The Onimoria

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"The only one True Faith"

There was a woman once, called Asmenachi (The Mother). She was light as a feather, living in the Castle of Clouds above the Earth. It was a time before Onimoria chose the people of the Isles and the time of the Chosen Nation started to be counted. There was no such thing as time before that. It was just the world, full of chaos.

The Earth was devastated by such wild animals as tigers, wolves, lions, bears and mankind. There was no difference between human and the wolf. Their only concerns were food and procreation. The blood poured freely as all the sins and depravity were spreading more quickly than the mind.


It is told that Asmenachi felt an incredibly huge pain because of what was happening. The real reasons why she cared so much about savage Earth are not known, but the rumor says that there was a man and a woman. The man was the artist - Refraudin (The Artist). He was able to fan the life into each of his creations. However, each time he gave life to a new creation, he lost a tiny part of his soul. As a final act, he placed the night and the shadow in the Earth and died. He created the whole Earth just to die the second he saw his almost finished work. Sadly, his work was not as good as he had hoped because he started with the simple innocent flower, but he lost his mind over the course of time, and finished the Creation of the World with spite, greed, money, weapons, and desires, night and shadows. The Artist died being insane and he left his artwork in the same position.

Asmenachi loved Refraudin so dearly that all she wanted was to save his whole life's work from destroying itself. The rumor says that she was a powerful creature, who had fateful dreams. All that she dreamed could become truth. However, there was a problem - she was not able to sleep. The chaos was devastating the Earth more and more, and when the world was on the edge of death, Asmenachi's pain became so great that she collapsed on the cloud and was forced to visit the World of Dreams.

She dreamed that ten colourful butterflies were resting on her abdomen. She basically saw how they grew up and, when the time came, they took off from The Mother's skin and fled to the direction of the Earth, spreading light so bright that no one could see. This was the moment when Asmenachi opened her eyes and whispered, "Patrons of the Earth". And the woman was pregnant.

Nobody knows how long her pregnancy lasted because there was no time at all, but when the moment came, Asmenachi gave birth to the ten Patrons of the Earth. They were born having no age at all; they all had a forms of humans, but the powers in their hearts were uncertain.

However, the Mother of the Patrons died the moment the last child was born. She just transpired into a mist, leaving just ten rings on the cloud, which she had always worn on her fingers. Each child of Asmenachi took one ring and each ring had the gift of immortality inside. This was the day when the ten immortal Patrons of the Earth were born. They built the Kingdom of the Clouds above the Earth and started to work on fixing all of the mistakes made by The Artist.

The Patron of Men. He was the first born. Maybe for this reason he always felt the duty of being the father for all of his brothers and sisters. Especially for the brothers, who needed a male's example in their lives. Maybe this is the reason he became the Patron of all men, brothers, fathers, sons, grandfathers, husbands.

They could bring all their relationship troubles to Gildarius, which were similar to the problems he faced with the other male Patrons, or just a simple, common problems men face about their bodies or lives, illnesses, ups and downs. He was the Father of all Fathers.
Many things were good as sacrifices to him and his symbol was the moon as the moon is like the Father to the Earth, who protects people in their sleep.

The Patron of Women. She was the second born. Maybe for this reason she always felt the duty of being the mother for her all brothers and sisters. Especially the sisters, who needed a woman's example in their lives. Maybe this is the reason she became the Patron of all women, sisters, daughters, mothers, grandmothers and wives.

They could bring all their relationship troubles to Ylirena, which were similar to the problems she faced with the other women Patrons, or just a simple, common problems women face about their bodies or lives, illnesses, ups and downs. She was the Mother of all Mothers.
Many things were good as sacrifices to her and her symbol was the sun as the sun is like the Mother to the Earth, who watches over people on their common duties.

The Patron of the Water. When The Mother died after giving birth to the last Patron, Dalimina started to cry. It is told that The Artist did not create the water. All the seas, oceans, and rivers are the tears of Dalimina. When she did not cry, she was sleeping, because it was the only one way not to feel the pain of her mother's death. However, the woman always had nightmares. All that she saw - became truth. This was what made the seas so dangerous and gave rise to all of the incredible creatures of the sea. Also, this was the way how the knowledge of the ships were brought to humanity.

