675-10-04 - The Picnic
The Picnic | |||||||
Summary: A date at the beach brings about the hope of a soonish betrothal | |||||||
The day has come for the plan'd picnic that Sallah has asked Sherzad to accompany him on at the beach. So while she's gotten her guards and ladies in waiting to attend Sallah has managed to get his slave and guards too. His slave carry's the basket and blankets for the picnic so that Sallah can ride unhindered.
Sallah rides up to the gate, where he's to meet Sherzad. Sallah astride his magnificant White Stallion.
Sherzad arrives, she rides a chestnut mare of a rather subdued temper. In fact she has dressed with much care as can be seen from the colorful attire, there are blue and red tones present in the scarf that is wrapped about her over skirts and a chemise of blue. In her company are two guards and a handmaiden, nothing more, as she has the status of lady-in-waiting herself. On her features blooms a smile that could melt stone. Sherzad has certainly looked forward to this day, and it shows. "Sallah," she greets shyly. And that is in fact all she can muster in greeting.
Sallah grins as he spots you and your entourage.. "Lady Sherzad.. " he replies with a warm gentle smile. "You look amazing. " as he brings his stallion up closer to your mare, "ready to go.." as he looks to the sky and see's that it's going to be quite a warm day, even though the sun's not fully up in the sky just yet, suggesting it's around nine or ten in the morning.
"Oh yes," Sherzad smiles in reply to his second remark. His compliment manages to color her cheeks though. "Thank you, Sallah," is breathed in reply rather than spoken. She holds the reins of her mare like she knows how to ride, and being a daughter of the desert, as much would be expected from her. "Let us get going then. It is such a wonderful day," she says as she rides over to settle in beside the Al Abukar.
Sallah nods as he signals his slave and men to position, having one of his guards take lead while the other falls in behind. Figuring you'd have your guards do the same, so that both nobles have one for and one aft. Sallah leads them thru the city to the Ocean and beach. "I've spoken to many weather masters who say the day should be delightful for the next few days. Which will make the picnic that more pleasant. " One of the things Sallah wish'd they had brought with them was a small tent to change should they wish to go swimming. Tis something he doesn't get to do much but clearly loves to do when able.
Sherzad's eyes sparkle with delight when she spots the ocean ahead. "Oh! This is delightful." Her guards have joined the formation, just the way Sallah wished them to, and now it is only her handmaiden that rides a few feet away from them on her mule. As for swimming... Sherzad is for now unaware of such plans, or her cheeks would even turn a darker shade of pink now. "It will be perfect, I am sure. The picnic.", she smiles.
It takes them a bit of time but eventualy Sallah finds a modestly secluded spot for them to set up camp. Sallah assists his slave in setting up the massive blanket. To do otherwise would take the poor man all day and waste the trip. Then Sallah lets his slave finish putting out the basket and food. Sallah opens the bottle of wine and sets out very ornate and decorative glass's for Sherazad, her hand maiden and himself. Pouring their glass's first before filling his own. "with water so fine and weather so perfect, makes me wish I'd brought a changing tent. This weather's perfect for a swim.. " he sighs, before loading a platter with grapes and cheese slices and setting it before Sherzad and himself and her handmaiden so that all can share it.
Sherzad dismounts gracefully from her chestnut mare, leaving it to one of her guards. She will watch the preparations, exchanging a few remarks with her handmaiden. Settling herself next onto the blanket she will accept the goblet of wine. "Thank you, Sallah.", she says, and then his announcement comes and she blushes. "Oh. Indeed?" An awkward glance is exchanged with her handmaiden, but soon the woman interjects: "No need to worry, Begum. I have brought bathing dresses for us along." A good handmaiden anticipates every possibility!
Sallah chuckles at the handmaiden's remark. "well then, if thats the case, we'll have to set up a blind should you wish to change you may in privacy. " as he pops a grape into his mouth and chews on it slowly. His eyes sparkling with delight as he looks to Sherzad. The slave has managed to retrieve a small package off his own horse and finds a spot to sit and dine on a meal of his own. While the guards take up position to ensure the nobles' privacy.
Sherzad is taken aback by the turn of things, she looks from Sallah to the handmaiden in slight bewilderment, before she nods. "Um, yes. That may be a good idea," she remarks then, after a moment. The handmaiden nods. "Yes. A blind, that would be most helpful. I will accompany her of course. Noone wants to have any bad rumors evolving from this, I am sure." Because the handmaiden acts as chaperone as well.
Sherzad meanwhile clears her throat. "Well, we are not going swimming right away, I suppose?" She takes a sip from the wine. "I was wondering, Sallah... Why you would ask me out on such a picnic as this...?"
