675-11-20 - Pirate SMASH!

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Pirate SMASH!
Summary: Adara interrogates the pirate messenger.
Who: Adara Zorich
References: re:Nathan Onimus
When: 675-11-20
Related Logs: 675-11-20 - The Queen Holds Court
Date of RP: 2014-11-31 to 2014/12/01
Where: Dungeon Cell 1 - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: Not really a cell so much as a cylindrical pit in the ground with a large Iron Grate at the top. The bed is mounted to the wall and stays barely dry in the damp air. The reason for this becomes apparent when you look down seeing 2 inches of water on the floor on a good day and 5 inches on the worst ones. The only gift of comfort in the cell is a ratty molded blanket tossed on the bed which helps when you want to ignore the scratch marks on the walls of previous prisoners trying to climb up or that very ominous blood stain on the corner of the bed where someone fell after trying to claw there way up the wall. Under the water are numerous scraps of clothes, salt crusted bones, and even a few rusted lockpicks that people tried to sneak in only to find that the top grate doesnt have a lock. They just put a huge rock over the locking bar so you cant lift it.

(OOC: This log contains some torture-related material, for the overly sensitive or those uncomfortable with such things you wish not to read this log.)

The pirate, who is as bold as he is tall, towering over even the tallest of men by a few inches or more, is now seated on the ground in a dark cell of dungeon. His arms are tied firmly and the rope is attached to metal lock, which basicaly locks the man to the ground. He's hair hang in thick black dreadlocks about his haggard and bruised face. Prince Zephan did a good job, punshing his face. His clothes are the same and have bright colours and the finest fabrics money could buy. About his neck he wears heavy gold adornments. And the most important thing is his beard, of course. There is something in his demanour, what basically speaks of the man's calmness.

Adara stands at the edge of the pit cell, looking down at the prisoner. She actually isn't wearing her typically elegant attire. Instead she is dressed down in commoner attire, loose pants and tunic with a leather apron and boots. Her hair is pulled back into a tight pony-tail as she asks, "Which captain do you serve?" as one of her Whispers trained in interrogation climbs down a rope to enter the cell with a roll of tools in bound in leather. The rope is pulled up once the interrogator is in the cell. Seems Adara Zorich is dressed expecting a mess.

The man even does not look at her. He stares at one point in the wall calmly. No words leave his throat.

Adara says, "If that is what you wish." she then looks to the Whisper and says, "Remove one of his fingernails." as she waits for a pair of pliers to be pulled out, the Whisper reaching back to the bound hands, to take hold of one of the fingernails and rip it out. Adara then asks again, "Which captain sent you?" as she continues to look down from the top of the pit.

"Aaaaahhhhhrrrrr!!!" The man just shouts, when his first fingernail is riped out. The finger starts bleeding. The pain is huge,but it just forces the man to laugh. His laugh sounds madly indeed. "You wouldn't know the name. You don't know anything about us. You do not notice us, but now... Suddenly we became important..." He tells.

Adara says, "I know more of the pirates then you think. Don't make me ask again. What is their name?" as she nods to the interrogator and the pliers rip out another fingernail.

"AAAAAGGGGRRRRRR!" Growls the man again, "I am the only one source you have. You kill me - your prince will be dead. You did not follow our orders. You even took me in. So, we will change the rules of game. You can light the candle on the grave of your prince!"

Adara says in a cold, uncaring voice, "We have an alliance with your people, this could be viewed as a breach of it. You can cooperate and save your people, or you can watch your people burn. You took an exiled Prince guilty of treason. The Queen might suffer that someone has hurt her blood, but do you think she will tolerate this for long? Have you forgotten the ships of the Isles are the best on the sea?" Adara nods again and another nail is removed as she says, "Know this you fool, I will get the information I want, one way or another. Unlikely many, I know there are worse fates then death. Trust me you won't die, I won't allow it." in a cold, cruel, almost vindictive threat. If she were a beacon of light and properness at court, she is an entity of darkness and vengeance now. There seems to be no mercy in her, no tolerance.

The man even does not look at Adara. He keeps staring at that one point in the wall. He screams once again, when his nail is teared. However, the woman still won't get the answer back. Instead, pirate just laughs, "Our people!? Fuck all these pirates, who signed that treaty. Oh, we definitely want that everyone would know, that it was not these pirates, who are serving to the Queen. We are real pirates, free and wild. Most importantly, we are small for you to notice, but big enough that you would be scared of us!"

Adara actually gives a loud, hollow laugh that echoes through the dungeon then looks down coldly, "We fear you as much as a snake fears a gnat." Another nod and another nail is removed.

Now the man jous screams and his painfull scream echoes in the dungeons, making all the other prisoners to shiver. After all, there are at least 40 people. These, who were put in dungeons for the riot during preparations for the Day of the Damned.

