675-11-21 - Words After Midnight

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Words After Midnight
Summary: Zephan manages to exchange a few words with Adara after the interrogation of the pirate.
Who: Zephan Onimus and Adara Zorich
References: re:Nathan Onimus and re:Madalyn Onimus
When: November 21st, 675
Related Logs: Happens right after 675-11-20 - Pirate SMASH! and 675-11-20 - There are no Bastards!, and is another consequence of 675-11-20 - The Queen Holds Court.
Date of RP: 02/12/2014
Where: Right Royal Passage - Castle of the White Dove, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: A long passage is found extending from the balcony. Large wooden doors open to one side, while the other contains further windows that overlook the gardens of the Castle of the White Dove. The interior is similar as in a whole castle: walls of strange white stones, bloody red curtains with some golden threads, a few paintings on the walls, furs on the marble floors. The doors are carved with the patterns of flowers, while candles sit upon the sills of the windows.

The Prince's sleep had been uneasy, when he had finally managed to close his eyes and drift away into some dark dreams that left Zephan a bit on the edge, when he woke up later that night. Sitting up, as he drew a deep breath, his eyes wide open despite his inability to see in the darkness, he remained as her were for a moment, listening to the even breathing of the slave girl sleeping beside him, which managed to calm him at least to some degree.

He was awake, however, and thoughts turned swiftly to what had passed in the Great Hall hours before. The questioning might still go on, or it could perhaps already have concluded, a fact that stirred the prince to a point that he decided to leave the bed and slip into his clothes, before he left his chamber.

The hallway was lit by the flickering light of torches, and Zephan brought some order into his hastily put on attire before he moved over to the door that led into the quarters of his mother, the queen, where he would hover about, after the guard at the door had met his question, whether the Mistress of the Whispers had already come by to deliver her report, with a shake of the head.

Adara Zorich strolls casually along the corridor, perhaps on her way to her office, perhaps doing a final pass before bed. Either way she is silent and pace slow. Dressed in a gown and corset in the colors of House Onimus, with accents in the colors of House Zorich, typically meaning she considered herself serving the realm or House Onimus currently.

The pointed casual way of Adara's approaching steps will not convince the prince that the Mistress of Whispers passes merely by coincidence. Zephan straightens, his steel-blue eyes narrowing as he offers a casual wave to the woman. "Lady Adara," he greets, stepping in her way. "I believe your business of interrogating the pirate emissary has already concluded?" Getting to the point rightaway, without losing time with idle smalltalk.

Adara looks to Zephan and says, “Not that it is your affair, but yes. Is there something you wish?” in a calm, casual tone as she halts her progress to wherever she was headed.

"It is my affair," Zephan replies matter-of-factly, his gaze assessing her in a slightly detached manner. "I assume the man enlightened you about the whereabouts of my dear sister and brother." Little affection is to be found in this simple admission. "You haven't reported yet to my mother, I suppose?"

Adara says, “It is not your affair, it is your mother’s. She is queen not you, and frankly looks better in a gown.” in an equally matter-of-fact tone. “I will report what I have to your mother when there is something to report. She will then decide what action to take. If you wish to help them you can wait and offer what help you can when a ruling is given.” now sounding more like a mother chastising a child. Adara Zorich can be polite and courteous, yet she can also be stubborn and direct when she feels there is need. She seems to always take actions that are in the best interest of the realm however, whether she personally likes it or not. Perhaps that is how she got her position on the Queen’s Council to begin with.

A low snort leaves Zephan's nostrils and he shrugs, his lips curving into a mirthless smile. "I know my mother is the queen, Lady Adara. Tell me something I don't already know." A lift of his brows is the reaction to her suggestion he should wait until his help will be accepted. "I may not be here. I don't think we have that much time, with all due respect, Mistress of Whispers. He said... one finger for each day that passes." His gaze flits to the door to the queen's chambers. "I don't believe the queen is in the state to make decisions. As for the council... well, they better hurry up, because in the morning I'll be leaving on the /Mermaid/. At least I will not waste any time to save my kin." His voice remains remarkably cold, despite the fervour of his words.

Adara nods and says, “I don’t intend to make this a drawn out issue, your sister certainly needs to be found at the very least. As to your brother, I remind you he effectively was exiled for producing a bastard among other things. If I cannot convince you to give me some time, will you at least allow me to send some scouts with you? Your sister is still lost and they might help you to find her quicker."

"I know he left, but not really exiled. I believe it was his wish to explore some of the Unknown lands," Zephan replies coldly. "As for the bastard...", he smirks. "there he even managed to surprised me. I will not stay longer than the late morning , I will not miss the tide to sail off, my lady. And yes, this is about my sister. She is far dearer to me than any of you may be aware of." He lowers his gaze when he admits that, as his hand reaches out, his fingers brushing against the fabric of her sleeves, maybe assessing the quality of the dress. "You may send your scouts and whispers if you like, but you could as well tell me where I should be looking first. THAT would certainly help to speed the search for her."

Adara nods and says, “I will have suitable candidates sent to your ship by the time you leave then. Scouts and those who can find information and people quickly. I care for your sister as well, there are times she is almost like a third daughter to me.” She then simply says a general direction and nothing more on the matter of locations.

Zephan leans against the door, his arms crossing before him as he stares at Adara. "That could work," he says flatly. "Will you send an advisor as well, to keep me from committing mistakes?" A bit of sarcasm is clearly discernible in his tone now. The general direction has him lift his brows. "Northeast? That is where I will go looking then." The ghost of a smile appears on his face as he straightens. "The man is dead?" The question added in a causal tone.

Adara nods and says, “Unfortunately yes, I wanted to get more out of him, but accident happen. He was admirably resilient however and warned of problems if you head in that direction. Likely boastfulness, though I will say. If you encounter any of the pirates, try talking first. There are a great many of them and they are not a unified nation, my hope is this is the actions of a minority group. Even if our navy is superior we have other concerns then starting a war. I had considered going with you, but my place is here."

The details, however few they are, will be received with a light incline of the head. "They are said to be quite... hard-headed, aye, and this one looked particularly resistant," he comments, his tone low and factual. The advice about using diplomatic means when dealing with the pirates is taken with surprisingly little objections. Her admission of wanting to accompany him has the prince lift a brow. "Indeed," is all he replies. "Mother and the council will need you here. I believe you will discuss this with the council in the morning. Any reinforcements you decide on you can send with the next tide." As his mind is made up already. "I should withdraw and try to get some more sleep," Zephan adds then. "Lady Adara." He gives a nod in goodbye, before he moves back to the door that leads to his quarters.