1. The Queen:
1.1. The Kingdom of the Isles, known as the Kingdom of Onimoria, is ruled by the House of Onimus , whose Queen is the supreme authority in the Kingdom. Those, who refuse to obey the Queen are considere traitors.
2. The Fourth:
- 2.1. The second authority in the Kingdom is "The Fourth" , if the Queen does not indicate otherwise. The Fourth are just nobles, and they are always near the Queen's side as advisers. Also, they are the part of the Queen's Council.
- 2.2. They are called "The Royal High Onises" and proper addressing is "Royal Mother <name>".
- 2.3. Everyone, except the Queen, must listen to The Fourth, unless the Queen indicates differently. Those who do not obey the word of the Fourth, and do not address them properly can be punished, as laws indicate (look at the section "Punishments").
3. The Queen's Council:
- 3.1. No men can be a part of the Queen's Council. Because of the past sins, just women are allowed to rule. However, there are some exceptions, which can be made by the Queen.
- 3.2. Mistress of Coins - is the chief financial adviser of the Queen; also responsible for all the Kingdom's treasures and taxes.
- 3.3. Mistress of Whispers - is responsible for everything from rumors to knowledge about global events. She is responsible for all the kingdom's Whispers, whether they are operating within the kingdom or abroad.
- 3.4. Mistress of the Law - is responsible for the laws of the Kingdom. The Castle of Onimoria (Courthouse) is under the control of Mistress of the Law and "The Onises of the Law". After being chosen in the convent, The Onises of the Law directly answer to the Mistress of the Law.
- 3.5. Mistress of Common Affairs - is responsible for relationship between nobles and commoners. She has to bring all the knowledge and troubles in common life to the attention of the Queen and other nobles. Also, she is responsible for local safety of the people, and troops to ensure existence of safety.
- 3.6. Marshal - is responsible for the whole army; and war strategy, logistics, recruitments, payment of soldiers, and other war-related matters.
- 3.7. Admiral - is responsible for whole fleet; payment of personnel, logistics, construction and maintenance of warships, strategy and other war-related naval matters. All captains directly answer to the Admiral.
- 3.8. Everyone except The Queen and The Fourth must obey the word of the collective Council. They are the third authority in the Kingdom. If a person refuses to obey, he might be punished accordingly. The heir to the Kingdom does not have to obey the orders of individual Council members, but is subject to the orders of the collective Council.
- 3.9. The Queen may indicate all possible exceptions.
4. The Guardians of Onimoria:
- 4.1. Men are not allowed to join the temple or serve the religion of the Isles in any other way but defense or spreading of the faith . They may become members of The Guardians of Onimoria .
- 4.2. Women are strictly forbidden from becoming The Guardians of Onimoria.
- 4.3. The Guardians of Onimoria must be knighted, and unknown for the Castle of Onimoria (courthouse).
- 4.4. These Guardians must be easily distinguished from the crowd. That means they must wear their distinctive armor, and carry their shield which bears the symbols of The Onimoria. To maintain the distinctiveness of their armor, anyone other than a Guardian found wearing the cuirass, the helmet, spaulders, and shield will be executed. Any other piece of the Guardian's armor may be worn by anyone who can afford it.
- 4.5. The Guardians of Onimoria are always on duty, except when they sleep. For this reason, The Guardian of Onimoria seen without his armor and shield might be punished, or his position might be taken away.
- 4.6. The Guardian may have a family, but he must know that the Temple and his duty comes first.
- 4.7. The Guardian must spread the religion between "others" (creatures of the Unknown World, small independent villages in the small islands, other Kingdoms). They are usually sent to missions called "March of Onimoria" .
- 4.8. The Queen chooses the best knights from The Guardians of Onimoria for herself and her daughters as personal Royal Guards. Each royal woman must have two Guardians of Onimoria at their sides.
- 4.9. Those who are chosen to become Royal Guards, usually are called Favoureds and they answer directly to the Queen. If one of the Favoureds leaves the side of one of the daughters, depending on the circumstances of the departure, he may be punished, even by death. They must remember that they do not obey the Princesses' orders. They obey the Queen only. All information about her daughters must be brought to her, or the person who is in charge, if the Queen is absent.
