676-02-10 - Hunting a Wolf: Part II

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Hunting a Wolf: Part II
Summary: Prince Jerrick Onimus is working on completing the first task required for gaining Princess Zuhur's hand.
Who: Jerrick Onimus, Slider, Ningo soldiers (as played by Notus), Zephan is theoretically present but wasn't RPed.
References: None.
When: February 10th, 676
Related Logs: Continues after what happened here.
Date of RP: 10/02/2015
Where: Road into the Woods - Dark Forest, Unknown World
Room Desc: An old road which shows signs of recent renovation crosses the lands of the Kingdom of the Two Rivers. To the far south it connects to Granville Road. To the north it continues right to the border of the Unknown World, specifically to the region known to the people of the Two Rivers as the Dark Forest. The name becomes obvious as one draws near as the trees are so tall and the foliage so thick it's almost as though no light reaches the ground at all. From the border and continuing north is a path of a very different style of road. It seems to be sunken into the ground instead of placed atop it. There is also a bit of a curved surface in the middle as well. On either side of the curved section are stones marking the edge of this road. This road continues further north into the gloom of the forest.

Marcus looks to the Prince." They are suggesting to cut up pieces if meat, carry it to get beasts to come to us. Spreading out is not a good idea. It is what they are asking. Hunting alone, not a good idea." now he looks at the Ningo " we shall see what he decides, though he does not like me much, he may just do it out if spite." now he waits for him to speak.

Jerrick shakes his head. "I meant while sticking together, I am not stupid and this constant display of disrespect and belittling it getting old. I am not some child prince wanting glory and fame. I have a task to do and I intent to do it. So listen to what I am saying more carefully and don't assume something. If you don't understand I can repeat it for you. Is that understood." He looks to the ningo and bows towards them. "We stick together, good idea." He says motioning his hand around them all and bringing his hands together trying to mimic what he wants.

The Ningo nod to Marcus as one says, "If so petty then he is a fool and undeserving of his place. If he had any skill he'd manipulate you into a position that would benefit him." in Ningo

Marcus looks towards the Prince and then bows in respect towards the man. " My apologies Prince Jerrick, I will translate as you say, word for word if it's possible." then he looks to the Ningo and then back to the Prince. " Do you wish them to cut up meat and bring it along with us, it will take a few moments but they say it may work to your benefit." his words spoken in respect as well, well at least he is trying.

Jerrick nods his head at Marcus. "Yes, tell them good idea and that we can spare the few minutes." He tells the man.

Marcus nods to the Prince and then looks to the Ningo " He will learn what he needs to learn, eventualy he will. As for the meat, do so and then we can go, he is willing to wait for this plan." Then Marcus looks around now, even now he may be looking about for anything that may have already taken the scent of blood.

The Ningo nods to Marcus and two start to field-dress the body of the large feline, the other two standing gaurd along with Marcus. It is roughly ten minutes before one of the Ningo is wearing the pelt of the animal as a make-shift pack, which is holding all the meat they can carry, fortunately it appears to be the strongest of the soldiers. The woman with the broken spear has tucked the cleaned spearhead into her belt, and the haft now part of the 'pack' carrying the meat. She is now carrying the spear of the man who has been burdened with the 'bait'. They soon start making their way forward again, this time the three guards surrounding the party, the bait' moving only a few paces ahead, shield in hand, senses on the alert.

Jerrick follows after the bail person. "Thank you." He tells them, hoping they will at least be able to understand him saying that much. His own senses reach out beyond him, ear pricked eyes sharp ready for the impending attack.

Marcus this time takes a position that the one Ningo had before. He has no spear but he has his sword and wicked looking dagger type blade in the other. He treads along softly, always watching. He has been several times before, he knows how they hunt, yet he too is still learning.

The 'bait' man holds his distinctive tower shield in a defensive position in front of him, the 'pack' effectively slung over one shoulder, as they walk. He nods to Jerrick, perhaps knowing those words at least, as they continue their cautious march. It is another half hour of travel before the forest grows quiet again. The bait man slings the pack from his shoudler and tosses it a few meters in front of them and makes some form of signal with his hand as he kneels down. The other Ningo close in and kneel as well, all of them positioned with their shields out, braced, and spears ready. Aside from the bait man who draws his short sword silently and readies it instead.

Jerrick is silent as they move on, he doesn't even have the desire to banter with Zephan like he did at the beginning of this trip. He's more wry and inpatient then anything else, his body on a high state of alert and caution. "Lets hope he's hungry."

Marcus lets the Ningo set up and he too goes still, though he crouches as they wait, he keeps and eye on both Princess and perhaps at the same time on the sides. He makes sure that he does not move and gets ready to spring. He was told to help but only if he wants it, the Ningo have their own instructions and so he lets them be, this is survival, more the better.

