675-09-25 - Edris and the Queen

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Edris and the Queen
Summary: Edris gets her chance to talk to the Queen and ask her the one question that has been on her mind for a while.
Who: Edris Alachri and Abegayle Onimus
References: re:Nathan Onimus
When: September 25th, 675
Related Logs: Hidden Agenda logs
Date of RP: 25/09-?/10/2014
Where: The Royal Bath House - Isle of the Crown, The Isles
Room Desc: The room seems small, easily crowded. To either side of the entrance, benches line the wall so people can sit, should the baths be full. Situated between the other two doors, is a table where a servant takes payment for baths and perfumed soaps should anyone wish to buy such. Many different ones can be found upon the shelves behind the table, along with towels neatly folded. A slave can also be purchased should anyone wish to attend them in the baths. To either side of the table are two doors. The one on the right is guarded by a male knight, and leads into the men's bath. The one on the left is guarded by a female knight, and leads into the women's bath. It is strictly forbidden for men to enter the female baths, though female slaves are allowed to enter the men's if ordered.

The Royal Baths are a wonderful place to relax and recover from the stressful life at court - if one happens to have duties to see to. As for Edris Alachri, she has only a great amount of time and leisure. So her regular visits to the baths have become more of a means to escape the small chamber she shares with the handmaiden at the servant's quarters. The fiery haired woman's state is becoming more and more obvious now, the curve of her belly growing which every week that passes. Her demeanour, while showing some of the glow of anticipation so many pregnant women have, is slightly dimmed.

The red curls have been gathered and pinned up on her head to keep them from getting soaked as she enjoys the warm water in one of the women's pools. As men are not allowed in this particular chamber it is only her handmaiden that looks after her, this 'looking after her' indeed more of a watch rather than a means of assistance. The curves of Edris's body remain modestly below the waterline, and for a moment she allows herself a low contented sigh, as eyes close and lips curl momentarily.

The relaxing notion that the Royal Baths bring is something that brings the Queen Abegayle to the small room. Once there, she disrobes, taking note of the other two women that are within the room before she moves to slip into the bath herself. Of course, Edris' state is apparent to the woman - having been a mother herself - but there seems to be no pleasure taken in spying the woman with the bastard child of her own son growing within the curve of that belly. Abegayle does also note the lack of glow around Edris and while she finds it a bit curious, she could understand a little why such a thing is so.

Still, the Queen slips into the water and sinks herself down until only her neck is above water. Hair pinned atop her head, she takes a long breath in before letting it out slowly. A lot weighs on the mind of the Queen, and she tries to let it all melt away along with the heat of the water. Everything aside, one would almost believe the rumors of the Queen being at least well health wise were a bit untrue, as she seems quite tired and drained in this moment.

Her grey-green eyes drift to the door, widening when the queen enters, although Edris will stay where she is for now, her gaze only lingering briefly on the queen before it shifts away from her, allowing her the privacy she possibly prefers while disrobing. It is when Abegayle slips into the water, that the redhead will look up, straigtening a little, one arm held across her, the hand touching almost her own shoulder, as she offers something akin to a bow. "Your majesty, would you prefer I left rather?", she inquires with a voice that shows politeness as well as something else - maybe a light tremble.

Abegayle would raise a single brow after a moment, watching as the woman straightens and offers something akin to a bow. The Queen would nod her head to acknowledge such a thing before settling in the waters once more. "No, you are fine. I know how relaxing these baths can be, and it seems it is two-fold in a condition such as your own." Perhaps a bit of disgust in those last words but it does not stop the Queen from averting her gaze to the woman once more. "Speaking of which... how are you feeling these days?"

"They are relaxing, yes," Edris will confirm, her tone regaining some confidence, as she inclines her head before she resumes her position from before. The question has her eyes flicker a little and it takes her a moment before she gives her reply. "The child and I seem to be of good health. I am sorry - very sorry to hear you have been less fortunate." Her sympathy seems to be genuine enough. There is another pause, a moment where the polite mask slips a little, as Edris exhales and averts her gaze. "I have been asked this question quite often lately. But if you want to know if I am happy... I only can tell you, I am not."

Abegayle would give a sort of grunt in response to Edris' agreeing about the baths, and then her gaze averts from the woman a moment even as she speaks of the health of her child - and then offers her condolences about the Queen's recent misfortune. "It is fine. Onimoria will still guide this kingdom where it needs to be. I have been reassured of my faith in the current heir, and we shall see where such a thing leads us." Saying that much, with an affirmation that she truly believes in her own words. At the final offering of words that Edris gives, the Queen returns her gaze to the woman. "Why are you not happy? Have you not been given every pleasure that benefits those who reside within the castle? What more could you possibly want or desire for that would bring you happiness?" Asking this in earnest, as if it is truly a concern of hers.

"Pleasure?", Edris echoes as she tilts her head to the side, while her fiery curls manage to stay in the hairdo. "That would not be the right word for it, and I am sure it is not the intention. But yes, I am grateful for all the attentions. Royal High Oni Eleora Machuri visits me regularly and checks on my health and that of the child growing within me. Your Majesty."

There is a pause when Edris draws a breath, before she continues. "No. Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I cannot be happy. When you are wroth at me. When Nimoria tells me," the title there maybe deliberately left out, "I have no right to be happy. That I am worse than a traitor, and that my child will bring the Isles nothing but doom."

There. Edris exhales, her grey-green flickering as some of the tension that has built there during the past month slowly leaves her.