The most common worshipers of Dalimina are captains of ships, admirals, seamen and seawomen. There are even a few people who still believe in her, who also believe that all the pirates of the Unknown World are sent by Dalimina to Felaguria, and because the believers did not joined The Chosen Nation by the Onimoria, did not lost the true faith, the pirates are not attacking the Kingdom's fleets and people of the Kingdom of the Isles can find the agreements with these horrible creatures of Dalimina. So, these few believers, are risking their lifes, still believing in Dalimina, thinking that this way they become the Saviours of the Kingdom.
The most of the believers are bringing for Dalimina various treasures of the Sea. Moreover, all the prayers and sacrifices are done when it is raining, because the rain is Dalimina's tears. If she is not crying, she is dreaming and can't hear people prayers.
Sadly, together with the rain, sometimes comes the wild storms too, usually the storms shows up before Dalimina falls asleep. It is believed, that these are the moments, when the Patron feels the hugest pain in her heart. She is just uncontrollable then.

The Patron of the Steel. He was the one, who brought the fire and knowledge about metal to the humanity. He taught blacksmiths and tinkers, how to make not just weapons, or plates, but the crowns and armor too.

So, everyone, who carried the weapon, who was making it, and who had any relationship with the steel and other resources of the Earth even as stone, were praying for this Patron, asking that there always would be these resources in the caves and underground.
People usually were leaving swords, knifes and other stuff for the Horindius, asking for the victory in the battle or praying, that were wouldn't be glow made by the lightenings or the other blackness send by Esmedia.
It is very important, that near the sculptures of the Horindius always a small fire would twinkle. So, the most of the priestess and priests of Horindius were understood as Guardians of the Fire. Fire is the symbol of this Patron.

He is the Patron of the Land. Even if the Marguerite can make flowers bloom without water and sun, the Gardens of the Kingdom of the Clouds were created by Ilanas. He took all the lands, created by The Artist in his hands. It is told, that this Patron was swift King of the Lands as cats. Likely, for this reason his symbol is the cat and, basically, all believers of Ilanas, were praying to cats too or at least they all are trying to have a cat in their home. If Esmedia had birds to watch the Earth, Ilanas had cats.

He is controlling and all other animals (horses too, for this reason raiders usually prayed to him) of the land. Likely, for this reason most of the believers are hunters and they usualy bring the half of their prey as sacrifices. The bigger prey they get, the more Favour of Ilanas the person has.
Also, Ilanas is the one, who can bring a good yield or bad, as he can grow fruits on the trees or not. So, most of the farmers were praying for the Patron too. Some, still are doing that, being afraid to lose a good yield.

She is the Patron of the Fate, Death and Life. She was born without the tongue. The Patron was speaking through her heart and incredibly expressive eyes. It is said, she was able to speak with the flowers, grass and trees, with all the plants, making them bloom even without sun and water. Maybe for this reason she quickly withdrew from her brothers and sisters into the Gardens of their Kingdom of the Clouds.

Even now the Gardens are known as The Gardens of Marguerite. She is sitting on her wooden throne there, which is webed by the canary creepers, what is considered as her symbol. This is the reason, why people of the Kingdom of the Isles are always placing the crown of canary creepers on the decedent's head and like to decorate the places, where ashes are burried, with the same flowers.
Marguerite decided, that all the good and worthy souls are send to her Gardens, where they finally get a chance to rest in peace and enjoy life of immortality and justice. However, the dark souls are send back to the Earth very quickly, just to born again in the form of human and experience all the challenges again. The person does not bring his memories, though, and is in a new form there. For example, if he was a really bad noble, later he will born as a commoner or the King. You can never know, who you will be next, if your sins in this life were too huge to be invited into the Gardens. However, the fact is, that you will have to face even more difficulties. If a person fails again, he is send back to Earth. All this repeats, until he will prove that his soul is finally worth to get the eternal peace.

She is the Patron of the Black. The Black is understood as the other side of the White. People of the Kingdom of the Isles believe, that if there is the Light, there must be the darkness, because you can't see and understand the Whiteness without Blackness. The Blackness is not the challenges, which are send by the Marguerite, because not all the challenges of life are black.