Sallah grins softly. "Well I remember you from when I was younger and training found you quite cute." he says with a light grin. "The unfortunate part of training was that I could never get away to tell you and by the time I did have the chance, you were no where to be found or .. maybe I was on my way home I dont recall, so when I saw you I thought that perhaps I was getting a second chance. In fact during this time I think your beauty has grown and enhanced remarkably. "
That remark alone brings a blush to Sherzad's cheeks. "Indeed?", she inquires with a shy whisper, lowering her gaze. "You honour me with your compliment, Sallah." And for a moment her voice seems to fail her, despite the smile dancing on her lips. It takes her a moment though, before she looks up, and the smile fades a touch. "I feel though, that before you would... consider me as worthy of your attentions... I should give you some information on my person that you are obviously... unaware of, Sallah." A bit of a strained expression has entered her gaze, but she seems to ignore the light shake of the head her handmaiden gives.
Sallah pops a grape into his mouth and chews on it slowly, before taking a sip of wine. "Oh and what praytell would that be?" as he casts a glance from Sherzad to the handmaiden and back, his curiosity now peaked. Sallah reaches for some of the cheese that continues to soften in the sun's heat, and tearing off some of the bread that's part of the picnic supplies and biting into that goodness chewing slowly as he listens.
There is a deep inhale on Sherzad's part as she looks far from happy, still, there is that determination in her tone when she begins to speak, ready to unveil the stain resting upon her. "There has been an incident," she says, in a voice that is hardly above a whisper despite the determination to carry through with the confession. "I have to inform you that I am no longer the innocent flower you may wish to see in me. In fact, I have been dishonoured. A graver consequence threatened to come about, but... I lost the child." Her mien is almost ashen now, her gaze still lowered as she does not dare to look up to Sallah's face. "You may want to reconsider, if this Sherzad here is worth of your kind and flattering attentions...?"
Sallah finish's off his bread and cheese as he stands up and lightly brush's off his pants.
Sallah then says. "I see, as he looks at the both of you. (Sherzad and handmaiden) before walking to Sherzad and then doing the unexpected as he sits down well within arm's reach, carefuly lifting up her chin so that he can look into her eyes. Then with the gentlest of smiles his hand slides to a caress of Sherzad's cheek. "It takes great bravery to confess something like this, probably braver than most men who fight in wars. " he says, " In fact such bravery doesn't deminish your standing in my eyes but in fact elevates it a bit. If it weren't for our customs I'd be quite willing to present you with a kiss for such honesty and bravery as you deserve."
There is a light flinch when Sallah reaches for her chin. But when her gaze is raised and she notices the smile, Sherzad will exhale. Especially when she hears the compliment. "I would not like to leave you in false assumptions," she admits, with a faint smile. "I feel honoured indeed by your attention, and ... You would have found out, sooner or later. I only wished to play with open cards." The mention of his wish to kiss her has her lower her gaze, her cheeks lightly flushed. "This is indeed a nice thing to say, Sallah. And a wish I would gladly grant, but, I fear it is not possible."
Sallah smiles, and nods. "aye, at least not yet.." he counters, while plucking up a grape and offering it to you. Willing to serve you just for the chance to caress those lovely lips of yours. " Though there is still plenty of time for such things, for now we can enjoy the day, and each other's company."
The grape is studied for a moment, indecision reigning Sherzad's gaze whether such a gesture would be appropriate. But then her lips curl at Sallah's words and she leans forward to snatch the fruit from Sallah's fingers, a shy little giggle following as she chews on the grape. The contact of his fingers to her lips will only have been fleeting, still, it seems to be enough to shoot him a slightly bewildered glance. "Plenty of time...?", she inquires, raising a brow. "You mean to spend more time with me, even after what I've told you?"
Sallah can't help but chuckle as you snatch the offered grape from his fingers and moves to pluck up another for himself. "I do believe that was what I was trying to convey.. " he pops the grape into his own mouth. "though if you would rather not.. " he shrugs waiting to hear what /your/ desires might be.
Sherzad smiles at Sallah, as her eyes follow the grape he plucks for himself. "Oh, please, don't say such a thing. I am enjoying your company, Sallah, cherishing every moment of it." Bold words, uttered in all honesty. "I only wish to understand, how sincere your intentions are. I would hardly think you would want to take advantage of such a poor soul as me." She sighs. "Forgive me for being that open with you, but... My father is very displeased with me at the moment. I doubt he would take another scandal lightly."
Sallah says, "I have no intention of being scandalous, my only concern is your wish. " he explains and applies more of the soft cheese to bread. Offering you the first one as he proceeds to make a second. "I do not do things lightly nor frivolously. I see what I wish and I go for it, now not always with success as my instructors have told me in lessons but eventualy I do get where Im going. "
Sherzad leans a bit forward to reach for some bread as well. "I would already have assumed as much," she states with a shy smile. "You seem an honourable man to me. Just allow me this one question. What is it that you wish, and what would you do to obtain it?"
Sallah looks at you and says. "well to be a good soldier, and in time a good commander like my father. Though I do hope to not be away like he was as it was a strain on Our mother and my siblings. In time to find a good woman to marry, have a home and raise our children. To obtain that I'd do what one must, as long as I didn't break any laws and didn't do anything dishonourable to achieve it. "
"These sound like honourable goals, Sallah. And prove once again that my first impression of you did not deceive me.", Sherzad replies with a smile, looking much more comfortable now than just a moment ago. The mention of wife and children has her blush though and she lowers her gaze. "I believe, you have already singled out such a woman, a man such as you must have many offers. After all you have been abroad and won a tourney, and brought honour and glory back to the Golden Lion..."