- 4.10. The Guardian must take care of the all followers of the Cult of Asmenachia, ensuring that they don't break the law.
- 4.11. The Guardian of Onimoria must bring all the law breakers to the dungeons immediately and inform the Castle of Onimoria, the Queen, or The Fourth about the incident immediately too.
- 4.12. The Guardian of Onimoria is not allowed to judge any of the lawbreakers without a trial, unless the circumstances of the situation require differently.
5. The Royals:
- 5.1. They are members of the Queen's family.
- 5.2. Most of the people must obey the Royals, if the Queen does not indicate differently.
- 5.3. The first born daughter is the heir.
- 5.4. Each Royal daughter must walk with two Guardians of Onimoria. If she leaves with only one guard, depending on how much trouble it brings, she will be punished by the Queen.
- 5.5. No romantic or sexual relationships are allowed without marriage (applies to royal men and women equally). If rumors about such things are heard,- a person will be disowned .
- 5.6. The Royal can't be seen in brothels as a customer. He can be seen there only if business requires.
- 5.7. The Royal marriages are arranged by the Queen. Marriages without the Queen's favor will cause disownment and exile. However, the Queen may take pity sometime later, and let them come back to the Kingdom; especially if consequences of such a marriage (bastard children) proves useful for the Kingdom.
- 5.8. The Royal women, married or not, must always be with her handmaidens or ladies-in-waiting . Being alone in the company of men brings unwelcome rumors and ideas for which women will be punished even without any considerations for truth or not. The type of punishment will be decided by the Queen.
- 5.9. The ladies-in-waiting or handmaidens of the Royal women might be put in the dungeons, be exiled, or even sentenced to death. If they leave the side of the subject of their duty (The Royal woman) or if they do not inform the Queen about misbehavior of the Royal woman before the rumors start spreading, they will be punished. The type of punishment is always chosen by the Queen, depending on the circumstances of the situation.
6. The Nobles:
- 6.1. Nobles are all lords and ladies from the Duchies or Solicitorians (the larger cities, lands or small islands, which belong to the Queen as all the Duchies), but are left in charge for one of the Duchesses and are administrated by the family (Solicitor), chosen by the Duchess.
- 6.2. The Duchesses answer directly to the Queen or the person, who is left in charge in the Queen's absence, while Solicitors answer to their Duchess.
- 6.3 Their responsibility is to take care of the Kingdom's lands for the Queen. They are not the owners of the lands, they are administrators of the lands.
- 6.4. They must pay taxes and serve the Queen faithfully.
- 6.5. Nobles are allowed to visit brothels as long as they practice discretion; however, women's sexual relationships before marriage are not allowed. The innocence of the woman is the assurance of health, healthy future heirs, and healthy future life of the Chosen Nation. Once at least one heir has been produced, noble women are allowed to take part in alternative pursuits.
- 6.6. The noble women, married or not, must always be with her handmaidens. Being alone in the company of men brings unwelcome rumors and ideas for which women will be punished without any considerations, whether true or not.
- 6.7. The handmaidens of the noble women might be put in the dungeons, be exiled, or even sentenced to death. If they leave the side of their charge (The noble woman), or if they do not inform the mother of the noble woman about misbehavior of the noble woman before the rumors start spreading; they may be punished. The type of punishment is always chosen by the Queen, depending on the circumstances of the situation. If the noble woman has no mother, the Queen is responsible for her, and all the information must be brought directly for the Queen.
- 6.8. All marriages of the nobles must be approved by the Queen or The Fourth.
7. The Solicitorians and the Solicitors:
- 7.1. The Solicitors are administrating the Solicitorians, so they are responsible for all the internal problems, and when necessary, they have to deal with them without bothering the higher authorities. If the Solicitor sees cause to inform the higher authorities, they must first address their liege (Duchess).