The Blackness is what is send to the world by Esmedia, who controls intrigues, lies, greed, envy and all the other sinful feelings and deeds. Her mission is to lure people from the right paths, when they meet the challenge. This way the Patrons check how strong soul of the person is. If he will easily walk after the sinful Esmedia, he is not ready to leave the Earth.
So, while Marguerite sends the challenge and the right paths to take, Esmedia builds a few more paths, which may look more funny, with more pleasures, but they are not the right ones. Of course, some believers are praying for the Esmedia and bringing her the sacrifices of spiders and other bugs, which are preferred by this Patron. Though, nobody found the explanation for that. This tradition just came from the times immemorial.
The believers are usually asking, that Esmedia wouldn't interrupt their challenges. However, there are lots of sinful people, who think, that the life Esmedia is offering - is just perfect. They do not want to reach the Gardens, because they always want to have the same sinful and full of pleasures journey in the life. The most of the believers forget, that the second, third, fourth and etc., life will become harder and harder. They enjoy this moment and do not care what will happen after they will lose all memory.
Of course, Esmedia is not sending just Blackness for everyone. The most of the spies, politicians, rangers, and even ladies, who are using intrigues for their job and for the sake of the Patrons and Earth, were used to pray for her help until the Chosen Nation appeared. It is said, that Esmedia controls all the birds on the Earth. The eyes of birds are her eyes, the ears of the birds are her ears and this is the way, how she knows and hears everything. The bird is her symbol. The true believers of Esmedia are very afraid to hurt the bird and are against the hunting of birds, because they believe this is the way to get wroth of Esmedia, what would mean more Blackness in the person's life, than it should be. Esmedia can bring diseases even against the will of Marguerite.

The Patron of the Law. Lotingus was very similar to Onimoria. Some of the brothers and sisters were thinking, that these two Patrons were born at the same time as twins. He had long white hair and pale skin too. However, he was lack of passion. The man was very rational and he preferred logic and perfect order.

Most of his time he was spending in one of the rooms of their Castle of the Clouds. He knew he must find the perfect laws for the humanity. However, this was a really hard task even for the Patron. For this reason he created many statutes and orders, giving some of these to one Kingdoms, some of these to others. He was watching the people and trying to decide, with which policy the humanity can deal the most perfect. It is told, that Lotingus created all the perfect laws. There are no not perfect law. A human, who can't understand it, who does not want to follow it or who interprets it differently makes the law illogical and bad.
And yes, Lotingus created the Kingdoms, Kings and Queens, nobles and commoners. Before he interrupted into the chaos made by The Artist, everyone were just wild animals.
So, the rulers, leaders of the houses, politicians and judges are the true believers and servants of Lotingus. Also, people had no language before Lotingus. They were speaking in meaningless sounds. Lotingus taught the humanity to speak.
It is written that the best sacrifice for Lotingus is the justice made by the law he gave for people and good deeds.
The Patron's symbol is the feather, with which he wrote all the languages and laws.

She is the Patron of the Passion. Onimoria had the features of the innocence, of something so desirable, but not allowed. It is written in the old documents, that even all her brothers fall in love with this Patron. However, they knew that the love of man and woman was not allowed between brothers and sisters. However, because of this, Onimoria was hated by all her other sisters, except Marguerite, whose heart was not able to hate and who was too busy with watching all the alive creatures of the world, letting them come and go.

The Onimoria was the one, who helped the young women keep their innocents, who helped people and animals fall in love and make children. Of course, the birth was controlled by Marguerite, but at least Onimoria let man find the right woman. However, she had quite mischievous and wild heart. This young girl loved all the love intrigues and forbidden romances. She felt quite a lovely and exciting shudders, seeing how people were trying to deal with the love, which was send to them by her.
Everything was in her pale hands - white innocent love and the bloody red passion, as of course, the muses of the artists. There is no art without passion. That is why most of the believers were bringing to Onimoria some of their artwork, white lilies or red roses, depending what they were asking for. Of course, the symbol of Onimoria is a red lily,but where you can find a red lily? So, that is why the roses are brought.

The Patron of the Feast. The youngest one and the wildest one, who never cared too much about work. But he loved seeing people laughing, doing each other some not angry tricks and just drinking. There is nothing more amusing to Anideaus than seeing a drunk person doing really silly things.

