the nearby bush, and he goes to investigate.

"Such a one would only be loyal and loving to one who was loyal and loving herself," he says. He watches her, seeing the faint blushes and smiling. "Have you given thought to what awaits us in the east after our voyage?"

Najla smiles then, "It is easy to do so, especially to one such as he. Animals are easy to understand, I have found. People are another matter, though once you find someone you can trust.. loyalty and love come naturally." The words are spoken quietly before she considers his question, "I am not certain. I have read up on the Isles and their customs. It will be strange, and yet exciting to be there... and you? Have you traveled there before?"

"I have not...I have come to visit you, of course, and go raiding to the south, but I have not put out to sea," he says. There is more warmth in his words, as though her answer genuinely pleased him. "I remember hearing some things when Rasil was...' he pauses a moment, "When he was supposed to have been betrothed to a lady from the Isles."

"South you came, to ride with Talal, and sit and talk with Ajmar. You were even nice enough to not be bothered when I would watch you all or ask you questions." Najla would have been intrigued by he, for his different appearance, and being someone who wasn't family. She wouldn't have ben too much of a nuisance, however, kept busy by her mother learning what she needed to learn to handle a household of her own in the future. A future that is looming closer and closer. As he speaks of Rasil, her hand slips down his arm, if only to allow her fingertips to touch the top of his hand, a comforting gesture given as she finally lifts her gaze to meet his however briefly, "What are your thoughts upon the festivities to come?" She wonders curiously then.

His hand turns slightly under hers so that fingertips touch the palm of his hand. Callouses there, from weapons, from reins. Blue eyes meet golden green, looking steadily, and he smiles, acknoledging the comfort, and he puts his other hand on hers, to hold, to clasp gently. "I do not know. Strange customs. Outlandish languages. It wil be very good to see, of course. And you crave new things evven more, yes?" His hands are warm, if slightly rouch, but gentle as they touch,'

Her own hands are soft, stained with a hint of henna that was put upon her skin before they left. Faded, and yet still marking it with scrolls and flowers. Decorations to add to the exoticness of her dress when they arrive upon the Isles, no doubt. As his had turns, the touch offered then to his palm before his other hand might settle atop her own, she smiles then, "It will be exciting..." She chuckles then, only to hmm, "Sometimes, I do. Have you ever felt as if the world holds it's breath, waiting for one particular thing to happen?" She questions, the curious words spoken as she glances to him then, brows furrowed slightly for a moment over one thought, "I can only hope that this festivities ends with new friendships.."

"The world poised, a stillness, the calm before the storm. Or a decision. The moment before pen touches unstained paper with black ink," Nadhir says. Then, smiling, he adds, "I certainly hope so as well, as well as having old friendships renewed and deepened."

Najla lets out a soft breath before she nods her head, "A moment held, suspended.." But then she smiles further as he speaks the last, the brush of fngertips to be felt against his palm, "Tell me how you have faired? Your family? What is the widlest thing you have done?" She teases a little, "Cannot be too wild, as you have not gone raiding with Talal in some time."

And just how much does she know of how wild the raids, especially the parties in the aftermath, can get? 'I suppose the wildest thing I've done is go out into the desert, alone, for almost a month, simply surviving on what I found and could hunt," Nadhir says, chuckling, deliberately choosing a different meaning of the world wild. "My cousins and sister are all well." And all girls. "It was definitely wild. One alone against the very earth, with only the gods about." He shifts his hand so gently hold hers, wrong, comforting. "And what of you, beautiful jewel of Surobi? What have you done to unleash your heart?"

Having two older brothers, or rather, one who likes to brag and tell stories, has given Najla an idea of what might have happened during the raids. Oh, Talal would never have told her everything directly, but a young woman learns quickly the art of eavesdropping! especially curious little sisters! "For a whole month? Where did you go? Did your family know?" She asks, the touch of his hand as it comes to hold hers, to bring the blush back to her cheeks, "I?" She asks, falling quiet, and for a brief moment, there is that odd furrow of her brows before she speaks, "Between lessons from mother, and spending time with the animals? I have learned to sing and dance, to play instruments... I have gotten a falcon as well to hunt with.." The last to bring a smile to her lips.

"It...words cannot do it justice. I can say the land was bleak, hard, the moutains steep, the sand slick...but it does not do it justice." His eyes look a bit..hungry perhaps. "I would show you, of course, did your father agree." he nods, though. "Falcons are beautiful. Dangerous." a gentle squeeze to your hand then. 'perhaps...perhaps you would grace us with your arts of song and dance? Not tonight, certainly..."

"It is wild, alive.. a lover and enemy all rolled into one." Najla seems to understand, a native of these lands that many would not understand at all. "I'd like that sometime, if it could be arranged." Even the desert is different, depending on which lands you find yourself in. "My Maali is a beautiful creature, and is swift to find her prey.." She murmurs, before the quesiton is asked, once more to leave her cheeks colored. "I would be honored too, your grace, if such would please you?"

"Such would please me indeed, my lady," he says, and then reaches to pick a blossom from one of the plants, cupping it in his hand and bringing it closer to your face. Jasmine. 'perhaps if you were the one to ask your father?"

Najla pauses as he plucks the bloom from the bush, turning slightly towards him as he brings it towards her face. The scent of it surrounds her, and she tilts her head just so to allow him to tuck it behind her ear if he wishes, accepting the token with a smile, "I will do so once we return. I am certain he would not mind me doing so tomorrow, if you like?"

The blossom and step get tucked just behind your right ear then, and he smiles. "It would please me greatly," he says, before looking over, "But I think your family may start to worry with you out in the air so long. Let us go back in to reassure them, yes?" His hand slowly traces over yours before converting back to the arm hold.

As the flower is tucked behind her ear, the petals graze her cheek, a shiver to be given at the light caress of the bloom. For a moment, she is left quiet, her gaze lifted to meet his as she stands before him, breath let loose in a soft sigh before she finally gathers her thoughts that went scattering away, "Yess.. I.. thank you, Nadhir." There is a slight pause before she speaks his name quiet, the last squeeze given to his hand before the position is shifted to once more set lightly atop his arm as is proper. Smiling then, she turns, to walk along with him back towards the room where people still talk and laugh, the light of the lanterns to fall upon the garden there at the entrance. As they pass the bush where the fox had disappeared, he jumps out, proudly strutting with a limp lizard in his muzzle. Victorious is he!

Eyes meet by moonlight. And it would be so easy to steal a kiss. But such is not done, not on a first night of something that should grow more. And so the Duke smiles and lets his fingers brush softly, before walking back with you, perhaps a bit closer than walking out. "Aha! And your loyal companion is here to gift you with a present!' he's definitely amused, and the chaperones, well...nothing untoward has happened, and so they are pleased for that.

A moment it might be as eyes meet beneath the moon's light, an exchange of perhaps something more before they head back together. Najla is smiling, and as Rafee exits the bush with his prize in mouth, she laughs again, "Perhaps it is for you, your grace? If you find it at your door...." No, nothing untoward has happened for their chaperones or her parents to be worried about. Once within, she thanks him for the walk, and heads back to her seat though pauses to whisper to her father, asking him for permission to entertain them the next evening with song and dance. With a keen knowing eye, her father would agree. Eventually, Najla will be drawn off towards rooms where she will stay with her handmaidens, and mother, leaving the men to their drink and further conversation.