- 7.2. All the Solicitors were chosen the first day of the Chosen Nation, when the Patron of the Passion and the Kingdom of The Isles came to Earth. For this reason, their families are considered nobles of the lowest rank and all the rules of the nobles stands for them too.
- 7.3. The Solicitors directly answers to the Duchess, who is their liege.
- 7.4. Marriage between Solicitors, higher nobles, and even Royals is allowed.
- 7.5. The Solicitorians are the larger cities, lands or small islands, which are administered by the Solicitors; who are chosen by the Duchess in charge of those lands. These lands, like all in the Isles, belong to the Queen.
8. The Commoners:
- 8.1. The commoners belong to the nobles in whose lands they live. For this reason, the commoners pay taxes to the nobles, or Royal family, if they live in their lands. The commoners answer to their Royal Family, nobles, The Fourth, The Queen's Council and for the all servants of the Temple of the Onimoria.
- 8.2. Improper behaviour or disrespect in the company of nobles or Royals are punishable.
- 8.3. Each family has its own rules about women and men's relationship and possible consequences of misbehavior.
- 8.4. Mother is the head of each family and chooses the husbands and wives for their children. Her word should be respected.
- 8.5. If mother complains about the misbehavior of her children in the Castle of Onimoria to the Seven or other higher authorities, the children might be punished accordingly, as the children have a right to complain about misbehavior of their parents.
9. The Merchants:
- 9.1. Trading is free for the people of the Chosen Nation.
- 9.2. All foreigners, who want to trade in the Kingdom of the Isles, must get official approval from the Patron of the Merchant's Guild.
10. The Guilds:
- 10.1. There is just one Guild of One Sphere per whole Kingdom.
- 10.2. The Patron of the Guild is responsible for the Guild's internal laws, and he answers directly to the Queen's Council.
- 10.3. Both women and men can become the Patrons of the Guild.
- 10.4. All members of the Guild must be approved by the Patron of the Guild.
- 10.5. Each Guild has its own internal laws, but these rules can't overstep the interests and laws of the Kingdom. It would be a violation of the Kingdom's laws and would be considered treason.
- 10.6. The Patrons of the Guild must bring monthly reports about the Guild's activity to the Queen's Council, together with the monthly payments.
- 10.7. If the member of the Guild violates the law of the Guild, the Patron of the Guild must bring that situation and the person to the Castle of Onimoria.
- 10.8. All the laws of each Guild must be known to the Queen, Queen's Council and the Oni of the Law. They must be saved in the archives of the Castle of Onimoria.
- 10.9. Right now these are the patrons of these Guilds:
The Patron of the Merchants' Guild;
The Patron of the Healers' Guild;
The Patron of the Blacksmiths' Guild;
The Patron of the Cloth Makers' Guild;
The Patron of the Masons' Guild;
The Patron of the Artists' Guild;
The Patron of the Bakers' Guild;
- 10.10. The Craftman can create a new Guild. He must bring all the papers, list of possible members, and laws of the possible Guild to the Queen's Council. The Queen's Council will take a vote after the presentation of the new Guild.
11. The Religion:
- 11.1. There is the only true religion - The Onimoria which must be followed by all the people of the Chosen Nation.
- 11.2. The Cult of Asmenachia is the old religion of the Kingdom of the Isles, which understands that all Patrons of the Earth are equal. They do not acknowledge the authority of the Onimoria, Marguerite, and Lotingus in the Kingdom of the Clouds.
- 11.3. There is just one Temple for the followers of the Cult of Asmenachia. The Temple is in the Piradin, the city of the Island of the Crown. The public worship is allowed only in that Temple.
- 11.4. Each follower of the Cult of Asmenachia must wear a bright blue ribbon on their right arm so everyone would know who they are.
- 11.5. The followers of the Cult of Asmenachia can't get a better position than the lowest professions of commoners.
- 11.6. The followers of the Cult of Asmenachia can't belong to the Guilds. They can't come close to the Queen, or any other noble.
- 11.7. The nobles are not allowed to be the followers of the Cult of Asmenachia.
