Holidays of the Isles

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"First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others."
-Thomas a Kempis











  • 17th day: 384.11.17 - The Isle of the Sleeping Volcano joined the Kingdom of the Isles, making an Oath to the Queen Galice Onimus. It happened after a huge catastrophe, when sleeping Volcano woke up in September of the year 384 and whole Isle of the Sleeping Volcano was burried under the ashes. The Queen Galice Onimus promised to clean up the poor island and rebuilt everything, what was destroyed. The weak was invited into the family and when the time came - it made the family just stronger. That is why the 17th day of November is celebrated as The Day of Friendship. Many events are thrown to represent the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano. Though, the most important parts of the celebration are smithery fair and tourney of archers. After all, people of the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano served not just as a faithful allies to the Queen, but also, they continued and improved their traditions of the smithery and archery, becomming the best of these spheres in the Kingdom. So, during festivities, everyone are wolcomed to participate in the fair,presenting their work or participate in the archery tourney and win the Golden Arrow.
  • 29th day:This day is known as The day of the Damned, but it doesn't have any relations with specific events in the past. It took a lot of time and effort for the members of Cult of Asmenachia to finally gain at least one day in the year, when these people can be free once again. It's the only one day, when they can take of their blue ribbons, gather in the Temple of Asmenachia in the city of Piradin and celebrate high Mass, praying for all the patrons, even the banished ones. Each and everyone, even the banished ones from the Kingdom of the Isles,are allowed to come back home during this day. The security is always reinforced during that day though. Still, people throw many celebrations in the city during all night. They sing old songs, they share their experiance, they can express their opinion in public, they can performvarious old traditions related to their religion. These people are usually not allowed to participate in any of the tourneys, so during this day, they throw small tourneys of their own: archery, swords on foot. Other people like to come and watch the events too.


  • 22nd day:312.12.22 – 313.08 - was the time, when the Kingdom of the Isles was burried under the snow. Bards are singing and rumors are spreading, that it was one of the most joyful moments, at first, before it became a true tragedy, because the famine started after a few month. When the snow started to melt, the flood not allowed to start a normal life again. However, even if the snow braught tragedy into the Isles, 22nd day of December is celebrated as The Day of Wish-fulfilment. People believe, that this day is magical and all the dreams of people may become truth,the most unbilievable thing may happen, like that snow, which showed up in the lands of sun and rain.

The most important events during celebration are The Championship of Jesters and The Night's Carnaval. Jesters from all Felaguria are welcomed to visit the Isle of the Crown and cheer people, surprise people during all day. People vote for their most favorite and most talented Jester in the evening and the winner gets the Molar Bell. The Mollar Bell is not just a simple bell. It has encrusted lily on one side. Lily is the symbol of the House of Onimus, which allows the Jester to enter any event of the nobles, thrown in the Isles and perform for them. That's a huge and important opportunity, which promises a better position for the jester. Many usually expects to impress the Queen and become her personal jester.

One of these special events is the Night's Carnaval, where gathers just nobles. They all come hidden in their costumes. These, who are without costumes are not allowed to enter the castle. The trick is to keep your true self in secret during all the event. At the end of the feast everyone gathers nin the beach, where they get galrands of flowers with candles in the middle. Each person lights his candle, thinks of a wish and sends it to the sea. If your candle is blow out by the wind, before she disappears in the horizon - your wish won't be fulfilled. If the candle safetly reaches the horizon - your wish was heard by the Patrons and it will be fulfilled in the enar future.