The Rings of Immortality
These two identical Rings of Immortality were weared by Onimoria and Lotingus once. It was the only one power which allowed these Patrons to live forever. However, as everyone knows, these two Patrons were forced to remove the Rings of Immortality, which quickly lost their power.
However, Marguerite, the Patron of the Fate, Life and Death, announcing Onimoria and Lotingus as King and Queen of the Kingdom of the Clouds and the only one true Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles, decided to make crowns for them, which gave such power back to the Patrons. Their Rings of Immortality were given to the Queen and King of the Kingdom of the Isles.
Marguerite casted a spell on these rings, which allows these mundane rulers reach the Kingdom of the Clouds and keep the contact with Onimoria, Lotingus and Marguerite. So, these Rings are concidered as a sign of immortal Power, as a sign, that the Queen and the King are the Prophets of the Patrons of the Kingdom of the Isles.
There are many rumors about how actually the Rings are used to travel. Some say, that the Queen or the King has to fall asleep. Some say, that they are getting a special visions. Though, the truth was never revealed. It is concidered as a very important secret which is given from one generation to the other. Even the brothers and sisters of the Queen usually do not know, what happens. However, the help of Royal High Onises, known as "The Fourth" is essential, because when journey to the Kingdom of the Clouds is started, the Queen and King lock themselves into a special room of the Convent together with "The Fourh". This room does not have windows and is always locked, not used for any other purposes.
The Golden Trident and ferocious Kraken
"It was an evening. The sun was drowning into the abyss behind the Edge of the World. The bloody rays stretched over the waves of the Ocean. I was leaning over the baluster of our Nightshade. I was just a young boy, who managed to get onto the deck of the fastest and the most beautiful ship in our Kingdom. I looked briefly at the captain, who was standing beside the rudder. She told me, "Be careful, Ximen! The Ocean is bleeding. Tomorrow people will cry." I took my broom and started to clean the deck. Suddenly, the wind calmed down. The ship slowed down. If not a few drunk members of the crew, I would have heard how fishes were breathing under the water. It made me shudder. I looked at the capitain again. I think, I saw fear in her eyes. She suddenly shouted, "Ximen, HIDE!" But then I noticed something really strange weaving behind the baluster beside the captain. I thought, it may be just a feather. But then it started to grow bigger and bigger. Then I understood. It was enormous tentacle. The Ocean started to weave as if the storm would have approached us, but there was no wind. Then I noticed even more tentacles surrounding our ship. Everything happened just in a few seconds, when the most horrible creature showed up just behind our captain. It opened stinking jaws with hundreds of... I remember just screams and the sound of the breaking planks of the Nightshade. I pray for Marguerite each day and night, that she decided, that it was not my time to leave the world yet. However, I still see these nightmares, but I never can remember these jaws." --- From the memoirs of Ximen Arnech, the Great Wanderer.
This is the only one known description of the enormous octopus named Kraken. This creature was living under the Kingdom of the Isles for 413 years. It frightened many merchants, travelers, even some sailors. Many Queens promised gold and titles for these, who could kill that creature. There were some valiants, but most of them never came back from the meeting with the Kraken or never met him.
However, Kraken managed to raise floods, to destroy hundreds of ships during all these years. Finally, when mundane people were not able to fight the monster, the Queen LIVIA ONIMUS traveled to the Kingdom of the Clouds and begged Onimoria and Lotingus to help them. Marguerite was not very happy, that Patrons decided to interupt into so called challange for mundane people, however, they did. Onimoria promised, that after the third full moon, counting from the end of their meeting, the Sleeping Volcano will awake for a very brief moment. The river of flames will start rippling across that Volcano and it will carry the Golden Trident. The Patron warned, that nobody should come and look for it. The river will flow and will stop beside the feet of the right person, who will be able to defeat the beast.
Everything happend like that. Volcano woke up and the river of flames found the right person. It doesn't matter, that many people traveled to the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano, hopping, that they will be chosen. It was a simple young fisherman's daughter, named Ismaela Turich. She took that burning Golden Trident into her arms and her fate changed that moment.
