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"Only those best suited to survival should lead."
OOC: This faction is non-playable.
Nation of Caesitas
The Caesitas are known to Felaguria as the Western Barbarians and are often confused with those fron the New Empire. They make occasional raids on the Kingdom of Estoria.
The Sect and the Exodus
Originally a religious sect within the New Empire, those who would become known as the Caesitas believed that the Old Gods abandoned the Old Empire, which is why it fell. They believed that they had to adapt and find a new way so as not to suffer the same fate.
Where the Spelunca Empire believes the Old Gods to still watch over them, the Caesitas believe that when the gods abandoned their people the lack of worship resulted in the death of the gods. As such the Caesitas have created a faith around those they know have lived and who they feel still have power to help the living. Their own ancestors.
After eight years with the Spelunca it became clear to the sect that coexistence wouldn’t be possible due to both sides having two radically different views. So they decided that before events would unfold which would lead to violence and death, the sect members would simply pack up and leave to settle elsewhere.
The leader of this exodus known as Caesir claimed a vision from the Ancestors of a land that would meet all their needs. For this reason Caesir would eventually be declared the first Living Ancestor of the faith and would also lend his name to the culture that united the sect.
Not all was perfect within the sect, after traveling beyond the borders of the Spelunca, they reached the first major mountain range known as the Montes de Ignis or the Mountains of Ignis. Finding fertile soil in the area, and fewer ruins of the Old Empire some of the sect sought to leave the exodus and settle in this area which could meet all their needs.
Caesir told them it was too close to the Spelunca and their lands lay farther away, but some chose not to listen. As time passed more and more would leave the exodus to settle similar land around the Montes de Ignis, though some remained with the exodus to the end.
The Promised Land
The Exodus finally ended at the Montes de Caelum, or the Mountains of Caelum. The sect had always wore a special shade of blue to denote their faith, as time passed the Caesitas would tattoo themselves with this shade of blue to show their devotion went beyond skin-deep.
The oddest development for the Caesitas was that the first natural cave the sect found in the Montes de Ignis, Caesir claimed to have seen a vision of a great city protected by a wall in a cavern beyond the end of such a cave and that it would never be conquered. He claimed this was a vision from the Ancestors and was a vision of their future capital. Each group of the sect that broke away from the exodus built their own settlement in such ways to show it was their own city Caesitas saw.
Whether this was true or not, the city founded by Caesir has to this date never been conquered, whether the others have or not. As it turned out this method of construction proved valuable. Only a single wall was needed to protect a settlement instead of multiple walls. The natural cave created a kind of natural camouflage making it harder to detect their homes from raiders and the Spelunca, also any attackers would not only have to content with the wall but also those defending the wall and the settlement beyond while coming out of the bottleneck the natural cave created. As a result Caesitas settlements are hard to conquer, and even when they are it is at a large loss of life for the attackers.
Every Caesitas settlement is ran independent of each other, though they all share the same culture, making them more like city-states. They believe so much that adaptation and survival are key it has become as much their religion as the worship of the Ancestors. It is their belief that anything that allows one to survive is a virtue, and those that do it best have the right to rule. As such the rulers of Caesitas cities are those best at survival, it is not a position that is inherited or even voted on. Simply put, if you prove you are a better survivor then the current ruler, you have the right to take their place whether male or female, young or old.
Each Caesitas city is largely self-sufficient, there are times when resources are needed to replace lost or depleted stocks, or are needed to help an expedition heading out to found or rediscover a new or old settlement. For this reason the Caesitas will occasionally raid the Spelunca, or depending on what resources are needed, they may even raid the kingdoms of Felaguria.
Nation of Caesitas
Nation of Caesitas
Cities and villages:
Anywhere between 10 and 20+ at any given time
Nobles and minor nobles
The Ruler:
A collection of independent Consuls
Cultural Niche:
Religious off-shoot of the New Empire, lives in settlements located in natural or artificial caverns accessible by a natural cave.
The Ancestors
Food stuffs, granite, ore, iron, strong defenses
Active characters: