676-02-03 - Play Your Games Elsewhere!

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Play Your Games Elsewhere!
Summary: Barbeta tells her father of her impending departure, the conversation becomes a little heated, making the king lose his temper - which leads to them parting in discord.
Who: Barret Brais and Barbeta Brais
References: re:Sigrid Bjornsvartr
When: February 3rd, 676
Related Logs: Other Barbeta/Barret logs.
Date of RP: 13-22/02/2015
Where: Feasting Hall - Mergorand Castle, Beresgond, Two Rivers
Room Desc: The high walls are built of the same more durable kind of red sand stone as the rest of the keep. Banners of House Brais cover the walls, the black and red of the tower and the lilies giving the hall an almost royal aura. There is a dais to the far side, with a trestle table on top - the High Table, which offers an ample view of the numerous other trestle tables below, those to the front intended for nobility, those further away for lesser nobility and infuential commoners. The floor is even and consists of tiles in white and black, not much unlike a board of chess. To the sides of the hall are two large hearths of white marble, showing the coat of arms of the Royal Family. During the colder days of autumn and winter these hearths will always be lit, offering a flickering light as well as a means to fend off the chill. Almost always there are torches burning at the walls as well as some candles on the tables, which together with the red colour of the walls provides a warm light and have earned this hall the nick name - Sanguine Hall.

Winter still holds the Capital in its firm grasp, more snow had fallen over night, coating the scenery surrounding Mergorand Castle like some icing on a cake, the air being crisp and fresh, as the first rays of the morning sun make the white glisten in almost blinding intensity. Most people would be found within the castle at the moment, gathering in the Feasting Hall of the castle for the morning meal, and yes, even the King himself is already up and sitting on his chair by the High Table, but so far alone, as neither of the Estorian guests seem to be up and about, nor any of the Princesses.

It is still early in the day, so this would hardly be a fact that would bother the King of Two Rivers. Since the arrival of his betrothed, Lady Sigrid Bjornsavrtr, he seems to be much more at ease, some would even say, that the years appear to emburden him much less than before, while others would go as far as to claim that King Barret Brais looked at least ten years younger. Ah, the refreshing effect courtship can have! At the moment he seems to be in good spirits, drinking from a goblet of watered wine to greet the day, clad as he is in the royal attire of doublet and breeches in red and black of House Brais.

"Oh..." quiet voice can be heard, "Huh huh huh..." soft womanly voice chuffs. Soon and the figure itself shows up. It's the young princess Barbeta Brais. It's the girl who always was petite, tiny little thing. Not always charming, but adorably small. She is still kind of short but grew up more widely around her waist.

The winter is cold, even inside the castle, in the Kingdom of Two Rivers. So, she is wearing a heavier dark blue gown. Also, she covers her shoulders with the cloak made out of furs. The huge belt is tied just under her chest, that the cloak would cover the girl and her belly fully.

Maybe because of these dark furrs and just huge belly, she looks like an adorable little bear. The young woman keeps her one hand over her treasure, she pats it gently and there is that unfamiliar sparkle in her eyes. The one, who was used to be more grumpy, has some kind of signs of happiness, even if dark spots under her eyes betrays of sleepless nights.

Esther is following her princess, definitely. The woman is still in her usual mood - serious and keen. Also, even INSIDE the castle, Barbie is followed by two guards of Agostino. Likely, their orders were - never loose Barbie from the sight, unless she is in her own chambers. Then Esther will take care of her.

Then the young princess sees her father, she starts to move slowly, closer to him. It will take awhile, because the Great Hall is kind of a huge place. Though, when she finally is close, the girl offers kind of clumsy curtsy, "Your Highness..."

The mood of the king remains serene as it is, when he sees his younger daughter approach, the smile stays on his features, even though his brown eyes narrow ever so slightly. His bushy eyebrows are raised at the formal greeting, and a good-natured chuckle breaks free from his chest. “I am still your father, am I not? Barbeta.” Choosing deliberately the less formal address. “You look good. Pregnancy becomes you well, obviously.” He gestures towards one of the vacant seats beside him. “Won’t you join me for breakfast, little one?” The tone is friendly enough, even as he adds a little belatedly, “Sigrid has not come down yet, alas. I fear her little girls are not exactly fond of getting up early…”

