676-01-01 - Home vs Religion

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Home vs Religion
Summary: Baldwin and Rayne have a discussion about what they learned at the secret gathering of worshippers of the Old Faith.
Who: Baldwin of Equis and Rayne Devantry
References: re:Barbeta Brais, re:Barret Brais
When: January 1st, 676
Related Logs: Follows directly after 676-01-01 - Worship in the Woods
Date of RP: 13-19/01/2015
Where: Devantry Cottage, Woods of Woriscant, Two Rivers
Room Desc: A hint of flora and plant matter fills the air of this small home. Various plants hang from strings along the ceiling, while one table sits off to the side lined with vials, bowls, and other tools fit for the apothecary sort. In the middle of the main section is a small couch and a single chair where the very rare guest could sit and enjoy mingling conversation, though it is usually a quiet existance within the cottage. Off to one side is the only other door which leads to a quaint bedroom. Light from either moon or sun filters in through the one window on the two walls not occupied by a door, one in the kitchen area and the other just off to where the bedroom door leads.

They had made it home in safety, following that hidden path that brought them back to the cottage without actually having to use the road. And while Baldwin takes care to pick a pace that Rayne can manage, given her state, he seems to be more than relieved when the door falls shut behind them, and he leans against it for a moment. His mien is thoughtful, the surprise about the revelation still visible in the sparkle of his eyes.

"Now, that was some news," he finally comments, grey-blue eyes flitting towards his wife. "Just what shall we make of it, I wonder..."

Relief would find Rayne's features as well once they were safe inside their cottage and away from the eyes of those that would likely arrest them for directly disobeying orders from their king. Turning to smile upon Baldwin even as he leans against the door in that moment, she approaches and places a gentle kiss against his cheek before turning to head for the kitchen so she could put a kettle on for tea.

"Indeed, I'm just glad everyone seemed to make it out and on their way safely," she responds, looking back towards him with a smile on her lips. "I am not too certain. On one hand it would be nice to be able to worship the gods without fear of being deemed traitor or worse..." At least expressing that much as she then shifts to a counter to begin chopping vegetables.

That smile is returned, a warmth entering his gaze when Rayne approaches. One arm will slip about her, while that cheek stays twisted into a smile, his gaze following her with a fondness as she moves away again. "It is the first time I hear of a patrol disturbing such a congregation," he comments, pushing himself off the door to remove his cloak. "And aye, the thought of leaving Two Rivers..." he pauses, pondering the notion for a moment. "To go /there/ of all places..." A faint shake of the head conveys his opinion on the matter.

"Maybe we should keep our worship here, inside this cottage," the knight of Equis says then. "Our beliefs should be kept private. It is what will be left to us, should Father Serafin indeed accept the offer of the princess..." Another shake of the head. "I had no idea... She of all would support the believers. Oppose the king this openly..." But then again, they did as well, didn't they?

"I am sure some will follow the call, and move to Unitas. I would opt to visit the place as well, if you weren't that far already. Maybe... this may be a plan for the future. You. Me. The little one..." He moves behind Rayne now, one hand extending to rest on her belly. "Pay Unitas a visit and see for ourselves if it is really that marvelous." Resting his cheek against hers, before his lips brushes it in a brief kiss. "What do /you/ think about it, Rayne?"

"Fairly soon they may come calling here...it happens sometimes. Random patrols going through the forest finding a cottage, stopping in for a bit of rest. I just don't want them suspicious of our worship practices..." Rayne would comment, giving a soft chuckle, even as she notes that Baldwin is moving around. "I don't know if I could leave Two Rivers...and yet sometimes I wonder....perhaps our time in Two Rivers is coming to a close. You've already been to the North, and while you didn't experience such pleasantries the first time around....it seems things are a bit different..."

A shrug of her shoulders is given as she goes about putting tea leaves and a mixture of spices into a sive (strainer) and rests it above her teapot. "We could worship privately, aye, in this cottage and perhaps make use of the Blessed Clearing every so often - especially come the beginning of growth season and such..." When she would pay homage to Felgurna.