- 11.8. If the follower of the Cult of Asmenachia is caught not wearing the bright blue ribbon on his right arm, he loses his arm and has to wear the ribbon on the left one. If he is caught not wearing the ribbon again, he loses his left arm. Then he must wear the ribbon on his neck. The third time he loses his head.
- 11.9. If a follower of the Cult of Asmenachia is caught in a better position than he is allowed, he is sentenced to death.
- 11.10. Any planned revolt against the only one true religion of the Onimoria, against the Prophet of the Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles, the only true Queen; all followers of that Patron are gathered in one place. If the organizers of the plot do not reveal themselves, each third follower is killed by the Guardian of the Onimoria.
- 11.11. If some abnormal tragedy happens (plague, flooding rains, island submerged, etc.) in one of the spheres controlled by one of the Banashed Patrons, all followers of that Patron are gathered in one place for punishment.
12. The Magic:
- 12.1. The people who use magic or are suspected by having some kind of strange powers are considered to be a danger to the Onimoria, to the only True Queen and Prophet of the Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles, and to the Chosen Nation. These people are considered as nameless and are always called - Inmate (pl. Inmates) .
- 12.2. A person who is accused or suspected of being an Inmate, or is on friendly terms with an Inmate is referred to as The Touched .
- 12.3. If a person has a friendly relationship with the suspect (The Touched), or even addresses the suspect by the name, the person is considered a suspect, too.
- 12.4. If the Castle of Onimoria or another authority of the Kingdom gets any information about the person, who might be The Touched, the person is invited to the Castle of Onimoria. He becomes a suspect and he is marked on his right shoulder of being The Touched. The mark is a metal circle with the "x" inside. It is heated in the fire and touched to the shoulder of the suspect. The scar is oiled with a specific liquid, which does not let the scar heal.
- 12.5. If The Touched is caught in a strange behavior, or in the process of the magical doings, he is considered an Inmate, and is sentenced to death.
- 12.6. Those who are The Touched must be watched by the Guardians of Onimoria, who must pay a visit to these people once per week. The list of the suspects are kept in the archives of the Castle of the Onimoria.
- 12.7. If a foreigner comes to the Kingdom of the Isles and is caught in some kind of magical situation, depending on how much damage it did to the Kingdom of the Isles, the foreigner can be punished:
- Exiled, if the damage was minimal.
- Captured and tortured, if the damage was moderate.
- Sentenced to death if the damage was severe.
13. The Laws:
- 13.1. Master of Laws is the only one who can make changes in the "Book of Laws", written by the Lotingus himself.
- 13.2. Chief Constable of the Kingdom of the Isles controls the Constables of the each existing island of the Kingdom. He is the one who reports all the troubles to the Oni of the Law (judge) and Mistress of Laws. They decide if the Queen's Council and the Queen should be bothered with these troubles or not. Chief Constable must to make sure that everyone else in the Kingdom is following the laws, while Mistress of Laws dictates the laws to Chief Constable.
- 13.3. Constables of each isle control the simple guards of the Kingdom, who are patrolling in the streets, making sure that no crimes are committed, and all the criminals are caught.
- 13.4. The criminals can be acknowledged as being guilty by the Queen or The Oni of the Law. However, the trial must happen.
- 13.5. All people, who are displeased with someone, who have any trouble with the criminal, must meet with one of The Seven and inform them about the problem.
- 13.6. The Seven is seven onises, chosen by the Oni of the Law, who usually control all the processes of a trial, who decide which problems are worth the time of the Oni of the law, and which are not; and handle many other things related to the crimes and disagreements of peasants and citizens.
Any exceptions or additions of the law may be added by the Queen and the Master of the Law, just to improve the Kingdom's welfare. The people of the Chosen nation will be informed of all the changes of the Law by the town criers.