This Patron is known as Patron of the Children too, because he was loved by all the children. He was amusing, he let to do everything and he was the Feast. As all the fools, even some bards belong to the circle of the believers of Anideaus. Also, there was no feast started without the prayer - song for the Anideaus.
Mostly the sacrifices were not made for this Patron, because he did not cared about that. The best sacrifice is not to forget to laugh and enjoy life. Also, people who are too curious are understand as enchanted by the Anideaus.


As it was told, Onimoria had the features of the innocence, of something so desirable, but not allowed. It is written in the old documents, that even all her brothers fall in love with this Patron. However, they knew that the love of man and woman was not allowed between brothers and sisters. However, because of this, Onimoria was hated by all her other sisters, except Marguerite, whose heart was not able to hate and who was too busy with watching all the alive creatures of the world, letting them come and go.

The Onimoria herself, believed, that she could have any men in the world, and any brother. However, she did not cared about romances until she became slightly bored of the humanity. She turned her eyes away from them just to pay a visit to her brother Lotingus, who was so closed and silent, never left his room. He was always so worried, never relaxed, always trying to create something perfect. Some kind of laws about which mishievous Onimoria did not care.


The Patron decided, that she has to seduce Lotingus. She payed more and more visits to his room. They started to spend more and more time together. It lasted for quite a long time, before Esmedia and Anideaus became really curious. It did not took for too long, before Esmedia and Anideaus found Lotingus and Onimoria in the middle of one of their pleasure nights, when two bodies became one.

Of course, that was really amusing for Anudeaus, but Esmedia went just mad. She was always dreaming about love, which was forbidden for them and her little sister got one, while she was doing her duties as some kind of stupid servant. The Patron ran straight to Ylirena and Gildarius, and told everything.

The oldest sister and the oldest brother invited Lotingus for a private conversation. The Patron of the Law tried to explain everything, but he was the one, who broke the main law in their Kingdom of the Clouds. He had two options, to choose to give the Ring of Immortality for destruction and be send to the Earth, or he could live in exile in the Gardens of Marguerite. He chose the Gardens, hopping that he will be allowed to continue his work as a Patron. He promised to forget the love he felt for his little twin sister.

However, when Onimoria was invited for the same conversation, the oldest sister and the oldest brother were not so just. Ylirena was incredibly jealous, that her little sister was able to taste of something, what she will never be able to taste, while Gildarius loved his little sister as a woman and was really angry, that she chose Lotingus instead of him. There was just one option for Onimoria, for this reason.

She had to remove the Ring of Immortality from her finger. If the Ring is removed from the finger of Patron, it looses a power of Immortality and becomes simple ring, even if the Patron puts it back on his finger. Onimoria was allowed to keep the Ring without any powers, as a reminder of her sins and she was exiled to the Earth as a simple mortal human.


When the Onimoria was exiled into the Earth, it was an early morning of the sunny spring day. Massive fleet of the House of Machuri left its harbor and sliced the waves, sailing straight near the Furious Channel. Its two purple Seahorses were proudly swaying in the wind. At the same time, sharp dagger with the golden pommel, hidden under the blue and green blooms cut the wind, leading another fleet straight to the same Furious Channel.

When these two powerful fleets met, the water of Furious Channel turned red. The wind carried painful and frightened screams, which blurred with the yell of incentive and crashes of blades. The rain of arrows started and nobody could hide.

Then suddenly a young woman raised from the abyss of waters. She was white as snow and radiated some kind of really strange but warm light. Everyone, whose eyes caught the sight of her just lowered their weapons. The young woman looked so pure, so innocent, so beautiful, but her eyes, her grey eyes were full of sadness. The blood of victims of the war rippled through her snowy curls and fell on her frosty cheeks, as she would be crying.

All the captains ordered to turn their ships back. Everyone left the Furious Channel not knowing why actually they did it. They just felt, that all this chaos must be stopped. The tears of the young lady must be stopped. The story tells, that more fleets recede from each other, the more brighter light spread from the young girl. Then finally the light became so bright, that nothing could be seen. Many people thought, that they just died, but this moment of brightness was incredibly short. When the view of bleeding waves full of cold bodies appeared once more, woman was gone.

