Female rights in the Golden Lion

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"Female rights in the Golden Lion"

Women’s status in the legal structure of the Kingdom of Golden Lion is a complicated issue, the examination of which does not lead to solid, black and white conclusions. The Kingdom of Golden Lion has a huge territory, many cities, they managed to fill they dungeons with gold, they almost takes over a part of the Unknown World, ensalving children, women and men. The Kingdom of golden Lion is one equally important part of Felaguria, but at the same time it is impossible to say precisely how women are treated in the Golden Lion legal structure as a whole. There are many rumors, many stories, and they all are very different. Some say, that usually it depends on the personality of the woman herself.

Woman as a legal subject is also a very broad topic, which can be addressed using issues as wide-ranging as marriage law, property law, and adultery laws. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these are the main issues which set general position of the woman in the Kingdom of Golden Lion.

Marriage law:

While marriage is one method of expression of adulthood for men, marriage is almost the exclusive route for women. Golden Lion girls are married off between their 16th and 18th years and, when widowed, are encouraged to marry again quite quickly. New brides enter the orbit of their husband’s families. Indeed women are so defined by their new families that most post-pubescent education and domestic instruction are managed by a woman’s mother-in-law.

The Golden Lion uses an arranged marriage system. This process starts when a family decides that it has a male who is ready to be married. Men are given a great deal of leeway regarding when to marry but are expected to marry by 30; allowing for time in military service, advanced education or other career development. Male's family would thus start scouting for marriageable girls. His family would do this by employing a female member close to the man, usually his mother as scout for marriageable girls and women. Mother usually has an eye out for marriageable girls ahead of time, and if an especially promising one is found, a man’s family might pressure him to start thinking about marriage before she is snatched up by another family.

After identifying potential candidates, mother would arrange her for a viewing. These viewings are very ritualized and follow a prescribed format. The mother of the male would sit with the girl’s mother or female guardian and exchange pleasantries and also any articulated requests by the prospective groom in what he wanted in a bride. Then the candidate(s) would come into the room dressed in her best, salute the guest with handkerchief and, with downcast eyes, hand out dainty coffee cups set in silver containers. Mother of the male would drink the coffee slowly in order to have time for inspection – for when the coffee is consumed the girl withdraws. Then as soon as the girl leaves the room, the elders gets down to business. Details discussed would include what the mother of the male think and would explain why she choses or does not choose her. If she refuses to choose the girl, then she would continue to look for another. If she decides, that the girl is right, mother presence the girl for son's father. She explains, why she thinks that the candidate is perfect. Then father takes the decision if son can marry her or not. If not, mother continues her search.

If everything is alright, marriages are arranged. There is not such thing as betrothal period in the Kingdom of Golden Lion. usually, after groom's father's agreement, marriage is arranged in two weeks. The most important thing is that priests must check the bride if she is still innocent, if she is married off for the first time. If it's her second or third marriages - this check up is usually skipped.

Divorce law:

Divorce are very simple in the Kingdom of Golden Lion. Divorce can be announced by the person of higher stance between nobility. It can be female, or it can be male. All she or he needs to do is to tell three times for his/her spouse: "I am breaking up with you, I am breaking up with you, I am breaking up with you." It is important to do so in the eyes of any kind of witnesses.

Though, if the stance of both is equal or if this is a family of commoners, divorce may be announced just by the male. If female wants to divorce a man because of illigal activity like violance - she must bring a report on her husband to the court.

Property law: all property belongs to a male, unless the woman is of higher stance. Then various treaties can be signed.

Adultery law:

The law is similar to the divorce law. Everything depends on the person's status in society. Of course, females are punished more severe for adultery than males.

Common families: The woman must be devoted to her husband and she can't have any other men in her life till the death of her current husband. Though, man can have other females if they are legal workers of brothels. He can't show attention to just a random female in the street, but he can freely enjoy the love of prostitute.

Noble families: Adultery is forbidden for females, but if they are of a higher stance than her husband, the adultery might be punished less severe. If the male has a higher stance than his wife, he is allowed to have a Meelrebban and he is allowed to spend time with any girl from his Meelrebban. Not just his wife. Also, he can choose another girl from his Meelrebban, who will basically be almost equal to his wife. Sometimes, they even become more loved. Though, if wife is of higher stance - her husband can't have Meelrebban and he will be punished of adultery properly.

So, as you can see here, it may look as if females are pressed in this strongly male orientaited kingdom. However, this is not right, because there are many stories about how females won divorce courts against their husbands, how some females of higher stance actually managed to become advisers of their husbands or even more! If there is a law, there is a way to break it. Always.