675-11-21 - Nathan’s Adventures 5: Unexpected company

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Nathan’s Adventures 5: Unexpected company
Summary: Being tied up to the polein the pirate's camp, Nathan gets unexpected "visit" by unexpected company.
Who: Luanda Brais, Nathan Onimus,NPCs emtied by TeddyBear.
References: Madalyn Onimus, Abegayle Onimus, Barret Brais
When: 675-11-21
Related Logs: To all Nathan'sadventures
Date of RP: 2014-11-21
Where: In the tent.
Room Desc: Big, dark, not so comfortable.

The young Princess will be lead across the forest for almost a whole day. Two women will hold her arms firmly and will drag her, if needed, further. They won’t go through any roads. No. It’s just bushes, high grass, tall trees. One or another animal will watch the travellers, will try to walk around them or fly over their heads.

Nothing special will happen during the small journey. These five people even won’t talk to each other. Also, they even won’t give Luanda to drink. No. No food either. Soon even the sun will start going down. The sky will become brightly red. It’s usual, especially during the season of the storms.

Just when the shadows will start crawling over the island, five strangers and the young princess Luanda Brais will get out of the woods. It took about 6 hours to get to the other side of the island. Her eyes will see endless ocean and a yellow sand of the coast. So, the island is quite small.

However, this other coast is different than the one, where Luanda woke up. This one has many many tents. It reminds a small war camp, actually. People are walking from one to another side of it with their duties. Some people are sitting near fireplaces.

When the company will show up, everyone’s gazes will be fixed on the girl. How could it not? After all, she is all nude. Females will stare with some kind of envy, while men will stare with greed. Luanda will be able to feel how they ware eatting her young body with their eyes.

However, these two females will lead the girl deeper into the camp near a little bigger tent than all others. It basically has about six poles to keep the ceilings made out of green fabric up. Near that tent a woman is talking with a man.

The woman is slim, but strong, quite small. Her long black hair are pretty curly. She covers the top of her head with red scarf. There is falchion in the scabbard attached to her belt. The right side of the female’s temple has a tattoo of weaving snake. It looks like snake's tongue is touching the corner of young woman's eye.

She looks at the nude girl and grumples, “What is this? Get her some kind of rags!”

“We found her on another side. Likely, her ship got into the storm!” explains one of the females, while another moves into the small tent. She gets out of there with some kind of the sack of patatoes, but without potatoes. The sack will be tossed over the head of Luanda, she wants it or not. It’s not actually a sack, it’s a very simple dress of a commoner, made out of the fabric of the sacks.

“Who are you?” the woman, who is likely a leader here will ask.

All this conversation will be heard by Nathan, who is tied near one of these poles, which hold the biggest tent. He is inside, Luanda can’t see him. Though, the man no longer has a bag on his head.

He will be able to see an empty inside of the tent. It’s purpose is likely to hold prisoners. Because there are some more ropes around other poles.

By the time Luanda reaches the camp, she can barely stand, much less walk. Her left ankle is swollen, the skin bruised-looking. Her left wrist looks much the same, and her skin is scratched and torn and rather sunburned. When the clothing is put over her, she winces, her breath hissing a little. "I....." She shivers a little at the looks given to her, then licks her parched lips with an equally-parched tongue. "Luanda," she rasps. For a moment she hesitates, as if weighing what to reveal. Then she nods her head, swaying and ready to fall. "Shipwrecked. Am Luanda Brais."

There's a quiet grunt from Nathan, as he twists his wrists in the ropes that bind him to the pole. Shifting, he faces the front of the tent, scooting around. No sounds that likely carry past the fringes of the tent though, he keeps quiet for the moment.

