675-09-28 - The Healer and the Duke Again

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The Healer and the Duke Again
Summary: Mistress Rayne Devantry gains audience with Duke Alajos and Duchess Avaline Fennim
Who: Rayne Devantry, Alajos Fennim, Avaline Fennim
References: Re:Baldwin of Equis
When: 675-09-28
Related Logs: To Change
Date of RP: 2014-09-28
Where: Study - Woodwatch Keep
Room Desc: The Ducal Study occupies the lower floor of the right-hand tower of the castle. At first glance it seems every wall is covered by large bookshelves from floor to ceiling, but in fact there's space between the shelves for a large open fire on one side and a bench on the other side where people may sit while they wait for the Duke to deal with their business. Tucked in a corner are two comfortable armchairs where two might retire for a more private conversation. The room has one large window just behind the Duke's desk, offering a splendid view of the forests and hills beyond. Underneath the window stands a large oak trunk, where important documents may be kept under lock and key. The desk itself is perpetually overloaded with papers, scrolls and books as well as dried-out ink stands, pens, empty cups and what looks like a golden paper weight in the shape of an unicorn.

It's Open Hour at the castle, the time - twice a week - when the young Duke of Woriscant sees commoners to hear their woes and (maybe) help them. Today those coming to see him will find the young Duchess seated beside him.

Indeed, the news Duchess is seated beside Alajos this day, a thing that has happened a time or two since Avaline had become his wife. Time spent to learning the woes and peitions that the people of Woriscant might have, and no doubt, for Alajos to show off that, unlike his father, he does have a wife proper.

Among the commoners who have managed to come see the Duke, Rayne Devantry is among them. Dressed in black trousers and a green blouse with gold spiral-design trimming, she at least looks like she hasn't been romping around the woods for the better part of her day. Now it was just patiently waiting to be seen, and perhaps gain a glimpse at the new wife of the beloved (or at least vehemently respected) Duke.

Alajos' expression brightens a little when he sees Rayne enter and gets to his feet to greet her with a little bow. "Mistress Rayne, what a pleasure to see you. I have been expecting you for a while." He turns to Avaline with a smile: "This is Mistress Rayne, who I told you about. Please, Ma'am -" He gestures to a seat that will seat the visitor a little below the Duke and Duchess. But at least they may sit.

The Duchess this day is dressed in a fine gown befitting her station, her blonde locks are drawn up into a elegant design. Her pale blue eyes do follow Alajos when he rises and gives bow to the commoner, though she says nothing, simply offering a small incline of her head once Rayne presents herself. Once the introductions have been made by Alajos, Avaline offers,"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Mistress Rayne."

The bow is returned in kind and Rayne bears a smile as Alajos addresses her. "The pleasure is mine, Your Grace. I thank you for granting myself audience." The smile remains as she turns her attentions to Avaline and offers a slight bow to her as well. "Duchess. It is an honor to meet you as well." Shifting only then to take the offered seat, perhaps a little surprised at the mention from Alajos to Avaline that she had even been a slight note within conversation.

Alajos even nods towards a tray holding a jug of what looks like wine (watered down for the peasants) and an array of clean drinking glasses, suggesting Rayne help herself if she wants. "Now, Mistress, would you please state your case and tell us how we can help you?", he asks the young woman politly.

Once the wine is served, should there be wish for it and Rayne is seated, Avaline does give a slight nod of her head,"Aye, do please speak about the situation, Duke Alajos has told me only some minor points of it when he made mention of you."

Rayne glances to the jug of wine, but for the moment she does not move to partake any, and somewhere in her head prays it is not seen as a poor choice. When both ask of her case, she gives a soft clearing of her throat before speaking. "It concerns my husband, whom would likely be here along with myself were he not a part of the mission that went to the north." Saying that much before continuing. "My case is a concern over his loss of name and status. He was only stripped of it because he chose to marry me, and while I know it is not completely common for love to win in matters of life and heart but it did in this case." Not wishing to be too long winded, a brief over view for the moment is given, and surely whispers among the halls (rumors) also bear a slight insight to the situation in which Rayne is referring to.

Alajos nods along, having heard the story before, and looks at Avaline. Feeling the need for a brief explanation, he turns back to Rayne with a little smile. "My wife can certainly offer a more ... feminine understanding of things and as my Duchess, I wish for her to have insights into how justice is handled here in Woriscant... and have her offer her insights as well..."