Barbeta sniffs, though, smiling, "Yeah. It's very good for me..." She tells with obvious irony, "I CAN'T RIDE!" The girl sighs, "Also, I can't sleep. The boy is so active during the night. I think so, because I can't sleep..." She moves to take a seat beside the man, "It's definitely the boy and the size of Agostino himself, father." A very dark, but brief shadow of sadness and disappointment flashes in her eyes. Though, then the girl just laughs, "I AM SO HUNGRY, THAT I COULD EAT A LION!" Her gaze wanders around all these treasures on the table, "You know, I believe, that I will leave today. I miss Agostino. I would like to take one of our midwifes with me. Also, I need a carrage. What a shame to travel in one!" Barbie pouts and looks up at Barret, "How are you in general, father? You look so good. You look happy."

“Tell me what you like, daughter, but you look healthy and well to me,” the king replies with a freindly gleam in his eyes, as he studies her from the side. “Appetite is a good thing, remember, you have to eeat for two now.” He gestures towards the bread, cheese and smoked ham on the table. “Shall I have some scrambled eggs brought for you, Barbeta?”

That dark flicker has not escaped Barret’s notice. There is a slight twitch of his brows, but he is wise enough not to inquire about it, as he already suspects why it is there in the first place. Her completely ignoring his remark about Sigrid is already speaking volumes, so why add more awkwardness to this business, that will only threaten to cause anothere scene.

Bushy brows are lifted at her announcement of departure however. “Oh? Do you think that is wise, Barbeta? To travel to the north in your state?” He considers. “But if you are inclined to go, please. Take a carriage, and I will see to have a proper escort arranged for you.” He pauses again, studying her with a bit of sadness in his eyes. “I will miss you little one. But you must promise me to stay safe. I hope it is not /her/ who drives you away. Have you spoken with her? At all?”

"Oh, boy..." Barbie beams, "Scrambled eggs sounds amazing, but do you know, what sounds even better? I would like to get some fish... You know, the way I like: without any fish-bones, baked and with a mountain of vegetables? Do we still have vegetables? I so would love to get some carrots...BRAISED carrots, potatoes..." She sighs and closes her eyes as if the girl would be dreaming, "I would love to get ginger bread after that..." Then Barbeta's gaze drops to her lap, "I just miss Agostino. I thought... Maybe I could invite him? Though, he might want that someone would stay in Unitas. So many things are happening there... The buildings grow like mushrooms after a good rain. It's just a few months left... It would be wonderful if my boy could be born here..." Her gaze wanders around the walls, "When we both would get better, I could bring him straight near my mother's grave, that she could look at my boy!" A few drops of tears show up in Barbie's features.

"I miss her and I will miss her for the rest of my life, because she was not there... She was not with me during my marriage. She won't be here, when my boy will be born. I mean... She would be so happy. She and my brothers. Luanda is so distant. She does everything to be suitable and proper for you, that she puts up with such things like..." Barbie sighs. She does not sound angry. She is just sad, "I am sorry, that I can't even look at that woman. She will never be my mother, but she so perfectly changes my mother for you. I am scared, that when you will leave... I told you, my home will be gone. She will have a son, who will be King. She will have her daughters running around the castle as princesses, and she will be a regent or maybe still a Queen. Though, they will always be strangers to me. They do not have my blood, because they do not have the blood of my mother. It's different. You will never understand that, because you love her. She is a weed to me. I am sorry, father. I love you, I am happy that you are smilling, but... don't ask me to pretend. I am not Luanda. When I am sad, I am. When I am disappointed, I am. That's who am I."

"I am not saying, that I won't give her a chance, but I won't approach her with extanded arms for embrace. She is the guest in this house for now. If she is comming here without ill goals, hidden in the darkest place of her heart, she can always approach me and show me, that the second you will be dead, she won't banish us somewhere as nothing, like orphans. That she will still consider us Princesses and daughters of the King, equal to her and her children."

A bit of amusement shows in King Barret’s brown eyes when his daughter babbles on about the food she’d like to eat. A wave of his hand is given to one of the servants, to go and get what Barbeta desires. “It will take a moment, to prepare the meal,” the king remarks towards her. “After all, this is supposed to be breakfast, but then again, I wouldn’t want to expose you to a travel on an empty stomach.”

