675-09-16 - Moshe Vs Vandrik Sparring

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Moshe Vs Vandrik Sparring
Summary: Moshe and Vandrik happen to meet at the practice grous and decided to have a bit of fun and practice at the same time.
Who: Vandrik Yldon and Moshe Machuri
References: None.
When: 675-09-16
Related Logs: None.
Date of RP: Sept 16/2014
Where: Tournament Grounds, City of Steelea, Isle of the Crown
Room Desc: The Tourney Grounds consist of a huge field that can be used for jousting but for other tournaments as well, with lots of benches provided for the spectators. Banners of the Houses of the Isles flapping in the wind over the pavillions and tents of those who take part. There is a box for those of royal and greater noble birth, as the constant clatter of weapons clashing against each other is now and then drowned by the cheer of the crowd.

Moshe has been going to practice every day since pretty much the tournament that had happened a long time ago. Even in this weather he has had the tendency to continue to practice, cold and wet but his dedication is more than just sword play but to be as good as any or better. So with sword and shield, he has been going up against a dummy, not many out here, except the main trainer and himself.

For his part, Vandrik hasn't had an opportunity to practice since he arrived on the Isles. Now, with a slight break in the weather, he's got the opportunity, he's made the return to his ship to claim his own weapon and shield. Now, the man from Two Rivers has made his way out to the practice field, where he's spinning the blade through some prepratory motions, getting ready for a good workout.

After a few moments of getting warmed up, Vandrik stops and takes a deep breath, smiling to himself. That's when he notices Moshe approaching, recognizing him from the tournament. Raising his sword vertically in front of his face, Vandrik salutes, nodding to the man. "How's the field?" he asks.

Moshe looks towards Vandrik and he too salutes to the man the same way. " The practice field is well, not many out today and the softness of the turf makes the footing a bit difficult." then he looks at the man and grins. " I been looking to spar with some one, it has been a while since I have had a decent challenger." though since Vandrik won the tournament, Moshe is the contender and not the victor that has not been beaten. " I am curious, would you like to spar a little, Sir Vandrik."

"Spar?" Vandrik asks, quirking an eyebrow. He grins and nods. "Aye, that would suit me just fine, I think," he says, moving further into the practice area. "You were at the tournament, weren't you?"

Moshe nods and then smiles. "Yes, and I beleave we had a match against each other, where you won. Though that day was wet, cold and a bit miserable but all the while it showed me how strong I still had to be come." now as he walks to the practice area and holds up his shield and takes his weapon in hand and gets ready. " I have improved a little bit more than I was then, hopefully it be a worth while practice."

"All practice is worthwhile," Vandrik says, spinning his sword again. "Practice may not make you perfect, but it will certainly make you better. So, show me, then. How much have you improved?" he asks, raising his shield into a defensive, ready position, awaiting the man's attack.

Moshe looks at the man and then nods towards him as he brings up his own shield, his own sword and with a quick manuver he is starting to attack the man, well to show the man how much he has improved.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Vandrik=Defense < Moshe: Good Success Vandrik: Failure < Net Result: Moshe wins - Solid Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Vandrik=Blades Vs Moshe=Defense < Vandrik: Good Success Moshe: Failure < Net Result: Vandrik wins - Solid Victory

As Moshe approaches, Vandrik readies himself. As the man swings his sword, Vandrik attempts to step back and deflect the blow with his shield. Unfortunately, with the terrain being what it is, he stumbles, taking a rather wicked blow to his arm. He yelps in pain as the blunted blade gives him what will probably be a solid bruise sooner rather than later. However, as he stumbles, he does manage to at least swing his sword back in Moshe's direction, hoping to trade blow for blow.