Adara simply nods twice as the last nail of the first hand is ripped off then the first nail of the second hand, making it three in a row as Adara asks, "WHICH CAPTAIN?!" in an authoritative voice.

"FUCK OFF" The man screams out, while his nails are ripped off. His one hand is bleeding already. The horrible pain he feels is written on his features. Tears are rippling across his cheeks, more as a reflex than actual tears of fear or something like that. The man leans, curls as much as he can as if that would help to endure the pain.

Adara nods and says, "It seems the bleeding is bothering him, use some of those spices you brought, that should stop the bleeding. As the interrogator nods and pulls out a tube of spices and takes a firm hand on the pirate's hand that now lacks fingernails and pours some of the spices into the wound of one of the nailbeds, and begins to forcefully rub the spices into the wound to stop the bleeding.

If someone thought that the man can't scream louder, they were wrong. Spices make him scream so loud!!!... The man curls, weaves onnthe floor as much as the chains allow him. He curses and hisses. The pain is so horrible, that it may even block a part of his brains or something, but he wouodn't be able to tell the name even if he would want. All he can is scream. Likely, everything turns into shadows for him in his eyes.

As the man passes out, Adara looks to the Whisper and says, "Spice the other wounds and send for me when they wake. Make sure they aren't bleeding and ensure they are given something so they don't get sick. Ensure there is nothing sharp or the like on him or in his cell as well. I don't want him killing himself be thorough, search the holes of his body if you have to. He is not allowed to die without express orders from either myself or the Queen is that understood?" as she starts to leave once her orders are confirmed, leaving a guard to lower the robe when the interrogator needs it to get back out.

The pirate happens to be a very strong man. It takes less than two hours for him to wake up. He starts straggling, tugging on the chains and screams again. The pain still tortures him as the nightmare in his dream, likely. Maybe he is just close ro madness. Hard to say.

It takes a bit after the man wakes before Adara returns and looks down at him in the same attire, her Whisper descending into the cell once again as she asks, "Are you willing to talk more now? My questions are not that hard, all of this pain can be easily avoided as long as you are reasonable."

The man spits into Adara's face, perfectly showing how reasonable he is ready to be.

Adara nods calmly and asks, "You are a fighter more then a sailor I would imagine. I suppose we should do something about that. I will give you the choice however, you can tell me the name of your captain or I will have your sword hand removed here and now." in a tone that suggests she will not hesitate for a moment and does no care.

"One way or another, I am dying! You can't scare me off!" The man answers calmly this time. "You wonder why they sent me into traps? Just because I volunteered. I am sick and I will die. Nobody has medicine from my illness. Even you. Don't bother trying to convince me, that you can help me out there..."

Adara nods and says, "Admirable resolve. That being said, you may well die eventually. The question is will we give you a quick death so you don't have to suffer, or keep you alive to the last second, providing you no relief or aid so you simply suffer every last agonizing moment of your illness. To die alone here, forgotten by all but your illness. After all if you cannot answer my questions you have no value, so why waste resources one something that is worthless? We can simply let you rot, for that matter if there is the risk your illness could spread we might as well just fill this pit with stone and seal it up with you inside to protect our people." that same cold, uncaring tone remains. She may very well not care what happens to the man.

"Very well. Then you can just do that.”

Adara nods and says, "As you wish." Then looks to the side, "lower the rope and get our man out of there, we don't want them hit by rocks. Find some filling stones somewhere and have them brought here so we can fill in this cell." she seems completely serious.

Hearing that serious tone of Adara, the man raises his gaze up a bit. Though, he is as serious as Adara.

The rope is lowered and the whisper allowed to climb out before the rope is pulled back up. Adara simply stares down at the man with a cold, uncaring expression. She then simply says, "You should have cooperated, it would have spared your people a war." then nods as filling stones start to be dropped into the pit, seemingly without regard if they land on feet, limbs, or much of anything else. Adara simply stands there watching with a cold expression.

The stones start falling down on the man. One of the heavier stones flops on his leg and the sound of breaking bone echoes in the dungeons together with the man's scream. Then a few more stones hits the man, breaking his arm, shoulder and hitting his head a bit.

The blood starts rippling across these cold heavy stones. The man closes his eyes for a moment, taking in the last inhales. However, the smile is dancing on his lips and he whispers, "If you so wish of dying, I can offer you to go northeast," he caughs a bit in blood, "My father used to tell me, that sometimes the things you are looking so much everywhere, are actually very close."

He coughs a little bit more, "Don't start a war..." Maybe he realised, that Adara does not make jokes and her words become truth. But it is too later and he falls asleep with his head leaned on one of the stones for eternity.

Adara frowns and says, "I was hoping they'd avoid his head, nevertheless." She then turns to the side and says, "Stop dropping the stones. I will need to report to the Queen. Do your best to get the stones out of there, leave the corpse until the Queen or the Fourth decide what to do with it." as she turns to walk away disappointed.