The legend tells, that she took the boat of her father and the same day left her home. She didn't showed up for five years. However, it was a very calm five years. There were no ships destroyed, no floods. Then suddenly, the most horrible storm came to the Kingdom. It looked like the sky was mixing with the ocean. Many homes were destroyed, many bridges and many ships sinked. However, the next morning the young woman came back home. She didn't have that Golden Trident, but she had one enormous tentacle in her tiny boat.
Someone had to write her story, but, likely, it was lost during all these years. However, the legend traveled from lips to lips. Each narrator or bard changed the story line a little bit, making it sound more and more amazing. It is true, it was an amazing heroic deed of Ismaela Turich. The Kraken was never seen again, and all these songs and stories ends with the stranza how the bleeding Kraken drowns into the ocean with the Golden Trident stabbed into his heart.
True love is grafted in my heart - give me my sailor bold!
The stories of many sailors tell, that mermaid is a creature that is half woman and half fish. The male version is called a merman.
Although some mermaids are described as very beautiful and charming, they are quite monstrous and ugly, actually. However, just one person, who saw the true face of mermaid was able to come back home. His notes still are kept safely in the Convent of Onimoria.
His description tells, that above the waist they appear as a lovely young woman, whilst from the waist down, they are like a fish with fins and a spreading tail. However, all this beauty can be seen just as long as the melody sounds. When the silence comes, all the magic is gone.
Merman usually is the one, who approaches female sailors first, while mermaids like to comb their long hair. They are often seen with a mirror and a comb. Sometimes they sit on a rock and sing, luring handsome young men in the deep seas. Mermaids are eating the human's flesh. There are some guessings, that mermen, however, are wilder and uglier than mermaids. The stories tell, that they mostly play with the female sailors, before eating them. Sometimes, the game of merman lasts for days and becomes torture. However, nobody knows from where such stories reached islanders if nobody, who actually faced merman, came back.
The only one, already mentioned man, known as Gian Orich, writes about his meeting with a true mermaid this:
"I thought it was a nightingale. However, it is impossible to find such a bird in the middle of the sea. It was too far away from the Cormorantia. I frowned slighty in order to see better through all that strange mist. It was nor early morning, nor very cold day. Our ship cut the ocean moving forward, deeper into that mist and then we all saw it.
That melody, which reminded us the laugh, some kind of whispers, giggles and humming, was created by incredibly beautiful creatures. They all were sitting on the rocks, brushing their hairs, waving to each other. One of them noticed us staring and, I can swear, I saw the blush on her cheeks. Other members of the crew tried to speak with them, they shouted something, but just the same enchanting melody continued.
I loved the redhead one the most. She had such beautiful bared breasts. I couldn't turn my gaze away. Nobody was able to do so. It didn't took long, when suddenly we heard our ship's cry for help. I understood, that we bumped into the rocks. I knew, that we should do something, but... We were sure, that the ship can wait. The song lasted for hours. I climbed over the baluster of our ship and jumped into the water. Everyone did so.
We swimed closer and closer. The redhead jumped from her rock into the water and I felt her hands on my body after a brief moment. She pressed her lips together as if willing to kiss me and started to swim deeper into the ocean. I was light as a feather. She was able to do anything she wants with me. However, I started to feel pressure in my heart soon. It started to beat more and more slowly. My body started to squirm and the melody stopped.
I heard just some kind of tingle in my head. The beautiful lady faded and I noticed the two tentacles instead of hands color of bulrush on my arm. I raised my gaze and noticed the mouth full of tiny spiky teeth. There were two holes in the pale face instead of eyes, deep, empty, dark holes. There were two smaller holes instead of the nose and ears looked like two huge fins. There were no time. I grabbed my knife from the waist with the free hand and started to stab these tentacles or hands (I am still not sure how to call it).
Then I heard deafening cry and my eyes started to close. I felt how my body was slowly raising up... I lost my conscious. The other day I woke up on the ship. I pray each day and night for the Patron Marguerite, because I am lack of words to express my gratitude, that it was not my destiny to end my life becoming dinner for the mermaid."