Moshe indeed does land a blow, which surprises him and he is stunned a little because of it. It is that moment in laps of time that he makes his mistake. A blow land and hits his arm as well, each no landing a blow on each. There is a smile as he feels that tingle of pain going along his arm but then he nods to the man, in respect before once again attacking, perhaps trying to take advantage of the terrain.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Vandrik=Defense < Moshe: Good Success Vandrik: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Vandrik=Blades Vs Moshe=Defense < Vandrik: Good Success Moshe: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

Vandrik's gotten his feet under him, now, managing to deflect Moshe's blows with his shield. However, Moshe's attack is so pressing that he isn't able to mount much of a response, mostly focused on defense at the moment.

Moshe has had a interesting moment as as Vandrik manages to deflect with his shield, he manages to bring his shield up and reflect Vandrik's attack well. Both seem to be equally at a advantage and disadvantage so far but Moshe is determined to win or at least make a showing. so once again he pushes and attack, swinging his sword.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Vandrik=Defense < Moshe: Success Vandrik: Good Success < Net Result: Vandrik wins - Marginal Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Vandrik=Blades Vs Moshe=Defense < Vandrik: Good Success Moshe: Success < Net Result: Vandrik wins - Marginal Victory

Continuing to absorb or deflect Moshe's blow with his shield, Vandrik continues retreating, letting the man press his attack. Vandrik waits, watching, patient. Finally, his patience pays off as he spots an opening in Moshe's attack, taking that moment to strike.

Moshe has had a good strategy, press and attack, don't let the man get a good foot hold but it seems the man knows how to wait, patiently. As his own sword is reflected, he is exposed and he gets hit once again on the side. He feels that sting and he steps back a moment and grunts slightly. He nods to the man once again, he is at least learning right. Then once again he is moving, pressuring the man once again.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Vandrik=Defense < Moshe: Great Success Vandrik: Good Success < Net Result: Moshe wins - Solid Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Vandrik=Blades Vs Moshe=Defense < Vandrik: Good Success Moshe: Good Success < Net Result: DRAW

Vandrik tries the same tactic again when Moshe begins his attack once more, trying to go through the same opening. Unfortunately, Moshe already learned his lesson and Vandrik pays the price, being smote on the shoulder. Vandrik grunts, wincing, flinging an attack at Moshe that's easy to avoid.

Moshe is finally getting the hang of Vandriks style and as he connects and manages to block the counter attack from vandrik. Moshe feels confidence and he presses the issue, continues to attack and in hopes to at least hit him once more.

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Moshe=Blades Vs Vandrik=Defense < Moshe: Great Success Vandrik: Failure < Net Result: Moshe wins - Crushing Victory

<FS3> Opposed Roll -- Vandrik=Blades Vs Moshe=Defense < Vandrik: Good Success Moshe: Good Success < Net Result: Moshe wins - Marginal Victory

Vandrik continues trying to defend, but Moshe's attacks finally prove to be faster than he can maintain. A blow finally lands, crashing down on his shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain. His shoulder drops, and his face becomes obviously pained. He does try to make one more attack, which fails, and then he raises his shield and lowers his sword. "Yield! Yield! I yield," he calls out, backing down and taking a knee, obviously hurt.

Moshe looks towards Vandrik as he hits solidly and his own shield blocks the half ass attempt but it's obvious that the man is hurt. He moves forwards as the man yield and helps him s best as he can. " My apologies Sir Vandrik. I do not know what got a hold of me, I did not mean to hurt you this hard." He motions to the trainer , so Vandrik can get his arm looked at.

"No, no, sir. No need to apologize," Vandrik says, pushing himself up. He waves off the trainer, reaching up to rub his shoulder with his opposite arm. "Good hit, sir. Good hit. I obviously took you more lightly than I should have. You have also proven to me that /I/ need to not let my own practice lapse as far as I have," he says, chuckling. He then laughs a little. "Let's /not/ tell my betrothed about this, if you would be so kind? I'm fairly certain she'd beat me for being beaten."

Moshe looks to the man and then nods to him. " I understand and we both require to keep ourselves in shape. No slacking , considering your going to be a Lord or are." then he puts the training sword away and looks to the man. " If your still around, we can practice again, if you ever want to again." then with a nod he turns to go. " Now I must head back, my own Grace is in need of me." then with that he walks away, slowly.