675-11-29 - A Bastard was born?

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A Bastard was born?
When: 675-11-29
Date of RP: 2014-11-29
Where: The Isles

Two servants meet in the hallway of the Castle of the White Dove.

"You know the latest?", asks a pretty young handmaiden, excitement dancing in her eyes.

"No, what is it?", replies the other, a kitchen maid in her early thirties.

"The redhead... You know, the one with child. Seems she isn't with child anymore. Spotted her today. In the palace garden as she went for a walk. The belly is gone - well somewhat."

"Aw...really? She must be very happy. The baby was with her, no?"

"No, it wasn't.", the younger woman replies with a shake of her head. "She was alone. Just that guard was with her. Didn't look to pleased either."

"The cook heard some baby squeals coming from her chamber in the servants' quarters, at least that's what I heard. On the night when the Queen fell ill." the kitchen maid adds her own news to the story. "But since then... silence."

"I don't understand..." the younger woman says, looking a bit at a loss.

"Meaning the child was taken from her. I've heard tales, you know. Such things happen now and then. Children like that - tend to disappear. Before they can stain the name of House Onimus."