There are some crimes, where even the Oni of the Law can't be certain about who is the victim, and who is the criminal. Usually, at these times, the Oni of the Law leaves the decision to The Patron of the Law and the Kingdom of the Isles - Lotingus. He expresses his right and undoubted decision after one of these three ordeals:
a) Ordeal by Fire: The accused must pick up a red hot iron bar and hold it while they walk three or four paces. Their hand is then bandaged. After three days they have to return to the courthouse where the bandages are removed. If the wound is beginning to heal they are innocent, but if the wound shows no sign of healing then they are pronounced Guilty - This is the word of Lotingus.
b) Ordeal by Water: The accused have their hands and feet tied together. They are then thrown into water. If they float they are guilty, but if they sink they are innocent and their soul will reach the Gardens of Marguerite - This is the word of Lotingus.
c) Ordeal by Combat: Noblemen have to fight (usually to the death) in combat with their accuser. The winner of the battle is considered to be in the right - This is the word of Lotingus.
The most common crimes and punishments:
- Treason - It has some sub-categories: Assault, breaking/entering homes, stealing goods, asserting threats, abduction, conspiracy, extortion, obstruction of sewers/dykes, resisting officials, forestalling, using nonstandard measurements. - Usual punishment: Death, usually by hanging or a quick execution such as the Guillotine. Although other forms of torture, such as the Pear of Anguish, are possible, too. Mostly, everything depends on the decision of the Oni of the Law and the type of crime.
- Theft - Public humiliation and torture such as the Pillory and Stocks- A person declared guilty of theft often has his hands cut off, while more notorious thieves faces a variety of punishments depending on the preference of their torturer.
- Conspirator - Death by hanging or quartered, and questioning for information by using heat torture, rat torture, flaying, and other methods.
- Rebellion - Sentenced to death and often hanged. Before death, the criminal faces the pear of anguish, the guillotine, rat torture, and various other methods.
- Fraud - These criminals usually face public humiliation through the pillory and stocks as well as imprisonment (where an array of dreadful tortures awaits them).
- Homosexuality - Pillory, stocks, and pear of anguish (through one’s anus).
- Murder - Various types of death and execution, depending on the social/economic status of the person murdered.
Methods of Torture:
Torture is seen as a totally legitimate means for justice to extract confessions, or obtain the names of accomplices or other information about the crime. Torture is a legitimate way to obtain testimonies and confessions from suspects for use in legal inquiries and trials.There are many methods of torture which are practiced:
- Ripping out teeth / nails
- Beating
- Blinding
- Boiling
- Bone breaking
- Branding and Burning
- Castration
- Choking
- Cutting
- Disfigurement
- Dislocation
- Drowning
- Flagellation, whipping and beating
- Flaying
- Roasting
- Genital mutilation
- Limb/finger removal
- Starvation
- Tongue removal
More types of punishments
These types of punishments may be fitted by the Oni of The Law or The Queen, or the Duchess for their subjects and criminals, as the higher authority thinks necessary. Of course, they have to look at the Book of Law, the results of the crime, and the criminal himself.
Stocks are wooden blocks with a hole for the head and the hands. They are used for smaller punishments like stealing. The offender is locked in the stock and put on public display to humiliate him in front of the whole village. The criminal can hardly move in the stocks.
This punishment is used for murderers and serious crimes. The offender is strapped to horses (one arm or leg to one horse) and then on command the horses start running in different directions. That rips the offenders arms and legs off. The person dies quickly and painfully through blood and limb loss.
In medieval times a hanging was very common. It was used for crimes that were very common such as attempted murder, or murder. Hanging is still a type of punishment today but DEFINITELY not as common as in the medieval times. Now death penalties are only rarely used. There is a trap door under the hanging spot that the person that did the hanging takes the victim once he, or possibly even, she is dead.
Medieval people believed in evil sourcerers such as witches who were believed to be evil and dangerous. Of course there really isn't such thing as witches (yet...) but if someone was believed to be a witch, they would immediately be sentenced to be burned at the stake. The victim was tied to the stake and then burned alive in front of the whole village and kingdom.
If the king liked someone who was convicted of a crime, they wouldn't have to have a painful punishment. Instead they were banished from the kingdom, and they were never allowed to come back. The person who was banished thought it was a bad punishment because they could never see their king again, but that isn't so bad compared to other punishments.