675-09-15 - Of Marriages and Omnipresence

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Of Marriages and Omnipresence
Summary: Prince Jerrick and his mother, Queen Abegayle, speak on the future.
Who: Jerrick Onimus and Abegayle Onimus
References: Re:Nimoria Re:Luanda
When: 675-15-09
Related Logs:
Date of RP: 2014-15-09
Where: Entrance Hall - Castle of the White Dove
Room Desc: The huge black metal doors of the Castle of the White Dove are inscribed with the patterns of lily flowers open into a huge and bright hall. The interior already shows the design that is to be expected throughout the castle: walls of strange white stones, blood red curtains with golden threads, a few paintings on the walls, and strange furs on the marble floors. All the furniture is made from light-colored wood.

Piled with a wealth of the finest pillows are two huge couches and two armchairs around a small table for people to sit upon while they wait. The golden blooms of canary creeper vines cascade from the balcony of the second floor above, while other plants are set around the room in pots, extending the garden outside within the castle. There are two passages that lead off the entrance, one to the left and another to the right. There is also a pair of stairs as well, arching to the left and right and leading towards the same balcony upon the second floor. The dark stairs are covered with carpets made out of furs, while the balusters are decorated in the same way as the balcony, covered with flowering vines of canary creeper.

Jerrick is watching the rain pour down the windows of his ancient home, his hands are relaxed behind his back and his feet are shoulder width apart. He seems mensive or maybe even brooding.

Abegayle appears from the stairwell that leads up to the balcony aloft. She walks with grace that only she can afford and folds her hands before her while stepping up to stand by Jerrick's side. "I would have hoped this storm would be over by now... it is not very appealing..."

Jerrick shakes his head slowly. "I fear we have angered the gods, greatly." He says softly to his mother, he then turns and takes her hand. Kissing it gently he smiles at her. "Dearest mother, it is good to see you." He says offering a bow once her hand is dropped.

Abegayle frowns a little, almost in a scowl really before she finds her hand taken as Jerrick kisses it. "Do you truly think so? Have you any idea what action might have angered them enough to wreck havoc on our home?" Asking this much before she smiles, lifting her hands then to cup his cheeks and then leans in to press lips against his forehead. "It is good to see you, also, my son."

Jerrick lets her finish her kiss before he takes her hands and shakes his head. "No mother, perhaps the business with, Madelyn or something else. I have asked Nimoria but he doesn't think it is anything we've done." He says letting go of her hands he turns back to the window. "We can only pray, and hope the storms clears soon. If only so Zephen can bugger off again. I'm tired of beating him up."

Abegayle watches him a moment before sighing softly and then she looks out the window once more. "Perhaps. I still do not know what I should do. Like I am torn between two paths and neither one seems the most clear to take." When he releases her hands she folds them back in front of her and turns more towards the window, taking a step towards it though a comment he makes has her giving him a side glance and a little smirk. "Is he bothering you that much? Though I suppose I can only expect such when my children are confined to the indoors... at least I know you all will stay out of trouble..."

Jerrick smirks softly. "He isn't bothering persay, he gives me a good fight. Keeps me on my toes I never know when he's going to jump me. I win half, he wins half." He shrugs. "Anyway, I was wanting to ask your thoughts on Nimoria, I don't trust her. She has to have some agender."

"Well, at least there is that. Keeping each other on your toes and such." Abegayle makes that much of a comment before listening to him further. Though what he says has her raising a brow and turning towards him. "She is Onimoria personified...sent here to ensure the survival of our lineage, our kingdom." Still, she takes a breath and decides to venture down this line of discussion further. "What agenda do you think she has?"

Jerrick shakes his head. "I can't place my finger on it, she's too loyal too good to be true." He says, running a hand through his hair. "She has everyone bewitched myself included. Sometimes I just can't get her out of myt head and other times I just want to shake her until she tells me what she's up too."

Abegayle frowns, and then shakes her head. "She is loyal to Onimoria, who sent her from the start. She was made, to be loyal, and to ensure our continuation." Saying as much before she would turn away a moment, to watch the weather outside. "What has she been saying to you?"

Jerrick sighs softy. "Nothing, we just spoke for some time. I'm trying to get to know her and trust her. She has hopes you can sort my sister out. Or if not that perhaps a granddaughter will inherit the throne. Perhaps even mine."

Abegayle smiles a little. "I am unsure if your sister can be sorted out, to be honest." Glancing back to him, she gives a bit of a smile. "Would you be willing then, my son, to allow your first born daughter to inherit the throne?"

Jerrick nods his head. "I would be honored." He says with a bow. "If a suitable wife could be found. I was wondering if perhaps it would be logical for me to take Nimoria as my wife, any child she has will be of rich blood. A true Omi would take the throne."

Abegayle tilts her head one way and then the other before taking a breath. "I would not know. There is one other option... as we are trying to strengthen our allies, the Duchess Debrah is over at Two Rivers. She has negotiated a possible betrothal between the Princess Luanda and yourself. You know Debrah yes? The wife of Abell?" She hopes to keep Jerrick's memory stirred with that fact, and also watches her son to gauge his reaction.

Jerrick nods his head slowly, giving his mother a nutural look. "I will do my duty and if it lays with this Luanda woman then I shall honor it. What does she offer, will she reside here or am I to get on a damned boat and go to her." He really hopes its not the later.

Abegayle hums softly. "Which would you prefer? Some random woman of another country entirely coming here and ruling our kingdom?" Then she would smirk. "Or would you hope to bend traditions, and become king, until your first born daughter is able to take over the throne?" Tilting her head one way and then the other. "Though... if you would rather persue the option of marrying Nimoria...I could see what the woman has to say about that..." Though, the wheels in Abegayle's head were already turning. If Onimoria wanted a pure child then maybe that was the way to go.

Jerrick listens to his mother words as always thet are wise ones, ones which will see their kindow prosper and flouish. "I would hope to be come King, but I know you would never allow it. My daughter will be named heir that would suit me fine, I would see she was raised properly. But a pure child is also a wise option. I defer to your judgment mother."

Abegayle steps over to Jerrick, lifting her hands to cup his cheeks and then she leans in to press a kiss against his forehead. "Of all my children, I would bend the rules for you above any. I know you have what is best for this kingdom at heart..." Stepping back then, she lowers her head some. "I will weigh these options out and we will go with what will work best for the kingdom."

Jerrick looks deeply honored. "I would not do anything to see this kingdom harm, I love Omi, with all my heart." He says placing a hand over his mothers heart. "I shall do whatever you wish, you know this."

Abegayle gives a nod. "Indeed. Well, I have much to think on and a few other discussions to hold. I take it you will be alright down here on your own?" Asking this much as she takes a step back.

Jerrick nods his head. "I shall be fine mother, go rule your islands."

Abegayle smiles, giving a slight bow. "Be well, son. I am sure we will speak again very soon."