Abegayle listens intently to Edris as the woman voices her disdain of her situation. A moment taken to mull over what has been said before the Queen takes a breath. "Perhaps if you will tell me in your own words, in your point of view, how you came to share the same bed as my son. To willingly enable him to attempt and give you a child - without being first married to him - so that now the blood has been tainted because the union was not blessed before Onimoria." The Queen would shift her gaze to the woman then before shaking her head some. "That is why you are seen worse than a traitor, you conspired with my son to obtain the throne...or that is what was explained to me." A raised brow given. "Are you to deny this?"

Edris lowers her gaze at the reply of the queen. "Indeed, I... have failed you in this. It was a weak moment, your majesty. He came to the Night's Dream on some purpose, asking me to report to /him/ if any of the foreigners should drop any interesting hints whilst visiting the place. After that, well I just teased him a little verbally. After all he had the intention to get friendly with at least one of the girls. He seemed intent on spending the night with me though." The redhead pauses, pondering on how detailed a report to give. "With me and another, that is."

She sighs and shakes her head. "I admit I was flattered, and maybe intrigued by the idea he proposed - to get me with child. Yes, that he mentioned. As for what purpose I had not idea. If he indeed has had a purpose for such a proposition. I did not expect much success however, after all I have been without child for many many years. And regarding... the threat that is seen in my unborn child... I cannot help but disagree. No way would such a child be ever considered as part of the succession line, but he or she could become a useful tool in the hands of your family, bound by blood ties."

Edris swallows. "I did not mean to damage your reign, nor that of your family. I want you to know that I never conspired against you, in any way. I've served you with all loyalty, in the Golden Lion, and even here, as a Whisper. Even now, I am still loyal to you, and will do anything what you ask of me. So. My question is, what can I do, to regain your trust? Nimoria told me you considered to claim my child as your own, but from recent developments I can see it is no longer your wish. If this child is regarded as such a threat... What keeps you from ordering my execution? Or from... ordering me to take in some herbs that will kill it while it is still inside of my womb?"

Her tone is low and matter-of-factly, but there is pain flickering in her grey-green eyes.

Abegayle would listen to Edris as the woman spoke, taking in all that she was saying. A tilt of her head given one way and then the next before she would take in a breath and lets out slowly. "You can continue to serve me. In this castle. And your child, when it is born, will know the privilege of growing up with the finest of education and training. Perhaps it will be a daughter and can learn to serve the kingdom with the Whispers, or perchance it will be a boy and can serve as a knight." She would turn her gaze towards Edris then. "I will not simply execute someone because they have displeased me, especially when they are so seeming eager to regain my trust. Yet know this..." Trailing off as she stands and moves to leave the bath, putting a robe on. "If you turn your back on me, on the Isles, or anyone who has offered you such kindness as to let you stay here, and nurse the child you grow in your womb....then you will face greater consequences. I do not hand out second chances very often, but you have indeed served me true...and one little bastard causing you to stray should not be held entirely at your fault. It is also no fault of the babe growing within you. Though there will be no ability to claim the throne, you and your child will live here, within the castle walls, and have the finest life can offer you." Raising her head up just so, Abegayle would smile. "Do I make myself perfectly clear, Madame Edris?"

Edris has shifted a little, dipping deeper into the water of the women's pool, her arms placed across her front, hands joined slightly below her collar bone, in an almost modest gesture. Her face does not move as she awaits the queen's reply. However, her grey-green eyes are raised at once when she hears Abegayle's decision, widening in surprise as well as a slightly cautious gratitude as she hardly dares to believe her own ears.

"Your Majesty," the fiery-haired woman replies, as she inclines her head. "I would feel blessed indeed if you still would consider me worthy to serve you. You have my loyalty, and of course, I would be happy if this child could serve the realm as well. But. May I ask in what way I may serve you? I doubt Lady Adara sees me fit to continue my work as a Whisper. And... the Royal High Oni will not be pleased to hear of this," she adds next. "Nimoria has stressed more than once that she sees the child as a threat."

She will lower her gaze when the queen moves to leave the pool. But incline her head to the queen's final question. "I won't," Edris says, "turn my back on you or the Isles. Indeed I never planned to. And certainly, I never wished for the little one growing within my belly to be a threat to the throne. Rather to be of use to the Crown." A soft sigh escapes her. "Prince Nathan, I am sure, can be cured of his course of confrontation. If you seek to speak with him about what is on his mind, his worries... his purpose. Any such plans of treason that have been attributed to him may have had their cause in his frustration, his eagerness to serve the Isles in a more remarkable way than just looking after his sister, Princess Madalyn." A pensive glance is shot Queen Abegayle's way. "I think it was wise of you to allow him to embark on that expedition. He may come back a different man."

"In truth, I have not quite determined such yet. There are other matters I've had to see to, but when there is a place that you can be fit to serve me, then I shall call upon you to do so. For now. Be diligent, faithful, and mind that this conversation supercedes anything that anyone else may tell you. However, do not speak of what has been discussed within these four walls to anyone else. The door has to open before you can walk through it." Abegayle would speak these words while putting on her robe. A glance back towards Edris and she smiles. "Enjoy the rest of your bath." Saying these words more, and perhaps there is nothing spoken of Nathan for the time because the Queen is still rather upset at her son, and wishes not to discuss him at all. For the moment, she exits the baths and returns to her chambers.

"Your Majesty," Edris intones, inclining her head. "I will do as you wish, and go discreetly about this conversation. I am most grateful, however, for your kindness. I will serve you as best as I can, and am most devastated my actions have made you doubt my loyalty." A soft thank you is murmured in response to Abegayle's matter remark, the queen's reluctance to speak of her son noted, as Edris falls silent, exhaling softly, when the queen departs.