Such message about the mermaids lets us guess, that these creatures are using the music, melody or other sounds to enchant the sailors, creating illusion, making them to look beautiful females or males. It is believed, that the same mermaid can be seen totally different by different people at the same time. Everyone see what is beautiful to them. The music and melody of these creatures does no effect on the same gender. So, mermaid will never effect female sailor. Also, the message of Gian Orich prompts, that these creatures are not able to speak. There is a possibility, that even if the music makes them to look more similar to humans, they, actually, are not very clever or inteligent.
The activity of these creatures lessened after the death of Kraken. However, nobody knows if these two events have any links. However, most of the sailors of the Kingdom of the Isles are trying to carry something to plug their ears, if needed, all the time.
"The only one True Faith"
"I screamed. I heard my endless scream. I felt tears rippling across my cheekS and somewhere far far away a woman was whispering, "Push...". I was trying. I really was, but I felt just a pain... and suddenly I saw the light. It was brighter light of that one of the sun. I was just forced to close my eyes. Then came the darkness. However, I felt warmth on my body.
Then somewhere far far away in the darkness I saw a slim figure, approaching me. The closer it get to me, the more calm I felt. Then she spoke to me, "Breath... Slowly. Do not be afraid..." She quickly appeared beside me and took my hand. "Your child will be healthy and it will grow up into a man, who will break the pale towers, bringing the past to our future..."
Then I fell asleep. All the pain faded. When I woke up, the child was laying beside me. He was healthy. I knew it was Ylirena. My son will bring the banished Patrons back home. I know that, that is why I am leaving this world happy..." -- (the last words of Gerdra of Piradin, well known follower of Asmenachia.)
People of the Kingdom of the Isles are sure, that Patrons live in the Kingdom of the Clouds, above their heads. After all, the Queen can travel there and meet Onimoria, Lotingus, Marguerite, while banished Patrons are always trying to reach their followers and use them for their traitorous plan!
More information about religion you can find HERE, while here you can see a short list of Patrons:
- GILDARIUS - The Patron of the Men.
- YLIRENA - The Patron of the Women.
- DALIMINA - The Patron of the Water.
- HORINDIUS - The Patron of the Steel.
- ILANAS - The Patron of the Land.
- MARGUERITE - The Patron of the Fate, Death and Life.
- ESMEDIA - The Patron of the Black.
- LOTINGUS - The Patron of the Law.
- ONIMORIA - The Patron of the Passion.
- ANIDEAUS - The Patron of the Feast.
Lost precious items: The Stone of Storm
DALIMINA is one of the banished Patrons, who was the Patron of the Water. When The Mother died, giving the birth for the last brother of Dalimina, the Patron started to cry. It is told, that The Artist did not create the water. All the seas, oceans, rivers are the tears of Dalimina.
Usually, when she does not cry, she is sleeping, because it is the only one way not to feel the pain, which is felt by Dalimina because of her mother's death. However, the woman is seeing nightmares, usually. All what she saw - became truth. All what she sees, still becomes truth. This was the way how whole dangerous world of underwater was created. All the mosters, between them the famous Kraken and all the mermaids. However, it was the way how the knowledge of the ships were brought to humanity too.
Sadly, Dalimina can't stop her powers, can't control them. Even her brothers and sisters can't help the Patron. When she is not sleeping, the storms are torturing the ships of the world. When she is sleeping, even worst things happen under the water. So, there is a rumor, that after the banishment Dalimina ran away together with her brothers and sisters from the Kingdom of the Isles.
It is said, that she was so sad, that the sky didn't stop crying for month. The storms ruined people's homes and ships. Many people died. The woman was so sorry because of all the loss, especially of the loss of these, who still believed in her, that she turned one of her tears into the stone and gave it to one of the followers.
Rumor says, that all the storms can be seen inside that stone. More important, this stone is able to suck the storm inside, this way making the sky to become clear. So, the Captain, who will have that stone inside his pocket will never face the storm again. When people learned it, many started to fight for this stone. It traveled from one hands to the other, when finally it was lost.
There is a rumor, that the stone is in the hands of the pirates right now, because the last known captain, who had it, was killed by the Pirate in the city of Piradin.
Of course, many people can say for the traveller, who is looking for the Stone of Storm, that everything is just a story about coincidences. However, there are some people, who think, that it is worth to spend their lifes looking for the tear of Dalimina.
Lost precious items:
Lost precious items: