Family Clague

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"Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it." ---Tori Amos

Agwa is the Traveller, who chose family of Clague. She believed, that there is nothing more important than health. If person is ill, if he feels a physical pain, then he is an easier target for the darker side of his own heart, according to Agwa. That is why she decided to gift the offsprings of the First Humans, who were still loyal to their creator, the gift of Igwa, known as the healing touch.

Clague's family was not gifted with a talent, which grows more and more powerful with their age. Usually, older members of the family gives the knowledge of Igwa to their children and it is a long and very hard learning process. You can't find the gift of Agwa in your heart without any knowledge of healing. So, usually there are no any people, who reach the first level of Igwa during first 20 years of their life.

Since the moment they learn how to read, they are taught by the older relatives just of simple healing. Children are taught of many secrets of humans and animals bodies. Just when they reach the needed level of healing knowledge, the training of Igwa starts, where the meditation and peace with your own minds have to be learned first. Just then, slowly, a person is able to connect himself with his gift and heal the wounded one.


Levels of Igwa:

1 - 5 level: The person has ability to instantly diagnose disease and injury in a person. While at lvl 1-3, the person can recognize all the illnesses, which are known to him. This way, if he has good knowledge of healing, he can chose the best medicine and healing process. At the lvl 4-5, the person is able to sense something new, maybe the diseases, which are unknown to the people. For example, he would feel that something cold and dark is covering person's lungs. It may be cancer or something perfectly known to us in modern days, but not known at all for medieval people. This way the person would be able to research the progress of the illness and maybe find out new medicine from unknown illnesses.

6 - 7 level: The member of Clague family has the ability to accelerate the body’s natural healing processes with a simple touching. This takes a minute or two. Clague lays hands on the subject, simply massaging the injured area, this way making the wounds heal more quickly, or making the fever to fade, but that does not heal the person from the illness itself, just does not let the illness to progress, if it is a virus. Though, if it is a simple cut into the finger, the massage would make the finger heal faster than usually.

8 - 9 level: The Clague is able to knit wounds and cure disease. The healer can heal bashing damage and cure simple diseases (very well known to the healer) or poisonings.

10 - 11 level: At these levels, the person can knit broken bones, close serious wounds and cure potent diseases. Clague may help to heal the sterile ones, may even help to get rid of fears and pshychological illnesses.

12 level: Very rarely members of Clague family reach this level of Igwa's gift. The healer can remove any diseases from people's bodies, even if the person was born with some kind of disease or disability. He can make these, who are blind to see again. He may help these, who were deaf to hear again and similar things.

The flaw of the gift: This gift can become a problem for the gifted one, when he becomes a target of people seeking his miraculous aid or when he becomes hunted by the fighters against the magic. It is good and normal, if this gift is used in the Rumorous Island. However, the family of Clague is the most known as kind hearted, who does anything to leave into the wide world and heal these, who are ruled by the dark side of their hearts. Clague believes, that they might heal that too and bring people on the right road. However, it's just a rumor and nobody still managed to do so. However, if that travelling a healer won't have a good scientific explanation, how they did one or other thing, they may be understood as witches and just burned, or may be imprisoned by some greedy people. So, there is nothing more important than keeping such a gift in secret. Moreover, the healer must be very careful, because each time he heals someone, he uses a part of his own energy for that. If the healer will try to heal too many people or too hard illness for him, he might end up dead.



Breeshey Clague (f) - 22 years old. Daughter of Moirrey. Gifted. (NPC)


MOIRREY CLAGUE(f) - 41 years old. She was chosen to present her family in the Senate, this way becomming one of the leaders of the nation of the First and Faithful Humans, because she is the only one most powerful alive member of the family of Clague.

PHERICK CLAGUE (m) - 41 years old. Husband of Moirrey. Not gifted. Came from different family.

EALISAID CLAGUE (f) - 17 years old. Wife of Ean Clague. Not gifted. Came from different family.
EAN CLAGUE (m) - 24 years old. Son of Moirrey. Gifted.

JUAN CLAGUE (m) - 27 years old. Husband of Breeshey Clague. Not gifted. Came from different family.

MARGAID CLAGUE (f) - 18 years old. Daughter of Moirrey. Still didn't found the gift.
PAAIE CLAGUE (f) - 29 years old. Husband of Margaid Clague. Not gifted. Came from different family.
ILLIAM CLAGUE (m) - 1 years old. Daughter of Margaid.

Family Dokita
Colors: SOON
Honorific: SOON
Village: Gwunis
Head of the Family: SOON
Wealth: SOON

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