675-11-12 - Nathan’s Adventures 3: Scary Lady

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Nathan’s Adventures 3: Scary Lady
Summary: Nathan encounters pirates, and things don't turn out as planned.
Who: Nathan Onimus
References: None
When: 675-11-12
Related Logs: 675-09-05 - Nathan's Adventures 1: Which Way Did They Go Captain? 675-09-09 - Nathan's Adventures 2: Land Ho!
Date of RP: 2014-11-14
Where: Deck of Nathan's Flagship
Room Desc: TP Room used

It had been a few hours sailing along the coast to map out the land Nathan's fleet had found. Two Squirrels had headed south along the coast, Nathan's Anaconda flagship and the last Squirrel was bound north. As the two ships round a rocky outcropping a call from the crow's nest reports, "Ships off the port side!" This is soon followed by another call from the bow, "Ships ahead Captain!" To the left a half dozen small ships are coming up on the flank, ahead is another half dozen or more.

Leaning on the rail, Nathan's just been enjoying the sight of land with a little smile. At least his theories were proven right in one regard, they haven't fallen off the world yet. But with the shouting of the lookouts, he straightens up and turns to look for himself, crossing the ship to the port side. Seeking a better look at the sh ips themselves.

The pirate ships are smaller then the Anaconda, the Squirrel looks to be faster and the Carrack has better weaponry. The pirate ships are build for quick raids however, so they are fast and maneuverable, the Squirrel might be superior, the pirates have the numbers and have them cut off on two sides. There is no enemy fire as of yet as they draw closer, but they might be moving into optimal firing position.

A signal will be given, Nathan calling for the crew to take up battle stations. But not to open fire, yet. He drops a hand to palm the hilt of his sword, the pleasure of discovery replaced by the rush of adrenaline at the new situation. "We're outnumbered... Lets see if they are going to want to talk, or fight." confident, surely his ships and crew are superior. And, arrogance never hurts.

The first ship of these, which are ahead of the islanders, is the hugest one. The dark huge flag is tossed by the wind on the highest apparel of that ship. The closer this ship gets, the more vivid the drawing on the flag can be. It's white skull, through which empty eyes two snakes are weaving. Tiny people running there and there might be visible too. One darker figure is standing in the front of the ship, holding herself with rope.

The ships move in from the left as well, trapping Nathan's two ships by the shore, which is a rocky outcrop which provides no chance of getting to safety. Three more ships come up from behind, a call from the stern reporting this new development. Nathan is boxed in now. Those to the left come closer, a black flag with a broken hourglass flies from these ships. As they draw closer a call goes out through a simply metal horn to amplify the voice, "Stand down and be boarded!" with an accent that sounds like its someone from the Kingdom of the Golden Lion.

The figure on the front of that ship with a huge flag waves with her hand something for her crew. While ship is getting more and more clsoer, people gathers near the side of the ship and bows with arrows raises up. They aim at the Nathan's ship. However, the command to attack is not given. "Closer! Get me closer!" Shouts the voice of a female. She sounds like a true islander, at some point. Slowly, the ship will get pretty close, that her feminine figure could be seen,especially, when she is standing on the edge of the board, swaying dangerously to flop into the water.

With the poise and confidence of his birthright, Nathan looks across at the near ship. A glance towards his own crew as well. "Steady men." he calls out. Of course he's not showing any true concern, though his thoughts are kept in his head as he steps back from the rail. He watches that feminine figure with a grin, after all, swaying on a boat, well. "Come on then!" he calls out. "You're welcome aboard to talk... But try and draw blood?" and well, that is left unsaid. Silly Prince. Thinks he's in charge even here.

Another ship, smaller then the one the female commands from the left group. A thin metal horn is passed over as a dark-skinned man makes his way over to the side of the ship and gestures for a rope ladder to be lowered by the larger ship, after all Anacondas are larger then even the female's ship.

The female pirate gestures with her hands some kind of signs, and her ship slowly turns in order to sail closer to the Prince's ship from his other side, where she asks exactly the same - a rope ladder.

"Well boys, it looks like we've got a little competition between fleets going on..." Nathan says, flashing a grin towards some of his crew as if this were not something to cause concern, perhaps it works to his own advantage. Or so he may think. "Keep sharp boys, but lets see what our... visitors, have to say." that said, he walks back from the rail of the ship to a more central location. There, to await the arrivals. "Let them aboard with a handfull of men if they wish. But no more."