Later, after a week, both leaders of House Zorich and House Machuri got a strange letter, which invited them to the Isle of the Crown. They had no idea, what island it should be, but the letter said, that they just have to sit in the small boats and these boats will be lead to the right direction by the Patron of the Earth and true Queen Onimoria.

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Both men were interested and risked their lifes to see that Queen. The boats brought them to the island, which was considered abandoned or that it had just a few native people from the wild tribes. However, when their boats reached the coast of the Isle of The Crown, they saw massive harbor, which was not there week ago, when they were fighting near the Furious Channel. There were many people and massive white castle.

When men entered the castle, they saw the same magical creature on the throne, who announced being their true Queen and the Patron. Nobody could explain why, is it that incredibly bright whiteness blinded people or it was magic, but everybody just listened and obeyed for each word of that woman. Everybody kneeled in front of her and swore the loyalty.

This was the way, how people of Machuri and Zorich had to lower their weapons and become friends from enemies. Both leaders gave their crowns to the new Queen. Moreover, she announced, that all the men loses their powers against women, because of years of slaying each other and not knowing how to live in peace. Both leaders were publicly degraded and sent to their wives. But before that, Onimoria gave parchments into their hands, where whole history before this first day of the Kingdom of the Isles started.

From that day, the Queen wanted to be known as Onimoria. The thrones of Machuri and Zorich were given for the wifes of former Kings of the islands. The women were called Duchesses and their lands - Duchies. This way the Isle of the Crown, the Isle of the Giant Pearl, the Isle of the Gloomy Jungles became inseparable, even if Machuri and Zorich still competes in order to get the most honourable positions in the Kingdom of the Isles, or so called the Kingdom of Onimoria, the Kingdom of True Queen and the Patron of the Earth.

The nation of Onimoria became the Chosen Nation and the Time started to be counted.


When other Patrons saw, that Onimoria was not just the most beautiful, passionate and innocent Patron, but also, wise, clever and loved by their subjects, the Patrons started new discussions. Seeing that even when Onimoria lost her immortality, she didn‘t lost her dignity, most of the Patrons just went mad from incredibly massive envy and anger, that their plan was not successful.

It is very well known fact, that Patrons were able to live each emotion stronger and harder than humans. When these immortal creatures became mad, they started to look for the best way to get rid of the Queen, their sister. Just Marguerite was not interrupting and she was just watching their fight together with the Lotingus, who even if felt anger for loosing his love, was unable to stand in front of his other brothers and sisters, because of the difference of powers.

In time, this effort to find the best way to get rid of Onimoria grew up into the war between the Patrons. They just started to fight with each other, believing just in their own truth and not wanting to listen for others. Finally they even withdrew their weapons. The war was incredibly booming, dark and long. It is said, that darkness and storms covered the Earth for ten years until Lotingus took his fate into his own hands.


After ten years of fighting, the moment, when Lotingus, finally, made up his mind to use this perfect distraction to sneak out, came. The Marguerite was too curious about the fight, and others were blinded by anger, so Lotingus removed his Ring of Immortality and exiled himself to the Earth too.

However, he was too late. The Queen died very soon. Her death was not hard. Very easy and calm. She was not sick. It was just the time. Onimoria became old enough to retreat into the Gardens of the Marguerite.

While she was a simple human, Onimoria found a man and the daughter was born to her. After the death of Onimoria, her daughter took the throne of the Kingdom of the Isles.

The young Patron named Lotingus got back to his shadows in grieve. He was incredibly angry about being too late, that he didn‘t do anything sooner, that he was not able to save Onimoria. He watched the daughter of his beloved woman from these shadows, when finally he decided to show up.

He visited the daughter of Onimoria. The girl was so beautiful and so similar to her mother... She had the Ring of Onimoria on her finger and Lotingus decided to take care of that girl, how he had to take care of her mother. They both married and two wonderful daughters, three strong sons were born to them.

Then the time for Lotingus came too. He died as his beloved younger sister Onimoria and he retreated to the Gardens of Marguerite. He left his own Ring in the Earth too.

So, the first born daughter is wearing the Ring of Onimoria, while the Ring of Lotingus is given for her husband.