There is a few tense moments and then a shadow darts out of the surrounding foliage and a nearly seven foot long wolf with dark gray fur pounces on the pack, tearing into the pelt. It stops and looks at the pack with obvious curiosity for a moment, then takes a couple testing bites. As it doesn't move it starts to place its paws on the pelt and tears at it with its maw, to open a hole to gain access to the meat within. As it starts to feed on the cut up meat on of the Ningo nods to those present and they all start to rise slowly, cautiously, making as little noise as possible in their armor. In fact they stand in such a way so the mail will be held by the raised thigh of their crouch. Once fully standing on one leg, the raised leg is slowly lowered so the mail slides down slowly, jingling as little as possible. No marching or stomping this time, instead they start to reposition to form another shield wall to provide protection between the large wolf and the party. Now would likely be a good time for a bow, though seems none brought one. For now they seem to await instructions on how they want to bring the animal down, after all a pelt is desired and one doesn't want to leave it with too many holes to be mended later.

Jerrick watches the animal his mind slowly figuring out how best to take it down. "This is what we are going to do." He then looks at Marcus. "Translate my words...We are going to distract the beast so someone can get behind it and stab it in its most vulnerable place. Hopefully we can keep its back to whom ever is going to do this...Well I believe whomever will be myself." He tells the people around him. "I have a long sword so hopefully I will be-able to stab it between its shoulder blades and down into its heart."

Marcus has decided that he will help the Prince as best he can but not help unless asked for. As the Prince suggest a plan, he looks to the Ningo and speaks in quiet tones. " We are to distract the beast as best we can, so he can go behind it and try to kil it with one blow, using his sword and down into the shoulder blades. This is what he wants, so we will do as asked." then Marcus looks at the prince. "I have told them your plan but their orders have been givin by their leader, they wil do what is best to follow their orders." still quiet he speaks again to the Prince. " I suggest taking someone with you, just encase it hears you, two is better than one. They end to have great listening abilities, it is but a suggestion." his words slowly spoken, this is a dangerous situation, he has seen what one can do in so little time.

One of the Ningo looks to Marcus and whispers in their native language, "For such a plan a hasta would be better. Aim for the side of the throat. The haft can take a lot, with strength the canis dirus can be held safely back. We will act as distraction if the Principe agrees."

Marcus listens to the Ningo and then he does translate, every word, mentioning the weapon. " These men and women have hunted these beasts before, this may be the best option Prince." now he waits on his reply.

Jerrick nods his head slowly. "I shall take the woman with me, she has already proven herself skilled and resourceful, do not risk yourselves for my sake. This is not a life and death mission and if we need to take the beast out before I can intervene then do so. I will not risk those whom have been kind and helpful to me. I have no skills with their weapon, if they keep the beast distracted I won't need the extra reach. I'm sure it is not intelligent enough to know I'm creeping up on it, if I miss the woman can take the shit with her own Hasta?" He tells Marcus to translate to the leader, then moves to go into the brushes, so he can stealthy make his way into a position where he can best rush out and kill the beast. He will await the woman also, if she is allowed to come.

The Ningo listen to the translation from Marcus, and they don't seem to think its wise, but they accept it for now. The woman moves to travel with Jerrick, her shield held in a defensive position, as she places herself between the shield and Jerrick, hasta held at the ready. The other Ningo move to come into the animal's visual range, shield wall held, two hasta sticking out from the sides of the shields on the ends in hoplite-fashion and the short sword sticking out from the middle of the shields in the same fashion, though only the blade sticks out obviously. They are certainly disciplined and show no fear, whether they feel it or not.

Marcus looks to the Prince and then nods, then looks to the Ningo and translate word for word except he adds in Ningo " I just hope it does not go bad for us." though Marcus is determined, the Ningo are more like him than most other kingdoms, he will protect them, they saved his life. He gets ready, just encase he needs to strike hard and fast.

Jerrick has to admire the teamwork and coordination of the Ningo "A fine people." He says to the woman. "Do you know where I came from, women also serve in the military." He then smiles and shakes his head, remembering she can't understand him. Silently be moves almost at a crouch through the forest watching his step and continuing on.

The female Ningo doesn't respond, either understandign none of it, or only some. Then there is also the possibility she's not talking because of the danger of the situation and trying to give a subtle hint the prince should quiet down. The other Ningo and Marcus however are soon growled at as the large wolf hovers over the remains of the pack showing it has no intention of giving up its prize to smaller 'animals' then itself. A threat display plain and simple, as the wolf challenges them to try and take the meat back. The shield wall remains in place, waiting for any potential lunge.

Jerrick manages to get into position, the female warrior hopefully following him as he moves to get a good look at the wolf. "Huge." He murmurs wondering why on earth he is doing this for a woman, he must be out of his mind.

