Family Nua

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"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." --- Edgar Cayce

Ilus was the Traveller who chose family of Nua. Of course, not everyone understands good and bad equally. Not everyone see beauty in bright and joyful things. Some even think, that if there is good, there has to be darkness. If the day would never be changed by the night, the world would drown into the chaos.

Maybe because of these or many other reasons the last traveller felt so passionated about the night, shadows and illusions it may bring. Rumor says, that Ilus was the one, who looked into other travellers with some despite, calling them weak and naive. He was sure, that their mistake to create creatures, who look like them, can't be fixed by any gullible attempts to create a perfect island with gifted chosen families.

"You give them peaceful powers, just to make them an easy targets," he said for his companions, "Even if they will live peacefully, even if they won't go into the dark world to meet the lost souls, they won't be safe. These people will come to this island and will destroy it, killing the last faithful people - us. So, someone has to protect the island and innocent gifts won't help."

So, he chose the strongest family to become protectors of the island, giving them the power of Kohu. Power of house of Nua keeps the island safe from intruders for over 600 years. It's the reason, why this island is known as Rumorous one.

The gift finds the heart of a member of house of Nua in the dreams. There are many rumorous and stories between all the simple people of the Rumorous island what type of dream it should be. Though, there is no exact answer. Each dream is different and just the child of house of Nua can know, that it was the right fateful dream. Then the person starts his learning and he must chose another member of house of Nua, who would teach him all the secrets.


Levels of Igwa:

1 level: Person can control the dreams of a specific target over whose forehead member of house of Nua can keep his hand. He can see the same dream as his target does and he can change it the way he wants. Though, it may last not longer than ten or fifteen minutes. The person, who controls the gift quickly becomes too weak and too tired.

2 level: Person can send a specific dream, which would look like vision or fateful dream for the people in the same room as the person, who uses power of Kohu. More exactly, all people in the circle of five meters' diameter. Also, the power would last for about half an hour, but not more.

3 level: Person can send dreams for a specific target, whose location and look the person knows. For example, for his sister, who spends her time on the coast of the Kingdom of Two Rivers. Then person should go to sleep and reach the person he knows through the dreams. Though, he can't contact his target if it does not sleep. Time is limited to one hour, not more.

4 level: Person can send a specific dream/vision for a few people, who he knows, and whom location he knows. Though, not more than 3 - 5 people. Depends on the strength of the person with the gift and the distracton around. Once more, person should be sleeping and travel through dreams. Time is limited too to one hour.

5 level: If the person knows location, he can send dreams and control dreams of a group of the strangers. However, he must know location, that he would know where to travel, while sleeping. Because as mentioned above, person has to leave his dream and find dreams of his tragets.

6 level: Here person learns how to send a small and short mirages for one target, even if it is not sleeping. The mirage would last not more than 5 - 10 minutes. The traget has to be in the eyeshot.

7 level: Here person learns how to send a small and short mirages for a few targets, even if they are not sleeping. The mirages would be exactly the same and would last not more than 5 - 10 minutes. The tragets has to be in the eyeshot.

8 level: Person learns how to guard a specific place. He casts a spell around wanted location, guarding it with a specific vision. When someone enters the place, all who do so, see the same vision. However, that spell lasts not more than three hours or so. Also, person can send a bigger and more vivid vision/mirage for a specific target in the eyeshot.

9 level: All the visions and mirages become really realistic and can last for one day, even if that would really tire the person as the spell over a specific location.

10 level: Person can take away the memory of his target and change it with another. However, the target may feel a bit strange and unsure about it, if the spell was casted wrongly. Also, if some kind of things would remind him of a true memory, there is a posibility, that he would find out the things. However, if that does not happen, person would live in the created moment in his head, not the real one. Target wouldn't remember it at all.

11 level: Here person can change the memory of a group of people, not more than 5. The new memory would be more strong and it would be harder to fail.

12 level: Nobody knows anyone, who would have reached this level. Though, there are rumors, that the gift has no limits and actually it is possible to learn how to make a person or two live in the dreams.

The flaw of the gift: It's very tiring, most of the dreams can be send just if the gifted person sleeps too. Also the Kohu power has limited time of use and usually person has to know a specific location of his targets. Also, there is a huge treat, that the gifted person may start living in the dreams too and start mixing reality and dreams. Plus, it just happened, that members of House of Nua are mostly vulnarable against the darker side of the heart and may fell into the darkness more easily than others. So, it is very hard to keep this family on the good tracks.



MEREN NUA (m) - 42 years old. Gifted. Protector. Married and has children.
DEITA NUA (f) - 40 years old. Wife of Meren. Not gifted, because she came from another family.
BALTRAN NUA (m) - 21 years old. Son of Meren. Not gifted. Unmarried.
ANDRIS NUA (m) - 19 years old. Son of Meren. Recently gifted. Unmarried.

CHASPER NUA (m) - 38 years old. Son of Mazzina and Aden Nua, brother of Meren. Married. Not gifted. Has two daughters and one of them is just one year old.
FREANA NUA (f) - 31 years old. Wife of Chasper. Not gifted, because she came from another family. Has two daughters and one of them is just one year old.
ZIA NUA (f) - 13 years old. Daughter of Chasper. Still didn't found her gift.

PEPPER NUA (m) - 36 years old. Son of Mazzina and Aden Nua, brother of Meren. Widower. Gifted. Twin to Linard.

LINARD NUA (m) - 36 years old. Son of Mazzina and Aden Nua, brother of Meren. Not gifted. Twin to Pepper.
JARON NUA (m) - 33 years old. Son of Mazzina and Aden Nua, brother of Meren. Gifted. Unmarried.

LETA NUA (f) - 31 years old. Daughter of Mazzina and Aden Nua, sister of Meren. Gifted. Has a daughter without marriage.
GIAN NUA (m) - 14 years old. Daughter if Leta. Still didn't found her gift.

Nua tree.png
Family Vinna
Colors: SOON
Honorific: SOON
Village Roalia
Head of the Family: SOON
Wealth: SOON

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