Onimoria came first to the Gardens of Marguerite and she waited for Lotingus there. When he showed up too, they both had a long conversation explaining everything to Marguerite, who had the most powerful weapon in her hands - Fate.

She was very disappointed in all her brothers and sisters. But at the same time she saw that Chaos was coming back to the creation of The Artist, when the Patron of the Passion and the Patron of the Law were gone.

For this reason, she first time in her life left the Gardens and went to Horindius. She ordered without words to him to make two crowns. The man was afraid of Marguerite, because she had the power to control the Fate even of the other Patrons. So, he gave no questions. He just made two crowns.

Then Marguerite came back to her Gardens, she used her power of Fate, changing the Fate of Onimoria and Lotingus, giving them their powers back and announcing them both as Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles, The King and Queen of the Castle of the Clouds. They both came back to the Kingdom of the Clouds and took the main position there, changing the oldest sister and the oldest brother. These two crowns were made as objects of the immortality of two patrons.

According to Marguerite, Lotingus and Onimoria dealt with their challenge way more better than Gildarius and Ylirena.

The Rings of Immortality once, who belonged to Lotingus and Onimoria lost their power. However, Marguerite managed to cast a spell on them, which allows the Queen and King of Onimoria reach the Kingdom of the Clouds, if needed. The rules how to use these rings were explained and right now are given from one generation to the other. These Rings are considered as a sign of Power, as a sign, that the Queen and the King are the Prophets of the Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles and can make the conversation with the Patrons from now on.


When the order was created in the Kingdom of the Clouds, the time came to the Kingdom of the Isles too. The Queen knew, that she is the blood of Onimoria and Lotingus, that she is the Prophet. For this reason, she announced, that from now on, the believers of the The Cult of Asmenachia are considered as the lowest class in the Kingdom of the Isles.

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She announced, that the only true religion is The Onimoria. Because of the name of the Onimoria, whole religion is called Onimoria and believers are called Onimorians. Moreover, because of this Patron and the First Queen name, and this religion, most of the people are calling the Kingdom of the Isles as the Kingdom of the Onimoria. Inhabitants are called: onimorians (pl), onimoran (m), onimor (f) and the main house is House of Onimus.

The Onimorians must pray not just for Onimoria, but also for the Marguerite and Lotingus. The existence of the other Patrons are not denied, but it is very restricted. There is just one Temple in the whole Kingdom for the believers in the whole Cult of Asmenachia, which says, that each Patron is equal. Each believer in the one of the other seven Patrons must wear the brightly blue ribbon on their right arm, that everyone would know, who they are.

These people can't get a better position than lowest professions of commoners. They can't belong to the Guilds, they can't come close to the Queen or any other noble. The nobles are not allowed to believe in the Cult of Asmenachia. If a person is caught not wearing the brightly blue ribbon on his right arm, he loses his arm and has to wear the ribbon on the left one. If he is caught not wearing the ribbon again, he losses his left arm. Then he must wear the ribbon on his neck. The third time he losses his head.

If a follower of the Cult of Asmenachia is caught in a better position than he is allowed - he is sentenced to death. And if some kind of tragedy happens in one of the spheres controlled by one of the Seven Patrons, all followers in that Patron are gathered in one place and if the organizers of the plot do not reveal themselves, each third follower is killed by the Guardian of the Onimoria, because of the planed revolt against the only one true religion of the Onimoria, against the Prophet of the Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles - the only true Queen.


There is so called Oni (pl. Onises). This name came from the name of the Patron of the Passion and the First Queen - Onimoria. What actually that means, nobody can recall. However, "Oni" became the title of the priestess, or, actually, changed the word priestess at all in the course of time.

Men are not allowed to join the temple or serve for the religion in any other way but defense or spreading of the faith, and controlling the followers of the Cult of Asmenachia. That means, they may become The Guardians of Onimoria. These guardians are usually dressed in their armor, but their cloaks must be black with the symbol of The Onimoria.

