675-11-17 - I'm still alive, but...

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I'm still alive, but...
Summary: Ottis wakes up after the storm to find himself in unfamiliar surroundings.
Who: Ottis Penderghast
References: None
When: 675-11-17
Related Logs: 675-11-15 - Ocean Incident
Date of RP: 2014-11-23
Where: Ocean - The World of Water
Room Desc: With nothing above but the wide blue sky, the ocean glimmers in shades of blue and green as far as the eye can see while a gentle breeze fills the sails and makes them bulge a little. The ship is rocked gently by the waves like a child cradled by a loving mother, filling most of the passengers and sailors aboard with a notion of security and tranquility that might be deceiving.

The storm was gone, though there is still a gentle motion suggesting the smith Ottis is still at sea. Fortunately for the commoner they aren't clutching a piece of driftwood from the ship, instead they are on the bare planks in the depths of a ship. An undamaged ship, so its not the one he was formerly on. Instead it is simply a small room that is empty aside from a bucket, and has a single door.

Ottis wakes up with a grunt and groan. sitting up as best he can and rubbing his head. "where in ... " as he looks around, not able to recognize anything. Ottis slowly stands to test his footing and then slowly makes for the door, pausing first by the bucket to see if its drinking water or means to relieve himself.

The bucket is currently clean, the door however, once tried doesn't yield as it is either locked or blocked in some way. There are no sounds aside from those of a calm sea.

Ottis doesn't have to relieve himself .. yet.. so after checking on the door, Ottis press's his hear to it and listens for a bit, before pounding on it and seeing who's on the other side.

It is a minute or two before there is a response. A small door opens as a pair of brown eyes and a tanned nose peeks in and a voice asks, "Who are you, what do you do?" in a gruff, no nonsense voice. They actually sound like they might be from the Kingdom of the Two Rivers.

The man on the other side looks over Ottis silently for a moment, as well as the small opening allows, then demands, "Where in the Rivers you from?"

Ottis "Im from Equis, Origionally from Cornith, before the plauge wiped out the people and we fled. Now again.. who are you and where am I.. " as his irritation is growing.

There is a pause and the man responds, "Where the coin is. Good you'll bring good clink." and closes the hatch in the door. It is about five minutes before it opens again as a female looks through and asks, "You that master smith right?" in a less threatening tone.

Steps back from the door, and grunts. "aye.. and who be you, seems I cant get a straight answer from anyone on this blasted tub."

The woman nods and says, "You are aboard the ship of Captain Blackmane. You are the prisoner of pirates lad, behave yourself and you will be ransomed as someone will likely pay well for you. That or you can take up the life and keep us supplied with proper blades."

Ottis chuckles, "Me on board this ship as a pirate, no thanks. Me legs are better suited for dry land not this rolly-polly sea.. Tis what got me locked up here in the first place. " Ottis turns and curses. "Blasted pirates.. " as he slams a meaty fist into the cabins wall. "Not sure what you think ye be getting for a simple smith like me, but good luck in the attempt, do you at least have anything to eat or drink on this blasted ship?"

The woman grins and says, "If none pay a ransom, your flesh can always be bought in the right ports." she then looks to the side, nods, and shortly after sticks a waterskin that is half full of water and a heel of bread, dropping them just inside the door.

Ottis checks the skin and bread before eating anything or drinking. Once sure there is nothing wrong with either, he'll eat a bit and drink a sip, each time testing the effects for possibly being drugged. (they are pirates after all) consuming all or in the latter case until he pass's out.

She smirks at the testing and says, "A master weaponsmith is to valuable to waste."

Ottis looks at the woman. "Now who ever said I was a master weaponsmith, I only said I was a weapon smith. " as he gets more curious by the moment, almost as if they already knew who they had in this cabin.

She grins and says, "I have been to Equis before, I know who you are, at least your name. Never seen ya personally."

Ottis finish's off the skin and slowly walks up to the window, pushing the skin back thru. "I see, figgured once you ya got me name you could assign a value to it hmm depending on who you scrounged up."

She steps back to let the skin drop and simply shrugs saying, "Either you had value or not, if not we'd just dump you back overboard like we found you. The real question was whether you had more value as ransom or a slave. We'll see on that one."

Ottis conciders reacing thru the small hold to grab the woman and wring the life out of her. Then decidse that it's best with pirate to avoid that as if he failed it might cost him his hands, and that he can't lose. " How long until were back?" is all he asks, as he returns to his ... cot as it were and sits down.

As he sits on the bare planks, as they didn't seem to bother providing even a blanket she steps back to the ole and says, "Not long, we're going to your home not ours." At least he got a view of an auburn-haired woman with less then 'beautiful' features. The woman who looks more like a man in features and hairstyle adds, "If your ransom is met, you'll be home in a few days."

Ottis grunts, as he curls up in the corner, wrapping his powerful arms around himself for warmpth. "aye.. if it's met.. " he mutters, not mind the features of the woman as he himself isn't much to look at. Pondering getting home to his Maerwynn.
