The Rumorous Island, known as Tawhito for the locals, lived in peace since the moment, when all the greedy people spread around the world, leaving just the most faithful ones in the island.
The gifted ones ruled honorably and trying to bring justice for everyone. People kept repeating one and the same phrase: We will be able to help the lost ones, if we will manage to keep peace in our lands.
However, the disease of the darkness managed to break the defense of the small island and the Protectors (N'Ezi in the old language of Tawhito), members of Senate, went just crazy in the year 347. They started to believe, that the laws, given them by the Travellers were wrong. They disagreed beeing servants for whole sociaty. They started to see themselves as Five Kings and wanted to share the island, people as subjects.
Such plan was not greeted with enthusiasm, of course. So, slowly people started to whisper, that the leaders of the Senate were diseased, were cursed, that somehow people of the Dark World managed to get into their head.
So, soon Agraham Guilhem - the oldest member of Family Guilhem, gathered people of the island and lead to the hill of the Senate, where the house of Senate was standing and all members of Senate was gathered. This movement was called Marathon of Justice.
People asked their Protectors to change their mind, but instead of that, Protectors used their powers against the people of their own. The legends say, that Agraham raised his hands into the sky and asked blessing from the Travellers. Then incredibly bright light started to shine over him.
It was just a short moment after which the world became dark. So, dark that people were not able to see tips of their noses. The moment was short once again. However, when the sun appeared again, these five Protectors were tied up and defeated by Agraham Guilhem. People think, that he was gifted with temporary power of strength for that moment to defeat the evil. All five members of Senate were executed for a treason.
New most talented members of the same families were chosen as Protectors. However, since that day of the year 347, not five, but six Protectors joined the Senate. One more family was chosen by the voting of simple, not gifted, faithful believers in Travellers and their laws. That family was - Guilhem. This family was chosen as the most important, whose chosen person would guide the whole Senate, because the gifted ones became a bit more weak for the darkness. The family had to represent the majority of the Island's people, who are thankful and faithful to the Travelers, even if they were not gifted. They believe that peace and safety is the best gift. Though, rumor says, that actually even the Family of Guilhem was gifted. Though, the gift was send by all the travellers, not just one and is known as - strong will.
Already in play:
Ferrand Guilhem (m)- 43 years old. Married. Protector. Elder of the Senate. (NPC of TeddyBear)
SANCA GUILHEM (f)- 41 years old. Wife of Ferrand.
ANDRIEU GUILHEM (m)- 23 years old. Son of Ferrand.
BARTOMIEU GUILHEM (m)- 21 years old. Son of Ferrand.
AULAIRE GUILHEM (f)- 33 years old. Sister of Ferrand. She is mentioned as A Guilhemin the family tree. The woman was married twice. Her first husband was Tederic Guilhem. However, Aulaire divorced him. Her second husband is Ramir.
TEDERIC GUILHEM (m)- 35 years old. First husband of Aulaire.
BAUTESAR GUILHEM (m)- 14 years old. Son of Aulaire from the first husband Tederic.
RAMIR GUILHEM (m)- 37 years old. Second husband of Aulaire.
ADELAIDA GUILHEM (f)- 5 years old. Daughter of Aulaire and Ramir.
ESTERELLE GUILHEM (f)- 22 years old. Sister of Ferrand.
ZOUE GUILHEM (f)- 16 years old. Sister of Ferrand.
JACME GUILHEM (m)- 40 years old. Brother of Ferrand.
MAGUELONE GUILHEM (f)- 39 years old. Wife of Jacme.
VITORI GUILHEM (f)- 23 years old. Daughter of Jacme.
FABRICI GUILHEM (m)- 22 years old. Son of Jacme.