The Apprentices of the Onises become young girls, who have interest in joining the Temple and, have perspective, according to the High Oni, who would chose that girl as her apprentice. The girl must be between 14th and 18th summers. The younger ones are considered as unable to know their real wishes, while the older ones are considered "without mission". If you do not felt the wish to join the Temple in that age, that means this is not your path. Usually the signs from the Marguerite come between 14th and 18th summers. (Proper addressing: The young sister <name>)

When the time, called "Shift of the Marguerite" (The High Oni sees that her apprentice is ready to join the Temple, and the girl herself really decides, that she wants it) comes, The Apprentice of the Oni becomes Oni. The ceremony is quite simple: the girl's innocence has to be checked, her hair is scissored off to be very short and she gets new clothes: white wimple and long black very simple gown, which has the symbol of Onimoria on the right shoulder.

The Onises (sing. Oni) are working in the Temples or convents. These, who are working in the Temples usually are responsible for public worship, death and marriage rites, helping the poor, orphans and patients in the infirmaries. Onises, who are working in the convents, are responsible for the food, which must be provided for the Temple, the poor and the convent itself. But more important, the convent is the place where all the documents about the teritory, where the convent is, are saved. Usually it is various contracts, alliances' documents, archives of deaths and born children, and marriage. Also, there is a small house called "The Castle of Onimoria" near the each convent. Usually Onises from the convent works there too. (Proper addressing: Sister <name>)

The High Onises (sing. The High Oni) are the leaders of the each Temple. They are chosen by the Queen and they are taking care of all the administration, Onises and people of the appointed Temple. Also, they chose the apprentices, who later will become Onises and will serve for the Temple of the High Oni, who was their master before. The High Oni can have not more than three apprentices at the same time.

The Castle of Onimoria is courthouse. The justice is made there. The convent choses The Oni of the Law and she becomes the judge, while The Seven, so called "other voices", are advisers for The Oni of The Law. All the problems must be brought to one of the Seven. Then the one of the Seven appoints the time, when the trial will be done. The word of The Oni of the Law may be contested just by the Queen, otherwise, The Oni of the Law is right.

The Royal High Oni (or The Fourth) - is one of the four advisers for the Queen. They are the most important members of the Queen's council. The Royal High Oni must be from the first line of the vassal houses or house of Onimoria. That means, they must be daughters of the Dutchesses or the Queen herself. However, it doesn't have to be one from each house. It may be all four from the one house. Everything depends from the girl's talents and she must show, that it is her real path and she must go through all the steps as simple Onises. Moreover, she has to know almost everything. It is very important for the adviser. Because of this role, there always was a tense between noble houses. Each of them wanted to have majority in The Fourth. Usually the second daughters of the noble families feel a huge pressure to find their path to the Temple, because it's the grand honour to have your family member in The Fourth. (Proper addressing: The Royal Mother <name>)

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Joining The Clergy:

  • The Apprentice of the Oni must be a woman.
  • The Apprentice of the Oni must be between 14 - 18 years old.
  • The Apprentice of the Oni must must feel or see a sign that this is her real path.
  • The Apprentice of the Oni must be innocent. If the girl surrendered for her sinful wishes (obviously without parents permission) she will never be welcomed to The Temple and is considered The Dust.
  • Serving for the Queen is considered an honour and nobody, who was or is outlaw, is welcomed there.

The inside laws:

  • The member of Clergy can't marry, because family would take half of the attention from duties, but a person must be fully devoted to the Queen.
  • The member of Clergy can't break the Kingdom's or The Clergy laws. There are no forgiveness. One mistake and the Oni is banished from The Temple.
  • The member of Clergy can't be seen without her uniform: white wimple and long black very simple gown, which has the symbol of Onimoria on the right shoulder.

The Guardians of The Onimoria laws:

  • Women are strictly forbidden from becoming The Guardians of Onimoria.
  • The Guardian must be the knight.
  • The Guardian must be never known by The Castle of Onimoria.
  • The Guardian may have a family, but he must know, that the Temple comes first.
  • The Guardian has to save Temple, all Onises from any offensive acts.
  • The Guardian must take care of the all followers of the Cult of Asmenachia, watching that they wouldn't break the law. The Guardian of Onimoria must bring all the law breakers to the Castle of Onimoria.
  • The Guardian must spread the religion between "others" (creatures of the Unknown World, small independent villages in the small islands, other Kingdoms).They are usually send to missions called "March of Onimoria".
  • They can't be seen without their black cloak with the symbol of The Onimoria on it.