The Duchess listens at what Rayen has to speak and raise about the matter at hand. Avaline gives a small incline of her head and a gentle smile towards Alajos when he offers up that turn of explaination. Her gaze turning back to Rayne,"I am glad that you and your husband, Sir Baldwin have found happiness. Though I am curious on what it is exactly you are hoping to gain from the Duke and myself? Sir Baldwin's family was within their right to act as they did and it is not within out power to force them to restore Sir Baldwin amongst them to regain his title and status. And I cannot imagine that Sir Baldwin did not forsee that this could result if he pursued the marriage without the blessing of his family and House."

A twitching of her lips is given as Rayne listens to both Duke and Duchess before she takes a breath and exhales slowly. "Yes, I know that such a risk was being taken should Sir Baldwin and myself persue any type of relationship. However, what I am more concerned with are the rumors going around about myself and Sir Baldwin." She flickers a gaze between the two before continuing. "I am perhaps more interested in having rumors quelled that have emerged concerning myself and Sir Baldwin since our return from the Isles. I am not a witch, I am not a charlatan, nor a whore and Sir Baldwin has never been anything less than a gentleman in all the times I helped him. It is merely coincidental that the time we spent together brought on a development of a romance which led to our marriage. I can live without title, and I know Baldwin can as well. What I cannot live with is mine and my husband's names being slandered across Two Rivers when we've done nothing wholly wrong."

Alajos listens in silence, nodding along from time to time. Finally he looks at Avaline again. "What do you think, my Duchess? I believe love happening is altogether possible, is it not? And should be rewarded, not punished? You are a healer, are you not, Mistress Rayne?"

Avaline nods slightly to Alajos,"I do believe love happening is all together possible, aye." The other she does not quite address, but then their match is a political one....still working on the friendship and love bits. "Mistress Rayne, I cannot say I have much stock to rumor nor to most with any sense to their heads. Most have turned their attention to my uncle and cousin's nuptials, any rumor regarding you and your husband have begun to fade. Anything we would do not to try and counter and quell the original rumors would only serve to raise those events into the forefront of peoples mind again and feed the very rumors you wish to be gone. Gossip and rumor has a life of it's own. It would be my suggestion that you allow the actions of you and your husband to speak for themselves as you live your lives together, for surrely that shall quickly overshadow once spat of gossip about times only few of us were actually present for."

Rayne nods towards Alajos. "Aye, Your Grace. I am just as my parents before myself were." She says that much before her attention is taken by Avaline, and she listens as the Duchess speaks. Such diplomatic words spoken, it was enough to make the young healer sick, but she wasn't going to show such as evidently on her features. Instead, she realizes which marriages are being spoken of and only gives a nod of her head. Of course, she also has to bite her tongue for the moment regarding other such comments in her head, however! Prevailing over that much more, she smiles still. "Perhaps I can also hope my husband comes back a hero from the North, or at least not dead, and we'll move on. At least you can both rest assured that Woriscant shall remain happy and healthy so long as myself and the other handful of healers reside within Your Graces lands."

Alajos looks actually proud of Avaline's speech with a "isn't she great!" expression on his face. But it's only a brief moment, before he looks at Rayne again and nods. "Perhaps your husband will. And perhaps we shall call upon your services when the need for a healer arises in the castle... surely it would go a long way to improve your reputation to be called into the castle to help?", he suggests and smiles again. "There will even be some .. remuneration in it, of course. Provided you do a good job."

Being a fair bit younger then the both of the others, Avaline does simply take in the older woman when she again speaks. There is a small nod of her head,"We will hope for his safe return. " Since praying is not an option. "And then there shall be cause to celebrate and speak of what deeds were taken up in the north. " A small nod goes to Alajos,"There does seem to be a fair number who have decided to linger, there will be greater need for healers with the cooler months coming upon us."

Rayne nods with a smile. "It would be my honor to serve the castle however I can." She would say at least that much, though no one should be happy to need a healer - it is her profession. She moves to stand then, as it would seem that their business together was drawing to a close. "I do believe that is all I wished to speak on...unless, of course, either of you have any inquiries of myself?" Because, really, she has no idea how else to end these things.

"I believe this is all for now.", Alajos replies, casting a quick glance to Avaline to see if she might have more to say. But there's a whole bunch of other applicants still waiting and the Duke's time is limited. "We shall await your husband's safe return and I shall call upon you when medical help is required. Let us hope that both your good deeds will suffice to stamp out whatever malicious rumour may be lingering.", he says softly and inclines his head to say goodbye.

Avaline gives a gentle incline of her head to what is said by the pair in the end,"Be well and we shall await the safe return of your husband, Mistress Rayne." A light smile given to the woman when she moves ot leave, before looking to see how many others remain waiting to speak to Alajos.

Rayne nods once more before giving a more formal bow. "Your Graces." A simple thing before she turns and makes her way out of the room.