675-09-18 - Gathering Information

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Gathering Information
Summary: Agostino and Jarvis Bainsworth have a brief conversation on the hallway, and maybe there is some information gathering involved beneath an outwardly polite conversation. On both parts.
Who: Jarvis Bainsworth and Agostino
References: re:Barbeta Brais
When: September 18th, 675
Related Logs: Several Agostino and Going North logs
Date of RP: 25-26/09/2014
Where: Hallway before the Council Chamber - Mergorand Castle
Room Desc: A hallway with doors, lighted by torches (probably)

It is almost noon when the door to the council chamber opens and the figure of one Lord Jarvis Bainsworth slips out. The sounds of voices that manage to reach the hallway suggesting that whatever meeting takes place within it is not yet over. Pale grey eyes flit this way and that, as the advisor checks the hallway and draws the door shut behind him. He wears an attire emitting a rather modest elegance, a doublet in dark green along with breeches of dark grey. The pale colour of his face contrasting to the sombre tones. His gaze, however, is wide awake.

Casually making his way down one of the many hallways of the Felagurian castle, Agostino seems to be exploring as he typically does. He continues to walk about anywhere none try to stop him from doing so. Passing by the corridor to the Council Chamber the tall Ningo spots Lord Bainsworth, offering a respectful nod as he continues at his slow, casual pace.

The Bainsworth's grey eyes widen ever so slightly when he sees the foreign leader approach. A polite bow is offered, along with a "Patriarch Agostino" in greeting. His tone slightly flat but not lacking respect. Straightening, his eyes will narrow just a touch as he inhales, his expression not unfriendly, but rather that of a man who wants to address something and just realizes the vital translator is absent. So instead of bringing forth his concern, one finger goes up and he says: "Just a moment..." A servant is waved over and instructed to find Esther and bring her... where exactly? "Here. Before the council chamber. Please." This said to the servant before he hurries off on his errand.

Then Lord Jarvis turns and offers Agostino a smile. "We need to talk.", he admits, lifting his brows.

<FS3> Agostino rolls Mind: Good Success.

Agostino looks to Bainsworth and nods and says in a broken common, “Talk.” he then gestures back up the hall to where Agostino came from and adds, “Walk?"

"Indeed. Talk.", Bainsworth affirms, inclining his head. The suggestion of walking will be met with a "certainly". "I sent for Esther, though, as I am sure she may be of help.", he adds after a moment, before he takes a step in the direction Agostino indicated.

Agostino nods and asks, “What talk about?” in his broken common as they start walking down the corridor.

"You are learning our language," Bainsworth remarks with a faint smile. "Is Esther teaching you? I am impressed." He studies Agostino curiously. "Talk about a thing you should know," he continues then. "There is a group of people in the Dark Forest, exploring your lands. We have not had any word from them in a while, so I suppose maybe they encountered your people there?"

Agostino listens closely, he may or may not understand all of it, though he does finally say after a few minutes, “I send message after alliance signed. Take many days for return. Before leave left order, any found are held, care for, till word come of alliance."

Bainworth listens attentively before he nods. "I see." Even though his lips curve into a smile his pale grey eyes linger on the Ningo leader with a slightly inquisitive expression. "They would be released after word will reach your people, in case they are being held? I am glad to hear that."

He nods and says, “Order. Not certain at time, so if. Now know alliance, so return with, if any.” as they leave the Council Chamber corridor to the corridor Agostino was previously on, as he continues on his original path.

"Fine, then," Lord Jarvis replies. And as the Ningo leader continues, he will follow him for a little longer, attempting a bit of smalltalk. "You are enjoying your stay so far? Have you been to the city?"

Agostino says, “Some with Principessa Barbeta. People very different. Learn. Have question?” as they walk.

"Ah," Bainsworth replies. "The princess..." His gaze flickers briefly. "Different? How do you mean?", he inquires then, with polite curiosity. "You've answered the question I had already," he remarks then with a bow. "So if you prefer you can continue on your own..." He stops, ready to offer a bow in goodbye should Ago wish to proceed on his own.

Agostino thinks for a moment before saying, “Treat people different. Marriage. Other difference.” in response to the question, he continues walking but gives no indicator if he minds company or not.

