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"This char is taken." - Isle of the Sleeping Volcano
The life of Debrah begins in the year 635, born fifteen years after her sister - who was first in line to be the rule of the Isle. Unfortunately, life took a tragic turn when she was twenty-eight years of age. Her sister, Yetta Kiari, who was the first female born to her family, grew ill. It was a sudden thing, the healers called it a sickness of the lungs, and at the ripe age of fourty-three, her sister passed on. This left Debrah to be the next in line and with her mother's death only a year later, the ruling of the Isle fell upon Debrah's shoulders.
There is a time for mourning, and Debrah spent that time wisely. Her relationships with those around her only becoming stronger in the face of tragedy. The Queen knows of her loyalty, and that Debrah is never one to question the matriarch, forging ahead to serve both Queen and Isle with dignity and grace. The death of her sister to illness, and her mother a year later sparked curiosity in the Duchess, as she began to dabble in apothecary, learning basics in the mixing of potions and elixirs. With her devotion to Queen and Isle, she never lets her people suffer, and as such is revered in the eyes of her subjects.
Debrah Kiari is a woman of grand stature and fierce loyalty. Ruling the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano alongside her husband, Abell Kiari, there is never the need for an iron fist. She is stern, but she is kind hearted, and more often than not is revered as a woman who is better left to remain on the right side of. Her kind heartedness comes from her upbringing, mostly since from her birth it was pressed into her about how a lady should properly act. This led to early years of learning to sit up straight, speak properly, mind the temper, and always listen to those who were addressing you. With these as the backbone to her rule, there has never been an incident to overthrow her, or have another in some part of the family line rule instead of her, and she intends to keep it that way.
RP Hooks
Debrah Kiari
Debrah Kiari
23rd of September, 635
The Kingdom of the Isles
House of Kiari
Your Grace
The Dutchess of the Isle of the Sleeping Volcano
Place of birth
The Duke Ishmael Kiari (Grunhaid) - Deceased
The Dutchess Perzsike Kiari - Deceased
Brothers: Deron Kiari, Efraim Kiari Sisters: Yetta Kiari - Deceased
Abell Kiari (Onimus)
Daughters: Adah Kiari, Johanna Kiari
Logs referring to Debrah Kiari