"It is likely, for a chance at a bit more freedom, the call to Unitas will be answered. I think, however, that someone ought to open up the King's eyes. It was never the gods that punished, betrayed, or wronged him to begin with. He thinks these things out of anger and spite...and instead of seeking guidance and peace, he shuts out and shuns....which is a coward's way." Rayne, in all her years - and even in the time Baldwin has known her - had one issue. Holding her tongue. Always the kind to speak her mind, regardless of audience or presence, and definitely with no qualms about her station. Feeling her husband come up behind her, she receives that kiss and noses against him as well. "I think we should take our time. For now. When the babe comes, perhaps a little after, we can further decide how we wish to go about things. Though maybe, until then, you would not be opposed to visiting Unitas? See how things work there?"

"Whatever decision we will make, it should not been done in a rush," Baldwin agrees thoughtfully. "As for the Ningo lands... indeed, I've encountered little there that would persuade me to return... But then again, Unitas is a settlement, built from stone, and not one of those huts and tents I've seen at the Ningo encampment."

Rayne's rather candid comment about the King has his grey-blue eyes widen in surprise, and maybe even a bit of shock that she would utter such potentially dangerous thoughts. That expression will shift into a more pensive one, when her words are pondered, and the knight finally gives a faint nod. "Perhaps you are right, and somone has to address the matter before the king." Alas, it won't be him, a disowned knight with a wife who was already far into her pregnancy. "It will become evident anyway, sooner or later...", he adds. "When believers of the Old Gods will move there... But if things stay as they are... sure. I could accompany you there, maybe look into special herbs of healing the Dark Forest can offer... After I was very little of help in that regard, during my mission." He sighs.

Rayne busies herself with finishing up the tea, using a towel to grab the kettle to pour some of the water into the teapot, letting the leaves steep in the water for the time being. "Well, it already sounds as though it will prove to be a bit different going to a settlement rather than dealing with the more...rugged native types?"

She caught that look of surprise on her husbands features when she spoke as she did about the King, but she would not feel any guilt for speaking her mind. Closed doors, just her and Baldwin in the room, she was at least smart enough to not speak such things in mixed company. "I'm sure someone will, at some point. People seem to be so afraid of men in positions of power. At the end of the day...the king is merely a man...just like anyone else." A smile on her features then as she shifts to pour them both a cup of tea. "I only hope that when people begin to move north for the benefit of freedom, it will not bring the rest of us any ill repercussions..." Then Baldwin speaks on looking into special healing herbs of the Dark Forest and she gives a smirk. "It would be interesting to see what sort of salves and such I could procure from different herbs, to work with them and such. Provided the natives would allow me to do so." Taking one of the cups of tea, she turns and offers it to Baldwin. "Drink?"

"I will believe it when I see it," Baldwin replies with a low snort, in an odd swing of his temper. "Forgive me, Rayne, that I seem to be such an unforgiving fellow, but I can't easily forget the time I spent there, as their captive. Worrying about the lives... and safety of those who were there with me, when I was somehow responsible... for all of us getting captured and the failure of the mission in the first place." This seems to be a point that bothers him deeply, it is apparent from the frown and that flicker in his grey-blue eyes, the way that smile has faded and his hand clenches into a fist. "So yes. I blame them for my failure, and I find it hard to forget about the raids and the bloodshed they have brought to Granville...", is admitted in a low grumble of a murmur.

The shadow on Baldwin's demeanour passes, however, when the talk turns to the king, his brows rising a tad at Rayne's comment about the royal being just a man. "Seems you don't have a high opinion on us men," he quips, mistaking her remark there possibly, but in a way that brings relief to his tension.

"It will have consequences, in this way or the other," the knight states to the point of people moving to Unitas. "And yes... we should at least visit the place," the latter part added almost apologetically as if Baldwin already regretted his little outbreak about the Ningo and his distrust of them. "I am willing to be convinced they are indeed civilized people."