The woman's eyebrows jump up in surprise. Maybe tge pirates are not the most clever creatures in the world, but Royal family names of all four kingdoms they definitely know. So, she steps closer to the female and looks her over, evaluating each inch of her body, before stabbing dark, amused gaze to Lu's eyes, "Riiiiiight, you are princess of the house of Brais, and I am a dragon!" She laughs. She laughs really loadly. When the woman laughs, her companions does that too, "You know, how many princesses we met?" She shakes her head, "You must be silly one, if you are real. I was wondering to recruit you or just let you go, but... " The woman points with her head to the tent, "Tie her there, till we make sure, that Gods love us and sent another royal to us. If she is onenof these little liers, we will just kill her." Then the woman moves away, while two other woman will try to push Luanda inside, where they will do anything to tie her near another pole than Nathan is tied.

When their job will be over, Luanda will be sitting on the ground in front of Nathan, with her hands tied to her back. If they both will extand their legs, there still will be free space between their feet.

"May I have something to drink?" Luanda croaks. She doesn't struggle against the binding; she hasn't the strength for that. But she does give one soft cry as the rope tightens about her injured wrist. Then she turns her head and looks over at Nathan. Her expression is quizzical.

"You might want to pretend not to be who you said you were... Well, who knows. She likes to cut things off people, to send for ransom, if they're worth it." Nathan says with a wry half grin touching his lips. "But at least they've got plenty of rum to drink.. not much else."

Both female guards disappear. One stays on guard out of the tent, the other actually disappears. It will take a bit some time, before she will come back to get Luanda some rum, and Nathan too. They both will have to drink from the same cupmand as a littke bit, as they will be given. Then the woma will move out again.

"I considered that...." Luanda whispers. "But I am hurt.... and they do not look like they have the resources to care for me. But I have to figure a way to get away.... I was washed ashore with someone else.... and they left her. What did they mean by another royal?" She falls silent as the guard brings the rum, which she drinks gratefully.

"Yeah. They're pretty useless for anything like caring for ther prisoners. Luckily I got poisoned, not beat up too bad..." Nathan shakes his ehad slowly and chuckles, a dry sound that is not happy in the least. This of course is once they are alone again. "Oh, I'm the other royal. A royal fool, but that counts too right?" a snort before he flashes a wry smile that barely curves his lips. "I'm Nathan Onimus. A pleasure to meet you. It would be more of a pleasure if the circumstances were different."

"Nathan Onimus?" Luanda's expression shifts, and she lowers her head. "Oh. I.... my companion was Princess Madalyn Onimus. She was still alive when I was captured.... but badly hurt. I was looking for wood for a stretcher...." She closes her eyes. "I tried to get back to her. Or get them to go get her. But I did all I could...."

Nathan blinks and goes very still, a slow breath drawn in, then exhaled. "Madalyn?" he murmurs, giving Luanda a long, serious look. But for the moment, he does nothing more than that.

"We were on a ship heading to the Isles. Everything seemed fine and then.... a storm came out of nowhere. Lightning was striking everywhere. It hit the ship." Luanda shakes her head. "Your sister and I were tied to a barrel. I promised to take care of her. And then came an enormous wave." She shudders. "And then we were tossed about forever. I woke up on the beach across the island...."

"That storm took you a very, very long way then. If this island is near where I was captured... We should be several days sailing east of the Isles." Nathan says, frowning. Then he pushes himself up against the pole. Rising into a crouch, using his feet planted in the sand for leverage as he starts to push against the pole he's tied to. Without explaining his actions, he begins to make a quiet, but serious effort to dislodge the pole from the sand it's planted in. Likely futile, but logic isn't in his eyes.

"I couldn't walk. I didn't have the strength. Worse now...." Luanda shakes her head. "I found her on the beach. She was wounded. I used what was left of my dress to bandage it and cover her." She trembles again. "I tried. I did. I promised. And now I've failed her." She closes her eyes briefly. Yet his furtive movements draw her attention, and she lifts her head to watch him. "What.... what are you...."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY TOOK HIM?" Suddenly a woman growls,the same woman,who may be cosidered as their leader. "WHAT THE..." She hisses. She is close to the entrance and Nathan will be able to see shadows. Luanda cant, cause she is facing another side.

"Bring one of his crew members to their tent. Let them see, what happens, if they try to trick us! Change of the rules!" The woman growls and leaves.

Before Nathan will be able to move the pole, two men will drag his crew member into the tent. The third man comes in with a stone,not very huge one.