Once the ladder comes down the male hops up on the railing of his ship as it moves close, then jumps over to grab onto the ladder as his ship moves to clear the way for the female's ship to come along side to let her board as well. The male climbs up alone, leaving his crew below on his ship, which does stay close.

People of the ship with snakes on the flag gathers closer to their captain. Though, she montions for all of them to stop and lower their weapons. The female almost jumps of the ladder and gets on board of Nathan's ship quite easily. She is slim, but strong, quite small. Her long black hair are pretty curly. She covers the top of her head with red scarf. There is falchion in the scabbard attched to her belt. The right side of the females temple has a tattoo of weaving snake. It looks like snake's tongue is touching the corner of young woman's eye. "Who is your Captain? You?" She looks over Nathan, peeking at the other Pirate, grinning a bit, "This kiddo?" Her eyebrows jump up curiously and she looks pretty amused.

Looking from one to the other, Nathan can't help but grin faintly before he composes himself again. "I am the one in command of this expedition, yes." he says. Giving that female an amused look at the 'kiddo' comment. "Now, who is it that graces my ship with their presence, hmmmm?"

The male pirate says, "Amir. Why has one from the Isles come to our lands? You are far from your kingdom." in the same Golden Lion-accented common language of Felaguria. His tone is calm and serious, he seems more investigative then confrontational or challenging.

Female slowly licks her lips, looking the man over, curiously, "Rhea Blackvenom of Sirus..." She introduces herself, "And it's my baby known as Viper!" She points at her ship and grins a bit and moves slightly aside, as if starting to circle around Nathan, "Maybe he is one of these kiddos, who were too wild for the isles, huh?" She asks.

"Exploration." Nathan says. "New lands, new opportunities. I sought what was across the horison where others feared to sail, and it was an excuse to get away from the family for a bit..." he adds after hearing the words from the female. He knows that accent, and the smile he flashes is a little bit mischevious. "Nathan Onimus." he says, then glances towards the male pirate. "I didn't come here to raid, if that's what you're thinking. My map had an edge. And I didn't like that."

The man looks over Nathan as though sizing him up and asks, "So in other words your women found a Prince so useless they sent him to the edge of the world to be rid of him? I assume that is the case, why else would someone allow royalty to just go off on their own?"

Female frowns slightly, eyeing the younger man, "Hmm... I heard that name somewhere... I really heard..." She raises her finger and gently taps her own chin, "RIGHT!" Doesn't look that she would try to hear, what the other pirate is saying. Likely, she just ignores him. "My dad used to tell me stories about that pretty creepy family, right? The Chosen Nation!" Rhea does not turn her look away from Nathan nor for the second, "HA! Chosen nation, who thinks, that it can rule the world! What a bite, what a bite! Amir, I can leave you the ship, but I am taking this kiddo. Tasty bite!" Her laugh may sound slightly psychopathic, but otherwise, she just looks like pretty amused snake, who is circling around her injured prey.

Her hand slides to the pommelof her falchion. Though, she just taps on it with her nail. The woman has pretty long nail of the tiniest finger, while other nails are dirty and cut shortly.

A look is given towards 'Amir'. "You may think that, if it makes you feel safer." Nathan says with an easy smile, before his gaze turns back to the female. "You can try to take me... and the ship. I'm sure you don't mind losing most of your ships and men doing it.... I promise you, it will cost far more to take me than is profitable." Like her, he slides his fingers against the hilt of his own sword, although not making it obvious that he's doing so. But he stands his ground without flinching under the attention of both.

Amir smiles to the woman and says, "How often does one get a Prince as a prize? This ship is useless, though I'd take that Squirrel." with a bit of an evil grin when he mentions the ship design that is currently the fastest and most agile in the known world. He then looks to Nathan and laughs boisterously, "You are beyond the edge of the world out here boy. If you think the alliance between our peoples and your kingdom will save you, you are a fool. We have you alone, 'accidents' happen, and you may never be seen again. I'm sure my counterpart here could make the rest of your life enjoyable enough. At least by her standards." chuckling darkly.