He smiles before he adds: “It is not far to Unitas, two days on horseback, maybe three by carriage. I understand you want to be with your husband the Patrizio when you give birth.” That smile dims a little. “So it would be natural for you to travel there, before the voyage would become too cumbersome. You know you can always come back, for a visit. And I am sure there can’t be any objection to you and any children you may have visiting the grave of my Livia.”

He clears his throat. “Regarding Sigrid… You are completely wrong about her. She is as nervous as I am about the impending wedding. If you’d care to grace her with your attention, or even a brief visit,” - as decorum and manners would demand - “you’d find her to be quite friendly, and warm-hearted. Of her three daughters who are currently here as our guests, only one will be allowed to stay, the older two will return to Estoria, to live with their family there. This is something, that weighs heavily on Sigrid’s spirits, but… this is what has been agreed on, with King Hroaldr.”

Barbeta stretches a little bit, kind of uncomfortably. Then she turns to the man, "I will consider your offer, father. Maybe I will approach her, just because you love her so dearly already. I need to check her out. Maybe she is using some kind of poisons to you or potions? Huh?" Though, the young girl smiles widely and the amusement is visible in her eyes.

"I am really sorry, father, for telling this. I know, how hard for you can be, that... Well... you need a woman and your own daughter opposes to that. Though, I do believe it is always better to be honest than to hide real feelings behind the smile. People are cruel... You have friends, who smile and look adorable, who may look kind and good, but when the time comes... I just hope, that you will be happy... So, yes. I am willing to speak with that woman and delay my journey because of that!"

A chuff of laughter leaves the King’s throat, a reaction to Barbeta’s dramatic first remark. “I… cannot say I love her, Barbeta, really. It’s not been long enough, her time here. It is more like we are getting used to each other, finding an arrangement of how to deal with each other. We’ve both had our lives prior, and now new challenges are imposed upon us. I am certain we will get along well, she is of a warm and sensible disposition. So no, I am sorry to dispappoint you. No poisons or potions were used for me to appreciate her company, but the simple realization that she has a nice character.”

His words do not manage to conceal that his daughter’s words once again threaten his composure, when his mirth fades and he regards her with a rather thoughtful expression. “In fact… don’t speak to her, Barbeta.”, the king says in a forced calm after a moment with a flicker in his brown eyes. “That you have ignored her thus far, must certainly have insulted her sensibilities already more than enough. What use really is an attempt of yours to see your outrageous assumptions being founded?”

Barret inhales, clearly contemplating to add more.

Barbeta’s eyebrows jump up just a little bit, “Father? You change your opinion too quickly. Anyway, I love you dearly, so… I will do as you ask me, my father,” she grins a little bit, waiting for what more the man has to say. She keeps her dark eyes fixed on the King’s. Now, the girl looks a little bit amused.

“No, it is not I who changes opinion. Maybe I’m just getting tired of your games, little one,” the king says with a bit of a weary smile. “You said you’d wanted to leave. I will certainly not keep you from it. I will see to it that you’ll go with an adequate escort.” This said with the required polite tone, but nothing more. “You’ve made it very clear from early on that you despise her, far be it from me to ask you for that last little courtesy you so far have denied her.” His brows furrow, and his face twists into a pained smile. “I will not expose her to your venom, Barbeta. I won’t allow you to channel your hatred for her and her daughters into some twisted game you prefer to play.” His tone is calm, beside the hint of a grumble. “You’ve told me once, it’s all just a game, is it not? Politics. Marriages. Deaths. I disagree, and would prefer if you played your games elsewhere.” A meaningful glare is shot her way.

“Ooooh…” Barbeta drawls, “I see…” The young woman nods. She slowly and carefully raises from the chair, “You prefer me to be elsewhere… Alright,” Barbeta nods, “I do understand your decision. I remember how you told me, that you will never forget your daughters and that we will be always welcomed here, but that was a lie… here, it is goodbye then, father?” She looks into the man’s eyes, “I came here, because I thought that I still have my father and that you will be happy about the boy,” she places her hand on her belly, “You prefer me to be elsewhere, so I will do so. There is no need to say anything else, because it will hurt you and it will hurt me. Goodbye and I will speak of you just kindly to your grandchild. I thought you still can be a father, but you are just a King now. And you pretend that it’s not a game...”

Barbeta moves to walk out of the Great Hall as asked by her own father. She leaves to play her games elsewhere.