The man, which is dragged, will be known by Nathan, definitely. After all, he was on the same ship. That man will be kneeled in the view of both, Luanda and Nathan.

A stone will be placed in front of the poor,beated up man, who squirms and tries to get out unsuccessfully. And ofcourse, he screams.

One of the pirates speaks, "So, your mommy changed the rules. So, we change rules. Now she will get four fingers!"

Then third man will grab a hand of the poor man,will placeit on the sone, while two others are holding him.

A huge scream will echo in the tent and further, when a finger will be cut off in the royals' eyes, "One..." The pirate counts and grins.

Nathan is still halfway up, legs braced and the muscles tight as he exerts pressure against the pole he's bound to. "I told you, sea cow." he growls, his voice low and with a harsh edge to it. "You wouldn't get an island for me. But you can't listen..." he flexes the powerful muscles in his thighs, it may not be obvious what he's doing, but it's not exactly hidden either. "If you're insane enough to offer her even more of 'my' fingers? You'll wish I gutted you on the deck of that ship before it's done."

Luanda's eyes go wide and wider. Her mouth opens, but she is too thirsty to scream properly. She gags a couple of times, but she has nothing left in her stomach to bring up. So instead she gives a few squeaky gasps, and her skin goes ashen under the sunburn. She seems near to fainting.

If what Nathan is doing is not so hidden, the same man who just cutted off one finger, will move closer to punsh Nathan in the face, "GET DOWN, GET DOWN!" He screams out, wile the man without fingers screams in pain too.

Then he moves to cut off another finger, but suddenly a woman runs in, "Master, master, please, we need you! She woke up! The bleeding became too... I mean... It's blood everywhere! Please, master!"

The man, who was likely, called master sighs, "Alright. Show is over. drag him to my tent. We will get rid of these other fingers later..."

However, before leaving the tent, he points at the barrel in the corner of it,ordering one of the man, "Stay here,inside. We don't want to loose our prisoners."

In time, everyone leaves, except that one man, who was ordered to stay. He will sit on a barrel and will keep his gaze fixed on prisoners.

Nathan, punched in the face falls back against the pole that he is bound to, but at the same time he kicks viciously with a bare foot, driving his foot up into the groin of the man who had been cutting fingers.

Luanda just stares, her eyes going wider still. They are fluttering, though, as she struggles against the shock coursing through her; her breaths come rapidly. "No... no... don't hurt him...." And then she slumps, sagging in the ropes.

Nathan spits blood when at last he and the princess are alone with the guard, glaring at the other man with something dark in his eyes. "Begging won't help. The woman is insane. She's going to start a war, if she keeps this craziness up. The pirates have been too unimportant to bother with before now... but with this?" He shakes his head, grunting.

"Is she well-equipped enough to wage a war? Well-funded enough?" Luanda asks this quietly, her expression serious. She still looks faint, in need of medical attention. "And... do you know who it was who woke up and was bleeding?" She slumps weakly against her post. "Hard to think..."

Nathan shrugs slightly, "A war against a group of pirates?" he casts a glance towards the guard in the tent with them and smirks, "Oh, I'm sure that wouldn't stretch our resources too much. " There's nothing he can do to lend medical attention, and apparently the guard doesn't care about such things. He sighs. Nothing he can do to help the princess in this tent, or the one likely in peril elsewhere. "I'd guess it's the woman you were with... " not saying her name. "But, it could be anyone."

"I.... oh... I hope not...." Luanda bites her lip, then shifts. Perhaps it is to get less uncomfortable, but it causes the rope to dig sharply into her injured wrist. She bites her lip hard, kicking a bit involuntarily. And this sends a second wave of pain to was over her. She pants a little, then slumps sideways, fainting.

Nathan watches her faint, his words falling on ears that can no longer comprehend what he says as he murmurs, "It is better than her laying helpless and dying on a beach alone... I hope." Then he looks at the guard, "You! Get somebody to bring some drinks in here." he damands, likely in a futile effort before settling into an angry, brooding silence.