"Brave..." Rhea drawls, when she appears in front of the prince and takes a tiny step closer, "...or bold..." She adds, taking anpther step closer, "I am still not sure..." Her gaze is fixed on Nathan's, "I could eat him for dinner! Isn't he adorable?" She asks for herself, but then speaks to Nathan as if he would be kid, whose lollipop flop on the ground into the mud, "Of course, of course, dearest. I would lose all my ships and you would come back home to mommy as a true... how you call them... knight? Dream of the shy lady?" Then she rolls her eyes, "Clever! Idiot!" That's for Amir, even if she stares at Nathan, "Tell everyone. Just tell everyone about the alliance! Why the hell it was called secret, huh?”

With a little grin, Nathan steps in closer to Rhea, closing the distance between and looking down into her eyes as she stares at him. "Oh, of course Amir... Accidents happen. They can happen to anyone." he comments dryly. He licks his lips slowly with that lazy grin on his lips as he continues to return the look of the female. "All of your ships? Oh, I'm sure some would escape. They are good at getting away I've heard.”

Amir smirks at the Prince and says, "There is confidence, then there is stupidity Prince. This ship is far slower, less maneuverable, and is greatly outnumbered. Our ships are built for the exact opposite, you'd be lucky to hit out ships if you tried to open fire, and whether you hit us or not, this floating wall would CERTAINLY be hit. If you are trying to charm your way out, you might have better luck with your ships." chuckling darkly, perhaps he knows Rhea better then the Prince does.

"Oh, c'mon!" Rhea rolls her eyes. Her hands flop to the sides and she turs to Amir, "Stop playing with them. Let's do it! His mommy will pay us a lot of coins. Maybe we even will get our own island or whatever!"

"You're the one playing..." Nathan says to Rhea with a hint of a smirk touching his lips. Then he just shrugs as if to himself, "So get it over with. Since it's looking like I'm not going to be able to finish my explorations."

Amir looks to Rhea and says, "Only if they want him back. He doesn't seem to be here on any sponsored mission, he seems more like a wayward child who thinks more highly of himself then he deserves." grinning. Then to Nathan he adds, "Boy, you have no idea. There are far worse fates then death." with a dark grin.

"Fuck you and your boring "WHAT IF"! Options, options, options! Less words and more action!" Rhea spits out at Amir and she quickly withdraws her falchion from the scabbards, raising it up and letting the blades to shiver in the sunlight. Then she turns to the man and grins, pointing with that falchion to Nathan, "You will go with me! That's all..." Her archers raises their bows, while some of the men tries to crawl on the ladders.

Well, that is one thing that the prince at least thinks he understands. As Rhea draws her sword, he quite simply does the same. Although his is a straight blade, more in keeping with his training, the steel whispering out of the sheath. "I will?" he asks, "If you can make me."

Amir sighs heavily as Rhea gives into her more violent tendencies as he draws a hand ax and a knife and takes on more of a defensive stance, after all he doesn't have his crew with him, or nearby. He keeps his eyes on Nathan's crew most, looking for threats to himself. Plus side if he survives this he might get himself a Squirrel as his new flagship. "Stand down Prince, you are about to be over-run and you are standing on the biggest target in this part of the world. You won't survive this."

Rhea keeps her eyes fixed on the man for a moment, while encouraging, "CREW! Time to celebrate!!!" And men of her crew starts shouting, just random sounds, and climbe into the ship. Some of the men from her ship throws hooks with ropes over the board of Nathan's ship, starts climbing inside too. Archers release their first arrows, but none of them aims at Nathan. The one to aim at the Prince is Rhea, if not stoped. However, she tries to remain quite graceful in her moves as if she doesn't want to actually hit Nathan.

<FS3 Roll> Nathan rolled Defense for a result of 1 successes. <FS3> Nathan rolls Defense: Moderate Success <FS3 Roll> Teddybear rolled Blades for a result of 0 successes. <FS3> Teddybear rolls Blades: Failure

Nathan moves his blade, stepping to the side to avoid the attack from Rhea, which is easier than he thought. He doesn't reply to Amir with words, nor to Rhea. Instead he continues to dance the dance of blades, caught up in that moment perhaps more than paying attention to everything else around him. After the failed attack by Rhea, he moves his own blade. Not trying to skewer her, but instead he makes an attempt to knock the blade from her hand if possible. You paged Teddybear with 'you'd also have a priate with literally the ideal ship for piracy.’