Marcus is now waiting, ready and perhaps a bit worried that there may be not just one of the wolfs but perhaps two. This he is not sure of and so he asks quietly. " Do they travel alone or in pairs?" is all he asks and quickly.

The shield wall holds, as it seems to be a stand-off between them and the beast as one says to Marcus in Ningo, "Packs, though lone wolves are possible. If a pack more would have shown by now." The Ningo by the prince however simply leans in and makes a thrusting motion with her spear towards the animal.

Jerrick nods his head slowly and brings his sword up, he places it into both hands and once again moves out this time towards the beast, slowly carefully and as quietly as he can. He will get as close as he can and then jab it where he was told too. He is determined to kill this beast.

Marcus nods to the Ningo and then the attack begins, he watches as things start up and all he does is get ready to help, when asked or it gets real bad, though he is not the only one. He still wears leather armor, easier for him to move around with.

Jerrick is able to take advantage of the distraction in full and stabs deeply into the Dire Wolf's neck, giving it a deep enough wound to cause the animal to howl in pain and bleeding seriously as it whips about to try and slash Jerrick, fortunately the warning of the Ningo about reach seems to put that added kick in the step as the prince just barely manages to avoid being injured by the flailing animal. The wolf then snarls at Jerrick as the Ningo move forward and shout to draw its attention, confusing the injured animal which doesn't seem to know who to attack anymore as blood flows from its neck.

Jerrick looks relieved when his blow gets the animal, he doesn't brag or make any sounds he simply sigh inwardly and quickly reacts to take another shot but at the last minute he moves off and lets it bleed out. His eyes never leave the beast, he even sends a silent pray to the gods of beasts thanking them for this beast sacrifice.

Marcus watches the whole things, though he is always on guard around here. As they watch the beast die, he looks around to make sure not another has heard the death cries and have come to make amends for it.

The wolf continues to growls and snarl threateningly at all around it, but it soon starts to wobble a bit as its blood flows. Not long after the large beast tips and falls with a thud onto its side. Waiting a few moments the former 'bait' man moves forward drawing his dagger from the sheath on his hip and starts to field dress the body as another Ningo tells Marcus, "He is the best of us at skinning. It is the best pelt we can provide, the Principe did well." in Ningo

Jerrick looks towards the men and woman he brought with him relieved and almost light headed that none were killed for his selfish quest. "Thank you." He tells the men around him. "We did well today, worked as a team and defeated our foe, I am proud you joined me on this hunt. I hope we have many more a head of us."

Marcus looks to the Ningo as one of the starts to dress the beast and as the ther speaks to him he nods. Then looking to the Prince. " This Ningo is the best skinner, he will do good work for the pelt. They said you did well Prince Jerrick." then after listening to the Prince he nods. " He says you all did well today, he hopes to have more in time." then after that he actually goes and takes a look around. Keeping a eye out for more or anything that may be a threat to them.

Jerrick nods his head slowly. "Tell them thank you again." He says going to watch the man skin the pelt from the beast, wanting with envy at such skill. Hopefully this has gained him some respect.

It takes about half an hour before they have gathered the pelt and as much meat as they can load into what is left of the feline pelt, and they carry the meat between two of them now, the strongest male and one of the women. The Ningo then prepare to escort the party back to the road as they largely traveled in a straight line.

Jerrick sighs with relief as now two of his tasks are over and he can perhaps take a few days in the isles before they go hunting for the Pirate Lord Ring. "Thank you all, perhaps I can assist in carrying some of the meat?"

Marcus continues to have vigil on the surroundings, they are not out of the forest yet and that alone is another task, specially with the meat been carried. So he does not offer to carry any, he knows his skills are used for other things.

The party start moving, this time the Ningo march, stomping heavily and smacking their hasta to the sides of their shields, making a lot of noise which announces their place quite loudly, yet they also don't encounter any further wildlife as they move, even the body of the fe,line is free of wildlife, though there are clear signs it has been fed on in part.

Jerrick follows along behind the Ningo, more then happy to place the forest and the dead animals behind him. "Good hunt." he murmurs to Zephan, his brother no doubt would have something to say about his plan. But at least its dead and now they just need the pirate ring.

Marcus once and getting closer out of the forest he does speak to the Ningo in their language. The conversation consists of what was the hunt like to them, how well it went, what could have been done better. If they were prepared enough, did they have the right weapons. Anything to help himself along and to survive better out here. All the while congratulating them for doing a good job and guiding the Princes well.

The Ningo explain to Marcus it went well enough as they had no actual hunters or true trackers with them, as they often end up scouts. For that they had though it was acceptable. They eventually return to the road and start back south towards the Two Rivers.