"Do /you/ have any questions?", Bainsworth inquires, his voice slightly raised as he takes two steps, indicating he may go further along. "Other than those that the princess may help you with?"

Agostino is silent a moment before asking, “What job for you here?"

"I am in service of the king," Bainsworth is quick to reply. "I am one of his advisors." There is a moment when he assesses Agostino again before he shrugs. "I am acting as King Barret's eyes and ears, if you get my meaning. I am certain there is a similar position within your court as well, Patrician Agostino...", he adds matter-of-factly.

Agostino listens and is silent a moment as though thinking before he replies, “So you learn what are risks and tell? Some Patricians have these.” perhaps he understands and his language skills are limited, perhaps he only partly understands.

Bainsworth nods. "Something like that, yes. But I usually have people get the information for me, then I will gather it and present it to the king. It is an important office.", he explains, assessing Agostino as he speaks.

Agostino nods and says, “Sound similar. We have small size. No other kingdom, till now. I need to think how job would work with us.” as he seems to think to himself a bit.

A fine smile curls the Bainsworth's lips. "Indeed." His pale grey eyes once again study Agostino most attentively. Maybe there is a light flicker in his gaze when Agostino says the words 'till now'. "Anything else, Patrician?", Lord Jarvis inquires next, his tone all politeness.

Agostino looks to Bainsworth as he seems pleased and offers a bit of a sly grin and says, “Not easy as seems.”, he then shakes his head, “Unless you ask more.” as they walk, seemingly without any particular goal in mind.

"I am indeed a little curious," Bainsworth admits, keeping easily up with the Ningo leader. "In your society prestige... the way others look up to you," he adds, not sure whether Agostino already knows the word, "it seems to depend less on birth, more on actions?"

Agostino nods and says, “Influence gained by politics, means one can rule. Noble gained by prove one can survive. Influence show you can rule wise, survive show you can protect your people. Name is just name until prove."

"So influence gained can be easily lost again?", Lord Jarvis inquires. "it is different here. There is the royal family, and as such, the crown is passed on to the heir; as the title is in noble families. I am curious... you are of family Cornelia. There are other of these families? They are what comes close to our noble families? Children of these will remain noble? And commoners may qualify to become noble as well?" Noticing his own avalanche of questions, the Bainsworth's face twists into a wry grin. "Forgive me, but...I only wish to understand the workings of this different culture." The smile he offers is apologetic, his pale grey eyes continue to study Agostino most attentively.

Agostino nods and says, “Children high value. For us, we noble or not noble. Royal family is family of Patrician. Prove noble treated as noble, don’t and treated as plebian. Not worry, Principessa Barbeta I have no concern she prove.” After a moment he then adds, “Family Cornelia among the six first noble Families. Others, Family Furia, the Family of my father. Family Aimilia, Family Fabia. Family Valeria, the family of my first wife and Patrician before me. And Family Orsini, family of my second wife. Others come over time, first six date to the Landing."

Lord Jarvis receives the information with a nod. "Certainly." This is the comment to Agostino's assessment of Barbeta. Although there is a light flicker in his gaze. Then he grows silent again, hearing the names, and one can be sure he is makíng mental notes. "The Landing...?" Jarvis inquires next, his brows raised.

Agostino nods and says, “Once great empire in the west, Old Empire. After time they try to make lands here, Ningo among them. We landed west of our lands. Ningo say we not Old Empire anymore. One night towers burned, we call Night of Flames. After we travel east and make our home in our lands."

"The Dark Forest?", Bainsworth inquires, this in reference to Agostino's last remark. All the other things he says, however, seem to intrigue the Two Rivers advisor greatly.

“More.” is Agostino’s only reply as he offers a sly grin, he seems to be aware what Bainsworth is doing, or at least partly. He seems fine revealing some things but not others.

What Bainsworth is doing? He is merely carrying on a conversation, is he not? The Two Rivers man nods. "I see." Feeling maybe a bit of reluctance there to give more information on Agostino's part, the advisor will fall back a little. "Thank you for the talk. But I fear I must tend to other matters now, Patrician." A bow is offered, as Jarvis seems about to leave.

Agostino nods respectfully as he continues his walk.