<FS3 Rolls> Nathan rolled Blades and got a result of 3 successes. <FS3> Nathan rolled Blades: Good Success <FS3 Roll> Teddybear rolled Defense for a result of 2 successes. <FS3> Teddybear rolls Defense: Moderate Success

Rhea frowns, seeing how her attack fails. She keeps her attention fixed on Nathan, though, while her men gets into the ship and a true fight starts. Men and women are shouting, arrows are cutting through air. The female pirate Springs again, trying to attack the man, but Prince's blade hits her a flachion, and it drops on the ground. "DAMN!" Rhea curses and springs to grab her flachion from the ground. The blades of the falchion are glinting as if they are creamed with something quite twinkling.

(OOC: To reflect random background hits, Notus rolls a real world D6, best two out of three results. 1=Critical success and 3-4 targets die, any roll other then 1=normal success. This reflects having to shoot high to reach the deck of the other ship and no clear line of sight on the targets. A coin is flipped to determine how many targets are hit. Heads=lower value, Tails=Higher value. At this point a 4 was rolled, the coin flip was heads.)

Amir simply takes on a purely defensive stance, turning to face one of Nathan's solders closing in, the volley of arrows from Rhea's ship catches them in the temple, dropping them to the deck as the other arrows fly over harmlessly.

"Pick it up... and I won't go easy on you again." Nathan says sternly, as he follows the female pirate towards her falchion. Ready to lash out at her again if she picks it up. He should probably run her through then and there when she's moving to grab it, but he holds off perhaps sensing what might happen should he kill her, so putting it off momenarily while screams and cries fill the air.

Rhea gets her blade and more firmly squeezes it's grip in her palm. The woman won't hurry this time. Instead, she will shift from one foot to another, before trying to spring forward, but just make a scratch on Nathan's arm, nothing more.

<FS3 Roll> Nathan rolled Defense for a result of 2 successes. <FS3> Nathan rolls Defense: Moderate Success <FS3 Roll> Teddybear rolled Blades for a result of 2 successes. <FS3> Teddybear rolls Blades: Moderate Success

Amir grumbles a bit and backs to the railing at the side of the deck, keeping his guard up as he moves, likely so he can signal his own men as Rhea's mean climb onto the deck.

Nathan grunts, "So you don't learn?" he says, feeling the touch of a blade through his shirt, and he can hear screams. Blood's on the deck and he has gotten angry, this time he does not strike to disarm. Instead he attacks rather seriously, slashing at the female pirate. Confident, of course, that his skills are superior. Silly prince.

<FS3 Roll> Nathan rolled Blades for a result of 2 successes. <FS3> Nathan rolls Blades: Moderate Success <FS3 Rolls> Teddybear rolled Defense and got a result of 3 successes. <FS3> Teddybear rolled Defense: Good Success

Rhea not just tries to avoid the man's hit, but also, she tries to swirl around him and come from behind him, wrapping her one arm around his shoulders, while bringing the blades of falchion close to his throat. IF she will succeed that, the woman will whisper, "Now you are mine..." And she will cut slightly to the man's neck.

<FS3 Roll> Nathan rolled Unarmed for a result of 1 successes. <FS3> Nathan rolls Unarmed: Moderate Success <FS3 Rolls> Teddybear rolled Unarmed and got a result of 4 successes. <FS3> Teddybear rolled Unarmed: Good Success

Amir watches as Rhea grapples and gets Nathan into a hold, then lightly nicks his skin. He reaches the railing and lifts and arm and gestures towards the ship with a flick of his wrist as his flagship moves to draw closer. He then looks to Rhea and says, "Seems you got your prize Blackvenum, just remember the Squirrel is mine." referring to the smaller ship, not the one they are currently on.

Nathan struggles, but he's already been physically overpowered... by a girl. And then cut. He twists and struggles against her hold, but there's likely little he can actually do as the venom takes hold

As through the mist, Nathan will be able to hear and see, how Rhea will order her men to stop shooting arrows. Likely, these who are inside the ship, may take over the rest of Nathan's crew, unless the man will jump through the board or will try to run away otherwise. Also, female will gently lower him to the ground, letting other men take him. And the last words he will hear will be, "Take your Squirrel! I am getting my kingdom…"

Amir's men soon join in the fight on the Anaconda, but mostly on the Squirrel. The Anaconda is mostly already taken so the priority is the Squirrel, which Amir's men tries to take as many alive as possible. If Rhea doesn't claim the Anaconda the ship is simply sunk once all the goods aboard are transferred through the two pirate fleets.

Nathan is carried around like baggage, unconscious by Rhea’s crew.