Sallah cocks his head, slightly. "Well if I have it's because I find her a good match. As for many offers, not as many as all that, even for winning such a tourney and the honour I've brought to the Golden Lion. There seems to be more matches and wedding in the Isles and from what I've been told Two Rivers than anywhere else. So the women have had little reason to glance my way."
"A good match...?" Sherzad echoes, lowering her gaze as she bites her lip. There is a brief pause, when she considers that, still, when she looks up again there is a touch of sadness to the look of her eyes. "You speak of a good dowry, yes?" A light shake of her head comes next. "You know that is not true. I cannot believe it is.", she comments on his latter remark.
Sallah shakes his head. "Dowries and the like are for my father and the father of the woman I choose to discuss. My concerns are with the woman in question and her happiness. " he says, and then grins at your latter comment. "Well it is true, granted a few have been polite but that's as far as any of them have wished to go. The only woman to show me any true interest at all is currently seated beside me, enjoying a picnic on the coastal beach. " as he grins softly.
Sherzad nods to Sallah's explanation, taking a bite from the piece of bread in her hand as she looks away for a moment, maybe scanning the impressive view of the ocean. "I find that hard to believe," she comments. "That there are no other women expressing their interest in you." Blushing again after the words have left her mouth she will look again at Sallah, before she adds in a hushed tone: "I do enjoy your company very much."
Sallah chuckles, "Well as I did say, if they do.. they have not shown it as of yet. For that reason they are out of luck should someone else show that interest. it's like that old fable, of you snooze you lose. "
"Meaning?" Sherzad inquires raising a brow with an innocent flicker in her eyes. "That the first woman to catch your interest will be the one you will single out to be your wife?" Is there a sudden playfulness about her? Or is that just the light shiver of a shy lady in her tone, a lady who does not dare to believe her own ears?
Sallah chuckles, "meaning that the first woman who shows true interest in me will have the greatest chance, Though I am not one to force something upon anyone. " he grins at he catches your tone "I mean, to say it's first come first serve would be a crass thing and rude. Though the only other option I fear would be to put me up on the market and see who'd bid on me." His tone light and teasing.
"Certainly," Sherzad replies with a soft chuckle to the remark of first come first serve. "I do not believe you are on the market, I could hardly imagine you being sold off like a slave..." Her gaze clouding there as she lowers her gaze again. "Forgive me, that was an... unappropriate thing to say." Poor humor indeed. Until she looks up again and admits: "I would make sure to make the highest bid though..." Picking up the light teasing tone of Sallah.
Sallah chuckles, "Well that depends on the person doing the buying now wouldn't it. " he counter teases. his eyes sparkle when you mention being the one to give the highest bid. "Well then it'd seem that I'm off the market already if your already bidding that high. " he grins, plucking up another grape and offering it to you.
Sherzad smiles, a warmth enters her gaze at the chuckle as she seem very pleased with Sallah's reaction. Again, she will snatch the grape from him, albeit not as rushed this time, keeping her eyes locked with his. "I would. Now... if the dowry would please you, is another question. My father had not intended for me to marry in the next years. My sister's wedding has not happened long ago, and already drained much of his wealth. However," and here she shoots him another glance, "his aims for a match for me may have been higher, requiring a greater amount of dowry. He will certainly be pleased if such a renowned knight such as you would... ask for my hand." Has she really said that? A deep blush creeps into her features as she lowers her gaze at once, surprised at her own audacity.
Sallah with Sherzad taking her time, in aquiring the grape it allows Sallah a chance to brush his thumb across Sherzad's lip and smile. "Well Assuming there is no rush, we can take our time, thus allowing your father's wealth as you put it to grow and allowing him to see if we'd be a good match or not, but I would be delighted to ask for the hand of such a charming and attractive woman as yourself. " he says and plucks up two more grapes to munch on, " I would want for you to be happy and not to upset your father by rushing into things when he's just recently wedded off your sister. Thus making him think were trying to break him.."
"No rush," Sherzad affirms with a smile, a light doubt showing in her eyes though. "Although my father may seem less inclined to wait overly long to marry me off. Indeed, he may be relieved some expresses interest in me, after all the sorrow I have caused him." A faint smile there despite the slightly guilty loo in her eyes. "To talk to him can certainly not hurt," she adds, smiling at the brush of his fingers against her lip. "In fact, I would ask you to discuss possibilities, if you should feel inclined for the match."
Sallah nods his head and smiles. "IF that is your wish then I shall do so. If it'll make him happier and to know that you'll be in a good match. " he will reach up and gently caress your cheek. "I think such a match would be a benefit for both of our families. That and I'm sure my folks would love to see me out of the house. " he says teasingly.
Sherzad chuckles and lowers her gaze, the relief at his reaction clearly visible in her face. "Then we should pursue it," she states. "If only to help your people to get you out." A light teasing jest, taking up his own.