The Marriage Rites:

The marriage are quite traditional in the Kingdom of the Isles (except the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano). People gather in the temple of Onimoria. The bride and bridegroom are standing with their backs turned to everyone. They are facing the priestess, who says her speech. When she finishes her speech, the woman gives two armbands with a huge red lilly on each. The pair has to turn to each other and tie the armbands to each others wrists, saying these words:

TOGETHER: You and me, like Onimoria and Lotingus, two lonely souls were meant to be together. Today we find each other to become one soul, to warm each other with love since now till Margueritte will invite us to her Gardens, where we both will meet each other again.

BRIDEGROOM: I will be your gold, your chains, your castle. I will be your strength and comfort. I will be your husband and a trusted friend.

BRIDE: I will be your smile, your diamond, your wings. I will be your maid and warmth. I will be your wife and a trusted friend.

TOGETHER: You and me, like Onimoria and Lotingus, two lonely souls were meant to be together. Today we find each other to become one soul, to warm each other with love since now till Margueritte will invite us to her Gardens, where we both will meet each other again.

Then Nimoria says her part and husband and wife can kiss each other.

The Death Rites:

Marguerite is the Patron of the Fate, Death and Life. The place, where all the souls go after the death are called the Gardens of the Marguerite. She is sitting on her wooden throne there, which is webed by the canary creepers, what is considered as her symbol. This is the reason, why people of the Kingdom of the Isles are always placing the crown of canary creepers on the decedent's head and decorates the place, where ashes are buried, with the same flowers.

Marguerite decided, that all the good and worthy souls are send to her Gardens, where they finally get a chance to rest in peace and enjoy life of immortality and justice. However, the dark souls are send back to the Earth very quickly, just to born again in the form of human and experience all the challenges again. The person does not bring his memories, though, and is in a new form there. For example, if he was a really bad noble, later he will born as a commoner or the King. You can never know, who you will be next, if your sins in this life were too huge to be invited in the Gardens. However, the fact is, that you will have to face even more difficulties. If a person fails again, he is send back to Earth. All this repeats, until he will prove that his soul is worth to get the eternal peace.

The rites of the death are lead by the Onises. The decedent is placed in the Death room of the Temple on the altar of the Marguerite with the crown of the canary creeper on his head for two days. The first day the Oni speaks three prayers: The Prayer of the Morning, The Prayer of the Noon and The Prayer of the Evening. Nobody is allowed to enter that room and disturb the Oni in her interaction with the Marguerite.

When the night comes, just the closest family members are allowed into the room and they remain there for the whole night. People can say goodbye for their relative and they have to say the Prayers of the Good Deeds. Basically, it is the way to tell Marguerite about what good the decedent done through his whole life. Of course, Marguerite sees and knows everything, but the begging of the family members, may buy the decedent's soul eternal peace. Of course, proper sacrifices must be made.

The second day is the day, when all friends and everyone, who wants can come. People can make prayers and tell Marguerite why the person should get the eternal peace or why he should come back to earth. The four Guardians of the Onimoria take the decedent in the evening. He is carried to the Altar of the Fire. The body is burned there and escorted to his last journey. The ashes are buried in the ground, and family plants the canary creeper there.

The Consecration Rites:

The Consecration of The Onises:

The Apprentices of the Onises become young girls, who have interest in joining the Temple and, have perspective, according to the High Oni, who would chose that girl as her apprentice. The girl must be between 14th and 18th summers. The younger ones are considered as unable to know their real wishes, while the older ones are considered "without mission". If you do not felt the wish to join the Temple in that age, that means this is not your path. Usually the signs from the Marguerite comes between 14th and 18th summers.

When the time, called "Shift of the Marguerite" (The High Oni sees that her apprentice is ready to join the Temple, and the girl herself really decides, that she wants it) comes, The Apprentice of the Oni becomes the Oni. The ceremony is quite simple: the girl's innocence has to be checked, her hair is scissored off to be very short and she gets new clothes: white wimple and long black very simple gown, which has the symbol of Onimoria on the right shoulder.

The Consecration of The Royal High Onises:

The rites are the same as of simple Onises. However, the Royal High Oni gets red wimple instead of white.